' -C Viewpoint The Battalion Texas A&M University Thursday November 16, 1978 Numbers may not reflect real voter change By ARNOLD SAWISLAK United Press International WASHINGTON — If you look only at the bottom line numbers of the mid-term election last week, it may seem as if virtually nothing happened. The Republicans gained some seats in the House and Senate and a few governor ships, but nowhere near enough to chal lenge what has been iron Democratic con trol of Congress for the last 24 years and dominance of the nation’s statehouses for the last decade. Nor does it seem from the numbers that the Republican Party, which has teetered on the edge of extinction in recent years, did much to make itself a better life insur ance risk. Not necessarily so. While the Demo crats will be running the government in Washington and most states, anyone who thinks that means liberalism is in the sad dle may be in for a shock. Some examples: Two Democratic senators who went down the drain Nov. 7 were Dick Clark of Iowa and Wendell An derson of Minnesota.- Two new Demo cratic senators elected last week are James Boren of Oklahoma and James Exon of Nebraska. Washington Window Clark and Anderson are liberals by any definition; Boren and Exon, both deep- dyed conservatives. Boren, in fact, endorsed the Republican Kemp-Roth tax reduction bill during his campaign and Exon repeatedly has fought liberals of his Dollar s collapse not serious—for some By DICK WEST WASHINGTON — Despite all that has been written about it this year, the U.S. dollar’s collapse overseas has had little direct impact on the lives of most Americans. Only in tangential ways is the dollar drop beginning to bring about noticable changes. One visible manifestation is the steady increase in the number of Japanese tourists seen in this country. McDonald’s finds rumors are too earthy United Press International ATLANTA — For the second time this year, officials of McDonald’s Corp., have gone public to deny damaging rumors — the latest that the company adds worms to its hamburger meat to boost protein con tent. At a news conference Tuesday, com pany spokesman Doug Timberlake said of ficials first thought the rumor was “too ludicrous to even think about” when it sur faced at Chattanooga, Tenn. Now, he said, a new southwide advertising campaign will emphasize that the hamburgers are 100 percent pure beef. Timberlake said lagging sales and the spread of the rumor to other areas of the nation prompted the company to regard the matter more seriously. Earlier this year, McDonald’s was forced to deny re ports that its owner, Ray A. Kroc, contrib uted money to a satanic cult in California. Asked if there was any link between the two rumors, spokeswoman Stephany Skurdy at company headquarters in Oak- brook, Ill., said, “I wish we knew. We know there’s absolutely no truth to either rumor, and one is much older than the other. “They don’t seem to have any relation,” she said. Timberlake also said he discounted re ports that a competitor might be responsi ble, saying the entire fast food industry had been affected. He consistently avoided the word “worm” in his discussion of the rumor, but officials at the Georgia Office of Consumer Affairs confirmed that “several calls and letters” had been received asking about the use of worms in hamburgers. Timberlake said about 50 McDonald’s stores in the Atlanta area reported lagging sales — some as much as 30 percent lower — since the rumor surfaced nine weeks ago. One noticeable result of the more re cent rumor, Timberlake said, was a sharp reduction in the number of birthday par ties for youngsters held at McDonald’s outlets. This was verified by Jim Taylor, who owns four McDonald franchises in northwest Atlanta. “I have gotten calls from mothers wor ried about what their children are eating and this (the rumor) is the only reason that I can see why my business is off,” Taylor said. Because of the favorable currency ex change rate, visiting the United States has now become a relatively cheap vacation for Japanese. > The other day at lunch I happened to be eating at a table next to a group of Japanese tourists. The only Japanese words I know are “hara-kiri,” but you don’t have to speak the language to under stand what tourists are talking about. Tourism has a universal tongue all of its own. When I first tuned in on the conversa tion, one of the Japanese was describing “a marvelous little offbeat restaurant” he had discovered. “Since the natives eat there, it is loaded with atmosphere. Plus they serve authen tic American food at a good price.” “What’s the name of the place?” “McDonald’s.” He went on to say that “I got a full three-course dinner — hamburger, french frieds and milkshake -r— and something