The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 1979, Image 11

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'•fork and Mindy and Mindy. ^ ^ ^ Flim-flammed by
amy persists in ‘establishment a drowned fish?
> International
— What planetj H United Press International
is farthest from SALT LAKE CITY — They are
uto, you’re wrt* iota couple. They are a triple.
0 years, Plutoi He and she and she practice
planet of the siliolygamy. The handsome husband
g. to the Aim Ld his two attractive wives sit in
Planetarium,j their living room and talk about it.
jptune, usualj, The young professional man
m the sun, will mngs his glass of sangria out of the
sun than Plulo, each of the prowling arms of one of
t 57 seconds j heir five children and laughs,
iday. At thatiJ "Polygamy is better than
to switched pbtjnonotony,” he said.
Pluto willbedj
Wife Number One and Wife
Neptune, Dim Number Two smile. They share a
eptune will be laugh about his being a male
chauvinist pig.
“Let’s call it patriarchal,” the hus-
artrand III,ilj mmI sa kl_ “That’s it. Patriarchal.”
Ijpife Number One grins. “Pa-
Iriarchall He can’t even grow a
tarium, said ft
tical orbit,
mused Chartri jeard ’
we rnayhavefoi
^Jife Number Two sets down her
t planet, andft foetsoft drink with her left hand. She
ver its statusasi :ee p S a six-month-old son cradled in
ler right arm.
“And he can’t — or won’t —
Bge a diaper,” said Wife Number
[wo. “Maybe that’s patriarchal.”
Hie triple laughs and relax and
olar system,
liseovered in
•avitational puli
inner planet. I
•ities in theorli
nation ofth
hie United Wj
ation gap, d
■ontend, hi
always Havel
in panics and I
least 75 perce
If anything;
ave to go up, 1
the discover) e ttle on the sofa and overstuffed
ell Observatoij hairs by the living room fireplace,
ns have founj [hey are sort of Mork & Mindy &
it bigger than! lindy.
earch contiam Butthis is Salt Lake City, capital of
[he Church of Jesus Christ of
ir-day Saints and polygamy is
keleton in the Mormon com
ity closet. The thought makes
helmiles fade.
The husband, a tall man with the
auscles of the granite men on
iployee camps nonuments in the squares of the
prairie and mountain pioneer states,
runs five fingers through the blond
hair of Wife Number One’s second
“It’s dangerous to be a polygamist
in a Mormon world. It’s like being a
Jew in Nazi Germany,” he said.
Through a parlor window, across
snow and down a hill, shines the
golden-lit spires of the Mormon
Temple. The threesome call it “the
big church over there.”
Across Main Street from the Tem
ple, on the 25th floor of the Mor
mons’ office building, sits Jerry
P. Cahill, the church’s director of
press relations. For a questioner, he
speaks the Mormon view: “Any
member of the Church who advo
cates or practices polygamy is sub
ject to excommunication.”
A century ago Mormons practiced
polygamy. Brigham Young, the Salt
Lake City founder, had 27 wives.
Federal laws and federal troops
helped undo the practice; the church
announced God had told the faithful
that polygamy belongs only in the
next world.
That settled. Mormons prospered
monogamously. Few other cities can
boast Salt Lake City’s richness, its
clean streets, its order, its low crime
rate. Perhaps nowhere else does Es
tablishment America so shine, a
place where doors are held open for
women, a downtown where stran
gers say hello and probably mean it.
But polygamy did not die. In
Utah, on the Arizona border, up in
Washington, out in the rural reaches
of the church, men amassed wives.
Polygamy was not the only cause of
the religious war among Joseph
Smith’s followers.
Mormons refer to the dissidents as
the fundamentalists. It is fundamen
talists who cherish polygamy. The
fundamentalists hold the church has
departed from the good “old ways.”
For example, the fundamentalists
do not believe the president of the
Mormon Church is a living prophet.
