The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1978, Image 2

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The Battalion
Texas A&M University
November 14, 1978
‘Tradition* shouldn’t divide A&M students
When is tradition truly meaningful and when is it just an action
and meaningless?
One incident last week seems to make a good point about Aggie tradition
and what it should stand for.
Friday a Battalion photographer was sent to the bonfire site to take pic
tures of the raising of the centerpole.
However, when she arrived she was told by bonfire officials that she
couldn’t go close to the stack for her pictures and must stand outside a line
drawn around the perimeter of the site.
A number of other photographers, male, were allowed to enter the re
stricted area for their pictures, even though they had no direct connection
with the press, were not equipped with safety helmets and seemed to be at
the site only for taking pictures.
A bonfire official said women weren’t allowed to enter the area because it
had traditionally been an area designated as men-only. He said he couldn’t
explain the tradition, but said it was to be continued.
The photographer was not sent to cover the event on the basis of her sex,
but because she was available to cover the event, ability, etc.
The Battalion didn’t know it would make any difference.
The Battalion used a picture from a freelancer from a photography class for
Monday’s newspaper, and bonfire officials have since agreed to allow women
to enter the restricted area with a helmet and official escort.
But just because the paper got the pictures it needed that day doesn’t
negate why this photographer or anyone else at A&M, following the neces
sary safety precautions and rules, should be barred from participating from
an activity as much a part of the university and its past as Aggie Bonfire.
Sharon Mabry, commanding officer of W-l (one of the two Corps women’s
units), said that her group is limited to cutting and rolling wire to be used on
the stack as their contribution.
But it’s not that these students don’t want to do more, as Mabry said, it’s
that they are never really given the chance to do more.
Dorm women generally are allowed only to collect money to pay for
bonfire supplies, bake cookies, man the concessions stand and provide com
pany around the perimeter fires, according to RHA president Lynne An
And off-campus students have just this year been able to work in any
numbers on their bonfire because earlier they had no association to join in
order to get permission and training.
It’s time for another look at Bonfire and what it’s all about. Bonfire is not
an activity sanctioned for a few but one to unify the entire student body
towards a common cause.
Tradition has been a backbone for this university. But tradition for tra
dition’s sake is worthless — especially tradition that approves of splitting the
student body itself. K.T.
Republicans’ trip to South, Midwest pays
UPI Political Writer
The Republican Party went back to
America’s heartland — its traditional base
— and to the once-solid South of the
Democrats in its desperate drive to build
strength for 1980.
The trip paid off.
In the West and the Northeast, the
GOP rebuilding effort netted only three
new governorships and two senators.
But in states that were the party’s power
base in its salad days — Minnesota, South
Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska,
Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Idaho and
Wyoming — the dividends were hand
And the GOP also made its first signific
ant gains in the South since the
Eisenhower years.
Rep. Thad Cochran became the first
Republican senator ever elected in Missis
In Tennessee, lawyer Lamar Alexander
was heavily outspent by millionaire banker
Jake Butcher, a Democrat, in their guber
natorial race. But Alexander won.
Biggest southern gain for the GOP,
however, came in Texas. Oil millionaire
William Clements became the state’s first
Republican governor in 105 years, while
Sen. John Tower won re-election after a
dirty battle with Democratic Rep. Bob
Two of the Senate’s most conservative
Republicans, Strom Thurmond of South
Carolina and Jesse Helms of North
Carolina, survived the challenges of
young, articulate Democrats.
The political map of the South still looks
very Democratic, of course. Democrats
elected two senators in Alabama and one
in Georgia, plus governors in Alabama,
Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas and
For their big gains, the Republicans
went home to the Midwest.
To Minnesota, for example. Back when
Harold Stassen was on the rise, Minnesota
was a very Republican state. Then Hubert
Humphrey came along in 1944 and the
state became a Democratic stronghold for
a generation.
That ended on election night as Repub
licans swept both Senate seats — the ones
held only two years ago by Humphrey and
Walter Mondale — and the governorship.
This so pleased Stassen, now 71, that he
announced he is running for president
Not everything went the GOP way in
the Midwest.
Veteran Republican Sen. Robert Griffin
lost in Michigan to Democrat Carl Levin,
for example.
