The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1979, Image 2
f Viewpoint The Battalion Texas A&M University, Friday March 30, 1979 Reflections Scott Pendleton Keep your statue If you liked the proposal to put a hedge around the Memorial Student Center grass, you’ll love this — the Class of ’80 wants to erect a statue of the Twelfth Man! That brainstorm makes even the hedge sound like a good idea. Sure, the Twelfth Man is a prominent part of Aggie tradition. But if anyone had told E. King Gill, as he left the stands to don maroon and white midway through the football game against Center College back in 1922, that someday Texas A&M students would spend $20,000 to build a statue of him, he would have laughed. Who can blame him? It’s a silly idea. Frankly, a statue sounds like the kind of class gift whose main purpose is to bear a little plaque that says “Donated by the Class of ??” to show everyone what good Ags the class members are. While the class members of ’80 undoubtedly have their hearts in the right place, they should also consult their heads in this decision. There are many $20,000 gifts that would show their loyalty to Texas A&M. Surely they can think of one that would be of greater benefit to the University. Why not instead give an endowed scholarship, like the Class of’79 gift? Why not make a donation to the library to replace lost books? Why not contribute to moving the railroad tracks? If the Class of ’80 helped get rid of that menace, it’d deserve a brass plaque the size of a billboard. Too many class gifts are the result of enthusiasm rather than intelli gence. These eventually become the eyesores and stumbling blocks that plague most college campuses. Look what kind of idea inlaying the school seal into the Academic Building floor turned out to be. Since it’s too flimsy to be walked on, the seal has to be protected by a rope barrier. At least the tile says “Donated by the Class of 1978” so we know who to blame for having to walk around it. Bible survey: Most bought, least read book By DAVID E. ANDERSON • UP! Religion Writer Americans are still continuing to buy and read their Bibles. That, at least, is the conclusion of a re cent nationwide survey done for the Chris tian Bible Society. According to the survey, better than nine out of 10 families responding to the survey questions, said they had at least one bible in their home and the national average is nearly four per home. While none of that is startling news — the Bible has always been a bestseller — some other parts of the survey may be. It has often been said, for example, that the Bible is the most purchased, least read book in the world. But according to the survey, an appar ently increasing number of people are par ticipating in some kind of group Bible study — with 31 percent of the families studied reporting saying at least one member of the family was involved in such studies. The survey also said that 52.5 percent of the women and 27.4 percent of the men surveyed indicated that Bible reading is “a part of their life pattern.” At the same time, however, only 16.6 percent of the women and 8.3 percent of the men said they read the Bible as often as 21 or more times per month. The survey comes at a time when de bates about the nature of the Bible is being hotly debated in a number of Protestant denominations and some theological con servatives are expressing the fear that tra ditional beliefs about the inerrancy and in- surveyed saying they preferred the King fallibility of the Bible are being under- James to all other versions, mined. in the world Nationally, and including all denomina tions as well as the unchurched, according to the survey, 44.6 percent affirmed the Bible to be the “inspired Word of God and completely true.” Another 27.6 percent said they believed the Bible was “inspired” but also said thes the Bible was “inspired” but also said they believed it “may contain factual errors” the Bible was “an ancient book of history and moral precepts recorded by men.” Not surprisingly, when biblical attitudes were measured against denominational af filiations, Pentacostals ranked highest on the inerrancy statement while Jews ranked lowest. Some 85.5 percent of the Pentacostals responding said they believed the Bible to be “completely true,” followed by 72.2 percent of the Baptists, 69 percent of the independent evangelicals, 61.1 percent of the Reformed members and 51 percent of the Lutherans. ^ On the other end of the scale, according to the survey, 75.8 percent of Jewish re spondents said the Bible was a book writ ten by men, as did 37.4 percent of the Episopalians, 30.4 percent of the Roman Catholics, 25.5 percent of the Presbyte rians and 23.5 percent of the Methodists. Large groups of most of the mainline denominations, however, took the more middle ground, saying they believed they believed both that the Bible was inspired and that it contained factual errors. According to the survey, the most popu lar version of the Bible remains the King Version, with 34.8 percent of those Say, those look like Uncle Harry’s tracks By DICK WEST WASHINGTON — It gives you an eerie feeling to look at photographs of 3,600,000-year-old footprints and realize they may have been made by your great- great-great-gr. Well, I not sure how many greats to throw in here. But if the interpretation of an thropologist Mary Leakey is correct, the prints were left by two human-like ances tors of man. And in the absence of any “Roots”-like genealogical research, you and I are as entitled to claim kinship as anybody. It probably would enhance our sense of family identification if we could see the actual tracks the Leakey team of scientists found in northern Tanzania. I have only seen the photos, but as far as I can tell the prints exactly match the contours of the Mind fields on road to world peace By JIM ANDERSON United Press International WASHINGTON -— The negotiations for the Egyptian-Israeli pact were child’s play compared to the upcoming talks on an overall peace settlement. Monday’s signing of an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty took place in an atmosphere of prayerful hope — and some fears. It is a big first step, but the road to peace in the Middle East remains studded with minefields and booby-traps. The formidable problems remaining — particularly the fixture of Jerusalem and the nature of Palestinian “selfrule” in occupied territories — are so serious that a move just to mention them in the first pact dead locked the Egyptian-Israeli treaty talks for months. Jerusalem was such a sensitive issue that the negotiators deliberately set the whole subject aside at Camp David for fear of Analysis West family foot. I compared the pictures to some tracks my teen-age son left on the living room carpet the other evening when he re turned from what must have been a grape-stomping contest. The prints in the polyester cut pile were remarkably similar to those in the volcanic ash in which the hominid footsteps were Humor preserved. Moreover, radioactive carbon tests indicate the rug stains will last fully 3.6 million years. Ms. Leakey obviously felt the ancestral continuity quite strongly. At one point, the tracks show one of the creatures, ap parently a female, pausing and turning as if “to glance at some possible threat or ir regularity,” she reported. “This motion, so intensely human, tran scends time. Three million six hundred thousand years ago, a remote ancestor — just as you or I — experienced a moment of doubt.” Since Ms, Leakey was the one who - found the prints, she is entitled to read anything into them she pleases. It may well have been a “threat or irregularity” that gave, the hominid female pause. If, however, the prehistoric pedestrians were reasonably human-like, and if one was a male and the other female, as it ap pears, then it seems more logical to as sume that the “moment of doubt” experi enced by the female was prompted by something the male said. There probably is no human experience more ancient than females having momentary doubts over some male utter ance. In this case, the doubt may have been indecision over whether she should turn around and go back home. What might the male have said to cause her uncertainty? From what I know of an thropology, it may have been something in this vein: —“Don’t be ridiculous, Millicent. I can recognize quicksand when I see it. ” —“There is ho need to stop ;and ask di rections. I know how to get where we’re going.” —“No, I most certainly did not forget to roll the rock back up against the entrance to the cave.” —“I’m sure you’ll enjoy the game once you catch on to what is going on.” torpedoing the move toward peace. The holy city — conquered by Jews, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks and Jews once again — is sacred to three religions. But the United States, Israel and Egypt — with the world’s Christians, Moslems and Jews looking over their shoulders — will have to take up the city’s future early in the next series of negotiations. Negotiators also must deal with the fu ture of Palestinians living on the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the role of Israeli forces in maintaining security in the two territories. Israel, which captured the West Bank from Jordan and the Gaza Strip from Egypt in the so-called Six-Day War of 1967, adamantly rejects full sovereignty for the territories and so far refuses to even talk with the Palestine Liberation Organiza tion, which has the allegiance of the vast majority of Palestinians in the territories. So far the three nations have been so busy working on the Egyptian-Israeli pact they haven’t had much chance to look closely at the new obstacles down the road. “Really, I don’t think any of the govern ments have talked among themselves in great detail about how to manage the negotiations that are coming,” a U.S. offi cial warned over the weekend. Letters to the Editor ‘Bear-baiting’ judges: Who judges you? Editor: I’ll try to keep this short. I’m sick to my gut from what I just saw happen in the Commons cafeteria and lounge this eve ning. I want the rest of the campus to know what passes for entertainment over here. It seems a group of bear-baiters got to gether after supper, set themselves up at the head of the cafeteria stairs, and passed judgment (with point cards) on every woman that passed by. Those failing to meet the standards of this select commit tee scored a 2 or a 3Vfe, or maybe even a 4. I’m sure that made their day. The real lucky girls had a chance to be “saluted” by i two buffoons wearing paper sacks over their heads. Great fun! A real crowd pleaser. I’m not complaining because of the lack of Aggie spirit shown tonight. This goes far beyond that. What happened tonight goes on constantly, and its done in the name of fun. I’ve seen it innumerable times, and | apparently it’s either a pastime of shallow - - TIP ' fools who have been blessed with good looks and have been spared the reproach _ of other shallow fools, or by vengeful fools who have themselves been the target of bear-baiting. To those who were on the receiving end tonight, I’d like to say forgive and forget. ! To those dishing it out, it would be wise to remember that someone is standing in judgment of you. And He isn’t looking at your outward appearance. —Martin Kobs Betting bug again Editor: Like cockroaches you thought you got rid of that keep coming back, so again the proposed bills to open Texas to gambling are on the Capitol’s doorstep. Already there are bills to legalize betting on horse races, bingo games and lotteries. Some people just won’t take “no” for an answer. Only a few months ago, the majority of the people of Texas voted against pari mutuel gambling. The main idea of a de mocracy is that the will of the majority should be respected and honored. But there are bad losers. It is appalling that selfish private inter ests lusting for lots of fast easy bucks from hard working Texans will not take “no” for an answer, but push and push. I hope that our elected officials will have the wisdom to vote against these bills and keep the gamblers and Mafia out of Texas. —Dick Thomas Dallas Readers’ Forum Guest viewpoints, in addition to Letters to the Editor, are welcome. All pieces submitted to Readers’* forum should be: • Typed triple space • Limited to 60 characters per line • Limited to 100 fines Top of the News CAMPUS Bookstore fund requests due Recognized student organizations that wish to request funding from the Memorial Student Center Bookstore profits must turn in their request forms to the Student Finance Center by 4 p.m. today. Blank forms may be picked