The Mormons and the fundamen-
tchool day-care centers
efficient or dehumanizing?
k Cary of Inti—
achines Corpi I
company puH
M, after
United Wayl
I million over
“dccl in increi
3.8 million in
;t year
IBM officers
lours of their
effort. Manaffi
Who s to look after the infants and
reschool children of working
Who s to see that “latch-key kids,”
[oung school-age offspring of
Ing mothers, don’t harm them-
Jves or others when left on their
^refore school opens and after
lopular-but-debated answer:
chools with vacant space into
re centers.
ponents of school-run day care
that facilities are in place,
^t ltar y classrooms are emptying
2 i division 5 to fewer births, and there is a
irk for a I) 1 luiplus of teachers,
m was .pratfjM
s distributer!! But critics say such a plan better
jerves the needs of unemployed
lared to makesBers than children and that day
1 Way cair Ve |s different from schooling,
the kind ofpeorFlrthcU argue those opposing the
public school control of day
ill institutionalize — in the
sense of the word — the care of
Sere’s been more heat than light
she absolutelil the controversy to date, according
n jafnes A. Levine, Ford Founda-
ollow thn
not just "lei
ime, Cary is
no one was d
tion consultant on child care and so
cial policy.
Levine, also Research Associate at
the Wellesley College Center for
Research on Women, has just com
pleted a report, “Day Care and the
Public Schools” (Education De
velopment Center, Newton, Mass.).
Levine comes out against “pre
sumed prime sponsorship” of day
care by public schools. He argues
decisions about control should be
made at the local level.
However, he suggests a “largely
neglected” possibility: public-
private sponsorship in which parent
or community groups use public
school facilities to operate day care
In the report, Levine reports on
five communities in which schools
involved day care in different ways.
Included are Oakland, Calif.; Brook
line, Mass.; Atlanta, Ga.; Austin;
and Anderson 5 and Pickens
County, S.C.
Capsules of his report:
—Oakland children’s centers,
preschool and after-school care: The
oldest and one of the largest. Oper
ated by school district. Serves 2,200,
infancy to 14. Uses 20 facilities adja
cent to elementary schools and four
on community college campuses. In
1974 the Oakland Unified School
District agreed to give its certified
Children’s Centers teachers the
same salary and the same 180-day
work year as other public school
There is parental involvement.
Fees are keyed to income. Small in
comes mean little or no fees; bigger
incomes, bigger fees.
—Austin Infant and Toddler Care,
part of Education for Parenthood
Pilot Project: In this partnership, the
Austin Independent School District
teams with Child Inc., Austin’s
largest private non-profit day care
agency, to offer day care to some 80
infants and toddlers. Four high
school-based Infant and Family De
velopment Centers care for the chil
dren while their teen-aged parents
attend school. The centers also serve
as laboratories for an Education for
Parenthood Project available to all
high school students.
talists argue doctrine; polygamy is
but the best known, the noisy
In his carpeted office, Cahill said
he has heard “the figure of 30,000
floated around” as to the number of
men, women and children in
polygamist families in Utah. “I think
it’s considerably less than that.” He
ruffles through some papers.
“My guess, well, my figures put it
at somewhere between 6,000 and
8,000,” Cahill said. He lists Utah as
having 840,000 persons, 72 percent
of the population, in the Mormon
Behind him, through a window
with a grander view than most old
masters, snows sprinkle on Ensign
Peak, on the State capitol the thrifty
Mormon state built With money from
a judgment against the estate of Av-
erell Harriman’s railroad baron
father. Down there, in the fore
ground haze, is the home of the
polygamist triple.
20% off all permanents with this
coupon. Valid thru January.
United Press International
NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — The Miami Herald caught the
crew of a charter fishing boat creating a fish story for an innocent Dallas
It all began on a charter fishing boat Monday that had been staked
out by reporters from the newspaper who had heard of shenanigans by
the crew.
Charles Crowe, a Dallas contractor, and his wife, Katie, were in
town for the Super Bowl and then took a sailfish expedition in the
Atlantic. Mrs. Crowe hooked one — her first billfish ever — and reeled
feverishly for 20 minutes. The fish didn’t have a fighting chance,
though. It was already dead.
The three Herald observers on a boat nearby had watched through
binoculars as mate Stan Saffan walked to the bow —r out of sight of the
passengers — and lowered a previously caught sailfish into the water.
Later, confronted by the Herald reporters, charter Capt. Jack Wig
gins would neither confirm nor deny that he had tricked the couple.
He did admit he had staged the deadfish trick “a couple of times over
the years. It makes a customer happy. They’re the happiest people in
the world when they catch a fish.
“It did seem to be lifeless when they got it on the boat,” Crowe said.
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