The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 08, 1978, Image 1

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r he Battalion
llte 8y anj I '
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Vol. 72 No. 68
10 Pages
Friday, December 8, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
Retirement change ires profs
Several faculty members feel they
are being discriminated against by
new retirement regulations for the
Texas A&M University System,
which allow all employees but them
to work until they’re 70. See page 5.
St. John’s College in Annapolis,
Md., may be the answer for stu
dents who are tired of worrying
about grades and hearing only pro
fessors talk in class. See page 6.
ilxit from
)egun by
location; Unite Press International
6 St H Iran — The U.S. Embassy
'JicUiUi; ursday put into effect a contingency
pingCeri;; n ,0 evacuate dependents of offical
Irican personnel who “wish to leave”
idvance of expected weekend anti-
Irment demonstrations during
lem holy days.
Tt hran airport was jammed with Ameri-
) T! I Germans and others leaving Iran.
I the same time Western oil industry
Ices said strikes had forced Iran to shut
vlj jpipeline that carries natural gas to the
] let Union and reduced production in
istomer.plta t ern 0 j] fields bv more than half.
e oil industry sources said the strikes
d Iran to cut natural gas deliveries to
|sia through a pipeline that once carried
lillion cubic feet a day.
lese sources said production in the
liern oil fields had plunged to 2.7 mil-
Ibarrels — less than half the pre-strike
Il exports dipped to 2.2 million barrels
I last month’s 5 million, the sources
id Fen percent of U.S. oil imports come
K Iran, which also supplies 85 percent
louth Africa’s petroleum needs and 60
lent of Israel’s.
Imericans, Germans and other foreign-
I jammed the Tehran airport. Most
Its out of the country were booked
lii Israel’s El Al Airlines said it added
Ispecial flights to its Tehran-Tel Aviv
ul and all were departing hill — mostly
ith Iranian Jews fearing the overthrow of
eji protector the shah,
lie U.S. Embassy said it had not or-
irdan evacuation of Americans in Iran,
ul those dependents of U.S. officials
i6 wish to leave temporarily are au-
lized to depart for selected destinations
Europe. '
Bie embassy said it has not ordered the
■nation of all Americans living in Iran
il authorized U.S. officials to send their
Bendents to Europe temporarily if they
pi to leave.
Embassy officials said plans for the vol-
itary departure would be put into action
mediately. There was no indication of
iw many Americans would take advan
tage of the offer.
U.S. diplomats did not disclose how
many dependents of American officials
now are in Iran.
In fact the diplomats said they were no
longer sure how many of the original
41,000 Americans living and working in
Iran still remained.
One diplomat said the southern city of
Shiraz might provide a key to the numbers
left. He said in September 1,300 Ameri
cans lived in Shiraz compared with only
500 currently registered there.
Tehran’s martial law administrator
warned against new protests reportedly
planned during weekend Moslem mourn
ing rites.
But Karim Sanjabi, the 73-year-old
leader of the National Front opposition
party who was released from jail Wednes
day night announced his support for a
massive peace march planned Sunday by
Tehran’s clergy.
Some 4,000 members of the German
community reportedly have left Iran in
cluding nearly all the wives and children of
Germans employed in Tehran.
German sources said thousands more of
the once 14,000 strong German commu
nity were preparing to leave and tickets
were difficult to obtain.
The Italian Embassy reported a similar
The departure of Americans began in
September and peaked Wednesday when
hundreds piled onto flights as fears of
fresh violence during the Moslem high
holy days of Moharram mounted.
U.S. firms offered to evacuate depen
dents and employees who wished to leave
and many took advantage of the free holi
Among those gathered at Tehran airport
waiting for flights, most treated the jour
ney like a delightful surprise jaunt. Few
seemed to take seriously the insults and
threatening letters received by many
Americans over the past few months.
At Tehran University the army thwarted
a planned student march to protest the re
gime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
onsol committee
o select new head
Senate hill wants
MSC grass made
official memorial
Battalion Staff
The perennial dispute surrounding the
grass around the Memorial Student Cen
ter may finally be resolved if the Texas
A&M University student senate approves
a bill presented at its last meeting.
