The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1979, Image 3
deadlines and dances for seniors m A'ill be itionis photo- prizes chases iorable ards of forma- ational at the t Divi- ncesin y Seed THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1979 Page 3 pay when the order is placed. Lynn Scott, assistant ring clerk, said spe cial ring loans are available through the Student Financial Aid office. Caps and gowns will go on sale April 2 in the MSC bookstore. Bachelor s degree gowns will cost $7.50 and master’s will be $8.50, said Charles Gentry, assistant bookstore manager. “We ll have some try-on gowns so students will be able to get their right size,’’ Gentry said. The first banquet for seniors is the Senior Induction Banquet given by the Association of Former Students. The Ramada Inn in Bryan will serve a steak dinner to seniors April 16 and 17. Letters containing ticket pick-up information will be mailed to graduating seniors a week before the dinners. Seniors will celebrate graduation with a barbecue and bash April 27. Senior class president Ronnie Las- tovica said a casual barbecue dinner will be held this year instead of a formal banquet. The bash will be at the Lakeview Club. The ring dance is set for April 28. “We re going to have two bands,’’ Lastovica said. “Ed Gerlock’s or chestra will be playing in the MSC ballroom, while a rock-progressive country band will play in the exhibit room.” Lastovica said tickets for the bar becue, bash and Ring Dance will be on sale in the Rudder Tower box of fice two weeks prior to the April 27, ns 13 per- deter- not be family, 0 years uesday Inglet. actress trial in > been avated : given oppor- ? court rumen of the “d him w in* w w m« tra w w« tn« vm ini im tro tn« w ini tra w« m* j AGGIE DIAMOND SPECIAL!!! Beautiful Full-Cut 5-point Diamond for Your Aggie Ring — just 30.00. Call Pat at 693- 1647. Diamond Brokers Diamond Importers & Wholesalers College Station, Tex. ** WMifl ** wji mi ** mi wi *m *1* mi ** */i ** ** ** w* ** ** tits , may hades 'iBona lity in laxing burn- struc- lucing world m ■n her to call ent of emain ancial dtural a first ’s tes- By MERIL EDWARDS Battalion Reporter ’ompleting the required number ours and making passing grades ot all there is to graduation at ras A&M University. There are idlines to meet, dances and ban ts to attend and gowns to fit. fhe deadline for filing for a de- e is Friday. All seniors must ly for degrees in the Fiscal Of- in the Coke Building and pay an fee, says Registrar R.A. Lacey. We will analyze each application ee if the student is eligible for a jee,” Lacey said. “If graduation [uirements cannot be met, then will inform the student as soon as sible and make a refund.” The deadline for seniors to order jduation announcements is Feb. i; at 4 p.m. Announcements may, ticked up April 15 in room 216 of! Memorial Student Center. Another deadline is Feb. 20, the 1e by which ring orders must be eed to guarantee delivery before Iduation. Orders are taken by the ng clerk in Heaton Hall Mondays irough Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 11:30 m and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. |tudents must meet three re- uirements to buy a ring: comple- on of 92 hours, 30 of which must at Texas A&M and be in good juding with the University. Cost for a senior ring without a amond is $131.92 for men and (65 92 for women. Students must \Gunmen shooting for thrills i)AVIS, Calif. — Six men seeking Dies Bond-type thrills by playing a Bf game called “assassination” lave run afoul of the law. Bhree of the men, carrying plastic istols loaded with rubber-tipped irts, were stopped during the e^kend by police officer Don Iks, responding to a call that a an with a gun was running rough downtown streets of this ret college town. Brooks said he ordered the men drop their guns. “As soon as they ew them, I knew they were dart ns,’ said Brooks, who then al- wed the men to continue their re game was organized by the jr of a Davis games shop. The — ranging in age from 19 to 36 ad been given clues for deter- fng which of the others was their et for “assassination.” The first an getting a “kill” was awarded a r~' r TI»e .y^wtir^ a^pizza •lyO’ntrs -J'niywr Fast lunch, intimate booths, party rooms, draft beer, cozy atmosphere and old movies. APPY HOUR — BEER & WINE 2-4-1 OPEN MON.-FRI. 12 A.M.-MIDNITE; SAT. TIL I A.M.; MON.