The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 15, 1979, Image 3
'S ster is Board adeat in the m nder- 16, in allows ts per umto >e sec- ust be '« next ments to Dr, what’s up d reased fond- ial aid Jniver- 1,100, by the ossible tor ;d Paul for the pres- viously Inc. ol Xroten- ctive ol action ants to )son of placed '5. The erstep- ractice tement tice of physi- Thursday m - N CIRCLE K CLUB: Will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 501, Rudder Tower. taMU FENCING CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 216 G Rollie White Coliseum. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: The TAMU Emergency Care Team and Circle K are sponsoring a blood pressure screening from 8a.m. to 5 p.m. across the hall from the MSC Post Office, today i and Friday. The screening takes only a few minutes and is free to | the public. DEADLINE: For ordering Senior Rings for delivery by May gradua- r tion. For more information, see the Ring Clerk in Heaton Hall. ESTIVAL OF RUSSIAN DANCE: OPAS will represent a festival of Russia’s finest dancers. There will be colorful costumes, folk dan cers, and native music from throughout the Soviet Union. The festival will be held in Rudder Auditorium. iCGIE PARENTS OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS: Forms for Aggie Parents of the Year are available in the Student Govern ment Office, Room 216, MSC. All forms are due by 5 p.m., March 2. AMU WATER SKI CLUB: Old and new members are encouraged to attend a meeting to discuss Polar Bear Tournament plans. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in Room 305, Rudder Tower. AMU RACQUEIBALL CLUB: There will be a racquetball tour nament at 5 p.m. in DeWare Fieldhouse. Entries are available in the intramural office. ;EPHEID VARIABLE: “This Island Earth,” in which an advance guard from distant Metaluna comes to Earth for human brain power to save their planet in an interstellar war, will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in the Basement Coffeehouse. Admission is 50 cents. LACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 1: Action-Peace Corp., American Can Co., Amoco Production Co., Army (Dept, of Waterways Experiment Station), Austin Commercial, Bank of America, Bank of the Southwest, Burroughs Business Machines, Dow Chemical, Fac tory Mutual Engineering, First National Bank of Dallas, Foley’s of Houston, Go Wireline, Great West Life Insurance Co., Johnson Controls, Oilwell Division (U.S. Steel), Raymond International Builders, Sav-on Drugs Inc., Texas Power & Light, U.S. Steel Corp. Friday STUDENT GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: Two off-campus under graduate senate positions are open for applications. Apply in Room 216C, MSC. IGGIE CINEMA: “Saturday Night Fever,” in which John Travolta gives a sensual and intelligent performance as a local disco kingpin at the peak of his popularity, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. (R) MIDNIGHT MOVIE: “Which Way Is Up?” in which Richard Pryor stars in this serio-comedy tale of love, seduction, jealousy, and betrayal set in the srife-torn California farm country, will be shown in Rudder Theater. (R) ’LACEMENT OFFICE: Graduating seniors who wish to interview for the following companies may begin signing up today for inter views on March 2: Bank of the Southwest, Black & Veatch, Bourns Inc., Burroughs Corp., Camp Waldemar, City of Dallas, City Public Service, Foleys of Houston, Foodmaker Inc., Go Wireline Service, Great West Life Insurance, Haggar Co., Humana Inc., Joske’s of Houston, Peat Marwick 6c Mitchell, Rockwell Interna tional, SMC Corp., Spectra-Physics Inc., Texas Power and Light. e trans- >yees of le man- ;ta con- 1, 25, of said an ore was hied at El Paso ■d a bill to predicts 1 funds, d oppo- ' oppos- o urged ied fuesday Central nterest. aid. An ; ,vas an- i :ate one j a cold orning i mpd. iave a igress .Kin'^jl Liz Nf” uidy"'^ David 8' ott Pei* H Steve 1 ' ibbie Rogers w Petty. ^ Stone Doug cM . Leschpe 1 .Lynn"" .Gary Calvary Baptist Day Care Center 2009 Cavitt Opening March 12 A Christian atmosphere Ages 2-4 Hot lunches & snacks To enroll call 822-3579 779-3977 779-9404 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Majors San Francisco Bay Area Computer and Computerized Telephone Equipment Manufacturer seeks talented individuals interested in: • Telephony • Realtime Software Systems • Microprocessor Applications In Telephony • Digital and Analog Design • Data Base Management • CPU and Memory Design • System Programming Languages ROLM, located in Santa