The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1979, Image 8
m ^McDonald's DRIVE-THRU WINDOW MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS m McDonalds At University Drive BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING Now at Manor East Mall Volleyball Club Hosts Tournament The 1979 Aggie Valentine “AA” Open Volleyball tournament was held in G. Rollie White Coliseum & DeVVare Fieldhouse during February. Competition was in Women’s AA and Men’s AA. The tournament was two bracket round robin play. Women’s teams participating included the Aggie Volleyball Club, the Houston Stars II, Texas Lutheran College, San Antonio 4, Dallas P.I. #1, Lamar University, V.C.J. ’s, University of Texas, Dal las P. I. #2, and the Houston Stars I. Outcome of the women’s com petition was Dallas P.I. #1, first place; Houston Start II, second place; Dallas P.I. #2, third place; and San Antonio, 4. The Men’s Aggie Volleyball Club competed with Dallas “Y ”, Rice Alliance I Houston, Lone Star — San Antonio, Southwest Texas State University, University of Texas, Rice Alliance II Beau mont, LaMachine — Houston, Randolph Air Force Base, and Dallas V.A. Winners in the men’s tourna ment were first place Dallas “Y”, second place TAMU, third place Dallas V.A., and fourth place Rice Alliance II — Beaumont. The Extra Act CLUB TRAVELS TO ON Rodeo Kingsville March 2 & 3 Austin March 8-10 Temple March 15-17 Tyler March 23 & 24 Lake Charles, Louisiana March 29-31 Ft. Worth March 30 & 31 Weightlifting Texas Division I March National Collegiate March 15-17 El Dorado Open March Women’s Volleyball Dallas March 10 San Antonio March 24 Men’s Volleyball Dallas March 10 San Antonio March 24 Women’s Soccer San Antonio March 10 Sherman March 24 Women’s Rugby Talahasee, Florida March 17 Joplin, Missouri March 31 Men’s Rugby Austin March 10 Austin March 24 Racquetball McAllen March Polo National Intercollegiate Championship Sommers, Connecticut March 3-17 Houston March 25 Men’s LaCrosse Houston March Lubbock March Team Handball Waco March Gymnastics Austin March 15 Fencing San Antonio March 7 Houston March 10 & 11 Men’s Bowling Corpus Christi March Women’s Bowling Corpus Christi March Cycling Team Austin March 5 San Antonio March 12 Ft. Worth March 19 Houston March 26 Target Archers TCU March 3 & 4 These times and events are subject to change and cancellations. Extra Mural Results- The Men’s Team Handball Club dumped Baylor in a double header, Feb- ruary 25. The clash took place in Waco and scores were 25-21 and 25-13. Good going. Team Handball! Racquetball Club Singles Competition The TAMU Racquetball club opened its first singles tournament of the spring semester on Feb. 16, 17 and 18. Martinez in the first round won the consolation bracket 3-21, 21-12, 11-0 over John Beckerdite. Number one-seeded Rufus Mar tinez dominated the courts as usual, but was challenged by last year’s Intramural champ Corky Dunn. Dunn used a devastating backhand to take the first game 21-0. Martinez initiated his kill shots for a 21-19 win to tie the match. His experience and confi dence took the tie and the trophy in Men’s Open 11-7. Charles Shea, after losing to Neysa Buckley claimed top honors in the men’s B division. Second-seeded Buckley did not lose a game. She defeated her rival Michelle Narciso 21-11, 21-10 in the semifinals. Fourth seeded Bob King defeated Richard Gitelson, number one seed, 21-10, 21-17 to vye with Buckley for the trophy. Bob dropped the finals to Neysa 21-10, 21-18 and Michelle grabbed third over Gitelson by default. Consolation prize went to Charles Bohelman as he defeated Lucinda Lomus 21-6, 21-8. Men’s C saw Keith Thompson defeat Thomas Braw for the trophy 21-15, 21-19. Bill Bryant hustled over David Weaver 21-17, 21-7 for third place. Consolation winner was Greg Kubola. In women’s open, Chris Seller, last semester’s woman’s B Champ placed first. June Horn was second in the round robin play. Women’s B was won by Susan Oakliff over Carol O’Sullivan 21-3, 21-12. Alli son Taylor claimed third and Cathy Broussard captured the consolation honors. SwoosVi! is a sound often beard at slam-dunk contests. This is a scene from last year’s contest. Watch for the dates for the finals in the Slam-Dunk Contest at the half-time of the All University Men’s Class A Champ ionship game. Gymnastics Club Meet Results The Texas A&M Gymnastics Club took second place in a men’s competition at SWTSU on Feb ruary 24. Texas Tech was first with 156 points, A&M had 137, SWTSU scored 117, and Pan American was fourth (score un available.) This was the club’s first meet in several years. They are hoping to accumulate a good rec ord during the rest of the season. Ray Moltz placed third in all- around competition with 36 points and was second in Vault. Scott /as second in Holman was fourth in Vault and also placed high in the Rings and High Bar events. Pat Callihan took fourth place among a group of strong tumblers in Free-Exercise. Joel Weddington made fifth all- around with 32 points. Other team members