Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1978 HATE DOING LAUNDRY? Let Frannie's do it for you Aunt Frannies Laundromat *1 *1 * * ★ Holleman at Anderson 693-658/4' ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■★"A-1 Wc Service Calculators ROTHER’S BOOKSTORE 340 Jersey — At the Southgate Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Jets ready Colombia declares war on pot smuggling Interested in Pledging a Sorority? Panhellenic an nounces open rush! For more info. Call Elaine McClurkan 693-4409 United Press International BOGOTA, Colombia — American pilots swooping in for clandes tine pickups of some of the world’s best marijuana may be in for a surprise when they run into Colombian Air Force war jets playing for keeps. President Julio Cesar Turbay, in his first major move to end Col ombia’s thriving drug trade, has banned all unauthorized low flying over remote La Guajira peninsula, home of “Santa Marta Gold” marijuana. Some authoritative estimates put Colombia’s trade in marijuana and cocaine — brought in from Peru and Bolivia for transshipment to America — at $1 billion, almost as much as the $1.5 billion it earns from its famed coffee beans. The flying ban goes into effect Nov. 1, when Interior Minister German Zea says any unauthorized plane flying under 7,000 feet in the forbidden area “runs the risk of being captured or shot down But even before the deadline, an air force jet opened fire on a suspected smuggler’s aircraft Oct. 24 around the La Guajira area, but failed to shoot it down, newspapers said. U.S. Ambassador Diego Asencio called in reporters this month to underline his concern about the danger to American pilots who defy the ban, either through ignorance or contempt for Colombian au thorities. “There are going to be people in the United States who haven’t heard about this restriction or are going to try to test it,” Asencio said. “I have every reason to believe the Colombian authorities are very serious about this. These guys are loaded for bear,” the ambassador said. The Battalion Classified HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE ana ■■■■■■■■ hi ■ Ma mm mm IM mm wm mm mm mm ■ FULL OR PART TIME ’"Flexible hours to fit your schedule *Rapid advancement *Day shift ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station 105 Dominik Part time help wanted. GRAPKVINE PER SONALITY. Call 846-3411. 28tfn Lab technician. Experienced in chemical syn thesis required. Call Dr. Tsutsui 845-5417.44t6 Program Planner for Area Agency on Aging, Brazos Valley Development Council. Requires degree and working knowl edge of social service planning. Responsible for area plan development, needs assessments, data collection, statistical and cost effective analysis, and program evaluations. Appli cation deadline, November 17, 1978. (713) 822-7421 3006-A East 29th Street, Bryan Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer Persons over 60 encouraged to apply HELP WANTED PART TIME 11-2 Mon. thru Fri., & more hours if desired Apply Schlotzsky’s 100 S. Texas Ave., College Station 45MQ WAITRESS POSITIONS AVAILABLE $2.00/hr. Call or come by Texas Hall of Fame, during mornings any weekday. 822-2222 4116 COLLEGE STUDENT^ f PART TIME | fEarn $10 per hour as an j American Youth Enterprise | 1 Al d< li? dealer. Call 822-2702. John Dodson HOME CARE SERVICES is GROW-W-1- N-G HELP US CLEAN UP! $3/hr. plus bonuses 693-7844 EARN $180 to $480 weekly, stuffing envelopes at home. Guaranteed! For further information, rush self-addressed, stamped envelope and 25c (coin) for handling. Metro Enterprises, Box 49114, Austin, Texas 78765. 35tl0 Night clerks. Weekends, $2.63 hr. 823- 0961. 44t3 Part time. Week nights 10-3. Weekends 10-5. Starting $2.80/hr. Apply in person. Jack-in-the-Box 1604 Texas Avenue, College Station NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Preregistration for the Spring Semester 1979 will be con ducted during the week of November 13-17, 1978. Spring Semester Schedule of Classes will be available on or about November 6. All Biomedical Science majors are required to schedule a conference with their Academic Advisor and obtain an ap proved Course Request Form for use at preregistration. You can avoid long waiting periods by making an appointment with your advisor and having your Course Request Form approved prior to the week of preregistration. When you have obtained the approved Course Request Form, deliver it to the Biomedical Science office, Room 332, Veterinary Med ical Administration Building. During preregistration week, you