Clara, California, currently has 1600 employees and has grown 50% to 100% each year since 1969. ROLM's Telecommunications Division is the leading independent supplier of computerized PBX’s (CBX) and microprocessor controlled telephones. ROLM’s Mil Spec Computer Division offers a complete line of rugged general pur pose minicomputers/ Included in ROLM’s outstanding benefits package is a three month paid sabbatical after six years (and every seven years thereafter). Company paid tuition and time off for Graduate Study at Stanford, and flexible working hours. Small is better, oil executive says Oil exploration executive Jeff Montgomery says small is better — at least as far as his million dollar Kirby Exploration Corp. is concerned. Montgomery told a Texas A&M University audience Wednesday afternoon that the strategy of his “small business” is to not be big. Rather than try to compete with oil giants and expansive govern ment regulations, the chairman of the board of the Houston firm said his company maintains a low profile and avoids the “paper work blizzard” imposed on larger corporations. “We can’t afford to cope with the regulations,” Montgomery said. We stay below the threshold of an increasingly burdensome . . . government which requires great disclosure and regulation adher ence.” Montgomery, a 1941 graduate of Texas A&M, said his corporation competes with the other 10,000 oil exploration firms in the United States by relying less on experts and more on individual performance among his management rank and file. Montgomery said individualism is needed in exploration because so many projects fail. ‘There must be something there to keep the people up and motivated,” he said. Montgomery said he asks three things of new management profes sionals: ‘Are you bright? Are you honest? And do you have drive, the will to do it right?” Montgomery was at Texas A&M for the College of Business Admin istration’s Visiting Executive Speaker Series. Valentine’s day is no Valentine for Valentines United Press International KENNETT, Mo. — Love turned sour for the Valentines on Valen tine’s Day. Wednesday’s first item of busi ness in the court of Dunklin County Circuit Judge Flake McHaney was THE BATTALION Page 3 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1979 the granting of a divorce decree to Joyce N. Valentine and Lonnie James Valentine, who had been married in August 1976. Mrs. Valentine, 23, appeared in court with her attorney but Valen tine, 28, was not present. TOP D RAWER SUPER SALE for gals FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEDRUARY 16 S 17 ★ JEANS JR.-MISS ( Values \ f|88 to $30 / 3 ★ SHIRTS We'll install any system | bought from Rx Stereo | this month for just 1 $5 o °! Check our catalog of hard-to- 1 ’ find LPs (Jazz & Rock) . albums $2.50 to $6.00 i (Most $6.00 LPs are double albums) _ _ (any size system) We carry Sanyo, Clarion, Jensen and Pioneer car stereo equipment. On Campus Interviews FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Meet with working Engineers Gibson Anderson (Hard ware) and Carl Strickland (Software) and discuss career opportunities with ROLM. See ROLM literature in the Placement Center. — U unable to attend an interview, send resume to: WfV dlnJ^A >,j neu*??.' Injthtf 1 t fliinnl Gibson Anderson (Hardware) or Carl Strickland (Software) ROLM Corporation 4900 Old Ironsides Drive Santa Clara, CA 95050 An equal opportunity employer M/F CORPORATION 3602 Old College Road E5 rn (Across from Chicken =§ ■ ^ Oil Co., next to Tri-State = ^ JL Sporting Goods) 846-1393 = iiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiMiiimmiimimimiimiiiimimiiiiimmiimiiiiiiiiimimiiiiMmimiHiiiiiiHHiff 3-15 Values to $35 ) SOoFF ★ DRESSES JR.-MISS o, Values to $60 ) SOoFF ★ SKIRTS JR.-MISS (VALUES TO $30 ) ★ COORDINATES JR . M |SS (values to $98 J 311 OFF ★ TOPS JRS. (Values to $28) 50 % io ■ OFF Bryan Store Only TOWN AND COUNTRY CENTER THE MANSARD HOUSE ITS NEW!! ITS DIFFERENT! AND WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR NAME! WIN MOO CA$H in the Change our name contest! (no obligation to enter) YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC?? ENLARGED DANCE FLOOR?? WE Casual Atmosphere Bar Drinks $ 1 25 Every Night Bottled Beer 75c THE ONLY DISCO WITH NO COVER CHARGE COME CHECK OUT OUR NEW DISCOTEQUE AND GAME ROOM AND GET BACK INTO PARTYING!!! “SPECIALS” Monday Night “Dollar Drink Night” Wednesday Night “$1.00 Frozen Margarita Night” 693-2200 Locate at 1401 FM 2818 in the Doux Chene Apartments (cocktail waitresses needed) Mon.-Thurs. 4-12 Fri.-Sat. 4-1