you haven’t seen in a long tfrrTfe — change from a five-dollar bill.” “How much is that in real money?” the second Japanese asked. “It’s about half a yen.” “That’s the trouble with American money,” his companion grumbled. “You practically have to have a wheelbarrow to haul it around in.” The man called Sun Flu said, “Sat Low is getting to be quite a sophisticate. Last night he was eating his french fries with his fingers like the natives do.” “I’ve tried that,” a young woman said, but I can’t seem to get the hang of it. I always dribble ketchup on my blouse or something.” “It does seem awkward at first,” Sat Low said, “but with a little practice, you can manage pretty good. The trick is to rest the thumb on the underside of the french fry. Then, with the forefinger and middle finger apply just enough pressure to lift it to your mouth.” Another Japanese tourist, who was called Abraham, said, “It’s good we re get ting to see the United States before it be comes completely Nipponized. I’m al ready feeling like I never left home. “Yesterday afternoon our sightseeing bus stopped at the monument that com memorates the American victory over Japanese forces on Iwo Jima in World War H. “There were six cars in the parking lot — three Datsuns, two Toyotas and a Honda.” “I know what you mean,” Sun Flu said. “I went into a quaint little souvenir shop to buy an American cigarette lighter to take back home. The only thing I could find was a cheap American copy of a Japanese lighter.” Slouch by Jim Earle IT HAD TO HAPPEN! A CENTER POLE THAT’S TOO LONG!’ own party to a standstill in Democratic councils. Now consider some of the new GOP senators. Replacing Clark will be Republi can Roger Jepsen, who was reported to have endorsed apartheid in one of his campaign appearances. Replacing Demo crat Thomas McIntyre will be Republican Gordon Humphrey, another staunch con servative. The two new senators share an association with fundraiser Richard Viguerie, who has been described as the godfather of the New Right. Gone from the Senate will be moderates Republicans Clifford Case of New Jersey and Edward Brooke of Massachusetts. Newcomers like William Cohen of Maine and Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas may partially replace these middle-of- the-road votes, but on balance the con servative strength in the Senate seems surely to have gone up as a result of the 1978 election. In 1958, the Democrats made a record gain of 15 Senate seats. It was widely pre dicted that every liberal program that had been stymied since the end of the New Deal would shortly become law. That did not happen, and in fact it was not easy to tell the difference between the Senate that went home in 1958 from the Senate that went to work in 1959. It was not until 1961, with a new Democratic president in office, that some of the backlogged liberal proposals started mov ing and even then such areas as civil rights and school aid were regarded as impossi ble to deal with. The Democrats lost only two seats last Tuesday. It is possible, however, that the loss in votes may be several times that number. Letters to the Editor Bonfire work: not easy, something for everyone Editor: This letter is an attempt to clear up some mistaken notions about Bonfire as expressed in the editorial of Nov. 14. As you said, women are doing everything they can and I think that’s plenty. Work ing on Bonfire is no easy task. Those logs (especially the ones going up in about a week) are pretty damn heavy. There is no way girls can lift them. Why not increase the lift power by using more girls? Well, you’re just increasing the chances of tripping on logs or feet and hurting someone. Guys are strong enough to compensate if a person trips, so there are no dropped logs or cracked heads. Equal rights are great, but at the ex pense of someone’s safety? Besides, enough guys talk with the coffee girls out there already, so we don’t need any more temptations. About off-campus students (and all male students), no permission is needed to work stack, just a hard hat. The training is on the job. I’m glad they are getting or ganized and getting out because they are needed just as much as anybody. But they were never denied work. Bonfire is for everybody. The girls have done great at what they are doing. As for the guys, it’s pretty hard to stay calm when every year you see the same people as be fore. Ask the redpots who work. Bonfire is not an activity sanctioned for a few, but if ony a few work, how can you unify people who aren’t there. —Chris Drake, ’81 Gay's facts' differ Editor: I must respond to D. Valois’ letter printed in the Battalion, Nov. 13. First, let me say that the facts about the “gay” lifes tyle were accurate in the “Today’s Stu