The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 1979, Image 10
Page iO THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979 Committee: keep troops in Korea United Press International WASHINGTON — American troops would suffer immediate and substantial casualties in war even if President Carter s withdrawal of fighting ground forces from South Korea was already complete, a Se nate group told the president Tues day. we have a chance to complete the overall reassessment” of North ver sus South Korean military strength. Carter’s withdrawal plan calls for leaving U.S. jet fighters and 9,000 airmen as well as 7,000 Army sup port troops, even though he would pull all the ground combat forces out by the end of 1982. The Armed Services Committee met with President Carter, urging him to halt withdrawals because new intelligence judgments indicate North Korea is more powerful than previously thought. The group said the continued mili tary presence as well as thousands of American civilians living in South Korea, would limit U.S. ability to stay out of a war and lead to “im mediate and substantial casualties.” Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., said in a news conference that to go ahead “would decrease deterrence, and any time you decrease deterrence you increase chances of war.” Nunn said U.S. combat forces are needed in South Korea at least “until Nunn said the new intelligence judgments, based on reevaluation of satellite photos, SR71 intelligence plane flights and other data, give North Korea 25 to 30 percent greater military capability than previously believed. FRENCH’S SCHOOLS “Your child’s home away from home” Cali or come by one of our four locations College Station Wee Aggieland - 1711 Village 693-9900 French’s Care-A-Lot - 900 University Oaks 693-3011 Bryan Royal Tot - 110 Royal Street 846-4503 Kiddo Campus - 4351 Carter Creek 846-1037 Provide your child with the best. Infant care, pre-school care, 1st grade, night care. Neptune nmtfork replaces Pli as ‘far out’ United Press International NEW YORK — What United Pi the solar system is farthest lioitij ; SAL I LAK I „ 0 t a couple. 1 He and shi The sun? If you said Pluto, you’rewoi For the next 20 years, Pluh not be the outer planet of the system, according, to the Amei Museum-Hayden, Planetarium, about 20 years Neptune, usuallvi eighth planet from the sun, will farther from the sun than It all started at 57 seconds 4:57 p.m. on Monday. Atthi Neptune and Pluto switched Until March 1999 Pluto willbedi to the sun than Neptune, Due |umber Two those 20 years, Neptune will be: Hh about ninth planet from the sun. ;hauvinist pig. Dr. Mark R. ChartrandIIf | LJsaid. “Th man of the planetarium, said Hi fwife Numb has a highly elliptical orbit, | r jarchal! He “Who knows?” mused Chartn Igamy. This two al heir living roc The young Jigs his glas: |h of the pn Jieff five child | “Polygamy Jotony,” he Wife Numl Wife Numbe “perhaps by 1999 we mayhavefot a still more distant planet, andP Uetkoftdrink v will have lost forever its statusas :ee p s a six-mor boundary of the solar system.” r Neptune was discovered in 1| I Of course it wont fly in here, hut . . . result of its gravitational pull hange a diaper Uranus, the next inner planet, [woj “Maybe t expected irregularities ip the oi| ' * Neptune led to the discover ^ttle on the hairs by the li Scott Macaluso, an aerospace engineering senior, talks to Texas A&M students about the Texas A&M Hang-Gliding Club. The club set up a glider in the lobby of the MSC Tues- (Jay. Buttulion photo by Hurlic Collier Pluto at the Lowell Observatoi] 1930. Investigations have found fhel are sort planet with an orbit bigger than: fond of Pinto, but the search continni Charities want more from firms United Press International NEW YORK — If community funds for charity in the United States are to close the inflation gap between giving