The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 07, 1979, Image 5

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Page 5
s revolt
concentrate on education, drop social issues
■ Battalion Staff
How feasible is a second national
student organization?” is the ques
tion facing one Texas A&M Univer
sity student.
> I leb Hensarling, president of the
illAmefican Student Federation is
j m/intz to lay the groundwork for
en Tl What he hopes will be an organiza-
' Ion devoted to the free expression
natp Jf education-related ideas.
1 Not only is the future of the
y and ASF J. S f" SO , mewhat ^
I,,! iloubt but its birth involves a great
• . a, n pa l of controversy.
Unt* 1 last summer ’ educational
e i S8l ihbving on the national level had
been the domain of two groups, the
adVai1 National Student Association and
■ale,, the National Student Lobby.
lid thed|
tect b
In] the spirit of unity, the two
roiips voted to merge last summer.
,he [result was the United States
f" '' Student Association.
, However, all was not as rosy as
’ eS ° the merger would indicate. A group
nfdissidents, led in part by Hensarl-
f S u nt 1 Ing and calling themselves the Re-
3 p TormfCaucus, protested that USSA
flpNSA/NSL had some major flaws
to s tb H were unacce P tabie to a iar g e
number of American college stu-
11 Probably most importantly, the
eIe /reformers claimed that USSA em-
eivet ™^Rzes “social issues,” like abor
tion, at the expense of “educational
ansm lPls,” such as federal financial aid
to students.
, | p “In fact, educational issues prob-
3 , et0 lbly took up a minority of their
r3C ! ce! Ke,” Hensarling said,
j ' These “social issues” have little
< ? ean 'jignificance for students in the
United States, Hensarling said.
" 1 When USSA took an official posi-
ee , t , on tion on a “social issue,” the result
S j Isis a far-left stance which had little
relation to the feelings of the aver-
I sult i JKollege student, he said.
prejudi^Kp w j]j conce ntrate solely on
edifcational issues, Hensarling said,
/en " since emphasis on social issues
111 bauscs two problems: misallocation
. If rt sources and increasing di-
nont iisiveness.
nz W^V ith limited resources, we must
II 011 Ppritize, ’ Hensarling said. “There
ie P lm |j m p]y WO n’t be enough funding left
attorneiL.l^ia] issues.
att f f^B eCOn d, y° u * ntrot l uce social
)a , 0 1 Issues into the educational arena,
■ you tend to have more divisive
ness, he added. “There’s not a na
tional student consensus on things
like affirmative action. USSA thinks
lent, i (ben is.”
•V^ioth er arguments voiced against
d undl
Id have!
USSA are that it does not accurately
represent student opinion because
the majority of board members are
appointed, not elected, and because
wealthy schools could afford to send
more delegates to conventions than
some larger, but poorer, schools.
One of Hensarling’s main con
cerns in the ongoing controversy is
that most of the nation’s students
don’t know or care that either or
ganization exists. He stressed that
they should know.
“There’s an organization in Wash-
ington called USSA going onto
Capitol Hill and telling our con
gressmen that students across the
nation, including Aggies, believe in
federal funding for abortions, na
tionalization of key industries, and
cutting the defense budget in half,”
he said. Such positions are unac
ceptable to a large number of
American college students, he
The status of USSA’s finances is
another of Hensarling’s concerns.
USSA is in serious financial trouble,
he said.
They owe the Internal Revenue
Service an ungodly amount of
money, as well as to many busi
nesses in the Washington area,”
Hensarling said. This lack of credi
bility in the financial arena hurts
USSA’s credibility as an effective
lobby, he said.
Another criticism of USSA is that
its officials systematically suppres
sed any attempts by dissidents to
speak at the summer merger con
“On all issues, we got only one
viewpoint, that of the far left. Those
of us who wanted to present an op
posing viewpoint were not allowed
to do so,” he said.
As a result of their increasing dis
satisfaction with USSA, members of
the Reform Caucus left the summer
gathering, talking about withdraw
ing from USSA and forming an al
ternative student lobbying group.
“I was on the board of directors
for NSL,” Hensarling said. “I was
involved in trying to reform the or
ganization. We butted our heads
against the wall for six months, and
decided the best way to serve the
nation’s students was to form a new
national student organization.”
The result was the birth of the
ASF, of which Hensarling was
elected president in November.