dent.” Although you have presented re search information from the famous Kin sey Institute, I’m afraid you are overlook ing the most important (and perhaps the earliest) report on the effects of homosexu ality. It tells not only of the emotional im pact for the individual, but also the impact on society (as we have seen in the last few years). The source? The Bible. I know many will laugh, but really — who should know more about you personally than the One who made you? And God gave us the Bible not as a legalistic list of “do’s and don’ts”, but because He only wants the best for us. Pre-marital sex is just as wrong as homosexual relationships, since neither are what God intends for us. The other flaw in your “facts” is that gays have one of the highest rates of suicide of any group, and most are hurting emotionally. They try not to let others see that hurt, because that would indicate that maybe they were wrong, and that they can’t handle life so well on their own after all. The Bible tells why there are such de viant lifestyles in Romans 1:24-28,32. I have a couple of friends who have become gay, and though they try to appear happy-go-lucky and carefiee, I know that the emotional cuts go deep, and healing is very slow. But for homosexuality and any other wrong, there is healing through Jesus Christ. I’ve seen both sides and I know this is true. But, facts can be found to support any belief, as Mr. Valois has found. But the Bible (unlike current “research”) isn’t changed to soothe the conscience of those involved. The emptiness that drives someone to homosexuality as a lifestyle, or to drugs, etc., is the need to have a per sonal relationship with Jesus Christ. I’ll be glad to get together and discuss both viewpoints with anyone who would like to. I’ll find the time to do so. 846- 3942. — Steve Upham, ’80 Maronites blamed Editor: It is easy to throw accusations at each other, but if we abstain from doing so, it is because of our commitment toward “entente.” In the Nov, 9 issue it was mentioned that the Maronites were exploiting all the wealth and power in Lebanon. However, it was ignored that they were the main contributing factor to the develpment of the country (and the oil-rich Arab coun tries) at a time when ignorance was com mon to others. We are really sorry to see such narrow-minded accusations that have no evidence. The Maronites were blamed but their only fault is their desire to see an independent country free from any Syrian, Palestinian or other intrusion. We are convinced that in a country that has been the crossroad of several civiliza tions, that allegiance should be first to Lebanon and it’s national interests, before any regional-racial adherences. What Lebanon needs today is a mutual understanding among all Lebanese instead of futile accusations. —John Jbeily, grad student Fady Gemayel, ’79 George Akat, ”79 P.S. Maronites are Roman Catholics be longing to a 2,000-year-old church. Top of the News Uj CAMPUS Silver Taps to be Tuesday Silver taps for Paul H. Krenzke, 22, of Lake Jackson, and Geina Rena Wall, 19, of Saltillo, will be held Tuesday. The two Texas A&M University students were killed in Houston Monday when their car struck a stalled truck on the freeway. Services for Krenzke, a senior math major, will be held at 2 p.m. today at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Lake Jackson. The funeral for Wall, a freshman agriculture journalism major, was Wednesday afternoon in Weaver. The two are the third and fourth student fatalities of the new academic year. LOCAL Tours of Brazos Center to begin Prospective users of the multi-purpose Brazos Center will have the opportunity of touring the building, now under construction, on Wednesdays between noon and 3 p.m. according to center director Phyllis Dozier. Prior arrangements made with Dozier and good weather conditions are required for the tours. The new building is approximately two-thirds completed and is just east of the East Bypass on Briarcrest Drive. It is expected to be ready for use in late February, 1979. Touring arrangements may be made by calling Dozier at 693-5990. inki^ni I to raus nt 1A ig i r irties react' isoto; foun rorlH of tin ie I IK Books to be sold this weekend The annual Book Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Bryan Pub lic Library will be held at Manor East Mall this weekend. The sale is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Proceeds from the sale of old books will be used to buy new books and support other projects of the Bryan Public Library. STATE Audit requested after job loss The National Cancer Institute has requested an in depth federal audit of the Tyler Asbestos Workers Program on the basis of ques tions raised by a hospital