The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1978, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1978 LOUPOT'S BOOKSTORE « MMMtiMNMMMtfBWHHHil Your T-Shirt Store • Custom T-Shirts • Aggie T-Shirts • Group Prices NORTHGATE - Across from the Post Office Supplies for the needle artist 707 Texas 846-0072 The Athletic Attic has America Running to its Doors. PREVENT EOKftfln] GIVE TO i_r LnJ (o)^ (DOOLIE The Battalion Classified HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE Waiters, waitresses, line workers, busboys, dishwashers. Full or part-time nights and weekends. Now hiring for Christmas and Spring semester. 3-C Bar BQ #1 810 S. Main St. Apply in person TAX PREPARERS Must have tax training or experience Good Pay Flexible Hours Beneficial Income Tax Service 822-7561 6316 Custom & Family Vans all brands — are here now! Part time help for drive-in grocery. Approxi mately 15-20 hrs. a week. Call 846-4141, ask for .Mrs. Lee. 81(8 Part time help wanted. GRAPEVINE PER SONALITY. Call 696-3411. 2Stfn Part time help wanted. Aunt Frannie s Laun dry 846-0573. 61t3 APPLY NOW FOR SECOND SEMESTER I Unique turn-of-the-century ice cream parlor/restaurant has openings for cashier/hostesses, cone and fountain personnel, cooks, ice cream man ufacturers, maintenance and service room personnel. All shifts available, full or part time. Opening scheduled for January 1979. Apply at Swensen’s, Culpepper Plaza, College Station. szts :Positions available as a camp i •counselor/instructor for the: : Spring semester with The Hous-: jton Independent School Dis-j jtrict s Outdoor Education Center; ion Lake Livingston. A natural; lopportunity for those wanting to: iwork with children in an outdoor: jsetting. Interview will be Wed-; inesday, December 6, at the; iUniversity Placement Center in; :Rudder Hall. eoir- AGGIELAND The Great ^An^encan' HARLEY-DAVIDSON ^edom eMachines. is holding a CLEARANCE SALE on all motorcycles 175 cc - only 695.00 including the ■ 250 cc - only 795.00 Come by and register to win the new '791 model motorcycle by naming it 801 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 77801 779-7300 Uulpepper Kiaza, ooiiege oiauon. j| / PART TIME OR FULLTIME S Now accepting applications for day cashiers or night cooks. Apply in person KEN MARTIN’S STEAKHOUSE 1803 Texas Avenue, Bryan [20 ambitious, dependable [students to sell magazine [subscriptions door to door; [during the first week of [school next semester. [Commission plus bonus. Earn $100-$200 for infor mation and interview. Call I693-7200, ask fori Chuck. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Filial Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Aguirre. Luis Alberto Degree: Ph.D. in Entomology Dissertation: BIOLOGY OF THE IMMA TURE STAGES OF THE PECAN WEEVIL CdRCULIO CARYAE (flORN), AND OVIPOSITION HABITS OF THE ADULT WEEVIL Time: 10:00 a.m. on December 1, 1978 Place: Soil and Crop Sciences, Room 414 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College 1— ™"" "for™ 2-Bdr furnished for rent. $150. Close to cam pus, available Dec. 15. Call 846-9631 after One bedroom apartment for sublease, near campus. 846-1460. 60t5 FULL OR PART TIME Flexible hours to fit your schedule Rapid advancement *Day shift ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for Inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas C.S. 105 Dominik 188tf n AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY ' -Yrarbook- (o*>s arc -refundable in full during •‘the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. "Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having beer paid." NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. laittn iV AVAILABLE DECEMBER. '78 DIRECrrORY REFUND POLICY DIRECTORY FEES are refundable in ftill during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancelled orders. Directories must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. ■ COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedmom, 1 (bath home with carport. Lease includes drapes, refrigerator, washer, dryer and all built-ins. Lawns are maintained for(/ you. Ask for Thelma Costa. ' THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (8-5) 846-4773 Evenings & Weekends 846-7318 HELP WANTED Part-Time and Full Time Wait person and bar help needed Call 696-4118 for appointment 6316) Part time help. Call 846-0573. FOR SALE Ski Water Park December 30 thru January 6. Call Debbie for more information. 846- 3508. 6215 H Need Part Time Delivery Help i* Must be available afternoons ^ ® and Saturday mornings. Call for ^ U interview appt. 822-7718. 