Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1979 JNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER- 1 U 846-6714 & 846-1151 ' CINEMA II = — PG Full Service Laundry ★ Washateria ★ Dry Cleaning ★ Starch and Iron ★ Wash, dry and fold CLEAN AIR CONDITIONED No waiting 81 machines to serve you. * h8 AHCINnYl 3702 S. College Pope trip journey of faith, hope United Press International ROME — Pope John Paul II left for Latin America today on the first foreign journey of his three-month reign. He called the journey a “pil grimage of faith.” “The pope is going to certain areas of the New World as a mes senger of the Gospel for the millions of brothers and sisters who believe in Christ,” the pope told a crowd gathered at the airport before board ing his white, green and red three- engined jet. The pope took off from Fiumicino Airport aboard a special jet of the Italian airline, Alitalia. His first stop was Santo Domingo in the Domini can Republic. The pope said the bishops con- fererence will deal with “important problems...concerning the pastoral action of the people of God which in the light of the Second Vatican Council should take into account the complex local socio-political situa tion.” After celebrating mass with Roman Catholic bishops from the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba and Puerto Rico, the pope will con tinue to Mexico today.There he will confront one of the most difficult problems facing the church — pro moting human rights while curbing priests who side with Marxism. opens the third Latin Episcopal Conference - JL — in the Mexican city ofP^Bp weekend. Because of his experie^B Communist rule, the sou^B the pope is certain to decnij Vatican sources said the 58-year- old pope is likely to steer a cautious, middle-of-the road course when he solutions advocated by som ( j as the remedy to Latin aJ social problems. Sources said he also could pected to criticize military j] ships and unbridled capitaL Sun Theatres BATTALION CLASSIFIED PULLS! CallJ845726li 333 University 846 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 12 Noon - 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS 846-9808 M M QL11I111IIX1IIIIIII Th i s weekend two midniqht movies to choose between. Tickets go on sale at 10:30. V $ i •# ;M- ■ .■ .. : : ■ ■ . K : . •• ■ A • * m ,, Friday & Saturday Midnight ALL SEATS: $1.25 A I T TIIII T T T T T T f T n BARBARA BROADCAST MANOR EAST DOLBY STEREO TRIANGLE BASED ON THE BOOK BY CHARLES BERLITZ filmed in □□ dolby rmao •I97t Sunn CIbmIc Picture*. Inc. G| 7-35-9:45 America’s favorite family is back AU-»* e>N WILDEmSS FAMILY 2 They left civilizMtion... never to re PARTi starring ROBERT F LOGAN • SUSAN DAMANTE SHAWf’WS’* 7:30-9:30 HEATHER RATTRAY - HAM LARSEN A PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES INC RELEASE -CoioibrC Fi Cunt iASTWOOD WILL TURN YOU ‘Every Which Way But Loose’ A AAAI PASO COMPANY FILM —. iPUr] DistnOuien by WARNER BROS LY" 7:20-9:45 FRI.-SAT. MIDNIGHT AN HILARIOUS COMEDY SLAP SHOT STARRING PAUL NEWMAN MICHAEL ONTREAN SKYWAY TWIN WEST DEATH DIMENSION PLUS FEARLESS FIGHTER EAST SUNSET COVE PLUS GIRLS IN TROUBLE CAMPUS 7:45-9:45 It was the Deltas against the rules... the rules lost! NATIONAL LAMFBBNV animal vtmnm A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR'" 1 FRI.-SAT. MIDNIGHT: ROCKY HORROR CS coum approve firehouse WOMEN I E Conferei 1 ety of W H row. It 1 | students I with a sj ILLEL ( Synagog ASEMEN guest Ly SWIM TE/ Universi GYMNAST Kansas, AGGIE CD Keaton society, midnigh About Si Allen dv xieties o BASKETB/ to Hous SWIM TE7 of Texas GYMNAST Kansas, ASEMEN guest L) WOMEN ] are a pa ment toi LORICU] from 10 By KEVIN HIGGINBOTfl Battalion Reporter At the College Station CityC oil’s first meeting in its newj bers, one councilman usej “frills” in the room to illustmj objection to the cost of a net substation. Thursday night Council James Dozier called the the new council room a "frf cited it as an example for hi vote on authorization forbids new fire substation. The mi did pass. “1 question the expenditure j money,” Dozier said. “Weed] with all these frills that we want.” Dozier blamed architects foi high price of the fire substal which is expected to cost Timothy Keneipp, architect the project, blamed the high the building on the delay hi the initial idea for the substation the actual planning and design ‘‘Dozier thinks it’s my fail Keneipp said, “but they’re theti who screwed up by holding me for three years." The council had come toKei with the idea for the substal three years ago, but had notl I selected a site. According I Keneipp, an architect cannotdei AllDNIGH a building without knowing whet f About S will he. I be show The new fire substation will | about $60 per square foot, bet | which is less than the $80-83) 1 square foot cost of the Bryan suh fHOHSE J 1 tion. I « onwil Dozier was the only council]] 1 ‘ )ers on * to vote against authorizing the hi No date was set for opening I bids. In other action, the council rected the fire department tohej enforcing the fire lane ordinancesi the city. The ordinance states! any building more than 150 ygi from a major thoroughfare » r have an open lane for firetruck Before the unanimous vote, soi councilmen said the enforcemti should he delayed in Culpeppi Plaza. They said many of the owners did not know about the* dinance before they leased space in the shopping center. POWERLI AAU Te FieldhoT invited. AGGIE CTI I war torn Ingrid B GGIE Gil fanatical that Hui be show the Ani contest. AGGIE C] Allen, ii be show road fib sports c Trintign econom Rudder The council agreed that the situ tion at Culpepper Plaza was bada should be remedied Plans for the consideration HUD-subsidized housing were bled hy the council when it lei that no funds for this are available! Brazos County. The council however, it will try to persua! HUD to provide the funds. ext AGGIE CINEMAI Admission: $ 1.00 with TAMU ID Woody Allen Festival United P Vatican II appoi Earthy this lishop John and Housl IcCarthy, - a priest f executive holic Conf Lina Wertmuller’s ANNIE HALL EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO Friday January 26 KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK 8 p.m. Auditorium Fri. & Sat. Jan. 26 & 27 Midnight Theater ALL SCREWED UP I CASABLANCA (starring Humphrey Bogart) AND TAKE THE "BREATHTAKING ... EXUBERANTLY FUNNY! Watching ‘All Screwed Up’ Is to be witness to a great talent." —Vincent Canby, NY Times "A BRILLIANT MOVIE that must be seen several times!" —flex Reed PLAY IT AGAIN SAM MONEY AND RUN "Funny, poignant... LINA WERTMULLER’S BEST YET!" —Kevin Sanders, WABC-TV “UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY. A strong entertaining, daring film from Wertmuller!" -William Wolf, CUE Sat., Jan. 27 CASA.- 8 p.m. Theater SAM - 10 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. January 28 Theater Tuesday January 30 8 p.m. Rudder Theater