The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1979, Image 7
what’s up at A&M Thursday HicREAT ISSUES: Dr. H. Tristram Engelhardt will speak on ^■( St Tube Babies and Human Ethics” at 12:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower. UTPOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE: There will be a backpacking seminar, discussing desert hiking, mountain hiking and the March 3 & 4 Backpacking trip to 4C Trail at 7:30 p.m. in Room 401, Rudder Tower. TRCLE K CLUB: Will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 501, Rudder Tower. UATEMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet in Room ■5AB, Rudder Tower at 7 p.m. All interested students are urged to attend. mi CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet for a time of spiritual ; an( j encouragement and teaching at 7 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder . I Tower. A film entitled “Prevailing Prayer” will be shown, me m „ . , ° i . Everyone is welcome. Me m B | anw 4E£HODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: Rev. W.C. Hall will lead a dy on “How to Read The Bible” in Room 350, MSC, at 7 p.m. FENCING CLUB: Should meet in Room 261, G. Rollie White Idiseum at 8 p.m. WIM TEAM: The men s team will swim in the Southwest Confer- |||ee Championships in Austin today through Saturday. 'ENNIS TEAM: The team will play in the Corpus Invitational Team Tourney in Corpus Christi today through Saturday. LAVEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 22: Burroughs (Business Forms & Business Machines), Camp Cullen (YMCA), Carrollton (Farmers Branch I.S.D.), First International Bank, Graybar Electric Co., Albert H. fflalff Assoc., Informatics Inc., Lone Star Gas Co., Monsanto Ag Products Co., Mobil, Pizza Inn, SIP Inc., State Comptroller & Public Acct., Texas Oil & Gas Corp. 1EPHEID VARIABLE: "Damnation Alley,” in which a nuclear holocaust tips the earth off its axis with disastrous results to the climate, will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. lON.-fl IUE “ Friday ►4<1U§LIM STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION: The presentation of “Islam ■ There Is No God But God at 6:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower, today and Saturday. lASEBALL: The baseball team will play Houston in Houston today ■d Saturday. KETBALL: The women’s team will play Wayland Baptist College in Plainview at 6:30 p.m. Y&INASTICS: The team will compete in the TAIAW State Cham pionships in San Marcos today and Saturday. LAVEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 23: ASARCO Inc., Baker Services, Brown & Root, Richards. Galley Arch., Ciba-Geigy, Fairfield Industries, Farmers Insurance Group, Green Giant Co., Mcjunkin Corp., Walter P. ^■oore, Plant Care Co., Prudential Life Insurance Co., Puget ^nund Naval Shipyard, Radian Corp., Stemco, Texas Oil & Gas §orp. VGJJIE CINEMA: “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” will be own at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. VII&NIGHT MOVIE: "The Graduate,” in which a recently graduated and very uncertain Dustin Hoffman searches for his future and is jfficed with disillusionment while Simon and Garfunkle’s music provides the background, will be shown in Rudder Theater. (PG) rs ts is as Saturday GYMNASTICS: The team will compete in the TAIAW State Cham pionships in San Marcos. fElNIS TEAM: The team will play in the Corpus Invitational Team Tourney in Corpus Christi. WIM TEAM: The n’s team will swim in the Southwest Confer ence Championships in Austin. NDIA ASSOCIATION: A Hindi movie, “Swami, with English subti tles, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Room 112, Oceanography Ruilding. AMU MEN’S SOCCER TOURNAMENT: There will be games at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on the intramural field. PHANT BOWL: Will be held in Kyle Field. iGGIE CINEMA: “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. -EllGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: The League is holding a voter I gistration drive from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. at K-Mart, Skaggs, roger and Safeway (201 N. Texas Ave., Bryan). Sunday ^.^^RCMETS: Will meet at noon in Room 140, MSC. AMU MEN’S SOCCER TOURNAMENT: There will be a game at 10 p.m. on the intramural field. iGGIE CINEMA: “The Ten Commandments,” Cecil B. DeMille’s epic stoy of the life of Moses, once favored in the Pharoah’s house hold, who turned his back on a privileged life to lead his people to freedom, will be shown at 2 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (G) RESUME SERVICE Sell yourself effectively. Have a professional resume prepared by BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICES Call 846-5794 for an appointment th ids. o O ® o LUTIONS FOR INSTANT HELP IN CHEMISTRY, FOREIGN LANGUAGES, ECONOMICS, BIOLOGY, ENGLISH, PHYSICS AND MORE. CUFFS § KEYNOTE o REVIEWS... are the painless way to help you through difficult subjects in a hurry. Self-tests let you pinpoint where you need help the most . . . lead you right to the basic facts and additional information you need to shore up your weak areas Make every minute count —get the Keynote you need for efficient, profitable review Available for 24 subjects. HERE... UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Northgate Shopping Center Culpepper Plaza > O o OO O o o oO o©<0 <£> o O c 1 Solar heat may cut 14% off fuel oil bill of seed company United Press International GREENWOOD, S.C. — A mail order seed company expects to save about 4,200 gallons of oil a year with an experimental solar heating system installed recently to help heat two of its 11,000-square-foot greenhouses. Company president William J. Park says engineers who installed the sys tem predict a 14 percent saving on fuel bills with the prototype units but recommend the firm closely monitor both the weather and fuel consumed this winter. The system is designed to provide as much as 60 percent of the greenhouses’ annual energy needs. THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1979 BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS HURRY infer the final days of our Sci-Tech Sale. We’re clearing the way for another great sale. TEXAS A&M In The Memorial Student Center DELIVERY FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY 6 till closing 846-8749 PIZZA INN PIZZA INN $ 1 00 Off J2 01 o any medium or large pizza with any giant pizza with this cou- this coupon. pon. Valid thru 3-7-79 Valid thru 3-7-79 Minimum Order $ 3 00 AMERICA’S FAVORITE PIZZA No other coupons valid with this delivery. HOUSE OF BEDS GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! Featuring TAYLOR-MORNING GLORY (15 yr. guarantee) reg. 229.95 Twin Sale 119.00 reg. 289.95 Full Sale 139.00 reg. 379.95 Queen Sale 179.00 reg. 499.95 King Sale 229.00 LIFETIME IMPERIAL-NATIONAL (20 yr. guarantee) reg. 389.95 Full Sale 238.00 reg. 479.95 Queen Sale 289.00 reg. 649.95 King Sale 375.00 GOLD MEDALLION by NATIONAL (15 yr. guarantee) reg. 199.95 reg. 269.95 reg. 339.95 reg. 429.95 Twin $89 Full $109 Queen $145 King $189 Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Friday till 8 Twin Full Queen King 109.00 129.00 165.00 216.00 PROMO MODELS 5 yr. guarantee 696-0806 1804 C Brothers Blvd. Southwood Place Wmsl You could win a Suzuki GS-1000 styled after the world’s fastest Pro Stock bike! That’s right. Suzuki is giving away ten GS-1000 streetbikes that look like the record-setting GS-1000 that drag racing star Terry Vance rides. Winners will also get a free helmet painted like Terry’s. Plus...everybody who enters can get a free Terry Vance T-Shirt. There’s nothing to buy. But you must have a valid driver's license. So enter now at... SUZUKI SPORT CENTER 2609 So. College Bryan PH. 822-9439 Suzuki. The performer.