The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 1979, Image 7

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^Campus Names
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Doyle Butler named
\ teacher training
j Dr. M. Doyle Butler has been
promoted to head of the Vo
cational Industrial Teacher Edu
cation Training Division of the
Texas Engineering Extension
I Service.
Butler holds a doctorate in
educational administration from
Oklahoma State University. He
also received a master’s degree
I in trade and industrial education
I and a bachelor’s degree in indus
trial arts from Oklahoma State.
He joined the staff of the Texas
I Engineering Extension Serice in
July 1977 after serving as direc-
I tor of the Northeast Oklahoma
I Area Vocational-Technical
School’s south campus for two
In addition to 14 years of ex
perience in vocational-technical
education, Butler has 18 years of
experience in industry.
J.O. Lewis assumes
new training position
J.O. Lewis of College Station
is head of the new Telecom
munications Training Division of
the Texas Engineering Extension
Service at Texas A&M Univer
Lewis has been with the train
ing division eight years and was a
training specialist before assum
ing the duties of division head.
“The appointment of a new di
vision head results from the sep
aration of the Telecommunica
tions Training Division from the
Electric Power Utilities Training
Division,” said James R. Brad
ley, division director.
Lewis worked in the tele
phone industry 17 years as a
cable splicer and outside plant
engineer before joining the
Texas A&M staff.
New specialists join
Sea Grant College
Two marine advisory
specialists have joined the staff of
the Texas A&M University Sea
Grant College Program, an
nounced Feen&fi* Jennings, Sea
Grant director.
Ken Pagans, marine recrea
tion specialist, is located at the
Texas A&M Research and Exten
sion Center in Corpus Christi.
He will work with county marine
agents to assist communities in
planning and providing marine-
related recreational services and
facilities, with support from pri
vate and public sources.
Pagans received a bachelors
degree in forestry and
environmental sciences from
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and a masters degree from Texas
A&M University in extension
and adult education.
Nelson Swartz, marine eco
nomics specialist, will assist all
segments of the commercial fish
ing industry with economic mat
ters. Additionally, he will con
duct research on the economics
of seafood production and mar
keting, through the Agricultural
Economics Department at Texas
Swartz received a bachelor’s
degree in microbiology and a
master’s degree in agricultural
economics from the University of
Arizona and a doctorate in
marine economics from Oregon
State University.
Texaco agrees to pay $169,400 in
penalties to Port Arthur refinery
United Press International
PORT ARTHUR — Texaco Inc.
federal safety enforcers and the re
finery workers union have agreed
Texaco will pay one of the largest job
safety penalties in history, officials
said Wednesday.
The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration recom
mended $394,000 in penalties after
inspections in 1977 and 1978 led to
safety violation charges at Texaco’s
Port Arthur refinery, where eight
workers died in a March 1978 fire.
The figure was reduced to
$169,400 by agreement Tuesday
among OS HA, Texaco and the Oil,
Chemical and Atomic Workers Local
4-23. The settlement was tentative
and requires approval by OS HA
Administrative Judge Erwin Stuller.
“To my knowledge it is the largest,
but I can’t be definite,” said Frank
Pierce of Local 4-23, although
spokesmen for Texaco and OSHA
said they were uncertain.
“Were pleased with the settle
ment because we feel that we re
going to get some immediate relief in
the area of safety at the Port Arthur
refinery,” Pierce said.
A Texaco spokesman said, “The
agreement emphasizes it is not an
admission of negligence, violation of
law or breach of duty by Texaco.”
“The Department of Labor felt it
was in the best interests of em
ployees and we felt this was a very
good settlement,” an OSHA
spokesman said. “The purpose is not
necessarily to save time and money.
It’s to get violations abated.”
A total of 180 alleged violations,
ranging from inadequate emergency
rescue procedures to excessive dis
tance between ladder rungs, were
involved in the new settlement.
Pierce, chairman of Local 423’s
Texaco refinery unit, said the
agreement includes “precedent-
setting” provisions for improved
emergency rescue procedures and
safety training.
“It means we can pursue these fur
ther in the rest of the industry,”
Pierce said.
Professor cites changes
Writing skills improving
■v. International
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Battalion Reporter
I — J^Btudents today are much more
rX ▼ vUi awlUf l) ^ th® importance of good writ
ing skills in their lives, a Texas A&M
University professor said Monday,
r. Claude Gibson, an English
lessor, said, “Kids are coming out
u u Kcuuiigh school weak in writing skills.
Most college kids realize this weak-
n t Ju ge !;i i} ess anc l are making an effort to cor-
on tor dissolili 1 A, .. »
on rect it.
a , ;r u -HCibson recently conducted a six-
“J 1 , 1 ' month survey of 486 college and uni
versity English departments across
a Jones ot United States, sampling changes
>r all pradd .] the undergraduate English cur _
ofthechurek feulum
i eec e ®)'® RjGibson found that nearly one third
ii o is ii ii,i of a H new courses offered in college
n ‘j ,un j| s l ' and university English departments
uu 1 over the past three years have been
iting courses.
ibson attributes part of the in-
ased interest in writing courses to
p demands of business.
‘Everyone is requiring writing
Ills,” he said. “A typical young en-
eer or businessman is being asked
to write more. Ifhe is good at writing
fll be in good shape. There is a
at demand for kids who can write
posals, reports and the everyday
of writing that needs to be
iThe study revealed that not only is
[ere an increased interest in writ-
hut the type of writing being
fri car
display - msc
Gibson said that in Texas A&M’s
English department, as at most
schools, the greatest number of
courses are in writing. He pointed
out that 22 percent of all students
taking writing courses here are doing
so on an elective basis.
“I believe students are discover
ing just how important writing is,”
he said. “The important thing is for
students to learn all aspects of writ
ing. There must be a happy medium,
not just one aspect of writing to the
exclusion of another.”
Gibson noted that schools are also
working on such problems as class
size, course load and lack of qualified
faculty and graduate students to staff
the new classes.
“If the survey shows one thing,”
he said, “it is that English depart
ments are having to take into account
more than ever before the teaching
of writing.
“Students are realizing more and
more that writing is a definite fact of
life,” Gibson said. “The art of com
munication is becoming more impor
tant now than ever before.”
Sponsored by:
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ght has also changed.
(“The pendulum has swung
und,” he said. “The emphasis has
itched from the literature-based
e of writing to the more practical
aspects of writing such as composi-
tijbn skills, letter writing
rop.jrn'i pi ft saifBtodt-fiwiv'tg wa-w
courtesy of
Your courses are only Va your education. MSC
ARTS COMMITTEE can provide the rest.
If you are interested in art, modern literature,
live performance (including theatre) or film,
come to our semester organizational meeting:
Thursday January 25
8:00 p.m.
Room 140A MSC
Rosewood Junction announces a Valen
tines Day Giveaway. 14 carat gold
chains will be given away in nightly draw
ings with a chance to win an emerald on
Saturday night. On Feb. 14, the grand
prize winner will receive a $2,000 heart-
shaped diamond. Come on in to
Rosewood and register to win.
vlth qualified
tiono! origin,
ietnam era.
Applications for the Following
MSC Leadership Positions
Now Being Accepted.
MSC President -
deadline January 26
MSC Council officers -
deadline February 7
MSC Committee Chairmen -
deadline February 21
Applications are available in Room
216 of the Memorial Student Center.
. -V . .