up at the finance center. Call 845-1133 for information. STATE Subpoenaed ‘bandido’ arrested The FBI has arrested on a weapons charge a member of the Ban- didos Motorcycle Club who testified in the federal grand jury investi gation into the assassination attempt on Assistant U.S. Attorney James Kerr. Agents arrested Timothy Kenneth Larson, 34, Wednes day at his residence in San Antonio and charged him with illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Although the FBI main tained the firearms charge was unrelated to the Kerr case, the arrest brought to 10 the number of Bandidos arrested in Texas on weapons or drug charges since the investigation into the attack on Kerr began. NATION Carter to unveil new energy plan President Carter told congressional leaders Thursday he will soon unveil his new energy program and warned that some changes in oil pricing are inevitable. Carter promised the lawmakers he will make his oil conservation plan public “fairly early next week.” And he reminded them that legislation passed after the Arab oil embargo puts the responsibility for oil pricing “in my hands at the end of May. I don’t object to that responsibility,” he said. “It’s not something I welcome. But we are prepared to take that burden on.” Radiation still leaking from plant Power plant officials Thursday said radiation still was leaking from Three Mile Island nuclear station and that additional radiation has been detected as far as 20 miles away off the island near Harrisburg, Pa. A U.S. congressional delegation headed for the site to learn more about potential dangers to residents of the rural area. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Thursday that higher levels of radiation were detected as far 20 miles away. 8 states oppose ‘first use’ gas tax Eight states filed suit Thursday in the Supreme Court challenging Louisiana’s new “first use tax on natural gas” that they say will cost natural gas users in eastern and midwestern states $200 million annu ally. The suit, initiated by Maryland, Illinois, Indiana, Massachu setts, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island and Wisconsin, argues that if Louisiana imposes the tax, “other states could race to impose coun tervailing measures on comparable products and our national economy would regress into the precise interstate feudalism that our Constitution and our federal system were designed to prevent.” The Louisiana tax, scheduled to take effect Sunday, levies 7 cents per thousand cubic feet for all natural gas entering Louisiana. 2-train crash claims 2 victims Two Union Pacific freight trains collided in the northern foothills of Wyoming’s Medicine Bow mountains Thursday, killing two crew men. According to the county coroner, one of the freight trains ran into the rear of the other, crushing one of the victims in the caboose. The second fatality occurred in the locomotive of the second train. Flynt to continue mag in Georgia Hustler magazine owner Larry Flynt, convicted on obscenity charges, says he has no intention of keeping his sexually explicit publications out of Georgia. The jury of four women and two men deliberated 9 hours and 40 minutes before finding Flynt guilty Wed nesday on all 11 misdemeanor charges. He was sentenced to a year in prison on each count and fined $27,500. Trial Judge Nick Lambros said he would suspend the prison sentence on the condition that Flynt pay the fine and keep his magazines. Hustler and Chic, out of Georgia. However, Flynt told reporters in a news conference after the trial that Hustler and his other publications would continue to be sold in Georgia despite Lambros’ order. WORLD Britain’s labor government loses For want of a sick member’s vote. Prime Minister James Cal laghan’s Labor government became the first in 55 years to lose a parliamentary vote of confidence and plunged Britain into early elec tions. Members of the House of Commons Wednesday voted 311 to 310 that they had “no confidence in Her Majesty’s government” on a motion by Margaret Thatcher’s opposition Conservative Party, end ing a 6V6-hour debate punctuated by catcalls and booing. Labor Party whips, expecting a close vote, ordered all their lawmakers to be present three hours early and made plans to bring Sir Alfred Broughton, 72, to Parliament from his hosptial bed by ambulance. WEATHER Mostly cloudy skies with mild temperatures. High today 78 and a low of upper 50’s. 60% chance of rain today and tonite. Winds S-S.E. at 10-15 mph, change to South later this eve ning. Thf. Battalion- LETTERS POLICY {^Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are isu.bject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone , number for verification. i Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The 'Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. ' ! Represented nationally by National Educational Adver- * tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. I The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from j September through May except during exam and holiday | periods and the summer, when it is published on Tuesday j through Thursday. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per j school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates furnished ! on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 216, Reed ] McDonald Building, College Station, Texas ^ 77843. \ United Press International is entitled exclusively to the . use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. J Second-Class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. | MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Editor Kim Managing Editor LizNe'" 11 Assistant Managing Editor . Andy WiU 1 ^ Sports Editor David W City Editor Scott Pendl^ Campus Editor Sieved News Editors Debbie Pars 0 * Beth Calhoun Staff Writers . Karen Rogers, ^ Patterson, Sean Petty, Blake, Dillard Stone, ^ Bragg, Lyle Lovett, fr'* Taylor Cartoonist DougC^ Photo Editor ...... .Lee Roy Leschpe f f Photographer . LynnBla^ Focus section editor Gary We*’ > t Opinions expressed in the Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the University administration or the Board of 1 Regents. The Battalion is a non-profitf supporting enterprise operated by stvift as a university and community newsp¥ Editorial policy is determined by the