62t9 $ I The College of Liberal Arts; needs two students, junior; standing or higher, for CO-OP; Education placement in the Brazos County Bridgehouse.: The salary will be $3 an hour. Two part-time positions need; to be filled for the spring. Please contact Susannah- Clary in Room 801 Harrington; Education Center or call 845-5141. 27’ Travel trailer; completely hooked up. Ideal for single student life. $3250. 779-3093. 61t3 1975 Kawasaki KZ-400. Very good condition, $475. 822-3101. 6H3 ‘74 Toyota Corona 3R 5-speed. 845-4380, 693-5269. 57tll No parking hassles. '73 Suzuki GT 380, great condition. Call 845-1792. 57110 Weight Watchers can show you how losing weight never tasted so good. College Station club meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Stu dent Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. LOVELY BRICK HOME 4 Bdr. 2 bath, washer/dryer, fenced bac kyard, large den w. fireplace. No pets or overnight male guests. Partially fur nished, $90/mo. per person, bills paid. Females only. 693-7046 6219 SERVICES 1975 Maverick 4-dr. Loaded, low mileage, top condition, $2,450. 846-6336. 59t5 Ski Winter Park 30’ trailer, close to campus, $3,000. 822-5755 after 6. 53tl<) or Aspen Earn $480 Per Week Or more, working at home. For free information, send stamped self-addressed legal size envelope to: Brazos Valley Publishing Co. P.O. Box F-13 College Station, TX 77844 5S1S. PART TIME DRIVERS NEEDED Must have own car. Good pay, flexible hours. Apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Patricia St., C.S. 62t6 Refrigerator for sale. 4 cu. ft. Like new, $75. 693-5954. 61t3 1978 Yamaha XS-650E. 2,600 miles, runs per fect. Only $975. 845-7705. 6212 The Houston Chronicle will have openings for two motor route carriers effective 12/1/78. Salaries range from $385-$450 per month plus bonuses and transportation allow ances. Applicants must have week day afternoons and weekend mornings available. We are also tak ing applications for routes for the spring semester. Call Julian McMur- ray, 693-2323 or 846-0763. 43tfn 1 Nurse’s aide positions availa- I | ble. Brazos Valley Geriactic { | Center. No experience neces- | ! sary, full and part-time open- 1 I ings. Apply in person, 1115 An- | jj derson. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 6212 | ^1 iiiiimmmS CAMPUS AUDIO For a 20-50% discount on most makes of stereo equipment. Plus high end audio t.v., p.a. equip., etc. All equipment brand new in factory sealed cartons with full warranties. Call Jimmy Spalten at 693-5388. 62t9 llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllli January 8 through 13 Call 779-0450 for more in formation. Bill or Willie. Last week to register. em Typing, all kinds, fast, accurate. 846-8893 or 846-7846 after 6:00 p.m. 55t5 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 OFFICIAL NOTICE JOB OPPORTUNITIES PART TIME SELF EMPLOYMENT! Join SHAKLEE, Earn money, insurance, trips, royalties, automobiles, and retirement. 846- 1526. 35tl ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate wanted. Tanglewood Apts., rent $88 a person. Call 693-8721. 62t7 |1 OPPORTUNITY J|Fixed future for responsible sales jg iEoriented individual who enjoys ac-s Stive contact with public. No travels ^required, permanent resident this|| Sarea, expenses paid. We offers Straining school plus training loc-||' Sally. Position offers stable career^ Ejwith substantial income and= ^managerial opportunities. Con-|j Stact manager at 846-1791 or= Swrite: P.O. Box 9176, C.S. ,S STX. 52M0S 7)Hmimiimmimiiiimmiimmiiiiimiiiiimimn= ’75 CB 550, fairing, exc. cond., & Elsnore 250, fair cond. Best offer. 822-1184 after 2 PM 6213 OFFICIAL NOTICE Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts is looking for students of junior classifica tion who would be interested in working for Social Security in the spring semester. The salary will be starting at $617 per month. If you are interested please contact Susannah Clary at 5-5141. 62t5 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 38tfn ENGLISH STYLIST: RESEARCH WRIT ING. All fields, lengths. Confidential. Dr. Brown, Portfolios Limited, Box 901-M, Alpine, Calif. 92001. (714) 445-5944. 4tl5 Typing and proof reading: A professional job by a professional. Call 713-596-6618 after 5.00. 20(10 Pure bred Samoyed puppies for sale. $125. Call 693-2102 or 846-7818. 59(5 STEREO FOR SALE A " Kenwood 2400 receiver 12 watts per " ♦ channel with two Webachs speakers, 10” f woofers, out-put power 45 watts. Almost " • new, in excellent condition for only $375. f Alfredo, 693-3520. 