But Republicans won plenty. Some
item s:
—In Wisconsin, Lee Dreyfus hasn’t
been a Republican very long, but he was
Tuesday when he ousted Gov. Martin
—Kansas’ Nancy Landon Kassebaum
was 4-years-old when Franklin Roosevelt
thumped her father, Alf Landon, in the
1936 presidential election. Tuesday Mrs.
Kassebaum was elected to the Senate.
—In Nebraska, Rep. Charles Thone re
turned the governorship to the GOP, al
though popular outgoing Gov. J. James
Exon captured a Senate seat for the
Another big GOP win came in Iowa
where "new right” conservative Roger
Jepsen upset liberal Democratic Sen. Dick
Republicans also fought off some strong
challenges in the Midwest. Illinois’ Sen.
Charles Percy and Ohio’s Gov. James
Rhodes came from behind to win.
Republican Govs. Jim Thompson of Il
linois and William Milliken of Michigan
were easy winners, however — and
Thompson’s win established him as a po
tential frontrunner for the 1980 GOP pres
idential nomination.
Although the Republicans did not do
well overall in the Northeast, they did oust
the Democrats from one power base espe
cially important in presidential election
years: The statehouse in populous
Pennsylvania, won by Richard
Thornburgh in a major upset of Democrat
Peter Flaherty.
The GOP also stunned New Hamp
shire’s Thomas McIntyre, a liberal Demo
crat, who was upset by Gordon Hum
phrey, a 38-year-old former airline pilot
and New Right candidate.
Soviet’s view of truth a culture shock
Something was unnerving about it.
It was the Cold War all over again when
it came time to interview Melor Sturua,
bureau chief of Izvestiia, a soviet news
paper. It was a case of severe culture
It was eerie. Knowledge of Russian his
tory, current events, and basic communist
philosophy is useless when operating from
the American point of view.
The interview seemed to be more an
examination of the Russian system rather
than of a man. Trying to get inside infor
mation on the system was hopeless. There
was no future in it.
Why the aggressive questions? It could
have been to get some inside information
on the the Soviet system. Or maybe it was
missionary zeal to convert a “commie” or
catch him in a lie.
Fat chance. Sturua handled everything.
One time he mentioned that the West
was responsible for World War II when it
appeased Hitler.
Then why did Russia divide Poland with
Germany which helped free the Nazis to
conquer France? His reply was that Russia
needed to buy time to prepare for the war,
which seemed fair enough.
But when Sturua was asked how the
massacre of the entire Polish officer corps
helped Russia buy time, he replied in the
following fashion:
"That is the biggest lie ever spread
about Russia.”
Now the massacre is documented fact,
but when he denied it, the shock was
It would be like saying, "This apple is
red’ only to have him reply, "No, it’s
The whole interview was like that —
everything I’d learned to be facts was dis
missed by the Soviet. It was hard to accept
that he actually believed what he was tel
ling me. Which is probably the same thing
he was thinking as he left. How can that
young man be so deluded?
It seems the Soviets feel that society is
of primary importance. If it flourishes,
then everything else will. Thus everything
must be subordinated to help society.
In the United States we think that soci
ety owes something to the individual and
that certain things are more basic than so
cial harmony: things like truth, freedom,
and human rights.
But in Russia ideals along with human
life are subordinate to the social good.
That is why a Soviet official has no qualms
about falsehoods when "truth” would
harm social harmony. The question is not
the truth of an alleged fact, but the con
sequences society may face because of it.
Thus Melor probably felt no uneasiness
when he said the Russian police never
rough up dissidents. "Police never beats
nobody,” he said.
Why would he tell the truth when it
could cost him his job and more impor
tantly damage his cause? The good of the
people outweighs the puny complaints of a
few malcontents.
Communist philosophy divides truth
into two categories: social and absolute, he
said. How can naive American truth stand
against that social truth?
Sturua did not appear to be sinister; you
could tell he loves his family and country.
Yet, he is working for the eradication of
capitalism. To him it is probably like kil
ling vermin that block human progress.
He doesn’t have the Hitler desire to con
quer the world just for domination’s sake.
It’s just that with that ideology and some
rationalizing he’ll be able to white-wash
massacres, slaughters, imprisonments,
and beatings to further the progress of
Honest to God.
And that’s what is scary.
