The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1979, Image 4
i Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1979 : Calvary Baptist Day Care Center Sales in Retail Quantities Only A H “H ? a ? M A 2009 Cavitt Opening March 12 A Christian atmosphere Ages 2-4 Hot lunches & snacks The following items in Wednesday’s Battalion should have read: Maxi Pads Kotex 30 ct. Pkg. $1.89 Should have read Deodorant Mini Pads 30 ct. Pkg. $1.89 To enroll call 822-3579 779-3977 779-9404 Maxi Pads Kotex 30 ct. Pkg. $1.89 Should have read Maxi Pads Kotex 30 ct. $2.55 The Battalion regrets the error. BATTALION CLASSIFIED 12 SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE HELP WANTED HELP WANTF A ^ ^ A ^ A ^ Attention May Graduates READY, GET SET, GO ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS January 2, 1978 - February 16, 1978 MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER Room 217 - MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 72127 WANTED Housewives or husbands who desire supplemental in come by working part time in food catering. Most jobs are in the early evening for 3-4 hours. No experience necessary Call JoAnn Canon 779-2851 for appointment. FULL OR PART TIME ^Flexible hours to fit your scneuuie *Rapid advancement *Day shift *Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Brygn 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik ihmn Ski Winterpark spring break, $139. Call Chris Barton 693-2255; Willie Mitchell 779-0450, evening. 91110 » ^ ^ ^ ^ CHILD CARE A ^ a ^ dh ^ Part time help wanted. Grapevine Personality. 696-3411. 91tfn Lose weight, be healthy with SLENDER NOW. 693-7431 anytime, or 693-2226 after 6. 94tl0 Child care. Day or night. 779-2773. SERVICES ^ A a. Schlotzsky’s is accepting appli cations for full time position. Hours 10-4 Mon.-Sat. PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 Professional Typing Services. 846r9109. 73t|j Low cost travel to Israel. Toll Eree 800-223- 7676, 9 a m. - 6 p.m. NY time. 95t8 Apply Schlotzsky’s 100 S. Tex. Ave., C.S. 98t10 JOB OPPORTUNITIES EUROPE FREE for qualified person. Send travel/study experience. University Tours, Box 634, Logan, UT 84321. 94t6 1 V ^ * FOUND Ladies umbrella. Call 693-0560, or Room 1316 Chemistry Building. 9812 mmmammMmam wsmmmmsm ; m AT STUD i t Trader Ric (TB) winner of $53,673-ki A /-*»• »r-» »-»y-«r-% c?/qao cM^nrv ® ▼ LOST own son of Swaps (848,900)-$500 to |-| ^ Quarter and Appaloosa mares-Live M foal-Sonny Ellen. 846-8509. gotso P Lost. Necklace pendant. Gold Script-U with diamond at base. Reward. 845-2680. 95t2 m AVON EARN EXTRA MONEY AND STILL HAVE TIME TO STUDY * | Sell Avon For details, call t ^ 822-1430 86121 | I — FOR SALE Frazier and Fisher speakers for sale. Call 693-3736. 97t5 AKC Labrador puppy, 8 weeks, male, $100. 693-5224 . 97t2 Lost: Denim bag, says Linda, of gym clothes. Reward. 693-0431. 95t4 LOST Gold necklace with gold round charm, small diamond chip off cen tered. Great sentimental value. Generous reward. Kathy 693-7350 9516 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 FOR RENT AGGIE AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Oil Changes and Lube Jobs For more information, please call 696-4225 after 4 p.m. 9515 One bedroom duplex apartment. Air condition with yard and trees, close to campus, married couples only, no pets. 696-6281. 95t9 Need waitress for Tues., Wed., and Thurs. Part time waitress needed Wed., Fri., and Sat. nights. See Phil or call 846- 241 5. 90tfn Schwinn Continental 24 ”, lights, $100. 693- 0417. 9415 Sansui 5050 stereo receiver. Good condition. Call 693-1931, ask for Robert. 9515 Olympus 75-150mm lens, $180. Scott 845- 2611. 96t3 1969 Toyota-Cheap. Good engine, somewhat rumpled body. 845-7031 John B. 9813 For Sale: Queensland Blue Heeler puppies- Guaranteed to work cattle. $90.00 each. Phone 713/945-8523 after 4 p.m. 98110 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW EFFICIENCIES >140 month. One bedroom from $175 nonth. All bills paid except electricity, sio pets. Villa West Apartments, south >f Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. isitf- OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer/year round. Europe, S. America, Austra lia, Asia, Etc. All fields, $550-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightse eing. Free info.-Write: IJC, Box 4490-TC, Berkeley, CA 94704. got 10 Student to do minor mainte nance in exchange for apartment. Hours flexible with your class schedule. PHONE 846-6387 . 96t§ MOSSMAN GUITARS I have a few fine Mossman flat- top acoustic guitars starting at $425. These fine instruments are available at half the normal list price. Call 316-221-2625 after 5:00 p.m. or write Mossman Guitars, 2109 E. 9th St. Winfield KS 67156. 