The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1978, Image 3
s ^ew nuclear defense plan ncludes urban evacuation erage and socia- >$t for 'rcent foom lation nder- rder- othe the 'Orce ss to in a Joe .m. ~yson jvlia liains ggaa tken Lee ;cnSi ^aik ton, der, »per hwm ius, =|ch United Press International WASHINGTON — President Carter, reflecting administration concern over the pace of Soviet civil defense improvements, has approved a new plan to ensure the nation’s preparedness in the event of a major nuclear attack, it was reported Monday. The New York Times said the five-year program would cost about $2 billion — up from roughly $90 million spent last year on civil defense. The pro gram will require congressional approval. The program is not geared to a massive — and costly — building plan to increase the number of underground bomb shelters, the paper said. Instead, it is de signed to expedite the evacua tion of major U.S. cities to pro tect millions of urban dwellers. It would involve an educa tional program to brief citizens on the best and quickest way to react to a nuclear crisis. The plan — although sup ported by the Pentagon and the National Security Council — has met resistance at the State De partment, where officials believe a stepped-up program to cope with a nuclear attack will dis- suade the Russians from agreeing Nuclear protestor wnored by rallies ■ United Press International KLAHOMA CITY — Lights 1 thousands of candles flickered ■a downtown Oklahoma City park | mday to highlight at least 100 ilar vigils throughout the nation I nmemorating the death of Karen S wood and supporting her battle or stricter control of nuclear lilities. Jlilkwood had promised to expose n|nierous safety violations at the rr-McGee Corporation litonium facility at Crescent, Oid,i. but she never arrived at a set d eting with a newspaper reporter. 51; died in an auto crash only a few aJirs before the interview, pilkwood supporters predicted Oklahoma City demonstration the largest of the more than 100 iesand civil disobedience actions | fined Monday and later in the ek at Washington, D.C., and lo ons in 45 states. Local Silkwood advocates said usands of people attended the y in Robert S. Kerr Park in omtown Oklahoma City. The late . senator for whom the park is led also co-founded the Kerr- l(Gee Corporation. Its corporate Ices are located opposite the assy area and were the admitted let of Monday’s planned protest Ho" ,t the Washington demonstra- protesters have promised un- lified acts of civil disobedience nst Kerr-McGee offices unless lials promise financial restitution atomic workers in payment for lyed physical damage plutonium cause in plant workers. The ioactive substance is a cancer- | ing agent known not to exhibit iffects for as long as 10 to 15 s after exposure. ocal organizers also planned a of the Cimarron facility and a to the site where Silkwood’s car hed. ilkwood estate attorneys and an Chemical and Atomic Workers j on official have claimed umentation of alleged safety itions were taken from her car night of the crash, but Kerr- Gee officials have said no such (age existed. hortly after Silkwood’s death, Cimarron plant at Crescent was Silkwood said medical tests on workers at the Cimarron plant showed they had been exposed to dangerously high levels of plutonium. Shortly before Silkwood’s death, her apartment was found to be con taminated with radioactivity from plutonium. The Silkwood case has become common ground for political unity among several diverse organiza tions. Vocally and financially sup porting the case has been the American Civil Liberties Union, National Organization for Women, at least one major labor union. Wo men’s International League for Peace and dozens of antinuclear groups. In a recently publicized tape rec- ing of a conversation between wood and the reporter. mammm fV CHILE BVRLOR &BEER GARDEN 4410 College Main 846-9438 Grins & Friends go to gether for Lunch, Sup per & Whiz-Bang Good Times. Beautiful Selection of Quality Musical Gifts at Keyboard Center. Bladwin, since 1862 Cable, since 1875 LAYAWAY LOCAL TERMS BALDWIN FACTORY TERMS Alvarez Guitars, long lasting quality. Other guitars also on display. to arms