The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 03, 1978, Image 1

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Friday, November 3, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
Disagreement on a disagreement
• Texas A&M students from the
Middle East differ in their opinions
of the causes of the disputes in their
homeland. See page 4.
• Two cosmonauts completed the
longest manned space flight in his
tory Thursday-
-139 days. See page
• A scientist suggests that some
UFOs are insects in natural electric
fields. See page 6.
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war with
United Press Internationul
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania — Tanza-
ian President Julius Nyerere vowed
liursday to “hit back’ at Ugandan Presi-
ent Idi Amin whose forces invaded his
ountry, but disclosed that Tanzanian
round forces had shot down five of their
wnwar planes by mistake.
This man is a mshenzi (barbarian),’
lyerere said of the Ugandan leader, with
/homhe has been at odds since 1971. “He
as killed so many people in Uganda we
lust hit back at him.’
Nyerere, speaking to a meeting of the
uling Revolution Party, called on the
anzanian people to await government di-
ectiveson what shoidd be done “until we
ave finally gotten rid of this snake from
ir house.”
Amin said Wednesday that his troops,
lacked by tanks and heavy artillery, had
ized a 710-square-mile triangular chunk
if northwestern Tanzania in only 25 min-
ites. He said it was a “retaliatory invasion
hat reportedly drove Tanzanian forces
ram Ugandan soil.
Nyerere explained that because of
Jgandas bombing raids against Tanzania
ast week, Tanzanian ground forces on
uty near their common border had been
Teague to be
operated on
I Rep. Olin E. "Tiger' Teague will
Jndergo prostatic surgery today in a
lethesda, Md., hospital.
Although Teague entered the hospital
let. 20, doctors postponed surgery until
ley cleared up a urinary infection which
ey thought might have interfered.
The decision to perform surgery was
lade Thursday.
Teague has been conducting business
rom his hospital bed. A spokesman from
is Bryan office said he is expected to re
am to his office after the operation.'
This is the third time Teague has been
lospitalized since September, when he
uffered a mild stroke.
Teague, who has served in the House of
lepresentatives for more than 30 years, is
Retiring at the end of this year.
put on alert for further attacks.
He said that last Friday Tanzanian air
force planes strayed off course and became
lost over the town of Musoma. As they
turned back, Nyerere said, ground forces
shot down five Tanzanian jets.
Nyerere said it was an “unfortunate but
understandable incident because the
ground forces could not distingiush Tan
zanian planes from Ugandan ones.
Both countries are supplied with
warplanes from the Soviet Union.
Nyerere said that because of Uganda’s
invasion of Tanzania the government has
no option but to strike back at Amin.
“We have the capacity to hit back,” the
Tanzanian leader said. “We have a reason
to hit back at him, and we have the deter
mination to hit back at him.’’
Diplomatic sources said earlier that
Tanzania has informed the United States
and other foreign powers that it is prepar
ing a major offensive aimed at wiping out
the Ugandan armed force occupying
northwestern Tanzania.
The U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam
said five American archaeologists from
Brown University in Rhode Island escaped
from the area of the fighting and had safely
reached the town of Mwanza across Lake
The embassy said three American
missionaries in the region had been con
tacted and were a safe distance from the
fighting. Eight other Americans could not
be reached, but the embassy said “there is
no cause for alarm.”
The Ugandan broadcast said the cap
tured land would become a permanent re
gion of Uganda and its residents subordi
nates of Amin.
“All the Tanzanians in the captured area
up to River Kagera must know that they
are under the direct rule of the conqueror
of the British Empire, Field Marshal
Amin, the radio said.
The broadcast said Uganda “captured
710 square miles of Tanzanian land in a
supersonic speed of 25 minutes only — a
record in world history.”
The Kagera River delineates a triangular
wedge of territory jutting south from the
straight 100-inil.e border. between Tan
zania and Uganda.
The Dar es Salaam government has
charged the Ugandan attack was launched
Monday, and that fighting raged through
out the day Wednesday around the town
of Kyaka, 18 miles south of the border.
Fred, Ginger, is that you?
Marvin Chernosky and Debbie Jordan displayed
their disco-dancing abilities Thursday afternoon by
the Rudder Fountain. Chernosky, instructor for
Free University, and Jordan were one of three
couples participating in a disco demonstration pro
moting the MSC Basement Coffeehouse’s Sunday
disco night.
