The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1979, Image 5

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Page 5
Some spaces beingfUled by 'walk-ins
Many dorm rooms vacant this spring
Battalion Reporter
Too many students and not
e| T'atioiuj jnough dorm spaces was the hous-
^J^i-'dng department’s problem in the
r °posit{ [I, Now the department faces too
are ® jany dorm spaces and not enough
‘dualfr. |udents to fill them.
Ricans* : About Il5 of the 5,949 non-Corps
® ' e gisli firm spaces are empty this semes-
^ re fetf fcr and most are expected to remain
fcmpty, said Ron Sasse, director of
lan ^lirtudent affairs for student housing.
m ® ure *B"We haven’t been completely full
•bytogr, in the spring semester for a long
’ said Sasse. But this semester
number of empty spaces is a lit
tle higher than in past years.
"Each semester we have to pre-
s does
at slasl
diet how many spaces will be availa
ble for the next semester,” Sasse
said. “All we have is past records to
base those predictions on.”
Sasse explained that dorm resi
dents are required to fill out housing
cards at the end of each semester.
These cards state whether a resident
is keeping the space, moving off
campus, or transferring to another
“We have to make our assign
ments for the spring usually about
the same time sign-up is going on,”
Sasse said, “so we really don’t know
much more than when we started,
because we have to make our pre
diction before we see the cards.”
This semester, the housing de
er have]
t gettin(|
ome ski
;sue will
hod, a
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in thelj
triplet sets horn
ante day, hospital
United Press International
\ CHICAGO — Triplets are born
lice in 81,000 births — but it hap-
ened twice on the same day at a
outh Side hospital.
; Two sets of triplets were born
jlmost simultaneously” around
ion Wednesday at Michael Reese
[ospital, a spokeswoman said.
Kenneth and Leah Rawson of
Prop: 'ilmette, Ill.,are the parents of two
pound girls and one 4-pound boy.
partment’s prediction for empty
spaces was low. Sasse explained that
empty dorm spaces can hurt the
University financially. “The amount
of impact is related to the number of
vacancies,” he said.
This year, due to the over
assignment problem of the fall, the
University will probably not suffer a
significant financial loss. “We bene
fited from the extra income.”
Sasse gave several reasons for the
housing department’s low predic
tion. “We didn’t expect the deans’
block list to be as high as it was,” he
said. The “block” list is a list of stu
dents blocked from returning to the
University due to poor grades.
“No-shows were also up just a lit
tle,” Sasse said. “No-shows” are
students who do not return to school
and don’t bother to inform the hous
ing department.
“The reason they don’t tell any
body is usually because they have
already forfeited their deposit and
they don’t think they need to say
anything,” said Sasse. Dorm deposit
is $65.
“There were 90 men and 25
women no-shows this semester,”
said Sasse. He explained that, be
tween the 115 no-shows and other
students who gave up their rooms
for some reason, the housing de
partment found itself with about 145
empty spaces.
“The first thing we did was send
out letters to people on the dorm
waiting list,” Sasse said. “But most
of the students had made arrange
ments to live somewhere else.”
Sasse said most students living in
apartments are required to sign a
nine-month lease. “Usually the
lease can’t be broken,” Sasse said.
“Even if a lease can be broken,
there are not many people who
could afford the change from an
apartment to dorm.”
Sasse explained that the student
making the change would probably
have to forfeit the apartment de
posit, sublease the apartment, pay
for the dorm space and pay the
dorm deposit.
Sasse said that about 30 of the 145
spaces were filled by “walk-ins,”
people who had not applied for a
dorm space, but came into the hous
ing office and asked for a space. “We
didn’t take any walk-ins until we had
checked with people on the waiting
list,” Sasse said. There were 30
walk-ins, 20 men and 10 women.
“After we assigned the walk-ins
there were still about 115 empty
spaces,” said Sasse. “We have done
everything we can to fill the
spaces,” he said. “There isn’t much
more we can do.”
shIrts Hh
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The babies were delivered by
Caesarean section.
Three girls — weighing 3 pounds,
4 ounces; 3 pounds, 5 ounces, and 4
pounds, 8 ounces — were born to
Thomas and Jane Cooper of
The Cooper infants were put in
the hospital’s special care nursery as
a precaution “because they are so
little,” the spokeswoman said.
Tell the Battalion just ‘What’s Up’
The What’s Up column is for or
ganizations, clubs and societies that
want to inform readers.
Information should be submitted
on a form available in The Battalion,
Room 216, Reed McDonald Build
Information should include the
name of the organization, time and
place of the meeting, and any im
portant details, like the subject of
the meeting.
Forms are next to the black box in
the Battalion office. Information
should be submitted three days
prior before the event.
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