The proposal, submitted by student
body vice presidents Wayne Morrison and
J. C. Colton, requests that several steps be
taken toward declaring the MSC grounds a
“living memorial to Aggies who have
given their lives in defense of the United
Also included in the bill is a provision to
plant a two-foot-high hedge around the
perimeter of the University Center
A tradition, observed and encouraged
largely by the Corps of Cadets, says the
grass surrounding the University Center is
a memorial to Aggies who have died in
their country’s service. However, no offi
cial recognition has ever been extended to
the tradition.
As a result, several conflicts have arisen
in recent years between students who
view the grass as a memorial and those
who don’t.
If approved by the senate at its next
meeting on Jan. 24, the bill would be for
warded to the Board of Regents through
Dr. John Koldus, vice president for stu
dent services, and President Jarvis Miller.
The bill s intent is to extend official Uni
versity recognition to the tradition,
Morrison said.
“It’s not that not walking on the grass is
the tradition,’’ he said. “We couldn’t give a
hill of beans about that. That grass is a
memorial in the first place and that’s the
reason for the tradition.”
The bill would memorialize only those
grounds adjacent to the MSC. The Rudder
Complex grounds would not be included
in the designation.
Only the MSC grounds would be de
clared a memorial because, Morrison said,
the intent of the bill is to memorialize only
those areas considered as such by tradi
tion. The Rudder Complex grounds are not
so considered, he said.
However, Morrison said, landscaping
would be recommended for the entire
University Center’s grounds, in order to
discourage their use and preserve their
aesthetic value.
Originally, the bill called for the land
scaping of all University Center grounds.
However, Morrison said, due to antici
pated objections from President Miller,
the bill will be amended to allow the Uni
versity landscape department to deter
mine which areas would be appropriate for
the landscaping.
Other provisions of the bill call for at
least one sign to be placed on the MSC
grass, explaining the reason for not walk
ing on it, and the inclusion of the tradition
in all publications dealing with University
life and traditions.
Commissioner quits
For possible conflict of interest
Battalion photo by Jeff Coulter
Battalion Staff
The A&M Consolidated School Board
et up a selection committee for a new
chool superintendent during a special
:ting Thursday night,
oard president Bruce Ron appointed
hroe trustees to serve on the selection
ommittee. The board also voted to include
wo administrators and four teachers on
the committee.
he three trustees, who will be the only
ting members of the nine-man board are
iffliool board vice president Elliott Bray,
who will serve as chairman; Bill Wasson;
lid John Reagor.
IRobeck warned that the work involved
Jfinding a replacement for Fred Hopson,
whose contract was terminated in a $54,400
igreement, will be great,
j I want each of you to think this over,
[Ourselves, because the board in the com-
ng months could have a phenomenal
Wkload,” he said.
; The board directed the district’s infor-
nution officer, Peggy Crittenden, to start
ending forms to faculty members that
bold get their input on superintendent
Crittenden said it may be possible to
have results ready by Monday night.
The forms also will be used for gathering
nominations for teacher representatives to
the selection board.
A short meeting has been called for
Thursday, at which time Bray is expected
to have the list of requirements.
Bray will then advertise the superinten
dent opening, He said he will work
through trade journals and organizations
such as the Texas Educational Agency.
Bray’s committee expects to receive
about 100 applications before the Feb. 15
From those applications it will select
approximately nine to submit to the entire
school board for approval.
Since the board will have the final vote,
Bray recommended making the adminis
trative and faculty advisers non-voting po
The board also approved final payment
to BFW Construction for work done on
the Middle School.
However, $10,058 has been withheld
until certain items such as emergency bat
tery packs and exit light fixtures have been
Bowl is the goal
Even though the stadium in Kyle Field is under construction, the Aggie
football team is still practicing for the contest against Iowa State in the
Hall of Fame Bowl Dec. 20 in Birmingham, Ala. The expansion, which
will add a third deck to both sides of the stadium, will be completed soon
after the start of next year’s season.
United Press International
AUSTIN — Railroad Commissioner Jon
Newton, who spent $700,000 two years
ago to win election to that regulatory
agency, announced Thursday he is resign
ing effective Jan. 1 because natural gas
production on land inherited might
make it appear he had a conflict of interest
in decisons affecting oil and gas matters.