Hensarling said he hopes the group
will develop into a viable voice for a
great portion of the nation’s stu
“We don’t expect, nor do we de
sire the organization to be an anti-
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o am ing into town reads, “Welcome to
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't* 6 school known as Parks Air
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IS a pretty romantic place,” ex-
s a college official. “I guess it’s
question of the heritage shining
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(Continued from page 1.)
it is a Class B misdemeanor.
But as Zagano points out, for the
most part these laws only prohibit
these companies from doing busi
ness in their own state. They say no
thing about advertising and selling
papers through the mail in states
with no laws.
She further says that even if she
bought a paper in New York, a state
with a law, from a company in
California, it would be next to impos
sible to prove that company was
doing business in New York.
Spokesmen at two term-paper
companies — Pacific and Research
Assistance of Westwood, Calif. —
declined to give interviews when
The Texas A&M University
English Department is adamant
about its dislike for the industiy.
“As far as I’m concerned, a student
who buys a paper should receive an
‘F.’ That’s a serious offense,” says
David Stewart, department head.
“With the purchased term paper,
there is no question about
plagiarism. ”
Faculty members also say they
have no trouble identifying a bought
“It’s really quite easy to tell,” says
Dr. Samuel Kirkpatrick, head of the
political science department. “The
papers are so mediocre, they (stu
dents) would be foolish to buy
Zagano calls them “terrible — ab
solute junk.” She adds, “You just
don’t know the quality of work you
are going to get.”
Stewart agrees, saying the papers
are usually over-generalized and su
perficial and at best would rate a “C”
or “C-.”
But the problem of purchased pa
pers at Texas A&M does not appear
to be serious. At least that’s what
Stewart, Kirkpatrick and Dr. Keith
Bryant Jr., the head of the history
department, report. Stewart says
there are only about 12 cases a year of
plagiarism in freshman English
classes, and that only two or three of
those involve^ purchased papers.
If a student is caught,
the teacher has several options.
Among them are inviting him to re
write it, giving him an “F” for the
paper, failing the student in the
course, or recommending he be ex
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thesis to the USSA,” he said. “We
are more interested in providing an
intelligent forum for debate and dis
cussion of national educational is
Hensarling cited the success of a
California state student lobby,
ranked as one of the 10 best in
California by that state’s press. He
said the reason for the group’s suc
cess was that it focuses only on edu
cational issues.
Forty schools have already joined
ASF, Hensarling said, and more are
expected to follow should the fledgl
ing take flight. Some schools are
waiting to see how viable the or
ganization is. Others are already
committed to USSA for the rest of
this fiscal year, Hensarling said.
ASF’s plan of attack involves sev
eral steps toward its eventual goal of
opening a Washington office.
These include:
—Incorporation, already accom
plished in New Jersey under that
state’s corporate laws.
—Obtaining financial support
from charter member schools. Each
member is being asked to contrib
ute $300 toward helping form the
—Withdrawing member schools
from USSA. Texas A&M Univer
sity’s student senate voted to with
draw from USSA at the same time
they decided to join ASF.
—A massive recruiting campaign,
initiated several weeks ago and con
tinuing through the spring. Hensarl
ing said he is tallking to many stu
dent body presidents, trying for
more personal contacts. “We’ve
been pretty successful, particularly
in the South,” he said.
—Obtaining financial support
from corporations, funds and foun
—Setting a national conference
for April 20-21, in Dallas. Hensarl
ing expects about 75 delegates from
25 schools to attend.
—And finally, setting up a Wash
ington office, possibly by the fall.
“Initially we ll be concerned with
recruitment,” Hensarling said. “We
need 100 schools to be a viable stu
dent organization. Prospects for
viability look good, he said, al
though, as with any new undertak
ing, the future is uncertain.
7:30 P.M.
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Will Be Discussed
“What we want to do is send a
synopsis of legislation, with pros and
cons attached, and let individual
student legislative bodies act on it.
If 60 percent approve it, ASF will
lobby for it,” he said. Thus, rather
than the USSA telling member
schools what to think, ASF will ask
member schools their opinions on
educational issues.
Another of Hensarling’s problems
is a lack of office help. He currently
has four of five students helping
ASF on the Texas A&M campus,
but, he said, he could easily use that
many more in such areas as public
relations, research, and information
“We want to evolve into the ac
tual voice of the nation’s students,
and we think we can be very effec
tive in that role,” he said.
Jeb Hensarling, American Student Federation president
Battalion photo by Jeaam
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