Battalion photo by Ava King
OK new
Construction of a new women’s dormi
tory at Texas A&M University received
final approval Thursday with the award of a
$4,889,540 contract to H&G Construction
Co. of Abilene.
The Texas A&M University System
Board of Regents let the contract at a
called session to allow immediate start of
work on the facilities to make possible
completion in time for the start of classes
next fall.
The dormitories will accommodate 512
In related action, the regents sold Texas
A&M University Housing System Reve
nue Bonds totaling $4.5 million to Racher
Pierce Refsnes Inc. and Associated of Dal
las at an effective interest rate of 6.34584
percent. The bonds will provide partial
funding for the new facilities.
Texas A&M President Jarvis E. Miller
said the new dormitory will help alleviate
the University s major support problem:
on-campus housing for women.
More than 10,000 women attend Texas
Miller said that Texas A&M has an un
usually high ratio — about 98 percent — of
full-time students, meaning it has greater
demands for campus housing that most
other universities.
The new facilities will give Texas A&M
the capability of accommodating nearly
10,000 students on University-owned
property, including 33 dormitories and
845 family apartments. With the
additional facility, 3,050 women may be
housed in dormitories.
‘Chiliheads’ to invade Terlingua
Chinese, Vietnamese
reportedly fighting
United Press International
MOSCOW — Top Vietnamese leaders
met Thursday with Soviet President
Leonid Brezhnev and Premier Alexei
Kosygin amid reports that heavy fighting
broken out on the Vietnam-China
The official Soviet news agency Tass said
the Kremlin talks between Brezhnev and
Kosygin and Vietnamese Communist
Party chief Le Duan and Premier Pham
Van Dong were taking place “in an atmo
sphere of cordiality, comradely frankness
and mutual respect.
The Soviets have strongly backed
Vietnam in its troubles with China and its
border war with neighboring Cambodia.
Although the Tass report made no men
tion of Radio Hanoi reports of heavy fight
ing between Vietnamese and Chinese
troops, the Soviet agency, in a thinly veil
ed reference to China it said, “The sides
noted with concern negative moments in
the development of the international situa
tion — in particular in the Far East and in
Southeast Asia.
“In their common opinion, the policy of
repulsing aggressive ambitions and at
tempts of rude pressure on independent
states is jhe only correct and substantiated
The Soviets, chief suppliers of military
and civilian aid to Vietnam, have de
nounced Peking harshly in recent months
over its handling of the dispute with com
munist Vietnam.
United Press International
TERLINGUA, Texas — Up to 10,000
“chiliheads” are expected to converge on
the West:Texas ghost town of'Terlingua
this weekend to cook up champion-style
chili, drink beer, dance and partake of
other frivolous activities, including a Mex
ican fence climbing contest.
The cause of this mass exodus to a desert
hamlet 60 miles from anywhere is the 12th
World Championship Chili Cookoff, origi
nated by Dallas newspaper columnist
Frank X. Tolbert, who says the event will
be kicked off at 2 p.m. Saturday by the
playing of a Mexican “beheading song.”
Tolbert said he found a rare copy of the
sheet music for the “Deguello,” played
during Mexican Gen. Santa Anna’s attack
on the Alamo in 1836, while he was re
searching a book in Mexico.
He said the playing of the blood
curdling song — which was used by Mexi
can troops to signify the calvalry’s battle to
the death — will herald the start of the
Besides the chili cooking — which has
drawn champion chefs from 25 states,
three Mexican states, two Canadian prov
inces and two Indian tribes — the gather
ing will feature a peculiar martini contest,
a Comanche Trail jog-walk, wet T-shirt
contest and, for the first time, a Mexican
fence climbing competition.
The fence climbing contest was a late
addition after Immigration Commissioner
Leonel Castillo announced plans to build
the so-called “Tortilla Curtain” walls at El
Paso, San Diego, Calif., and San Luis,
Ariz., to keep Mexican aliens out of the
United States.
“We’ve got the fence covered with
sheets and we re going to unveil a 12-
foot-high section of steel chain fence
erected near the huge outdoor stage at
Glenn Pepper’s Villa de la Mina Hotel in
Arriba Terlingua,” Tolbert said. “This will
give a test similar to the proposed U.S.