Newton said his wife inherited a portion
of her family’s ranch in Goliad and al
though all his business interests have been
in a blind trust since his election he is
aware of gas exploration and production on
the ranch which could result in substantial
royalty income.
“Although I’m told by lawyers this is not
a legal conflict of interest, I think the
people on the street who are paying utility
bills may not understand if a member of
the Railroad Commission makes a substan
tial portion of his income from gas produc
tion,” Newton told a news conference. “I
was at the ranch three weeks ago at night
and was drilling rigs on the property. The
blind trust may be blind, but I am not.”
Newton, a former House member from
Beeville, has four years remaining on his
six-year term. His successor apparently
will be appointed by Gov. Dolph Briscoe to
serve until the next general election.
He said he had considered abstaining
from any Railroad Commission decisions
affecting the ranch property or Goliad
County, but said he was not satisfied that
would be sufficient.
“After lengthy discussions with my wife
Judy and with Governor Briscoe and a few
close friends, I have decided that resigna
tion is the only course my conscience will
allow me to take. The potential conflicts
can be avoided only by my return to pri
vate life and I have so advised the gover
Newton said he has not decided if he
will remain in Austin to live after he
leaves the commission. He said he sold his
law practice and a nursing home and lived
on money from that sale while campaign
ing for the commission.
Other members who regulate the
state’s petroleum and transportation in
dustries, are Mack Wallace and John
Priscilla accused of wanting Cullen killed
United Press International
HOUSTON — A used car salesman who
promoted himself as a professional killer
met Priscilla Davis last winter and left her
home with the impression she wanted him
to slay her millionaire husband, he tes
tified Thursday.
But in wavering muddled testimony in
and out of the presence of the jury, self-
promoting FBI informant and gambling
debt collector David Binion also said Mrs.
Davis never “popped the question.”
“Did she seem to understand why you
were there?” prosecutor Tolly Wilson
Ohira its new
Drime minister
United Press International
TOKYO — Masayoshi Ohira was
ilected Japan’s 68th prime minister
Ohira was in effect installed in Japan’s
highest political office by members of the
11-seat Lower House of Parliament. He
ras elected with 254 votes. There were 20
The Parliament originally planned to
lect Ohira Wednesday, following his
ipset victory over outgoing prime minis-
erTakeo Fukuda in a party primary elec-
ion last week.
However, intra-party feuding broke out
iver Ohira’s decision to name one of his
lose political associates, Kunikichi Saito,
o the post of party secretary-general.
That violated a five-year party tradition
hat the secretary-general post should
)e held by one of the prime minister’s
>wn followers.
Several of Fukuda’s supporters
threatened to refuse to vote for Ohira for
prime minister, stalling his takeover. They
finally agreed to allow Fukuda a free hand
to negotiate.
Aggie Christmas list
Two front teeth?
Cheryl Tiegs, look out. You are wanted in Aggieland.
But so is Farrah Fawcett-Majors, $1 million and a house-trained pooch.
The requests are on a list of things students at Texas A&M University want Santa
Claus to bring them this year. Students penned their wishes to a roll of paper stuck
to a bulletin board inside the University’s Memorial Student Center.
The almost 200 requests filled a list over seven feet long and 18 inches wide.
Wishes ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous; some were pragmatic, others
One female Aggie wanted a date with the entire offensive line of the Texas A&M
football team, while another Just wanted a boyfriend and $1 million.
Practical wishes ranged from just wanting roommates to do the dishes, to a “C” in
a junior level petroleum engineering course.
Other students wanted their very own oil well, a staff parking permit, the Hous
ton Oilers football team to win the Super Bowl and a white Christmas.
One woman just wanted to be the first flat-chested female on the cover of
Cosmopolitan magazine.
Other wishes were more economically oriented. Some students wanted to
graduate and land a $25,000-a-year job; anotherjust wanted a job for next summer.
One student said all he wanted St. Nick to bring him was a “Deploma. ” Someone
had written beside the misspelled entry, “That’s optimism for you, he’ll never make
it that way.”
“No,” Binion said.
“What was her appearance?” Wilson
asked the defense witness.
“Extremely upset,” Binion replied.
“Did she ever ask you to kill her hus
band Thomas Cullen Davis or ask you to
have her husband harmed?” Wilson asked.