9515 nAMKEM OAKS APARTMENTS “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge Professional Maintenance Staff (24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE) Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms On Shuttlebus Route Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 ^ Need part time delivery personnel. ^ | Flexible hours. Must have own car. f Apply In Person A Chanello’s A | 301 Patricia, C.S. 80t24 j MDs serve in Third World F out of charity, dedication Im , .i /4/-u--i-nr for wverv 'TLo ,4.,., i . United Press International NEW YORK — Some people think of doctors as fat cats, living in expensive homes and riding around in Cadillacs. But there is a group of doctors who have sacrified financial gain to help less fortunate persons in other areas of the world. For 20 years North American doc tors have been visiting underde veloped countries, saving the lives of thousands of people and curing countless others of serious diseases. Without them there would be no hope for many ill people in the Third World nations who would otherwise never see a doctor in their lives. These American and Canadian doctors belong to MEDICO, an or- ganizaion dedicated to providing medical assistance to people over seas. They have served in 30 nations where people suffer from serious diseases that have been eliminated in the United States. These coun tries have a ratio of doctors to pa tients that is lower than in America, where there is one doctor for every 500 people. In nations as diverse as Nicaragua, Tunisia Burma, these doctors have established med ical programs and train local per sonnel so that ultimately the locals can take over the programs. In many nations there are medical pro- grams run by locals which would not exist if MEDICO doctors had not provided the initial instruction. Some MEDICO doctors travel overseas for periods of several years and are given transportation ex penses and a modest salary. Others volunteer to go for one month at their own expense and are not paid for their services while in the coun try they serve. Dr. Charles Plotz, 56, of Brook lyn, volunteered to visit Afghanis tan [ which had one doctor for every 21,000 persons in 1965. “I was tired of ordinary vacations and looking to do something use ful,” Plotz recalls. He was anxious to serve “people who need me. SHIPLEY’S \ SM«v./ \Grcatest Afome \ In Me'/ DONUT SHOP AFTER STUDYING, STOP IN FOR SOME FRESH DONUTS OR A FLAMEBURGER. Our donuts are made fresh , all day long Open 6-11 Mon.-Sat. Closed Sunday 3310 S. College 822-4096 SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY INVITES YOU TO . . . STUDY IN PARIS Courses taught in English include history, art history, and business, with additional courses in French lan guage and literature. Live with a Parisian family and enjoy the culture of Paris. STUDY IN MADRID Spend a semester abroad while centered in the culture and life of Madrid. History, art history, and business courses are taught in English; beginning through ad vanced courses are offered in Spanish. For information, mail the coupon below. Return to: Southern Methodist University International Programs Office Box 391 Dallas, Texas 75275 (phone: 1—214—692-2338) Please send me information on _SMU- in- Paris SMU-in-Madrid Name- Address ~7XP~ Telephone School attending. MEN OR WOMEN STUDENTS OR COUPLES For Houston Post student routes. Early morning hours. Excellent in come for part time job. Call 696- 8032 or 822-4351. gete = THE “OLDE VILLAGE PACKRAT” HAS: = DECIDED TO CONTINUE THE SALE: Still there’s room in his den toe EE LIVE! ALL PRICES CUT LOWER NOWS S— COME & GET IT! MANY ESTATE: = ITEMS, Oak Desk, Hutch, Buffet, Oak| =s Table, Secretary, Sets of Dining Chairs,: |E Rockers, Jenny Lind Bed, Walnut Spool: = Bed, Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Re-: = diner, Hundreds of Old Books,: = Magazines, Paintings, Prints, Old Picture ■ = Frames, Iron Bed, Oak Armoire, Mirrors, i = Glassware, Silver, Brass, 1,000 & 1 Iron] EE Decorator Items, 100’s of Small Things.: =: Hurry! = 608 SOUTH BRYAN IN BRYAN OFFICIAL NOTICE ‘SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 1, 1979 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applica tions must be filed with the Stu dent Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 p.m., March 1, 1979. Late applications will not be ac cepted; 95113 0 Battalion Classifieds f Call 845-2611 5 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ROOMMATE WANTED Female housemate wanted. Own room and bath, $100. 822-1635. 94tl0 WANTED a a Typing. Symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723. 12tfn Typing. Reasonable Rates. 693-8071. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 37tf-’ ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE 'Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 GINGERBREAD PRODUCTIONS LTD PRESENTS SALLY ANN HOWES EARL LOIS WRIGHTSON & HUNT IN music by RICHARD RODGERS LYWCS BY OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II BOOK BY HOWARD LINDSAY and RUSSEL CROUSE SUGGESTED BY THE TRAPP FAMILY SINGERS BY MARIA TRAPP also starring TERRYSAUNDERS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MSC TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION A&M Student/Date 7.00 General Public 8.00 Zona II 5.75 6.75 Zona III 4.50 5.50 Tuesday, March 6, 8:15 p.m. Rudder Auditorium llOllJ Tickets and info. MSC Box Office 845-2916 ;re M The day he arrived i n tan he was brought to the a man suffering from local doctor had simply told I,, rest in bed. But, even thou only had to rest two or three he had remained bedridde, cause he had never heard from the local doctor. ‘So for seven months he'd lying in bed!” Plotz said. Plotz’s regular duty was in icenna Hospital in Kabul when tients had to supply their own I and were not separated accort the disases they suffered. Bi there was no hospital food, re. 0 „ of patients camped out on the h™ tal lawn to prepare their meals, In Avicenna he worked" nurses dressed Western style, calls this ‘‘a tremendous ste ward into modern society for men” because, like most Afj, women, they had worn veils hd working in the hospital. In the morning he would his rounds, treating and diagi illnesses such as diseases all the liver, bladderstones and... era. In the afternoon he conductdi clinic teaching local doctors inter medicine. “They were very eagen learn,” he said. At times it could be frustraltf The hospital had a blood chemiit machine operated by a Hand trained biochemist, but it oftenS not work because of the regular voltage at the hospili Sometimes the hospital’s sophistication proved to be be: cial. There being no central keeping, each patient kept hi: medical records and doctors able to see records on the Therefore no repeat tests performed on patients as is times necessary in America. By bonne Amenc re and resident FL-CIO ,&M Uni Speakii ,nd Issue Cum lelegates iver the The hi ealth cai ,-hich ha\ ivo years 'We ha ion has b ,vo years award £ Tf inte redit is rnment not cul nto a rec The AI l ur B There i lation am inker sa srnoon a Plotz said that will Ameriean-style hospital facilil “You have to improvise, to lean use your wits.” Once, because hospital had no intravenous fluil boiled, filtered and reboiled wl to make it. “That’s the way you a life.” He also had to use his witsouli the hospital. Once he was brought to see wife of a local chief who was but he could not examine her cause local custom forbade hit examine a woman. So he sent! wife to see her. She looked al woman and returned. “Either she’s pregnant or she! onferen fibroid tumors,” she said It turned out the woman had! puddle a roid tumors. ‘Ever since I’ve relied on roded. wife’s diagnosis,” he said will smile. ‘WeT or stanc U.S. nukf detonatd in Nevad among tl e man i liedoesn or three, Burns’ Unempl ilained i jnd its loymen “The United Press Internstionsl YUCCA FLAT, Nev. - tists Thursday detonated they third announced nuclear testw had a yield of between 20 kilotons. , The weapon was detonate 10:05 a.m. at the bottom of foot vertical shaft at the Nevada' Site. Earth motion from the felt only slightly in Las • . miles skuth The test was* tnl,,,, named “Kloster.” Ip 1 The 150 kiloton maximum equivalent in yield to ISO.OOOW sa of TNT. . f It was within the limits oj a negotiated with Bussia whic ceiling on underground testing United States has observed ten in this |r a una lisundf 'hich list,’’ Bi The gc ie Unit: |hle stai Reduc t iprove .he sma heed, -ess pi irices a: >e econ ition ‘use lit taexpec the treaty since March of -- though it has not been ra i e the U.S. Senate. Several aircraft including helicopters circled 8 rou ^ i detonation time. One he i carried a surveillance canM the other was equipped wi radiation monitoring devi ce *; A Department ol , spokesman said the detonation success and that no radW reached the atmosphere. ^ originally was scheduled nesday but was delayed e adverse winds. , J Kloster boosted the tota of underground tests annou the United States since ttve atmospheric testing in i ^ There have been 499'e** Nevada Test Site includingP‘ atmospheric detonations. Kloster was conducted^ Lawrence Livermore Laboratory of the Univ California. Now you kn(f United Press In,ern ‘ ti< ’ n ‘ s( ^ Sperm whales have the of any animal that has eve possibly the most c01t1 ^ v L si ing their intelligence may only to man’s. t MATE 0Oj£> LAUNDBy Let Frannie s do i« (o * * i