should return to the Biomedical Science office to pick up your registration packet and complete your preregistration. SEE YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR SOON Pizza in jti Applications being taken for waitres ses and cooks. Day or Night Shifts Apply in person 413 Texas Ave., C.S. 5 Full Time 10 Part Time Counter help and pizza makers. Good pay, flexible hours. Must apply in person. Chanello’s 301 Patricia 44tn Bryan Hospital has part time grounds maintenance position open. Will work around school schedule within reason. Contact Doug Cruitt, Director of Engi neers, 822-1347, Ex. 268. EQE 44111 PART TIME CASHIER WANTED 7:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, 12:00 noon-6 p.m. For more information call Broach Oil Co. 846-3713 4315 5 Full Time 10 Part Time Drivers for delivery. Good pay, flexible hours. Must apply in person at Chanello’s, 301 Pat- ricia St., C.S.44tn Premium Pay for Home Makers Excellent opportunity to work 2, 3, or 4 hrs a day. Earn extra cash in the middle of the day while children are in school. Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas C.S. 105 Dominik 188tfn Pfea ‘Hut Pizza Hut of Bryan now accepting ap plications for waitresses and cooks. Applicants must be well groomed and enjoy working with people. Working, hours can be arranged around school schedule. Please apply at 2610 S. Texas Avenue to arrange an inter view. 45110 FOR RENT (Horse Stalls, barn, feed! ) and tack room, 20x70 run, f | 1&2 horse stalls, on Marino | | Road. 822-2941 after 5:30 i j^or weekends. ssitj SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE FALL ’78 SEMESTER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO ORDER THE TEXAS A&M SENIOR CLASS RING, AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST HAVE AT LEAST NINETY-TWO (92) SEMESTER HOURS, WITH 30 HOURS AT A&M AND BE IN GOOD STANDING. TO ORDER AT MID-SEMESTER USING MID-SEMESTER GRADES TO FULFILL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IN STRUCTIONS: 1. LEAVE YOUR NAME, MAJOR AND I. D. NUMBER WITH THE RING CLERK, HEATON BUILD ING, PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1ST IF POSSIBLE, OR AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF ORDERING. TH/S MAY NOT BE DONE BY PHONE. 2. BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER TO VERIFY PASSING HOURS. 3. ANYONE HAVING FAILED TO LEAVE THEIR NAME IN ADVANCE AND FAIL TO BRING THEIR MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORT ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER WILL BE ASKED TO RETURN LATER TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED. 4. ALL RINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHEN THE ORDER IS PLACED. SENIOR RING LOANS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE YMCA BUILDING. 5. MID-SEMESTER ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN ONLY FROM OCTOBER 30TH UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST, 1978. , 6. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT PLACE THEIR ORDER DURING THIS PERIOD MAY ORDER AFTER FINAL GRADES ARE POSTED. THERE WILL ONLY BE A 2-3 WEEK DIFFERENCE IN DELIVERY TIME FOR THOSE STUDENTS ORDERING IN JANUARY. (WHENEVER 92 HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ARE ON RECORD, THERE IS NEVER A DEAD-LINE, EXCEPT A MONTHLY MAILING DATE ON WHICH WE SEND ORDERS TO THE FACTORY), 7. THE RING CLERK IS ON DUTY FROM 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. EACH DAY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. HOWEVER, IN ORDER FOR OTHER DUTIES TO BE CARRIED OUT, ABSOLUTELY NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN BETWEEN 11:30 A. M. - 1:00 P. M. OR BETWEEN 4:00 - 5:00 P. M. 8. ALL RINGS ORDERED, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ON OCTOBER 30TH OR DECEMBER 1ST, WILL BE DELIVERED ON THE SAME DAY WHICH WILL BE APPROXIMATELY FEB- RUARY 28, 1978. - 2 bdrm 4-plex, 2 blks from A&M, 406 Foch. $160. 822-5877. 38110 NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822-7772. isittn Expanding Bohney Memorial Hospital, Brenham TX, has immediate openings for 3 registered nurses. Present openings on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts with shift differential pay. Salary comparable to area. Benefits include 2 weeks paid vacation, health and life insurance, 5 holidays, and credit union. Mail resume or call Carolyn Ainsworth, Di rector of Nurses, Bohney Memorial Hospi tal, 2304 S. Day, Brenham, TX 77833. EOE 35t12 America’s Largest Chain of Western J Stores needs aggressive managers! and manager trainees. Monthly salary, | percent of sales paid monthly, percents of yearly profits, Insurance benefits,^ profit sharing program, stock pur-[ chase plan. Must be willing to relocate. ? Contact: Western Sales, P.O. Boxs 5306, Arlington, TX 76011. 