Letters to the Editor
Q-drop meeting needs students’ side
i Editor:
Recently, several rumors have been
heard that pertain to the changing of the
Q-drop rule. Please allow me to straighten
a few things out.
, It has been proposed to the University
Rules and Regulations Committee that the
Q-drop rule be changed. This proposal
will be brought up for the first time in that
committee’s meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14
(today), at 1:30 p.m. in the Heaton Hall
Conference Room.
The rule presently reads, “A student
may drop a course during the first 12 class
days of a semester or first 4 class days of a
summer term with no record. Following
these periods, with the approval of the
dean of the student’s college, a student
may drop a course through the fifth class
day following the reporting of mid
semester grades to the registrar or the end
; of the third week of a summer term. The
i symbol of Q shall be given to indicate a
i drop without penalty. A student who
i drops a course after the Q-drop deadline
will receive a grade of F unless unusual
circumstances exist as determined by his
The proposal suggests that this rule be
; changed to read, “A student may drop a
course during the first 12 class days of a
I semester or first 4 class days of a summer
■ term with no record.”
The reasoning according to this proposal
is “that 12 contact hours with the instruc
tor and the course content should be suffi
cient to allow a student to determine that
he has enrolled in an incorrect course or a
course for which he has not had the re
quired prerequisites.”
I hope that this clears up any rumors
that have developed. I also urge that stu
dents voice their opinions on this subject
whether in favor of or in opposition to this
change. It is a change that directly affects
the students. I think that the University
Rules and Regulations Committee should
have the students’ input before they de
cide upon the change.
„ — Cheri Leavitt, ’80
The students greeted us at every turn
with hellos and offered us help in locating
the building we were looking for.
I just wanted to thank the student body
and the personnel on the A&M campus for
their friendliness and concern. They cer
tainly made our morning an enjoyable one
and their attitute is worth commending.
— Mrs. R.L. Billings
whatever reason they had, your student
senate has lost many members. Several
positions remain open to this date. If you
have a little spare time and would be wil
ling to devote this time to helping your
fellow Aggies, then please apply for these
Corps not all bad
Ags courteous
Last Monday I drove my niece onto the
A&M campus in order that she might see
it firsthand, and obtain the necessary
forms for attending in the fall of ’79.
While looking for a parking place in
front of Rudder Hall, we had a flat tire.
The policeman, who was in charge of the
parking lot immediately across from Rud
der, had me drive into the lot where he
changed the tire for me. We then pro
ceeded, on foot, onto the campus, looking
for various buildings.
Two weeks ago I wrote a letter that ap
peared in the Batt about the rude behavior
of one C.T. Since that time I have had
many members of the Corps (not just one
or two, but a bunch) who have made a
special effort to express their concern and
regrets that the incident happened.
Gentlemen, thank you!
— Ellen King, ’79
To apply, simply stop by the Student
Government office in Room 216-C of the
Memorial Student Center and fill out an
application for the position for which you
are qualified. You will then be contacted
for a short interview; if selected and ap
proved by the Senate, you will be ap
pointed as the new senator.
All it requires is a little time, a willing
ness to work, a desire to help your fellow
Aggies and a 2.25 overall GPR. You are
needed to represent your fellow Aggies as
an Aggie deserves to be represented.
Senate needs help
Dear members of the Texas A&M stu
dent body:
In recent weeks, your student senate
has suffered many losses internally. For
The following positions remain open:
— Graduate, College of Liberal Arts
— Senior, College of Education
— Off Campus Undergraduate
— Corps, Sophomore
— Sophomore, College of Engineering
— Moody College
Thank you.
— Johnny Lane, ’79
Speaker of the Senate
Top of the News s t «
Texas A&M’s tuition lower
Texas residents attending Texas A&M University pay an average
$403 a semester — one-half of the national average for tuition and
required fees, the sixteenth lowest reported by the National Associa
tion of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. The total cost for
undergraduate tuition, fees and on-campus living rose 7.8 percent
nationally and 9.1 percent at Texas A&M, due to increases in room
and board fees. The fall semester summary from the association
showed the average tuition and fees nationally for in-state under
graduates is 2.6 percent higher than those reported a year ago.
