The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 17, 1978, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1978 MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES More freedoms in E. Europe 7 is the word DOLBY STEREO J^CKrnCHCMLSCXi Introducing MARY STCENBURGEN with JOHN BELUSHI CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Screenptay by JOHN HERMAN SHANER & AL RAMRUS and CHARLES SHYER & ALAN MANDEL Story by JOHN HERMAN SHANER & AL RAMRUS Produced by HARRY GtTTES and HAROLD SCHNEIDER ' JACK I Directed by JACK NICHOLSON A Paramount Picture riHWHl—HP SRttJTtt SaPPLEs SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT OF THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER MADE 'BLAZING SAOOLfS"si»injClEAVON LITTLE GENE WILDER SLIM PICKENS DAVID HUDDLESTON CLAUDE ENNIS STARRETI JR to swung MEL BROOKS HARVEY KORMANang MADELINE KAHN soeexWrixMEL BROOKS. NORMAN STEINBERG. ANDREW BERGMAN RICHARD PRYOR. ALANUGER simb, ANDREW BERGMAN p.oduc e gb, MICHAEL HERTZBERG o-ededt, MEL BROOKS PANAVISION'TECHNICOLOR' [g] ©1878 WARNER BROS. INC. © 1 Skyway Twin 822-3300 EYEBALL PLUS THE EXORCIST ■ I THE BEST PLUS LAND OF 1000 PLEASURES Campus us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION I GRAY LADY DOWN PLUS I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND Eastern European nations do have a certain amount of academic freedom, despite the communist governments that the teachers must work under, said Dr. Robert S. Co hen, a historical and scientific philosopher. Cohen, the chairman for the Bos ton Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science at Boston University, spoke on the Texas A&M University campus Thursday as part of the Great Issues series of lectures. Cohen defined Eastern Europe as those countries east of the German speaking countries, including the European sections of the Soviet Union. The Yale University graduate said there are five criteria to determine if a country has academic freedom: freedom to teach, freedom to argue a question, freedom to investigate, freedom to investigate in any way chosen, and the freedom to learn. He said the most important of the academic freedoms is that the stu dent must he free to learn in any possible way. Cohen said there are a variety of if Senate to vote on policies for parking, q-drop By DILLARD STONE Battalion Staff Bills concerning parking policy revision, the Q-drop policy and graduation with honors were intro duced Wednesday at the Texas A&M University student senate meeting. The bills will be voted on at the ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MAJORS LET US HELP YOU PLAN AHEAD TO BECOME A CPA 1/3 or USA I HOUSTON 713-692-7186 CLASSES BEGIN NOV 27 1BE©C^ CPA REVIEW next senate meeting in two weeks. One bill would change the cur rent parking policy for on-campus students. Juniors, seniors and graduate students would he classified as “upperclassmen,” while freshmen and sophomores would be designated “underclassmen.’ The bill’s major provision woidd make parking across the tracks on the West Campus mandatory for all on-campus underclassmen. The hill woidd not affect female parking spaces. The policy change would take effect beginning with the 1979- 80 academic year. Currently, sophomores are classified as upperclassmen, while only freshmen are required to park across the tracks. In response to a tendency by state legislators and University adminis tration to shorten or abolish the present Q-drop period, vice presi dent for external affairs Joe Beall in troduced a hill to request that the University maintain its- present Q-drop policy. That policy allows students to drop a course without penalty within five days after mid- semester grades are reported. The rules and regulations com mittee offered a bill to propose changes in the University Rides and Regulations, the “Blue Book. One change would revert to the former policy concerning graduation with honors. Present policy states that, begin ning with all students who entered after May 30, 1978, the minimum overall grade point ratio for gradua tion with honors is 3.5. The old pol icy set the minimum at 3.25. Austin Sterling, vice president for rides and regulations, noted that further research should he made be fore changing the policy. testing grounds to determine there are academic freedoms. Student rights can be found in many areas, such as schools, the arts, or the media. If freedom of ex pression or thinking is found in these, then academic freedom is present. Another important determining factor is the resources available in a learning institution, Cohen said. Cohen said despite the com munist governments in the Eastern European countries, it is now possi ble for scholars in some fields to give views opposite of those in the gov ernment, but they are almost im possible to publish. He said this is because a “loyal opposition” situation cannot exist in a communist country. “They have a remarkably depress ing absence of knowledge of the phrase loyal opposition’,’ Cohen said. “Loyal opposition’ means that a person supports the government, but has dissenting views with it. Cohen said, however, that the situation is changing in countries outside of European Russia. He said dissenting scholars in Yugoslavia may he fired from their jobs, but they still receive their pay and are offered lower level jobs. In Poland, a dissident would receive a cut in pay worse