44t5j UkllVERSlIV APARTMENTS Located off Wellborn Road, 1 /2 mile past 2818 on FM 2154. Many new im provements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $135.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. 1 bedroom apts. now available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846- 5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE COOPERATIVE EDUCATION Announces an opening in Chemistry for Spring 1979 at Dow Chemical Salary approximately $1000 a month Contact immediately. 845-7361 Dean of Science Office BSB 315 ——— ^ECIALWmCE^ *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★! S.O.T.A. We can still use members in this club. If you feel you are out of the average age brac- kett here at A&M ( + 22.5). Why not meet people your own age. Call 693-9686 after 6 p.m. 45d 2 bd frame house 4 blocks from A&M, newly remodeled, 300 Park Place. $23,000. 822- 5877. 38tl0 1966 Bronco, 4 w.h.d., 6-cyl., 17 m.p.g., ev erything works, red, $1300. 779-7478. 40t6 ’75 Bronco, automatic, power & air. 693- 5102. 44t3 For Sale. Honda 450. Good condition, has fair ing. Call 846-2689. 43t7 SERVICES ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. i Bryan Hospital has part time open-1 jings for Medical Technology. Will x | work call every other week. Regis-1 I ter to MLT or MT. Excellent oppor- | j tunity for students. Salary will i I commensurate. Contact Tammy! ! Schmitt, Chief Medical Techni- ! j cian, 822-1347, Ex. 274. j L EOE Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 j Weight Watchers can show you J I how losing weight never tasted so J | good. College Station club meets J | Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Stu- . | dent Center, 315 N. College . | Main. For further information call! IS2ZZX&. J Service For All 1 ' + Chrysler Corp. Cars ' Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Avd. — 823-8111 The Houston Chronicle will have openings for two motor route carriers effective 12/1/78. Salaries range from $385-$450 per month plus bonuses and transportation allow ances. Applicants must have week day afternoons and weekend mornings available. We are also tak ing applications for routes for the spring semester. Call Julian McMur- ray, 693-2323 or 846-0763. 43tfn PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 38tfn THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Husseini, Munther Degree: Ph.D. in Poultry Science Dissertation: EFFECTS OF CALCIUM, Tremendous savings on Minolta, Ni kon, Canon, Vivitar and most other major brands. Call Peter 693-4634 after 3 p.m. 4511. WANTED 'Typing. 846-7577. 40U8 Typing. 823-4579. 30t40 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 37tin LEVELS, APPEHTE ENHANCERS AND ENDO PARA SITES ON EGG SHELL QUAUTY AND PERFORM ANCE OF LAYING EGGS Time: 3:00 p.m. on November 2, 1978 Place: Kleberg Center, Room 100 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College Battalion Classified """"“job "pporTunTtie ™"™" Call PART TIME SELF EMPLOYMENT! Join SHAKLEE, Earn money, insurance, trips, royalties, automobiles, and retirement. 846- 1526. 35tl 845-2611 La Guajira, which juts into the Caribbean, is mainly flat, dry, sandy land but also includes the Santa Marta mountains, where 170,000 acres of some of the world’s best marijuana is reported ripen ing on the slopes. The remote peninsula, long cut off from normal ties to the rest of Colombia, has flourished as a paradise for smugglers who easily clear clandestine landing strips out of brush and use its scores of tiny, well hidden anchorages. Colombian goverment attempts to police the area have run into the traditionally tight society of a small, isolated population, combined with the muscle, cash and high-flying methods of American drug smugglers. The crackdown also set off" howls of protests from area residents, who complained the government was trying tp take away their liveli hood because the region lacks economic resources other than marijuana. In a public meeting in La Guajira, speaker after speaker called in effect for the goverment to hold off on drug enforcement unless it compensates the area with emergency development programs, v Before Turbay s election in June, some U.S. officials had noteda certain ambiguity on the part of Colombian authorities: they didni