The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1978, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1978 Tuesday Nite Live At I HOP CHEESE OMLETTE AND THREE PANCAKES Welcome back to the Restaurant! $^49 ONLY Good between 10 p.m.-2 a.m. International House of Pancakes . 103 COLLEGE 846-1817 How to tell whether you just saw a gnome ora man, yttle people Jg A charming guide to a completely other world Illustrated with 60 black-and-white drawings. Pick it up at your bookstore or write: Pocket Books, Dept.SP—, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. OCKET BOOKS 7903fe/$3.95 Ifmrr MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER 7:25 9:45 THE BIG FIX 7:30 9:50 SOMEBODY KILLED HER HUSBAND 7:20 9:40 I i! * 1 '.XTTP. 1 SENIORS PL0S SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHERS GROOVE TUBE PLUS GUESS WHAT HAPPENED IN SCHOOL TODAY irtTrv npRSB Kris Kristolerson CONVOY Now you knoi United Press International The world’s most widely: language is Mandarin Chinese, by 670 million people. Engi second with 369 million. Othe descending order, are Russia 246 million; Spanish, 225 mj Hindi, 218 million; Arabic, lion; Portuguese, 133 milli gali 131 million; German lion; Japanese, 113 million;ilj Indonesian, 101 million. 846-6714 & 846-llil i J N i V E R SITY SQUARE SHOPPING & CINEMA "SGT. PEPPEK LONELY HEAK rcfCHJB BAN! CINEM The Battalion Classified |NATi#KA? ■ampii Aum HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE HAMLIN TIRE ty^l CENTER Monarch TIRES OFFICIAL NOTICE FULL OR PART TIME *Day shift ♦Flexible hours to fit your schedule + Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) *Rapid advancement ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 1Hnf(n Part time help wanted. GRAPEVINE PER SONALITY. Call 846-3411. 28tfn Need someone to do general yardwork. S3.00 an hour. Call 779-8577. 53t.3 Part time. Week nights 10-3. Weekends 10-5. Starting $2.80/hr. Apply in person. Jack-in-the-Box 1604 Texas Avenue, College Station I OFFICIALS NEEDED Basketball - $7.50 per game Volleyball - $6.00 per match Call Bryan Parks & Recreation Department We sell shocks, reliable batteries, Pirelli, Road Ki: Monarch. Summit on off road and more tires, fronte; alignment, and computerized spin balancing on wheels. 'Where family pride makes a difference"jii 1700 Texas Ave. 713-779-2181 Ray Hamlin Mark Hamlin co an all K< th sai th: de efi cat or wi raj its< sta are the fee m its I cor ori: job gov con 1 TV and wea 3-C BARBECUE HELP WANTED : Someone dependable and ex-* perienced. Apply at Pipers GulfT Service Station, corner of Univ.j' and Texas by Ramada Inn.: Flexible Hours and Good Pay 2 I 822-1054 §g§Dishwashers and busboys, serving line workers. = Day or Night Full or Part Time Apply in person between 2 and 4 p.m. Culpepper Plaza 49.11 PART TIME OR FULLTIME N Now accepting applications for day cashiers or night cooks. Apply in person KEN MARTIN’S STEAKHOUSE 1803 Texas Avenue, Bryan OPPORTUNITY =Fixed future for responsible sales = =oriented individual who enjoys ac- = ||tive contact with public. No travel = =required, permanent resident thisE =area, expenses paid. We offer = =training school plus training loc- = =ally. Position offers stable careers =with substantial income and= EEmanagerial opportunities. Con-s =tact manager at 846-1791 or= EEwrite: P.O. Box 9176, C.S.,= =TX. ■” ' 52110= tiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIr FOR SALE SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE FALL ’78 SEMESTER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO ORDER THE TEXAS A&M SENIOR CLASS RING. AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST HAVE AT LEAST NINETY-TWO (92) SEMESTER HOURS, WITH 30 HOURS AT A&M AND BE IN GOOD STANDING. TO ORDER AT MID-SEMESTER USING MID-SEMESTER GRADES TO FULFILL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IN STRUCTIONS: 1. LEAVE YOUR NAME, MAJOR AND I D. NUMBER WITH THE RING CLERK, HEATON BUILD ING, PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST IF POSSIBLE, OR AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF ORDERING. THIS MAY NOT BE DONE BY PHONE. 2. BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER TO VERIFY PASSING HOURS. 