restraints, the Times said. Government officials who support the program were quoted by the Times as saying the program was designed to protect as many as 140 million Americans. Carter reportedly made the decision last month to support the program. White House aides told the Times the decision represents a significant about-face in Ameri can strategic policy. Civil de fense has received relatively lit tle attention since the early 1960s. It’s bad news when you get sick in Russia United Press International WASHINGTON — An American surgeon just back from Russia has one piece of advice: “Don’t get sick in the Soviet Union.” “If you do get sick, take the next plane to Helsinki or Frankfurt or Nuremberg,” Dr. W. Leonard Weyl, an assistant professor of surgery at Georgetown University, told U.S. News and World Report. Weyl said Soviet hospitals resem ble the American hospital of the 1930s and their surgical practices often are those abandoned by American physicians 45 years ago. “Their medications are few and very often obsolete,” he said. “A hospital in Kiev listed a charge of two rubles for use of a leech,” a THE BATTALION Page 3 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1978 sucking worm used to draw out blood. The average hospital room has four patients, beds that do not crank up electrically, no call system to summon help, and toilet facilities limited to one restroom at each end of the hall. “And, of course, no telephones, radios or television sets,” Weyl said. or 1700 Feet From The Villa Maria Exchange On Farm Road 2818 "BEST IN UVE COUNTRY WESTERN ENTERTAINMENT" TUESDAY LADIES NITE $-| 75 PITCHER OF BEER LADIES FREE GUYS $2.00 KcyboARd Center Baldwin Pianos, ■Organs, Fun ^achines, Player Pianos. Manor East MaII Bryan • 779-7080 Randy Stuart, Owner Your Favorite Songs in Easy Play Speed Music. OpiN 6 DAys Til 6 PM WOOFER SAYS: “WELL, I GOT MY HEAD IN, BUT MY TAILS STILL STICKING OUT THE WAREHOUSE DOOR. WE’VE GOT EVERY THING SLASHED TO TREMENDOUS SAV- INGS. I’LL JUST BE GLAD TO GET MY OLD SNOOZING SPOT BACK. HERE’S JUST A COUPLE OF MY OVERSTOCKED SPE CIALS. CHECK IT OUV” S DIRECT- O-MA TIC CASSETTE DECK Al| jam-proof and fool-proof features of our top-of-line SC-5100 are re- cteatfetectrontcs Lwf^tnhi W ! ,h the moTe ex P ensiv e model, emphasis IS on sound^mano nfrf^n M f tr f ans P ort mechanism for clear, well-resolved sound image. Direct-O-Matic format, accurate FG servo motor, precision capstan with 0.1/x round ness and “DC” amp technology. Convenience eatures include. Memory Stop, Tape Lead-In, Timer Facility for unman- nered recording/ playback, separate 3-position bias/equalizer switches, Dolby NR system, Peak Level indicator to warn of clipping, and much more. SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Response: Normal Tape 25 — 14,000Hz; Chromium© Tape 25 — 16,000Hz Wow & Flutter: less than 0.06% (WRMS) Signal to Noise Ratio: Chromium Tape better than 67dB (Dolby in) Dimensions: 456mm (18”)W x 198mm (7-7/8”)H x 322mm (12-3/4”)D Weight: 8.3kg (18,3 lbs.) Finish: simulated walnut grain -3110 REG. $ 500 WOOFER’S SPECIAL s G-2000 REG. *240 WOOFER’S SPECIAL *189 stereo RECEiVER FM | 88 | 90 j 92 I 94 | £15 J 98 I 100 J102 j 104 j 106 j 108 ( MHz G-2000 A M 530 600 TOO I. 800 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 - 1600 fcH, PHONES Off <§> - O- FM MODE TAPE non STEREO SOURCE MIC MIXING m STEREO EM/AM RECEIVER Same mic mixing,* same features and same circuitry as the G-3000 but slightly less on power delivery, and of course in budget price range. Circuit highlights include accurate RIAA phono equalizer, low-distortion tone con trol amp. Sophisticated power amp is formed of input duai-PNP-transistor diff. amp, class-A driver and true comp, OCL output configuration. It’s in a class itself. SPECIFICATIONS Power Output: 16 watts per channel, min. RMS, both channels driven, into 8 ohm load from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.15% total harmonic distortion FM Sensitivity: 11.0dBf (1.95^ V INF T-100) Dimensions: 433mm (17- 1/16”)W x 153mm (6~1/16”)H x 352mm (13-7/8”)D Weight: 7.3kg (16.1 lbs.) Finish: Simulated walnut {Mr x /:• CUSTOM SOUNDS HOURS MON.- SAT. 10-6 3806-A OLD COLLEGE ROAD 846- 5803