like the drug trade but considered it basically an American problem But now the Colombian establishment is reported to feel threatened by the new group of rich drug entrepeneurs and the vast pool of “black money” available to subvert the country’s legal and political structures. When Turbay took office Aug. 7, he pledged an all-out fight against the smugglers. Washington is helping bolster Colombian enforcement witk helicopters, communications equipment and training that has ran between $1 million and $2 million annually during the past three years and probably will increase. If the crackdown in La Guajira is successful, authorities expect smugglers will try other areas — possibly the sparsely populated eastern plains where 50,(XX) acres of marijuana already have been spotted in aerial survey. ‘One-stop’ home buying in future United Press International NEW YORK— In the not too dis tant future shopping for a new home in another part of the country' may be as easy as a visit to the local broker, thanks to franchised elec tronic real estate programs. There are many roadblocks to overcome before “one-stop home buying replaces the services of out side lawyers, title search and insur ance people, mortgage brokers and lenders, says Michael Jackson, executive vice president of Elec tronic Realty Associates of Shawnee Mission, Kan., one of several realty chains moving in this direction. The mobility of the American people has created a huge potential market. More than 10,000 Ameri cans move to a new community every day. In the past several years about 40 percent of all Americans have moved to different homes. Started in 1972 with 18 franchised brokers, ERA now has 2,500 brok ers and this year will conclude about $12 billion worth of business. What the plan does is give a local broker access to both ends of the na tional market. A customer who plans to move to a different area of the country, for example, can visit an ERA broker in his present locale. The customer is put in touch with an ERA broker in the area to which he plans to move, who transmits facsimile pictures and descriptive information on possible homes over the Wide Area Tele phone Service (WATS) lines. The customer indicates the homes that are suitable, and within hours an appointment will be made with the distant broker to see the homes. Jackson said the ERA system also assures the home seller maximum exposure. The firm offers another sera also dependent on electronics munications, called the Hu Buyers Protection Plan and Hoi Sellers’ Protection Warrantie Jackson said. “If a problem develops, thesii scriher can dial a toll-free nuira and one of our staff will arrange «i a contractor for repair service, said. “What the system amounts! this stage, is an armchair metW percent l usu corr grot criti ing the Ii Moi of i pro< al I has rang chih slee; coui “ch< fear and suit. that Bl im TUL‘ non-agr oil impc spendin the dol Treasm Blumen Blumi the Tub sessmen elopme dent Ca econom) Just 1 we see < substant deficit,” “Over there has in Unite exports period, t same thr an increa non-peti United S househunting,” Jackson said, that can he a vast saving of bi energy and money for sellers, a tomers and real estate brokers." ERA also tends to produced form and more sophisticated mi keting and buying practices, Jacks said. “And in the long-tern hound to residt in cost s+ii ERA has been growing recent! the rate of 80 brokers a month says it is No. 2 in the field, bel Century 21 — and the firm has given Xerox Corp. a large coni for its specialized telephone simile transceiver, which it “The Moving Machine.” Jackson says the machine is most as important to the busine! people. “We have transmitted than 6(X),(X)0 pictures over the work so far this year,’’ he said. He bases his belief that buying eventually will becoi easy as buying a car on the fact big companies such as Mei Lynch and Sears, Roebuck are ing plans to enter the elect! franchising business. month p< The is again in ] balance ii Blumentl reduction “They have the muscle,: competitive itch to standardize! cedures, and this could helpsra legal and financial paperwork,] said. ■ ■■ ■■ h »■£ » v THE FORTUNE COOKIES 1313 S. College Ave. Bryan, Tx. 822-7661 FRIDAY LUNCH BUFFET (11:30-2) onion soup Fried wonton double wok sliced pork (spicy) sweet and sour chide! Beef with Chinese vegetables steamed rice DINNER SPECIAL We serve an Aggie Menu at night on request for $2.3 and up you get wonton soup, 2 egg rolls and one dishoi your choice. TRY IT! YOU WILL LOVE IT! Big Results! CLASSIFIED ADS'.