3. ANYONE HAVING FAILED TO LEAVE THEIR NAME IN ADVANCE AND FAIL TO BRING THEIR MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORT ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER WILL BE ASKED TO RETURN LATER TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED. 4. ALL RINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHEN THE ORDER IS PLACED. SENIOR RING LOANS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE YMCA BUILDING 5. MID-SEMESTER ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN ONLY FROM OCTOBER 30TH UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST, 1978. 6. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT PLACE THEIR ORDER DURING THIS PERIOD MAY ORDER AFTER FINAL GRADES ARE POSTED. THERE WILL ONLY BE A 2-3 WEEK DIFFERENCE IN DELIVERY TIME FOR THOSE STUDENTS ORDERING IN JANUARY. (WHENEVER 92 HOURS NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:30 A M. - 1.-CO P. M. OR BETWEEN 4:00 - 5:00 P. M 8. ALL RINGS ORDERED. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ON OCTOBER 30TH OR DECEMBER 1ST, WILL BE DELIVERED ON THE SAME DAY WHICH WILL BE APPROXIMATELY FEB RUARY 28, 1978. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OPEN HOUSE All Prospective and Interested Students are Invited Tuesday, November 21 Room 200 Heldenfels Hall 7:30 P.M. Introduction to the College of Medicine Visit with Faculty and Medical Students Tour College of Medicine Magnavox console stereo, AM-FM radio; Gretsch electric guitar and National amplifier. 779-1954 after 5. site New Kirbv vacuum. All attachments. Student needs $. 693-1542. ‘ 51t5 The Houston Chronicle will have openings for two motor route carriers effective 12/1/78. Salaries range from $385-$450 per month plus bonuses and transportation allow ances. Applicants must have week day afternoons and weekend mornings available. We are also tak ing applications for routes for the spring semester. Call Julian McMur- ray, 693-2323 or 846-0763. 43ttn EXTFA HOURS earn you $500 per 1000 stuffing envelopes with our circulars. For information: S&S ENTERPRISE DEPT. 33 P.O. Box 1158 MIDDLETOWN, OH 45Q42.Miia. 30' trailer, close to campus, $3,000. 822-5755 after 6. 53tl0 Must sell Honda Express. 5 months old, ideal for college students. Very reasonably priced. Ph. 779-5309. ' 53t5 f OVERSEAS JOBS | Summer/full time. Europe, S. 1973 Ford LTD engine, transmission and body. 822-4158 after 5. 53ti OFFICIAL NOTICE Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts is look ing for students who would be interested in working for So cial Security in the spring semester. The salary will be starting at $617 per month. If you are interested please con tact Susannah Clary at 5-5141. 5 a- FOR RENT >c>c 2-Bedroom apartment. Furnished, near cam pus, shuttle bus route, $220/mo. 846-6841.5311 | Stated Communication of Sul Ross Lodge Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan C.S. 1101 Texas 105 Dominik '■Hut Pizza Hut of Bryan now accepting ap plications for waitresses and cooks. Applicants must be well groomed and enjoy working with people. Working hours can be arranged around school schedule. Please apply at 2610 S. Texas Avenue to arrange an inter view. 45110 k '77 Yamaha 500. Full fairing, 3,800 miles, America, Australia, Asia, etc. All * —.• „—u—» ficnn coo outk r'..n #1300 AF & AM, 312 Jersey, C.S.! i /-vgioli Cilia, /-vo i a, r-\M = runs. If I fields, $500-1200 monthly, expenses J after 8 | paid, sightseeing. Free info. - Write: | I International Job Center Bmt 4490- ! uns, looks excellent, $1600, 693-2835. Call p.m, 52t5 .. Monday, Nov. 13, 7 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. f | James K. Hennigan I J International Job Center, Box 4490- ? 1968 Mustang, 6 cylinder, good condition I TC, Berkeley, CA 94704. 48H0 j Call Ken 693-8332. 503 5 Full Time 10 Part Time Counter help and pizza makers. Good pay, flexible hours. Must apply in person. Chanello’s 301 Patricia 44111 5 Full Time 10 Part Time Drivers for delivery. Good pay, flexible hours. Must apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Pat- ricia St., C.S. 44m 1976 Chevrolet van, customized, 693-7987. $4,400. ,53t5 WM j C. W. Trossen I Sec. | 52H LOVELY BRICK HOME 4 Bdr. 2 bath, washer/dryer, fenced backyard, large den w. fireplace. No pets or overnight male guests. Partially furnished, $125/mo., bills paid. 693-7046 s:il/ STUDENT PURCHASE PROGRAM coupon books DESPERATE Sublease one bedroom apt Nov. rent free. All bills paid $200 month. One block from campus. 