and purchasing power, which reached $65 million as early as 1965, giving by corporations will have to grow enormously. John D. deButts, chairman of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., has been conducting a cam paign for just that. Under deButts’s leadership, the United Way, the league whose name virtually all community funds are known by today, has formulated a national corporate development program aimed at increasing com- DANCE & BEER BUST BAMBOO INN 3 1 A miles W. of Bryan on Hwy. 21 FEATURING “NUTHIN MUCH” BAND, COUNTRY-WESTERN. ALL THE DRAFT BEER YOU CAN DRINK FROM 8:00 P.M. TIL 11:00 P.M. THURS., JAN. 25, 1979. ADMISSION 5.00/ PERSON. 822-4782 - WELCOME AGGIES. LADIES FREE. THE FORTUNE COOKIES 1313 S. College - Bryan 822-7661 Serving Peking - Szechuan - Cantonese dishes THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1 OFF ALL DINNERS pany gifts from $320 million in 1977 to $900 million a year in 10 years. Traditionally, the biggest givers to United Way have been working people, through campaigns con ducted in offices and plants. United W'ay figures show the workers still give about 48.7 percent of the money raised; corporations, about 25 per cent. For years the corporate gifts and the contributions of rich individuals were lumped during a local cam paign in “the big gifts division” and this division was run rather haphazardly compared with the care- ful programming of the campaign among the workers. DeButts’s efforts, based on a guideline worked out by a team of Bell System economists, already have succeeded in raising corporate gifts. The formula fills a thick pamphlet, but it works something like this: A company has 43,000 domestic workers. Its average annual wage in 1976 was $10,525. It earned $3,700 per employee before taxes. The for mula produced a contribution guideline factor of $18.75 per em ployee or $806,250, which deButts’s group said this company should do nate to United Way campaigns in the cities where it operated. The con tributions coming from the custom ary campaigns among workers in the company’s factories and offices also were collected as usual. The deButts group already has persuaded 117 companies, many of them on the Fortune 500 list, to adopt the contribution guidelines. The companies also have company wide employee campaign commit ments. Another 27 large companies have committed themselves to the But this is Sal :he Church r-day Sail ikeleton ir ffity closet, e smiles fade The husband juscles of th company-wide employee campa nonuments in only Only the com hi nation of thesel programs will enable United Wi overcome the inflation gap, del and his group contend, bee community funds always have!i dependent on companies am' employees for at least 75 pen the annual gifts. If anything^^^ percentage may have to go up,I who's to look sa ^; reschool Chairman Frank Cary otlnlfi 0 fj) ers > tional Business Machines Corpi who s to see I recent article in a company putt tion, tells how IBM, after raisii! corporate gift to United Way $2.1 million to $4 million overl years, also succeeded in incre U] c l ose s? d." ler right arm. “An hid he The triple k \ch kffu chi lejfoung schi jng mother ilves or other: wn before sch with this coupon limit one coupon per customer # GET YOUR BASKETBALL ^ ■ SHOES AT THE LOCKER ROOM ■ atcyZtglflM - All court high top canvas 19 95 ropular-bi chools wi re center ponents o: that faci ntary clas: fewer b I I a I I- * CORVERSE - All star high top canvas 15 9S - All star high top leather 33 95 OPEN 9:30-6:00 the contributions of its employ® percent — from $3.8 million ini to $6.4 million last year, Cary and other IBM officers officials devoted hours of their sonal time to the effort. Manage: the company’s 22 divisions* brought to New’ York for a briefkBjU 0 f t eac Ii videotape program and 1,000 copies dishibiiteilBut critics sa branches. ^ Ves A e