Latin 4 re nee city off*! e.\i»ner., the souJ 1 to decn tl by some 1 Latin Ai what’s up also eonlijj military dj el capitaln-l Friday WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CONFERENCE: The fourth annual I Conference on Women in Engineering will be hosted by the Soci- I ety of Women Engineers section at Texas A&M today and tomor- ■ row. It will present opportunities in engineering to high school { students, their parents and counselors. A banquet is set tonight with a speech by Rose Barnas of Proctor and Gamble. ILLEL CLUB: There will be a dinner at 6:35 p.m. at the Synagogue. For more information call Ben at 845-3070. ASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: Eric Taylor is featured with special guest Lyle Lovett. Performances will begin at 8 p.m. SWdM TEAM: The men’s and women’s swim teams will meet Rice University at 7:30 p.m. GYMNASTICS: The team will compete in the OSU, University of I Kansas, A&M Optionals in Stillwater, Okla. AGGIE CINEMA: “Annie Hall,” in which Woody Allen and Diane I Keaton team up in this comedy about relationships in today’s GINBOTlli ■ society, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. (PG). ' MIDNIGHT MOVIE: “Everything You Always Wanted To Know 1 itsn d I ^ ex W ere Afraid To Ask, a comedy in which Woody ^ I Allen dwells explicitly and probingly on the mysteries and an- ma !}, llStl I xieties of sex, will be shown in Rudder Theater. (R). to illustraif ■ t of a net I Saturday ( l | ,] BASKETBALL: The Texas Aggie Men’s Basketball Team will travel m a "6fH to H° uston t° P^y Rice University at 12:40 p.m. le forhisIf§VVIM TEAM: The men’s team will compete against the University for bidsoiB of Texas at Arlington in Downs Natatorium in Arlington at 3 p.m. The me GYMNASTICS: The team will compete in the ORU, University of Kansas, A&M Optionals in Tulsa, Okla. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: Eric Taylor is featured with special guest Lyle Lovett. Performances begin at 8 p.m. WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CONFERENCE: Featured today are a panel discussion by professional women engineers, depart ment tours, industrial exhibits and a barbecue. LORICULTURE CLUB PLANT SALE: There will be a plant sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Floriculture Greenhouses. POWERLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS: TAMU will host the 1979 AAU Texas Teenage Powerlifting Championships at DeWare Fieldhouse that will begin at 10 a. m. and run all day. The public is invited. For more information call 822-2587. lenditureol I. “We end that wedij hitects fo: re substal cost $235. archited he high lelay bel substation] (1 design • ni 'AGGIE CINEMA: “Casablanca, starring Humphrey Bogart, about a reUKy Pope United Press International VATICAN CITY — Pope John ul II appointed the Rev. John arthy this week as an auxiliary Bishop John Morkovski of Galves- and Houston. McCarthy, 48, from Houston, be- e a priest in 1956 and was until executive director of the Texas holic Conference. FRENCH’S SCHOOLS “Your child’s home away from home” Call or come by one of our four locations College Station Wee Aggieland - 1711 Village 693-9900 French’s Care-A-Lot - 900 University Oaks 693-3011 Bryan Royal Tot - 110 Royal Street 846-4503 < Kiddo Campus - 4351 Carter Creek 846-1037 Provide your child with the best. Infant care, pre-school care, 1st grade, night care. JP 1 iral Do You See Yourself: As the next John Travolta, Conversing in Swedish, or Saving Some one’s Life with CPR? Then. . . MSC Free University is for you! Classes offered this semester in: Disco CPR First Aid French “42” Orienteering Microcomputer Juggling Stockmarket Flower Arrg. Jogging C&W Dance Job Placement Wine Making Arabic Auto Repair Swedish Job Placement Defensive Driving Self Defense Bartending Powder-puff mech. Women’s Lib & The Bible Relaxation Astrology Wine Tasting Personal Finance Ham Radio Social & Rec. Dance Vet. Medicine for Pets Registration: Thursday, Feb. 1 1-7 p.m. MSC 124 NO PRE-REGISTRATION For more information call: Free U 845-1515 Monday The Easy Life January 29 $1.00 Rudder Theater 8:00 PM. Director: Dine Risi MSC Arts Committee R ;VVe Carry a Complete Stock of Photo-journalism Supplies. Including Kodak Paper. Chemicals and Hardware. IcXAiPUS. I I 4 14 CENTER INC. 401 University Dr. College Station,Texas I 713/846-5418 77840 Kodak PRODUCTS ^ggLelondTs^i GRAND OPENING with every purchase get a free t-shirt over 50 t-shirts to be given away GRAND PRIZE 1 shirt/month/yr. COME ON OVER AND CHECK US OUT CULPEPPER PLAZA 693-0618 WARMUPS CAPS SPORTSWEAR EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD is another good reason to put your Deferred Compensation Savings with BB&L BB&L PAYS 8% (an effective annual yield of 8.33%) on Deferred Compensation savings ac counts from the first day of deposit. The minimum monthly deposit is only $25 and there are abso lutely no costs to participate. If you are a member of the University faculty or staff, a school teacher, an employee of a govern mental agency or an independent contractor to one of these, Deferred Compensation at BB&L may save you taxes. For more information on Deferred Compensation, give us a call. We’ll handle the paperwork and coordinate with your employer. There are lots of good reasons to save at BB&L. An 8.33% yield on Deferred Compensation savings is one of the best. Your savings institution MAIN OFFICE: 2800 Texas Avenue • Bryan, Texas 77801 • 779-2800