“No,” Binion replied over objections by
defense Lawyer Richard “Racehorse”
Earlier this week Mrs. Davis sat in the
witness chair when Binion was brought
into the courtroom and denied they had
ever met or talked. Her husband is being
tried for conspiring to have their divorce
judge killed.
Haynes protested Wilson’s questions
but was chastised by District Judge Wal
lace Moore for having earlier left unsettled
whether Binion actually was asked to kill
“You just walked right around conver
sation and got all this other stuff about a hit
man in there,” Moore said. “The basis for
my ruling was your entire line of question
ing gave the inference to jurors of this wit
ness being a hit man and gave the impres
sion something of that nature had hap
pened with Mrs. Davis,” Moore said.
But Haynes persisted that true or not,
Binion had claimed he had been sum
moned to Mrs. Davis’s home because of
his reputation as a killer and departed with
the impresion that Mrs. Davis wanted him
to kill her husband.
Moore reluctantly allowed Haynes to
pursue the topic and Binion grudgingly
admitted he had told the defense lawyer
he thought Mrs. Davis wanted her hus
band killed.
“Did you say that if she hadn’t been
messed up she would have popped the
question?” Haynes asked.
“I thought that was a possibility,” Bin
ion said.
Defense attorneys claim Davis was the
victim of a plot by his wife and her friends
to entrap him, perhaps with the coopera
tion and knowledge of the FBI.
Binion testified he worked as a confi
dential informant for the FBI agent who
directed the investigation against Davis.
He said he told agent Ron Jannings about
his meeting with Mrs. Davis but the pair
decided “it was not worth messing with.”
Binion, now a Houston auto salesman,
denied Jannings ever told him to “back
off” undercover activities associated with
his meetings with Mrs. Davis. But Binion
also said Jannings gave him $220 to post
bond on a bad check charge and said he
had worked out a recent “deal in which
he would not be tried by Fort Worth pros
ecutors for the offense.
Prosecutor Jack Struckland said he did
not know whether Mrs. Davis or Binion
was lying about their meeting.
“Obviously one of them is in error,”
Strickland said. “If it’s Priscilla, I don’t
know if it’s a question of was she lying, was
she sick, was she on drugs or was she emo
tionally upset, if she met Binion.
“Suppose Priscilla wanted him, Davis,
dead. How does that justify him plotting to
kill a judge?”
The evidence against Davis includes
audio and videotapes in which he can be
heard discussing the killings of several
persons including his wife and divorce
judge and seen accepting a silencer equip
ped automatic pistol. His attorneys claim
they will be able to explain his role in the
Single-member districts voted out
by Southern Democrats at convention
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Southern Demo
crats voted unanimously Thursday to
eliminate the single-member districts that
gave Gov. George Wallace a sweep of the
1976 Alabama primary and approved a
party rule to give half the 1980 Democratic
convention seats to women.
The Southern Caucus at the Democratic
mid-term convention drew only one dis
sent on the “equal representation” rule —
with a black man complaining that reserv
ing half the 3,313 delegate seats for women
was nothing more than a “quota in dis
State Sen. Henry Braden IV of New Or
leans said blacks have been seeking quotas
for many years and that “if we re going to
play quotas, maybe we should play it all
the way around.”
as chairman of the Southern Caucus.
The caucus unanimously voted against
“single-member districts” for 1980 dele
gates. National Committeeman Richard
Koster of the Canal Zone said individual
districts “are just another way to get
around abolition of the unit rule which
made entire state delegations go for the
majority’s choice.”
Texas committeewoman Corin Patman
said Alabama was the only state with indi
vidual districts in 1976. Carter absorbed
his only southern defeat in Alabama after
trouncing Wallace in numerous other
Georgia chairman Marge Thurman of
Atlanta said the equal representation rule
was well-intended, but might pose impos
sible problems for states electing their
delegates two years from now.
“Do we eliminate the men who get the
largest number of votes because of their
sex — or because they’re not representing
the right presidential candidate?” she
South Carolina chairman Don Fowler
explained each state will have a certain
percentage of statewide delegates which in
the past have been used to guarantee gov
ernors and party leaders at-large seats
without their having to run for them.