The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 04, 1978, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1978 The Battalion Classified HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE HAMLIN TIRE £3 CENTER Monarch TIRES T Waiters, waitresses, line workers, busboys, dishwashers. Full or part-time nights and weekends. Now hiring for Christmas and Spring semester. 3-C Bar BQ #1 Part time help for drive-in grocery. Approxi mately 15-20 hrs. a week. Call 846-4141, ask for Mrs. Lee. 6118 Part time help wanted. Aunt Frannie’s Laun dry 846-0573. 61t3 810 S. Main St. Apply in person DRAFTSMAN FOR PRECISION PHOTO MAPPING WORK Engineering experience de sired. Must be able to do clean accurate line-work in ink on Mylar. 20 hours per week minimum. Oppor tunities for graduate re search. Remote Sensing Center, 325 Teague. 845- 5422. Mr. Snell. &■ Waitresses wanted for Christ mas Holidays and Spring Semester. Apply in person, Franks Bar & Grill, Woodstone; Commerce Center, Hwy. 30.6418 impositions available as a camp-5 : ‘:;. : counselor/instructor for theij:; •ii;Spring semester with The Hous- g •:::ton Independent School Dis-j:|: iliTrict’s Outdoor Education Center::;: jijion Lake Livingston. A natural -j;: ^opportunity for those wanting to:;!; ijijwork with children in an outdoor:;!; •jijsetting. Interview will be Wed-!;!; !;!;nesday, December 6, at the;!;! !;!;University Placement Center in;!;! ■• : .:!Rudder Hall. eot/x! Custom & Family Vans all brands — are here now! We sell shocks, reliable batteries, Pirelli, Monarch. Summit on off road and more tires, Ironic alignment, and computerized spin balancing on ( wheels. 'Where family pride makes a difference" i\\ 1700 Texas Ave. 713-779-2181 Mark Hamlin Ray Hamlin AGGIELAND TheGifat^nieifc HARLEY-DAVIDSON ™*dom Machines. | is holding a CLEARANCE SALE on all motorcycles cc - only 695.00 including the 250 cc - only 795.00 S- A p» bridge The ca riou — pavem^ Metal snap asr- Prev— off the below, Sun Theatres ROOMMATE WANTED Come by and register to win the new '79! model motorcycle by naming it THE MSC CRAFT SHOP Part time student worker needed, $2.50 an hour. Must apply by Dec. 8, 5:00 p.m. For more info, call 845-1631. 64t4 Male roommate to sublease Spring Semester, Tanglewood Apartments, $87.50 monthly. Call 693-2862 for details. <vu5 Girl wanted to share apt. at Viking. $100, (Spring), 693-0581. 62,3 801 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 77801 333 University 846-981 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 12 Noon >12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS LiA j/ ALTERATIONS 779-7300 T\\e T« Roommate. 696-7354. H3t5 Call between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. 822-2136.641.3 < PART TIME OR FULL TIME S Roommate wanted. Tanglewood Apts., rent $88 a person. Call 693-8721. 62t7 Now accepting applications for day cashiers or night cooks. Apply in person KEN MARTIN’S STEAKHOUSE 1803 Texas Avenue, Bryan ROOMMATE NEEDED Own bedroom in 2 bedroom { studio. All bills paid, i $69/month. Kim Thomas J 696-0788, Southgate Vil- lage. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Aguirre. Luis Alberto Degree: Ph.D. in Entomology Dissertation: BIOLOGY OF THE IMMA TURE STAGES OF THE PECAN WEEVIL CURCULIO CARYAE (HORN), AND OVIPOSITION HABITS OF THE ADULT WEEVIL Time: 10:00 a.m. on December 1, 1978 Plate: Soil and Crop Sciences. Room 414 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College FOR RENT 1 Bedroom furnished efficiency apt. in duplex, near campus. $150 per month, water, gas paid. 696-5231. 6413 2 Bedroom apartment for sublease. Near cam pus, shuttle bus route, $295/mo. Gall 846- 5181. 64(3 2-Bdr furnished for rent, $150. Close to cam pus, available Dec. 15. Call 846-9631 after IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS ■DON’T GIVE UP — WE LL MAKE IT FIT!" AT WELCH $ CLEW NOT ONLY SERVE AS LENT DRY CLEANER! SPECIALIZE IN ALTER TO FIT EVENING I TAPERED, SHIRTS. JE WATCH POCKETS EK (WE RE JUST A FEI BLOCKS NORTH OF 1 : MART.) WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) FOR SALE For Sale: 1978 Honda Hawk. 3.600 miles, $1000 or best offer. Call 693-4873. 