The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1978, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1978 ) (g; (PJKg) Kg) Kg FRESHMEN and SOPHOMORES 1 YEARBOOK PICTURES A-E §1 MUST BE TAKEN THIS WEEK (NOV. 13-NOV. 17) barker Bryan to reward crime information photography 16-5766 NORTHGA fiaTgiTisTaMQieiQiQi(3Mateii3Mfi3t^^ 32 OZ PEPSI (2(K Bottle Deposit Required) Order any Large Pizza (except cheese) and receive 2 FREE Quarts of Pepsi. Order any Medium or Small Pizza (except cheese) and get 1 FREE Quart of Pepsi. 1 coupon per Pizza, please Name Address Phone _ Expires Sun., Nov. 19 Not Valid During Happy Hour By LYLE LOVETT Battalion Reporter The Bryan City Council passed an ordinance Monday providing $1,000 rewards for information leading to arrests and convictions for crimes committed in the city. The rewards will apply to felony offenses of burglary, robbery and rape, and will not be available to peace officers, private security workers or victims of the crimes. This was the first reading of the ordinance. It will go into effect 30 days after its second reading Nov. 27. The council also voted to continue the city sales tax on utilities. The state utilities tax was repealed by the Texas Legislature last session, but cities have the option to continue the municipal tax. The council also adopted a traffic engineering study submitted by Traffic Engineers Inc. for traffic control planning in Bryan. The study includes suggestions for stoplight placement and roadway construc tion, and will be used as a guide for future traffic improvements. In other action, the council voted to allocate $5,100 to the Arts Council of Brazos Valley for fiscal year 1978-79. The funding comes from the city hotel and motel tax. WE BUY BOOKS EVERY DAY! And remember we give 20% more in trade for used books. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE Northgate - Across from the Post Office Aggie Players and Theater Arts Section present by Archibald MacLeish Nov. 13-18 8 p.m. Rudder Forum General Adm. - S3 TAMU Student - $2 Tickets at Rudder Box Office what’s up? \o Tuesday TSEA: The Texas Student Education Association will have a meeting at 7 p.m. in Room 410, Rudder Tower. COLLOQUIUM: The Psychology Department and Psi Chi are spon soring a colloquium presentation by Arnold Buss from the Univer sity of Texas on "Self-consciousness" at 4 p.m. in Room 410, Rud der Tower. IEEE: Will have a representative from McDonnel Douglas speak on "Computer Aided Design” at 7 p.m. in Room 102, Zachry. PRE-MED, PRE-DENT SOCIETY: Michael L. Budd, from the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine will speak about Os teopathic Medicine at 7:30 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. Therewillbe a reception and refreshments afterwards. RACQUETBALL CLUB: Will meet in the MSC at 7 p.m. Wednesday CLASS OF ’79: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 137A, MSC. Christ mas card sales begin today. SAN ANGELO-WEST TEXAS HOMETOWN CLUB: Will discuss the Christmas dance at 7 p.m. in Room 304, Rudder Tower. MECHANIZED AGRICULTURE CLUB: Pictures for The Aggie land” will be taken at 7 p.m. in the Student Lounge in the MSC. TAMU MICRO-COMPUTER CLUB: Harold Mauch, from Percom Data Corp., will speak on Disk Operating Systems in Room 203, Zachry. PRE-VET SOCIETY: Pictures for "The Aggieland" followed by a meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in Room 102, Zachry. BRIDGE CLUB: Will play at 7:15 p.m. in Room 212, MSC. Every body is welcome to play. GOLF: The women’s team will play in the Lady Gator Invitational in Gainesville, Fla. AGGIE CINEMA: ‘‘Henry V" will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. AGRICULTURAL COMMUNICATORS OF TOMORROW: A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in room 002 of the Reed- McDonald Building. There will be a guest speaker. Thursday GREAT ISSUES: Presents Robert Cohen, who will speak on “Academic Freedom in Eastern Europe" at 12:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower. PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR: Neil Turner will speak on "Roleol Turgor Maintenance in Drought Adaptation” at 4 p.m. in Room 113, Plant Sciences Building. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 510, Rudder Tower. WA! ihd da Care Geo iroug Chip ouse e. No r ould 1 “The rther The awldr Rumi imme oved areho Jeff, i 'bite J r mol The ( an ;per, starring Woody Allen, where he chamber, and is is frozen in a cold storage chamber, and is awakened in the year 2173 to find himself an alien fugitive, will be shown at 8 & 10 p.m. in Rudder Theater. He is pursued by government agents who want to zap him with their brain-washing ray. VOLLEYBALL: The women’s team will play at the SWAIAW Re- gionals in Arlington today through Saturday. GOLF: The men’s team will play in the Junior College-Freshman Tournament in Houston, today and tomorrow. Student Senate V.P. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS J. C. Colton - 693-5601 V.P. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Joe Beall - 779-8976 V.P. FINANCE Wayne Morrison - 845-7340 V.P. RULES & REGULATING Austin Sterling - 846-0109 V.P. STUDENT SERVICES Kevin Patterson - 845-5649 Listed below, by constituency, are the names and phone numbers of your senators. These people are your representative voice to the University Administration, and to the City, State and National governments. LIVING AREAS: OFF-CAMPUS UNDERGRAD: OFF-CAMPUS GRAD: Kevin Basham 823-3007 Michael Bave 779-4512 Teresa Beshara 846-0165 Alan L. Black 693-0896 Laura Brockman 693-7046 Dorothy Du Bois 693-7051 Ray Godsey 693-1353 Randy Hunter 693-4331 Phillip Johnson 693-2286 Michael Jones 822-9084 Steve Jones 693-3541 Robert Price 693-7735 Ray Rabroker 693-1121 Jim Stockie 779-8976 Tim Torno 693-3663 Chuck Wise 846-3641 Ron Woessner 846-3669 Jessie Cowan 693-2165 Robert Czachowski 693-8705 Janet Golub 846-9787 Robert L. Johnson 693-7732 John R. Kennedy 823-0794 ACADEMIC COLLEGES: AGRICULTURE GRAD: Candy Des Rosiers 693-3001 SR: Max Crittenden 845-1858 SR: Leroy Startz 845-2981 JR: Darrell Moore 845-2863 JR: Doug Nesmith 845-2682 SOPH: Kathleen Miller 845-1955 SOPH: Robert Van Winkle 845-5396 ARCHITECTURE: Tony Scardino 845-5050 Charles Stoviak 845-4940 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRAD: Ed Ramos 845-4704 SR: Stephen Greenwade 845-2050 JR: George Black 845-1003 SOPH: Brad L. Smith 845-7954 EDUCATION GRAD: Mavis Rollins 846-7317 JR: Cindy Lys 693-3688 SOPH: Linda Chastain 845-4880 ENGINEERING CORPS SR: Mark Tilton 845-4585 JR: Bob Ingram 845-3177 KEATHLEY/FOWLER/HUGHES/SPENCE: Cheryl Kucherka 845-4907 KRUEGER/MOSHER: Dara Flinn 845-5865 ASTON/DUNN/UTAY: Paul Bettencourt 845-7849 GRAD: GRAD: SR: SR: JR: JR: SOPH: Patrick Lackey 693-0054 Steve Veary 846-3045 Steve Hageman 845-7969 Michael McCutcheon 845-6059 Joe Cano 845-2989 Steve Wardlaw 845-1067 Tami Steen 845-4153 Bruce Hook 845-6203 MOSES/MOORE/CROCKER/DAVIS-GARY: Scott Farthing 845-4084 WALTON/McINNIS/SCHUMACHER/CAIN/HOTARD: Richard Bethelson 845-1170 HART/LAW/PURYEAR: Bruce Russell 845-5387 MARRIED STUDENT HOUSING: Wilson Martir 846-5072 AT-LARGE: GEOSCIENCES: Jim Thomas 845-3484 LIBERAL ARTS SR: Rob Poole 845-1876 JR: John Groce 845-5303 SOPH: Brian Gross 845-7867 SCIENCE: Michael Dishberger 845-2149 Darrell Westbrook 845-7103 John Calhoun 845-4549 VET MED & MED SCHOOL: Edgar Tenorio 845-7450 Melanie Zentgrof 845-2695 FRESHMAN: Jim Barolak 845-8007 Mike Behrle 693-7950 Jim Bob Coates 693-6087 Dionne Jung 693-3277 George Mauze 779-6394 Karen Shipp 693-0668 Cheryl Swanzy 846-9779 Due to recent Senate resignations, the following positions are open. To apply for these positions, stop by the Student Government Office in Rm. 216 of the MSC. After a short selection process, a new Senator will be appointed. ; 1 GRADUATE, LIBERAL ARTS SENIOR, EDUCATION OFF-CAMPUS, UNDERGRAD. CORPS, SOPHOMORE SOPHOMORE, ENGINEERING MOODY COLLEGE P M: I