nei No effort was spared to makes^Bers than c the IBM United Way campa^Bs differeni workers would be the kind ofpftfurther, argi who would follow throi thoroughly and not just “lei card” or write a letter. At the same time, Cary stern orders that no one was s been made to feel he or she absolutelsE* controvei to give. ^Janies A. Le public sc ill instit sense of tl children. Lorker Room ar "SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED" 822 vTlLA MARIA RD ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL 779-9484 EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD is another good reason to put your Deferred Compensation Savings with BB&L BB&L PAYS 8% (an effective annual yield of 8.33%) on Deferred Compensation savings ac counts from the first day of deposit. The minimum monthly deposit is only $25 and there are abso lutely no costs to participate. If you are a member of the University faculty or staff, a school teacher, an employee of a govern mental agency or an independent contractor to one of these, Deferred Compensation at BB&L may save you taxes. For more information on Deferred Compensation, give us a call. We’ll handle the paperwork and coordinate with your employer. There are lots of good reasons to save at BB&L. An 8.33% yield on Deferred Compensation savings is one of the best. Your savings institution MAIN OFFICE: 2800 Texas Avenue • Bryan. Texas 77801 • 779-2800 MSC CRAFT SHOP SCHEDULE OF SPRING WORKSHOPS Registration begins Monday Jan. 29,10 a.m., Craft Shop. MONDAY LATHE 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 12- MAR. 5 STAINED GLASS A 7:00-9:30 P.M. FEB. 12- MAR. 26 DRAWING 7:30-9:30 P.M. FEB. 19 - APR. 2 CAKE DECORATING 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 19- APR. 16 SUNCATCHERS 7:00-9:00 P.M. APRIL 2- 16 TUESDAY GLASS ETCHING 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 13- MAR. 20 SILKSCREENING 6:00-8:00 P.M. FEB. 13- MAR. 27 SAND TERRARIUMS 7:00-8:30 P.M. FEB. 13- MAR. 27 QUILTING 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 13- MAR. 27 POTTERY A 1:00-3:00 P.M. FEB. 13 - APR. 10 POTTERY B 7:30-9:30 P.M. FEB. 13 - APR. 10 BASIC FURNITURE 7:00-9:30 P.M. FEB. 20 - APR . 3 WATERCOLOR 7:30-9:30 P.M. FEB. 27 - APR. 24 STAINED GLASS C 7:00-9:30 P.M. MAR. 20-APR. 24 EMBROIDERY 7:30-9:00 P.M. MAR. 20“APR. 24 FRAMING & MATTING 7:00-9:00 P.M. APRIL 3 - 24 WEDNESDAY SHOP SAFETY A 7:00-9:30 P.M. FEB. 14 — 21 NEEDLEPOINT 6:30-7:30 P.M. FEB. 14 -MAR. 7 CROCHET 7:30-9:00 P.M. FEB. 14 -MAR. 7 BATIK 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 14 - MAR. 28 BASKETS A 7:00-8:30 P.M. FEB. 21 - MAR. 21 NOMAD FURNITURE 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 28 - APR. 18 ANTIQUE REFINISHING 7:30-9:30 P.M. MAR. 21-APR 11 DECOUPAGE 7:00-9:00 P.M. MAR. 21 — APR. 18 BASKETS B 7:00-9:00 P.M. MAR. 28-APR. 25 THURSDAY SHOP SAFETY B 7:00-9:30 P.M. FEB.15 - 22 MACRAME 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 15 - MAR. 29 CHINA PAINTING 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 15- MAR. 29 STAIN GLASS B 7:00-9:30 P.M. FEB. 15 - MAR. 29 SPINNING & NATURAL DYES 7:00-9:00 P.M. FEB. 22 - MAR. 29 POTTERY C 5:00-7:00 P.M. FEB. 22 - APR. 19 POTTERY D 7:30-9:30 P.M. FEB. 22- APR. 19 UKRANIAN EGG PAINTING 7:00-9:00 P.M. MAR 8 - APR. 12 STAIN GLASS MIRRORS 7:00-9:30 P.M. APR. 5— MAY 3 FOR MORE INFO, WHY NOT COME DOWN TO THE MSC BASEMENT AND SEE US, OR CALL 845-1631. ★ ffiBBaSDS® X BKESEESa A Dorn Mm NITE 7s30- EVERY 12s00 MONDAY | V2 PRICE DRINKS NO COVER BRING YOUR BODY NITE M V 2 PRICE DRINKS EVERY TUESDAY NO COVER 7O0-im |**V*4r****i \i LA DIES NITl Ilf EVERY WEDNESDAY * V2 PRICE E J DRINKS I* I^GALS - NO COVER |>f GUYS - $1.50 COVER FREE BEER, WINi I AND COKES 25c BAR DRINKS i | <W.S - $2 so COVER 7:30-12:00 A.M GUYS UK® THIRSTY THUKSBlU FRIDAY A SATURDAY TOTAL SNTERTAINMEI sports nuM-uum ^msasum SN UNIVERSITY SQtMM, r TO SKAQ