6415 FULL OR PART TIME ^Flexible hours to fit your schedule Rapid advancement *Day shift ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour tor inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik Boat, motor, trailer. Sealed bids. For informa tion 845-2814. 6412 1978 Yamaha XS-650E. 2,600 miles, runs per fect. Only $975. 845-7705. 62t2 Must sell b/w tv, good condition, best offer. 846-8635. 64t4 72 Cutlass Supreme, SHOO. 846-2919. 6415 27' Travel trailer; completely hooked up. Ideal for single student life. $.3250. 779-3093. 6H3 1975 Kawasaki KZ-400. Very good condition, $475. 822-3101. 61t3 "74 Toyota Corona SR 5-speed. 845-4380, 693-5269. 57iU AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having beer paid.” DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY DIRECTORY FEES are refundable in ftdl during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancelled orders. Directories must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. One bedroom apartment for sublease, near campus. 846-1460. 60t5 NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson manager. 822-7772. isittn V! LOUPOT': end of t and skic As th shut off j and dat; converg rail’s be No oi bus was simulate instrum driver’s The t mile tra mote co The plai the Text and Ex under s technici tion Ins HELP WANTED Part-Time and Full Time I Wait person and bar help needed ,1“ Call 696-4118 for appointment ■ 6316 > Part time help. Call 846-0573. No parking hassles. '73 Suzuki GT 380, great condition. Call 845-1792. 57U0 Ski Water Park December 30 thru January 6. Call Debbie for more information. 846- 3508. 6215 LOVELY BRICK HOME 4 Bdr. 2 bath, washer/dryer, fenced bac kyard, large den w. fireplace. No pets or overnight male guests. Partially fur nished, $90/mo. per person, bills paid. Females only. 693-7046 6219 >ae< £ Need Part Time Delivery Help ^ % Must be available afternoons $ ® and Saturday mornings. Call for ^ & interview appt. 822-7718. 62t9 The College of Liberal Arts needs two students, junior standing or higher, for CO-OP Education placement in the Brazos County Bridgehouse. The salary will be $3 an hour. Two part-time positions need to be filled for the spring. Please contact Susannah Clary in Room 801 Harrington Education Center or call 845-5141. Earn $480 Per Week Or more, working at home. For free information, send stamped self-addressed legal size envelope to: Brazos Valley Publishing Co. P.O. Box F-13 College Station, TX 77844 5£12 1975 Maverick 4-dr. Loaded, low mileage, top condition. $2,450. 846-6336. 59(5 30 trailer, close to campus, $3,(MX). 822-5755 after 6. .. 53(41) Refrigerator for sale. 4 cu. ft. Like new, $75. 693-5954. 61t3 PART TIME DRIVERS NEEDED Must have own car. Good pay, flexible hours. Apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Patricia St., C.S. 6216 llllllllllllllllllllllll CAMPUS AUDIO For a 20-50% discount on most makes of stereo equipment. Plus high end audio t.v., p.a. equip., etc. All equipment brand new in factory sealed cartons with full warranties. Call Jimmy Spalten at 693-5388. 620 Ski Winter Park or Aspen January 8 through 13 Call 779-0450 for more in formation. Bill or Willie. Last week to register. eita OFFICIAL NOTICE Your T-Shirt Store • Custom T-Shirts • Aggie T-Shirts • Group Prices NORTHGATE - Aero.. the Poet Office yme sme vatiKyaetH ymc vmc |j| Students who transported us to f? A&M after our VW was in acci- & r-x ♦ O F'l O A “70 The Houston Chronicle will have openings for two motor route carriers effective 12/1/78. Salaries range from $385-$450 per month plus bonuses and transportation allow ances. Applicants must have week day afternoons and weekend mornings available. We are also tak ing applications for routes for the spring semester. Call Julian McMur- ray, 693-2323 or 846-0763. 43ttn Nurse’s aide positions avails- ! | ble. Brazos Valley Geriactic j | Center. No experience neces- | ! sary, full and part-time open- ! | ings. Apply in person, 1115 An- | j derson. ^ 6 2t2 | ill 1111 iiimm n i mil mill i ii mimj^i mmiTm i i m!i ii£ FINE JEWELRY FOR SALE 14kt. jade pearls etc. Great for Christmas. $5-$500 Call 822-0369 dent near San Marcos 9-24-78. * Please call Mr. Clark (713) ^ 856-4070. 