THE BATTALION Page 11 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1979 en Herstory’ out, A&M prof says By RUTH GRAVES Battalion Reporter in historical writings, a ac k in exchii >ms. " pparently s to the el thatthf are carelil Women have been practically ignored Texas A&M historian said Tuesday night. Dr. Sara Alpern, who teaches American and women’s history here, discussed the subject of her recently completed dissertation — Freda Kirch wey. Alpern’s speech in the Memorial Student Center was sponsored by Phi Delta Gamma, graduate and professional women’s honorary soci ety, and South Central Women’s Studies Association. Kirchwey, she said, deserves inclusion in American history be cause of her achievements while working on the liberal journal The Nation. Kirchwey owned, edited and published The Nation from 1937 to 1955. She was influential during her own lifetime, Alpern said, yet she is "virtually invisible’ in history. Because “we see what we expect to see, Alpern said, historians ignore women because women are not expected to hold important political, economic and military positions. “We see men as making history, Alpern said. Kirchwey, Alpern said, lived in a time that was characterized by the changing of generally accepted roles of women. Since Kirchwey was a pioneer in choosing what was considered to be a male role, she had problems trying to balance her three identities: wife, mother and professional. Alpern’s research on Kirchwey s life included interviewing Kir chwey s only living son and sorting “nine liquor boxes of uncataloged papers. Much of the information about Kirchwey’s personal life, Alpern said, was found in letters Kirchwey wrote to her husband, Evans Clark. A new trend in women’s history, the historian said, deals with women who have acomplishments outside of traditional male roles. The little historical coverage women have had in the past, she said, dealt mainly with professional women. If women haven’t been in positions of power, who cares?’ she said. For example, Alpern said, history should include the ordinary roles of women — homemaker or cook. “Why not rewrite history with women in it?, Alpern said. 1 More Swedes die from suicide than traffic accidents United Press International STOCKHOLM — More Swedes died of suicide than in traffic acci dents last year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. The bureau said Monday 1,626 people died of suicide in 1978, a 4 percent increase over the year be fore, while 1,073 deaths were caused by motor vehicle accidents. “In 592 other cases it was uncer tain whether the fatal injury was ac cidental or selfinflicted. These ... were chiefly poisoning and drown- ings,” the bureau said. ‘Bernie” Catfish & “Clyde” Chicken Have A Special For You ... 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United States if the nearly com et. isaidtkijUcr Carter agree i of theco ^ i. . ^ of photo? b 78 exchange den. f i indudeit correspondents d at about! r Analyzer' United Press International Polaroid fVASmNGTON — Chinese Vice mier Teng Hsiaoping today gave il approval to an exchange of re- ters with the United States, semesteri fd° use sources said. ipment”Bfl le sources said the subject was ’ "iQunced by President Carter in third meeting with Teng. He cl the Chinese official that the jited States feels strongly about need for a free exchange of jour- sts. , dien Teng agreed, according to sources, Carter added in a jok- ig tone, “I must warn you that Berican journalists will feel free to iamer^U on everything, just as they ee it. In fact, I’d like to send you bout ten thousand. ” jiTeng laughed and said, “That’s many. ” scolding to State Department rces, the Chinese have agreed ially to accept resident corre- wdents from UPf, AP, the Wash- ton Post and The New York Dr. Sara Alpern, a member of the history department at Texas A&M University, spoke to a graduate and professioanl women’s honorary association and South Central Women’s Studies Association Tuesday night. Alpern’s speech covered the life of Freda Kirchwey, a leading journalist and publisher of Nation magazine from 1937 to 1955. Battalion photo by Lynn Blanco about $2( her items, ;et us vere p: ystem for >ut now also foi cel a stul pleted SALT agreement is signed because the Soviet Union’s strategic strength “may surpass the United States in the near future.” As for Teng’s verbal attacks on the Soviets during the interview, which was published in the Washington Star Monday, and his call for an al liance with the United States and other Western powers “to place curbs on the polar bear,” Carter is walking a tightrope, trying to keep a balance and avoid jeopardizing a SALT agreement, aides said. , , TThe attitude of the Cjiinietie a§-far ’as'" the* Soviets are con'cifefhhd is not ^ markedly different in private than it is in public,’ they said. Both Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance have not given an inch in their differences with Teng on the question of Russia. urgfi IntemuHonil inn.— A tly spool vhen he lash of his picture family sffll , nc ,y t0 establish a news bureau y mera on iam, “Anrf look at it and I gues- 1 d it on tie said a bo it •emaineii lis house [2, buttle! 11 until W : film (level lictures l* re,” Stitt® :ne kind c ! hey said they expected the ernment-run New China News Aerobic Special Running Shoes ^BROOKS Villanovia 16 88 Waffle trainers i Men and Women Easyrider Men & Ladies $10 off regular price 5= ? • ? 1 7 l ocker Room "Sportshoes Unlimited" Washington. 822 VILLA MARIA (ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL) OPEN MON-SAT. 9:30-6 I I I I .1 .0 office lot' y|US . : YOU V0 f local s, 6:50 jYOFTHf hursda^ toWTH^ d grow® metoW^ UP (for f ir 22-^ ES...CJ (REDOIN! 3 rget „.I IP SERjl SKI LAKE TAHOE TEXAS A&M SNOW SKI CLUB MARCH 11 - MARCH 17 'A f : * ' , / t $ 299 00 INCLUDES: AIR TRANSPORTATION CAR WHILE IN LAKE TAHOE CONDOMINIUM LODGING WITH COOKING FACILITIES 5 FULL DAYS OF SKIING 3 DAY LIFT TICKET SIGN UP IN ROOM 216 M.S.C. 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