FBI man implicates Cullen Davis
Prosecutors weaving together the events that led to the murder-
for-hire arrest ofT. Cullen Davis have finally brought a witness to the
stand who says he photographed the industrialist talking with the
man who was to help carry out the alleged murder of Davis’s divorce
judge. FBI photographer George Ridgley was the first witness to
place Davis and government informant David McCrory together in a
restaurant parking lot where the alleged plot to kill District Judge Joe
Eidson was discussed. His testimony is scheduled to resume at 9a.m.
today in Houston.
Indian occupation ends
Eight persons who began an occupation of the Navajo tribal offices
/ed fr
in Window Rock, Ariz., were moved from the building shortly before
noon Monday by tribal police, officials said. A spokesman from the
Bureau of Indian Affairs in Gallup, N.M., said it was not immediately
known whether the persons occupying the building left peacefully or
were forced out. The FBI said several persons apparently were taken
hostage briefly during the incident, but were released without harm.
The FBI said the persons who staged the takeover were armed,
apparently with guns.
AT&T must give up documents
The Supreme Court Monday refused to block an order requiring
American Telephone and Telegraph Corp. to give the government
copies of 2.5 million documents AT&T turned over to two firms
pressing antitrust suits against the giant communications company.
The government wants the documents to help it prepare a massive
antitrust case it launched against AT&T in 1974.
Vietnam accused of genocide
Cambodia Monday accused Vietnam of attempting genocide
against Cambodians by launching poison gas attacks along their entire
common border. Vietnam, which earlier denied use of toxic gas, said
the Chinese-backed Phnom Penh regime was doomed to fall, and
claimed new inroads by rebels inside Cambodia.
Police raid guerrilla hideouts
Police raids on two urban guerrilla hideouts in Naples, Italy, and
the weekend capture of a suspected major terrorist indicate au
thorities are close to cracking the Red Brigades band that killed
former Premier Aldo Moro, sources said Monday. Police officials
would not say what was found in the two hideouts discovered in
Naples Sunday.
Mediators fail in Nicaragua
Mediators attempting to prevent a resumption of Nicaragua’s civil
war have returned from Managua to their countries for consultations.
Mediators from the United States, Guatemala and the Dominican
Republic returned to their capitals Sunday, temporarily suspending
talks with the government of President Anastasio Somoza. High-
ranking sources said the mediation effort was near failure because of
inflexible stands by both Somoza and his political foes.
Overcast skies, partly cloudy and mild temperatures are the
weather outlook for today. High today 80 and a low of 60
tomorrow morning. Winds will be South Easterly at 10-15
mph and a 20% chance of rainfall turning to a 40% chance
on Wednesday.
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are
those of the editor or of the writer of the
article and are not necessarily those of the
University administration or the Board of
H -
The Battalion
Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words mid are Texas Press Association
subject to hcinu cut to thut lentlth or less if lonner. The Southwest Journalism Congress
editorial staff reserves the rinht to edit such letters anil does Editor Killl Tyson
not guarantee to publish mu/ letter. Each letter must be . ' t
sinned, show the address of the writer and list a telephone Managing Editor LlZ Newlin
number for verification. Assistant Managing Editor .Andy Williams
Address correspondence to Utters to the Editor. The Sports Editor David BoMffl
Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Budding. College _ , . ...
Station, Texas 77H43. C,t y Edltor J amie Altken
Represented nationally by National Educational Adver- CampilS Editor Steve LeC
Using Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los News Editors Debbie ParSOHS,
Angele^ ^ Beth Calhoun
The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from Staff Writers Karen Rogers, Mark
September through May except during exam and holiday Pattfrcnn Scntt Pcnrilptnn
periods and the summer, when it is published on Tuesday ratterSOH, SCOtt FenaietOll,
through Thursday. Sean Petty, Michelle Sctidder,
Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester: $33.25 per Diane Blake, Lee Roy Leschper
school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates furnished Dillard Stone
0,1 request. Address: The Battalion, Boom 216. Reed Cartoonist Doiltf Graham
McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. pi . i
United Press International is entitled exclusively to the OtOgrapnerS Ed ClinnillS,
use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it. Lynn Blanco
Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. FoctlS Section editor Gary Weld)
Second-Class postage paid at College Station. TX 77S43.
Rt'f'ents. The Battalion ht a non-profit, self
supporting enterprise operated hij stmlcnh
as a university and community newspaper.
Editorial policy is determined hy the etlilnt'.
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