biomathematician fighting to regain his job. NCI contract officer James Cavanagh said the audit request was prompted by Dr. Emir H. Shuford Jr., who has been relieved of duty at the University of Texas Tyler Health Center which runs the five- year, $2 million program. In 1974 NCI hired the health center, then a state tuberculosis hospital, to locate and monitor workers in a Tyler asbestos insulation plant that closed in 1972 because of high in-plant asbestos dust levels. Researchers have determined inhaling asbestos scars the lungs and can cause cancer years after exposure. Court says Hill exceeded power The Texas Supreme Court in Austin ruled Wednesday Attorney General John Hill exceeded his authority by filing suit against two state agencies involved in separate disputes involving South Texas water supplies. Hill had contended his position as guardian of the public interest gave him authority to take the action. The 3rd Court of Civil Appeals in July had ruled Hill exceeded his authority in taking such actions against the state agencies, and the Supreme Court up held that decision without written opinion. The courts said the attor ney general is the attorney for state agencies, and filing suit against an agency would place him on both sides of the legal issue. Transcripts to be given to jury The judge in the T. Cullen Davis trial Wednesday said prosecution transcripts of a taped conversation between the defendant and an informant would be supplied to the jury because of the poor quality of the tape. District Judge Wallace Moore allowed a tape to be played once without any transcript being offered jurors, but later said the transcripts were needed as an aid to interpret inaudible passages. Davis is on trial in Houston on charges of attempting to hire the murder of the judge in his divorce case. In the tape, Davis and the informant on Aug. 18 discussed arranging the deaths of five persons. Famous taps bugler dies at 83 The man Gen. John J. “Blackjack” Pershing asked to play taps to tell the world World War I had ended will be buried Friday in Denison. Hartley Edwards died in his sleep at a convalescent home Tuesday at the age of 83. When Pershing selected him from hundreds of other Army buglers to play taps at the end of the war, Edwards had been an obscure soldier who had never played the horn until he joined the military. Up to two years ago Edwards continued to play the bugle, going up to a third floor room of his home tolflow reville every morning. NATION WAS! althougl lems ha illegal al Amba tries car past, pa reserves Marge Resoure topics. His sp Mexico’s even mi: Marge own gas agree me The p Mexic elect ricit Mexic lay by 1 The a United S only one nany cli Marga nto the fexico 1 actor.” As for Margain is well: they woi yc ca to ga ca pe wi qu i dis co ha Unknown ship causes collision A still unidentified ship involved in a Gulf of Mexico hit-and-run collision that killed three New York fishermen could be as far away as the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, a Coast Guard official said. The ship rammed the fishing vessel Joanie Rene Sunday morning and failed to stop for survivors. Three men, including the captain, died and one of the two survivors bobbed in the water for 29 hours before being rescued. The State Department has notified foreign govern ments to keep a lookout for any vessel that looks like it could have been involved. WEATHER We are experiencing a cold front which moved into the area yesterday. We will have overcast skies and a 70% chance of rain. High temperature today will be in the mid-50’s and a low in the upper 40’s. Winds are southerly at 10-15 mph. The Battalion LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Represented nationally by National Educational Adver tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from September through May except during exam and holiday periods and the summer, when it is published on Tuesday through Thursday. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. United Press International is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Editor KimTitf Managing Editor LizNi Assistant Managing Editor Andy Wil Sports Editor David City Editor Jamie Ail Campus Editor Steve News Editors Debbie Pan Beth Calhoun Staff Writers Karen Rogers, Md Patterson, Scott Pendlel® Sean Petty, Michelle Scudfc Diane Blake, Lee Roy Lescliftf Jr., Dillard Stone Cartoonist Doug Grab* Photographers Ed Cunniii Lynn Blanco Focus section editor GaryWeH Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the University administration or the Board of Regents. The Battalion is a non-profit, supporting enterprise operated by shiiif^ 1 as a university and community iii’iesp# Editorial policy is determined by the editif j