Tortilla Curtain between this country and
“Contestants may jump, crawl, pole
vault or tunnel under the fence. Tom
Tierney, supervisor of the contest, said,
“you may even use wire cutters on the
fence and, in this event, it’ll be quickly
Last year, Houston stockbroker Tom
Griffin emerged as the world champion
with his concoction, “Buzzard Breath
Chili,” featuring dried, ground-up Mexi
can red ants and a few generous flicks of
his cigar ashes.
Tolbert added that in an effort to quiet
griping by some chili cooks about past
judging, Richardson certified public ac
countant Jim Beach would keep score and
certify the honesty of the judging this
Named as judges were Gov. Overton
James of the Chicashaw Indian Nation,
former astronaut James Lovell, poet Im-
ogene Twitty (a mythical character created
by Tolbert) and Stanley Marsh 3, an ec
centric Amarillo rancher who has a collec
tion of Cadillacs, camels and llamas in the
pasture at his “Toad Hall” ranch.
Marsh, in keeping with elaborate cos
tuming and play acting which have be
come part of chili cookoffs over the past
decade, plans to dress as Pancho Villa and
lead a pack of hairless dogs painted to look
like little Mexican bandits, with one dog
made up as Sen. John Tower, one of last
year’s judges.
Carter arranges meeting with Begin
United Press International
NEW YORK — President Carter, re
versing a week of denials by the White
House, arranged a meeting Thursday with
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
during a brief campaign swing through
New York City.
Carter announced the meeting as he
completed a political address on the steps
of the Federal Building in Manhattan, as
an audience of thousands looked on.
The president was campaigning for the
state’s Democrats, including Gov. Hugh
Carey, up for election on Tuesday. He was
to head to Michigan later in the day for
more stumping.
Begin and Carter have been at odds for
more than a week since the Israeli
Cabinet’s decision to strengthen Jewish
settlements on occupied Arab lands. Car
ter opposes the settlements and the State
Department has viewed the development
as a potential obstacle to a peace settle
ment with Egypt.
The meeting came at Carter’s invitation.
Carter and Begin arranged to meet at
the Manhattan home of former Demo
cratic National Committee Finance
Chairman Arthur Krim, where a
luncheon-fundraiser was being conducted
for Democratic candidates.
The White House had denied all week
that a meeting between the two would
take place, but Thursday, as he arrived in
the nation’s largest city. Carter hedged.
Asked if his path and Begin s might
cross Thursday, Carter replied, “We ll let
you know later. He called Begin “a great
friend” and reminded reporters that the
Israeli leader was not on an official state
Begin was in New York to accept a “Fam
ily of Man” award from the Council of
Churches of New York City.
It came gift wrapped
Someone will find a surprise gift, or at least gift
wrapping, on Church Street north of the Texas
A&M University campus. He can expect no lack of
materials for wrapping fish or house-breaking pup
pies for some time.
Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
SMU game ...
Yell practice site announced
Midnight Yell Practice for the Texas A&M-Southern Methodist University
football game will be in the parking lot of The Circle Disco, (previously The Old
Theatre), at the corner of Harry Hines Boulevard and Northwest Highway, in
Dallas. The club will also be the site of the Pig Push, the annual dance sponsored
by Texas Women’s University for members of the Corps of Cadets. The dance was
moved from its traditional location on the TWU campus by mutual agreement
between TWU and the Corps in an effort to increase attendance, said Steve
Manley, Corps public relations officer.
Seats available on bus to SMU
Seats are still available on the Brazos County A&M Club’s charter bus to the
Texas A&M-SMU football game Saturday. John Richards, trip coordinator, says
the bus will leave parking lot 60 at 9 a. m. Saturday and will return after the game.
Cost is $12 per person. The telephone number for reservations is 845-1311.
Ben R. Finney
Ben R. Finney, an anthropology
professor at the University of
Hawaii, gave a slide presentation
depicting scenes from his
3,000-mile voyage from the
Hawaiian Islands to Tahiti. The
trip, made without a compass,
took Finney and his crew about
32 days. Finney said the purpose
of the trip was to try to re-trace
one of the ancient voyages that
was recorded in Polynesian
legends over a thousand years
ago, using the stars as an only
Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.