6418 X? St Xm REWT" 1 "”™ OFFICIAL NOTICE Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts is looking for students of junior classifica tion who would be interested in working for Social Security in the spring semester. The salary will be starting at $617 per month. If you are interested please contact Susannah Clary at 5-5141. 62t5 >3tB< >se« FOR Must sub-let apartment. Efficiency, $175 plus electricity. Doux Chene, 1401 FM 2818, Apt. 306. No phone. Come by anytime. 64t3 Student wanted to be owner’s rep resentative at a small (22 unit) com-j plex. Discount on rent offered for) 15-20 hours of work per month. Op-j portunity for extra pay. No pets, no/ children. 696-7414. 64t5i Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas C.S. 105 Dominik 188tfn OPPORTUNITY sFixed future for responsible sales = =oriented individual who enjoys ac- = =tive contact with public. No travels ^required, permanent resident this[§ EEarea, expenses paid. We offers Straining school plus training loc-S Sally. Position offers stable careers swith substantial income ands =managerial opportunities. Con-= Stact manager at 846-1791 ors Swrite: P.O. Box 9176, C.S. ,= =TX. 52t10S Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiin; ’75 CB 550, fairing, exc. cond., & Elsnore 250, fair cond. Best offer. 822-1184 after 2 PM AVAILABLE DECEMBER, ’78 .COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedroom, 1 (bath home with carport. Lease includes( .drapes, refrigerator, washer, dryer and' ^all built-ins. Lawns are maintained forf .you. Ask for Thelma Costa. ♦ STEREO FOR SALE A Kenwood 2400 receiver 12 watts per " ♦ channel with two Webachs speakers, 10” A woofers, out-put power 45 watts. Almost " new, in excellent condition for only $375. A 62*5 " THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (8-5) 846-4773 Evenings & Weekends 846-7318 i Alfredo, 693-3520. COMING 1 ■ ( f S/ 1 uSjjal w. fn cVy? .'Vi. p/f) k/ rs fSlCj AVv-? >/ u lid \WT/M - ' \V\/? Vr J \^=£> j \ * J [ Ij / ( J w Prf A J • Jm l!1 jIb University Bookstore 2nd LOCATION in CULPEPPER PLAZA OPEN TO BUY YOUR BOOKS and IN FULL OPERATION THIS SPRING UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ^■^D-rurtATE AND CULPEPPER PLAZA WANTED Typing, all kinds, fast accurate. 696-8893 ext. 211, or 846-7846 after 6:00 p.m. 64t8 i Typing. Reasonable. 693-8071. 59t21 (Domino’s Pizza needsj (delivery personnel. Must! (have own car and insur-j jance. Flexible hours andj (days. $2.75 per hour plusj jeommission and tips.] iApply Domino’s, 1504! iHolleman after 4:30! Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 37tfh Professional typing services. 846-9109. 47t26 Typing. 823-1579. SERVICES Typing, all kinds, fast, accurate, 846-7846 after 6:00 p.m. 846-8893 or 55t5 Part time help wanted. GRAPEVINE PER SONALITY. Call 696-3411. 28tfn p.m. i .1 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: ( .all: ( ri-orge Weld) Farmers Insurance Croup 3400 S. College 82.3-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE Where satisfaction is standard ('(/in/mient 2 401 Texas Ave 823-8002 TAX PREPARERS Must have tax training or experience Good Pay Flexible Hours Beneficial Income Tax Service 822-7561 63(6 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-ftl 11 20 ambitious, dependable students to sell magazine subscriptions door to door | during the first week of school next semester. Commission plus bonus. Earn $100-$200 for infor mation and interview. Call 693-7200, ask fori Chuck. PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 38tfn — — — —p£Ts—~ — — — Pure bred Samoyed puppies for sale. $125. Call 693-2102 or ‘846-7818. 59t5 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Aggies! This is to Introduce You to One of Our Leading College Protector Representatives. Thomas Associates Insurance Agency Local Office: 520 University Dr. East For An Appointment Call: 846-7714 Q HIFIROTEGTIVE fci IIMSLJRAIMCE COIVlF , /XlV’V C_l MOfVIE OFFICE - BIFHVHIMGMAfVl, /Xt-ABA»VI/A