62t5 " ^ i WE BUY BOOKS ROOMMATE NEEDED Own bedroom in 2 bedroom studio. All bills paid, $69/month. Kim Thomas 696-0788, Southgate Vil lage. 6113 ii AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: Ccorgc Webl) l•'al'lll< , rs Iii.Miruncf Croup 823-8051 3400 S. College (Domino’s Pizza needsl (delivery personnel. Must! (have own car and insur-j jance. Flexible hours andj (days. $2.75 per hour plus j jeommission and tips.! I Apply Domino’s, 1504! iHolleman after 4:30l | p.m. sstrl IT 1 ROOMMATE WANTED EVERY DAY! Girl wanted to share apt. at Viking. $100, (Spring), 693-0581. 62t3 And remember we give 20% more in trade for used books. Roommate. 696-7354. ITan"" Typing. Reasonable. 693-8071. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE Northgate - Across from the Post Office Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544 . 37tf'n Professional typing services. 846-9109. -(7(26 what’s up? t Thursday BONFIRE: The 1978 Texas A&M Bonfire will be lit at 7% the field behind Duncan Dining Hall. CONCERT: Town Hall presents David Gates and Breadwitl Matthews as the warm-up act at 9 p.m. in G. Rollie White iseum, immediately after Bonfire. It’s 5 a&m uj nstruiiY* ng and On th' Jlrillfielt SENIOR DEADLINE: Library books for December graduate jjuring t due today, two weeks prior to graduation. TAMU CHAPTER OF AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY nillion I Landry will speak on sea turtles at 7:30 p.m. in Room 104,)( Hall. BAHAI CLUB: Will discuss “The Return of Christ at 7:au^ Room 507AB, Rudder Tower. ftompose BASKETBALL: The women s team will play in the Georgtlj n jlitary Tournament in George West, through Friday. CEPHEID VARIABLE: “Zardoz,” starring Sean Connery and lette Rampling, will be shown at midnight in RudderTti -oice co: The rr acets of “Coloi ;erves as Friday NO SCHOOL AND NO BATTALION: All day. FOOTBALL: The Texas Aggies will play the University ofTenasi p.m. in Austin. The game will lie televised on ABC. DEADLINE: To submit dates for the Spring All-University is today. Forms and Instructions for submitting dates Haney direct* :harge o: the Agg wards ft Haney p the tl “I CO IT ifficers r id as suj Haney Aggie Ba ears, 16 calendar are available in Room 221, MSC and Room 217,)1) Becom For more information call 845-1133. SENIORS: Today is the last day of class. TENNIS: The NCAA Indoor Doubles Championships willbek Lfethodi! Degree w ter’s degi The m Friday ar Wichita, Kansas today through Sunday l.vndon is canceled. Go bv ticket4 AGGIE CINEMA: Barry for refunds. nind,” [944-45 1 He rec Saturday BASKETBALL: The men's team will host Southwest Teas Ij game will begin at 7:30 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum women s team will play in the George West Tbumamw.! George West, Texas. aney sa iractice : Haney Irill and 1 perfectioi I "v "You k [but I Haney AGGIE CINEMA: “Three Women,” an outstanding Robotlki nen of tf film about three confused young women trying to find tWut i "The t titles, starring Sissy' Spacek and Shelly Duvall, will he shorn land,” H p.m. in Rudder Theater Sunday CHRISTMAS SHOW: The Vocal Music Department presentsl He sait challenge “It’s ha (nen in tl Haney |ers and i annual Christmas show at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. The Sint | an( j me] Cadets, Century Singers and Reveliers will perform. Tickets 50 cents at the Rudder Box Office. Monday HASSLE-FREE: Today is the last distribution date by Hassle?! All notices should he turned in today. HISTORY HONOR SOCIETY: Ryan Smith, Director of the Si the Republic Museum, will speak on “The Historian and the tory Museum: A New Perspective” at 7:30 p.m. in Room Rudder Tower. BASKETBALL: The men’s team will play Oral Roberts at 7.|, in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The women's team will play View AflcM University at 5:15 p.m. las been He attr gh scho The ba Haney cal he uppei He saic ng fresh Shpervisn losely wi Outside harge ol is free t Peace Lutheran Chun (enter Welch St. Lot) 9:30 A.M. Study 10:45 A.M. VM An informal fellowship: Variety in music and worship. Suitl School for all ages: Nursery at both Study hour and Woi Opportunities fpr personal involvement in the work! group: Join us this Sunday: (A.L.C.) Dl Typing. 823-4579. HAMaTiAN APARTMENTS “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED’’ Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge Professional Maintensmce Staff (24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE) Two Beautiful Swimming I Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room with Sc* Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms On Shuttiebus Routt Rental office open Monday through Friday £-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday l 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 405 U