job. In Czechoslovakia, they 1c salary and job, hut at not jailed, Cohen said. He said the situation improving. He used a recent volume of essays by “dissident" Americans that was published in Russia as an example. He said 70,(XX) copies of the vol ume were printed. “I think I Com m Jle Mai 'jan Kulla |d by ason al lical Fa DR. ROBERT S. COHEN schok and Cohen had the least th Russia is essay printed in the hook, and had asked that it not be edited. The editor agreed, but said he would use references to Lenin and Marx in footnotes. Cohen said some of the essays were edited, and the writers were furious. He said, however, that editors edit essays in the United States also. Cohen said that thirty years ago, the hook would not have l>een pub lished in the Soviet Union. He said many of the intellect in the communist countries a with the ideas of the socialistic! os Angi iey Stej: secute v of an would 1 tythan Cl lay said Jiysicalh n supe i.i i l .lerintenc tion; it is the leaders that theyh agn with. Rlanson He said the scholars whollnb ^ agreed with the leaders and t*b f° r s socialists ideas are the ones intraB' n 196' hie. There is freedom for those s k e ^ share the same views as they eminent, but there is none fori opposition, Cohen said. jbuld set o Kahn warns retailers Depression possible become to raise the na- [)s-stvle Manor East 3 Theatres m KA C • 44 .11 O * » U IfWl Manor East Mall FRIDAY-SATURDAY MIDNITE MELBROOKS United Press International WASHINGTON — Alfred Kahn the administration’s hlunt-spokei chief inflation fighter, has the first government officia a frightening possibility — tion may he headed for a 19 depression. Kahn made it clear that such a disastrous development can easily be avoided if each segment of the economy abides by President Car ter’s voluntary anti-inflation pro gram. Nevertheless, Kahn’s use of the term before a retailers conference Wednesday threw an immediate chill into the stock market, which is already' nervous about continuing inflation and skyrocketing interest rates. In his speech, Kahn said he saw ilv two alternatives to Carter s voluntary wage-price campaign. L-J 846-6714 & 846-1151 C UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER' CINEMA I AQflTtlfl CHRISTIE'S STARTS FRI DAY 6:40 9: 15 SAT. & SUN. ALSO I : 35 4: 10 DEATH fill NILE CINEMA II MADELINE KAHN-CLORIS LEACHMAN-HARVEY KORMAN *. a™, DICK VAN PATTEN RON CAREY HOWARD MORRIS MUSIC FROM "HIGH ANXIETY” AVAILABLE ON ELEKTRA/ASYLUM RECORDS & TAPES. ®Coloil)y DELUXE NOW AN ACE PAPERBACK | PG | PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED f y | SOME MATERIAL MAY MOT M SUITABLE FOB CHILDREN ©1978 20TH CENTURY-FOX BJ® STARTS Friday! 7:30 9:45 SAT. & SUN. ALSO | 2:45 5:15 GREGORY LAURENCE PECK OLIVIER THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL “If the inflation accelerates, is permitted to accelerate, sooner or later we will have such a tightening, such a total breakdown of the or ganization and morale of our economy that we will have a deep, deep depression,’ he said. The other course of action, he said, would he “the straitjacket” of mandatory wage-price controls — a step Carter repeatedly has ruled out. If it came to wage-price controls, Kahn said he would quit his job. “I will not he party' to them. I will not take the job of enforcing them. Kahn’s use of the term depression is significant because the conse quences of such an economic de velopment woidd he considerably worse than a repeat of the 1974-75 recession. Many private economists already have warned a recession is all hut inevitable — either next year or in [His folio’ Igeoned Sn act re Jess Abi ISebring | execut Ivife Ros ■anson w Sders of ] ber-on al Ire the < popular definition ofarera f' ate x • . .• . If 1 Mai sion is two consecutive quarteB®. <• A B surface negative economic growth, acc«B ^ <.g 1980. Tin economic panied by a rise in unemploymaL A depression, on the otherlmff 355 ! ™' • negative economic growth overly of i entire vear — accompani* . . ,, least an , acc„mp£.r| at letter by massive unemployment sharp drops in investment andj ^ utilization. Hanson, Folson Ihiatric r pile pn Jiely wit Kge, the The last U.S. depression was mg the first half of the 1930s. For the good of the nation,! said. Carter's program must s ceed. Tve heard cynics say thatitj isn’t going to work,’’ he said. 7 will throw up their hands. “My answer is: where are t!® - going to go? This is the countnlL^^^ which they are. They’re in this just as much I am and just as imT ” as the president is. “Do they think they are going go to Germany or Japan? couldn’t even afford a cup of al there.” EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF AND 600 AGAINST ALL (The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser) Written and Directed by Werner Herzog Starring BrunoS. MSC Arts Committee presents — Time: 8 p.m. Date: Monday, Nov. 20 Price: $1.00 Place: MSC Basement Coffeehouse GRIGORY LAURINCI PECK OLIVIER if they survive...will we? 7: 30 9:45 6:40 9: 15 flQdTM CHRISTIES bE/TITONILE CINEMA l&ll PLITT Southern 'TZe&tia TF UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-4714 & 84M151 Small Ads... Big' Results! CLASSIFIED ADS! WOODY ALLEN'S 1 “Everything you always wanted to know about BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASKJJ mmm, All Tickets $1.25 Tickets on sale at 10:30p.m. X11IIIITTI 11 lliriTTTMgllIXlllTIIIIlI.milin