846- j Kenwood 2400 receiver, j watts/channel, two Webachsj I speakers, 10” woofers and a BSR | | 5 bands frequency equalizer al-1 j most new in excellent condition. | j All for only $450. 693-3520, Al-1 ifmdch 5215 | | Full time and part time post jtions available at Farmer's* I Market Sandwich Shops. Experience Desired 822-6417 49tfn j WHY RENT? Mobile home 14x75, 3 br 2 bath, total electric. All appli ances, $12,500 or assume $161.77 @ month plus equity. 779-3516 days, 779-5119 evenings. Buddy Miller. 49te J 12 ; [CLASS OF ’79j f MEETING • [Wed., Nov. 15th» jRm. 137A MSCj I 5213 | ^The Department of Mathemat- ^ 5ics will take applications for^ "student employment for^ HELP WANTED PART TIME 11-2 Mon. thru Fri., & more hours if desired Apply Schlotzsky’s 100 S. Texas Ave., College Station ARtm LIVE IN THE COUNTRY 12x60 mobile home 15 minutes from campus. Fenced yard, trees, horsepasture. Available January, $3,750. Call 822-6977 after 5:30. sate Weight Watchers can show you how losing weight never tasted so good. College Station club meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Stu dent Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. SERVICES LOST ^Spring Semester 1979. Appli-iV-iA- Jcations are available in thejf FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 5Mathematics Department,! , » Need a change? More Money? Challenge? We pay: Managers - salary and possible commission ,9 ■ 19«911 ^ $22,000 + ^gv^cxm-rii 9901911119 19 ii9*9iii99ip Trainee Managers - salary and possible com 1515, 5 p.m. 46192 I mission $15,750+ < [ Assistant Managers - salary and possible com mission $19,060+ v Benefits include group health and major medical,J > JRoom 102 Milner Hall. Appli-2 Jcation deadline is NovemberSc ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 ' I paid vacations, volume commissions and a future with an established, dynamic company. L. G. Stocker Hamburgers By Gourmet: * 27-9505 1 ^ (713) 527-9505 RECENTLY HOURLY EMPLOYEES NOW MAN <[ AGERS MAKING $22,000 + . Call L. G. Stocker Hamburgers By Gourmet (713) 527-9505 | » $100 REWARD For information lead ing to recovery of a black & white, male Siberian Husky lost in the Bryan-C.S. area Oct. 25. CALL 846-2877 5115 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 38t,n WANTED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group .3400 S. College 823-8051 Professional typing services. 846-9109. 47t26 Typing. 846-7577. Typing, Experienced, kinds. 822-0544. fast. accurate. All 37 tin Typing. 823-4579. NIVERSII r ACRES APARTMENTS Located off Wellborn Road, Vz mile past 2818 on FM 2154. Many new im provements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $135.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. 1 bedroom apts. now available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846- 5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. Joe Courtney, Inc.' contain discount coupons for area businesses available in limited quantity only while supply lasts. MSC Rm. 216 SPONSORED BY: Student Government Externa Affairs Committee is KA ter’s ■ some at the cal ga Pro the 8C said ti day w officia but la the nt As l sters’ said t politic able ci cient s Noy which from F Sri c patt sars, Atla Th 280 t radia astro Fo exact stand prodi Pinchas Zi NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. isitfn — VIOU DECEMBER GRADUATES MAY PICK UP GRADUATION AN NOUNCEMENTS NOW IN ROOM 216, A&B, MSC. EXTRAS WILL BE PUT ON SALE. November 20, 1978 in the Student Finance Center, Room 217 of the MSC, on a first come first served basis. 53t7 tuf “Pinchas Zuk talent. His cc is so nature the most d ; one after t easy ‘he conques. a luxuriant 1 the violin inborn that sages appear - each with an succession of Hie New York Post READY FOR SPRING COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedroom, 1 bath with carport, washers & dryers and built-ins. Lawns are maintained for you. THE CRUSE CORPORATION Thelma Costa Offices (8-5) 846-4773 Evenings & Weekends 846-7318 UVEMBER 14, 1978 udder Auditorium lie—$5.90, $4.75, $3.90 ht/Date—$4.85, $3.95, $3.25 Tickets and Information MSC Box Office at 845-2916 ' a) i b) 1 c) <