were Perry Moreau, Rick Zapata, Jim Foght, and Kow Sun. (Thanks to Joel Wedding, Club President for providing this story.) AA ^McDonald's Acknowledgments This advertisement is sponsored by your local McDonald’s Restaur ant, on University Drive and at Manor East Mall, under the direc tion of the Intramural Office. Stories are by Michelle Wolstein, pictures by Rich Westlake. Participant of the Week Bob Vorlop is one of our officials in action. Many officials will upgrade their position by becoming registered at the ASA clinic in March. Bob Vorlop should come by the IM office to pick up his “Be Our Guest” card redeemable for free food at McDonalds. \ Sports in \ SPORi \ $1-10 PT S \ A m Shorts ENTRIES OPENING 3-Man Volleyball Track & Field Golf Doubles March 5, Monday March 5, Monday March 19, Monday ENTRIES CLOSING Canoe Race Slam Dunk Innertube Waterpolo 3-Man Volleyball Track & Field Golf Doubles March 6, Tuesday March 6, Tuesday March 6, Tuesday March 20, Tuesday March 20, Tuesday March 27, Tuesday PLAY BEGINS Racquetball 3-Man Volleyball March 5, Monday March 26, Monday MEETINGS Advisory Council Monday, March 5 & 19 H&PE Library 8:00 p.m. Innertube Waterpolo Captains March 8, Thursday 5:15 p.m., 267 GRW. Sports Club March 20, Tuesday 7:00 p.m., 402 Rudder Tower 3-Man Volleyball Team Captains March 22, Thursday 5:15 / p.m., 701 Rudder Tower EMT Tuesday, March 6 & 27 SPECIAL EVENTS Slam Dunk Preliminaries Spring Break IM Zip Day Women’s Playday Frisbee Competition Canoe Race Thursday, March 8, 7:00 p.m., DeVVare Fieldhouse March 12-16! Saturday, March 24 March 24, Saturday March 24, Saturday the Polo Fields March 31, Saturday 8:30 a.m. Men & Women 2:00 p.m. Co-Rec Brazos River Three s A Tean There are only three men on the totem pole as far as three man vol leyball is concerned. Teams con- ' sist of 3 men or 3 women or, for CoRec, at least one woman per team. No team may have more than 1 TAMU Volleyball Club member on its roster. Teams hav ing a volleyball club member must play class A. Entries open today, Monday, March 5 and will close after Spring Break on Tuesday, March 20. Play will be round robin leagues and single elimination playoffs. USUBA rules with TAMU In tramural exceptions apply. It only takes three to pit grab your buddies and com out. It will be a courtful ofli) Reminder b p. m Mam Dunk Preliminaries Thursday, March 8, at x m. at DeVVare Fieldhouse nals will be held at half-time ing the Men’s Class A University championship Ba' ball game. On The Run This year’s track meet will be April 28 and 29. This will be too late for points, but everyone is still urged to participate and T-shirts will be awarded. Entries open today, March 5, and will close after Spring Break on Tuesday, March 20. Men’s events include the 120 yard low hurdles, 440 yard relay, 440 yard dash, 880 yard run, 220 yard dash, 100 yard dash, mile run, mile re lay, shot put, high jump, softball throw and long jump. Women’s events are the run, 50 yard dash, 220 yard r( 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, yard dash, 880 yard relay, put, long jump, high jump softball throw. CoRec events are the 440 relay and the 880 yard rela) master’s mile event is ofleret individuals over 35 years of Track is one of the big events of the spring semestei enter early at the IM offitf DeVVare Fieldhouse. Weight Room Hours Victors Ref s Corner Softball officials 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 29 Pete Peterson, region 7 Na- Room 267 GRW Innertube Waterpolo officials tional Umpire-in-Chief, will Wednesday, March 7 5:00 p.m. offer an all-day clinic on March Thursday, March 22 Monday, March 5 24 for softball officials. The Thursday, March 29 - Tuesday, March 6 clinic is sponsored by the Basketball officials 7:00 p.m., Three-Man Volleyball officials TAMU sports officials Associa- Room 267 GRW 7:00 p.m. tion and the Bryan sports offi- Wednesday, March 7 Wednesday, March 21 cials Association. Thursday, March 22 ASA Clinic Saturday, March 24 New hours have been added to the weight room’s schedule. A noontime addition, the hours will be Monday/Wednesday/Friday 12:30-1:30 p.m., and Tues day/Thursday 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Other hours are 7:00-10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 2:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sun day. The knights of IM have had their yearly joust and new winners have been declared. Congratula tions and a laurel leaf crown to these new champs- Men’s Foil - John Varney Women’s Foil - Julie Scott Tennis Short The tennis court ID checker is now located under the varsity ten nis stands. Balls may be purchased and racquets are available for checkout. The lights on the courts are on at night now. Tennis court hours are: Monday-Friday 5:00 p.m. - 11:30 p. m. Saturday & Sunday All Day (res ervations are only from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.) On Sat. Feb. 24, 1979, Julie Scott showed her fencinjt pertise as she captures the Womans Intramural Fencii tournament.