The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 07, 1978, Image 18
Pag«6B Is there Christmas after finals? Photos by Beth Calhoun Yes there Is, and poinsettias, above, are one of the sure signs that Christmas is on the way. Another way to see the approach of the holiday season is by watching children who, ol course, do not have to bear the strain of finals before looking forward to the big day. Below, a youngster does not seem to enjoy his visit with Santa Claus, or at least not as much as he will enjoy Santa’s visit to him. Opposite top, Santa coaxes a string of Christmas wishes out of a young boy, who probably doesn’t need to be coaxed too much. Opposite bottom, the advantages of the holidays have al ready become apparent to this ice cream-munching boy, who probably can’t wait until the real holidays arrive. Fine Restaurant LUNCH HOURS 11-2 OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Surprisingly Sensible Prices 403 Villa Maria 822-5003