-FRI. 4:30-6:00 P.M. ir Tehran trators isional ■urfeW ling at might Bakht- 2St West ig 17, :s and were ddiers of the been low ..Kin' im f .Liz Nt' )avid )tt ...Ste'* 1 ' ibief^ logerS m 'etty, \ Stone* f oug Cr* Leschpf Lynn ^ Gary ^ , -profl' by si 111 licit# I (her SUN. TIL 11P.M. LUNCHEON SPECIAL 11 A.M.-2 P.M. MON.-FRI. OUR PLACE IN UNIVERSITY SQUARE COLLEGE STATION 846-4809 OUR NEW PLACE 2901 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN 779-2431 S&xfi ^'UcCal ^&uU%cte 'PeaUvUtt# <t (Zamfeletc *4 Sale* The Tlotique comes a iuM fine oi^/tidesmaid Qou>ns.JAothe/is Qouws. TuxedoQentafs. Qt^ts. Stffc Tfou/eAs. CandefabAas and aPwost any otheA bedding i^ccesoAg gou can think o^. Come on bg to check ouA u/onde/^uP selection and Pet us shout gou the stgdes and gt^ts that a/ie aAAtutng daidg. Caff Jo oA'Tatti ^oa assistance u/ith gouA wedding pPans. fat oust OficM&u} Si cteteUl& 444* 4* to- cvii 0 pftcc to- , ‘TPCexcco- &udal ^otfCcefrue faUnfc Seau** 2305 S. 693-9358 28 weekend. “We re going to have a package deal to save money,” he said. “Tickets may be bought sepa rately or for several events at a spe cial rate.” Lastovica mentioned that the class of’79 is trying to raise $25,000 to leave the University a President’s Endowed Scholarship as a class gift. The last event for seniors will be the May 4 and 5 eommencement exercises. Look Into Your Future Thousands of career opportunities are listed daily in the nation’s largest CLASSIFIED ad section. Keep abreast of the changing job market with The Houston Chronicle, Texas’ largest newspaper. 1/2 price for students, faculty and staff. Entire semester for $7.25 (Jan. 31- May 11). Call 693-2323 or 846-0763 to start HOME or DORM DELIVERY immediately. Houston Chronicle News you can use. Dionne Warwick thought Red Cross was only about hurricanes. “True. I always thought of Red Cross as a kind of rescue force in times of disaster and little more. “Then I learned that in towns and cities across America, Red Cross gives the kind of help to individuals that you rarely hear about, because it doesn’t make headlines in the newspaper. Lacey said the specific graduation times for the different colleges have not been set yet. “We re waiting to see the size of each,” he said. “This graduating class will be the largest in the history of A&M,” he said. “We estimate the number of applicants at 3,550.” There was a graduating class of 2,752 last spring. JVC SUPER SALEM m \ Ifatvi sap# Y a Reg. $530 SALE $ 399 00 STEREO CASSETTE DECK Versatile, easy-to-operate deck features ingenious'SPI (Spectro Peak Indicator.) for making low-distortion,wide-dynamic-range recording, plus Super ANRS, SA Head, 2-motor full logic operation and total dependability. KD-55 SBSaperAINRS ss 3 3 Reg. $320.00 SALE $ 239 00 STEREO CASSETTE DECK Many extras augment a surprising price. Recording Equalizer Switch, Super ANRS in 1C, an op amp for headphones, 3-positioned Bias/Equalizer switches, excellent performance specifications. A best buy by any standards. AUDIO c S«rvio* ot T)«s A The AdvvrtWng C<Kjncai l 707 Texas Ave. in College Station 696-5719 FINANCING AVAILABLE DIAMOND BROKERS Diamond Importers & Wholesalers VALENTINES DAY Special Offers Expire February 14, 1979 c?--. — LOOSE DIAMONDS .30 ct. Round AAAA 495 .32 ct. Round AAAA 528 .32 ct. Round AAAA 528 .33 ct. Round AAAA 545 .37 ct. Round AAAA 610 .40 ct. Round AAA 480 .41 ct. Round AAA 492 .43 ct. Round AAA 516 .44 ct Round AAA 528 .48 ct. Round AAA 1152 .49 ct. Round AAA 1176 .74 ct. Round AAAA 1480 3.06 Ct. Round AAAA 13000 .72 ct. Round AAA 1296 .71 ct. Round AAA 1280 2.32 ct. Round AAAA + 9280 1.05 ct. Round A + 1100 1.07 ct. Round AAAA 3210 1.09 ct. Round AAAA 3270 1.12 ct. Round AAAA 3360 1.02 ct. Round AA 1224 1.87 ct. Round AAA 4301 1/3 Carat Emeralds 100 00 10 Point Aggie Diamond 70 00 LOOSE DIAMONDS .90 EC AAAA 1800 1.18 EC AAA 2800 1.50 EC AAA 3800 1.72 Round AAA 3852 1.00 MQ AAAAA 8000 .79 MQ AA+ 1264 .48 MQ AA+ 680 .40 MQ AA 450 .50 PS AA 800 .52 PS AAA 832 .91 MQ AA 1480 1.28 MQ AA 1792 1.65 MQ A 1815 2.87 MQ AA 8323 .90 PS AA 1480 1.06 PS AA 1850 1.51 PS A + 2670 .59 Oval AA 950 1.14 HS AAA 3000 1.31 Round AAAA 3800 1.02 Round AA + 1938 1.05 Round AA + 1995 FREE 14KT. GOLD SETTING WITH ANY DIAMOND OVER 1 CARAT . . . ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! HEART SHAPE 14 Kt. Solid Gold Serpentine DIAMOND Chain 1/3 Carat 15” Just $ 18 0 ° just *400 00 10” Just 2 00 Register for a $2000 heart-shaped diamond to be given away at ^Rosewood Junction. Ask Us About Investment Diamonds, Rubies, & Sapphires. DIAMOND BROKERS Diamond Importers & Wholesalers College Station, Texas 77840 -713-693-1647 Ask For Pat or Eddie