The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1978, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1978 Despite restaurants’ pleas, most meals still at home NEW YORK (UPI) — Despite their heavy patronage of fast food estab lishments and other restaurants, Americans still eat most of their meals and snacks at home. A study by the Newspaper Adver tising Bureau Inc. shows in-home eating on weekdays accounts for 92 percent of the breakfasts, 62 percent of lunches and 82 percent of dinners, plus 64 percent of morning snacks, 68 percent of afternoon and 80 percent of evening snacks. Of the meals eaten away from home, only three or four of every 10 take place in restaurants. The bureau’s information was taken from a national probability sample of American households dur ing a six-month period. ■ New '79 Models* coming in DAILY only 13194 monthly — New 14 ft. wide area — 2 bedrooms — Furnished — Air conditioned — Delivered ■ I Sandpoint MOBILE HOMES QPCZI Texas\ Mobile Home Oullet inc Phone 822-9140 The Texas A&M University campus is changing from day to day, but one thing remains the same through the years. Now the crane is at the construction of the new library wing. The project, which will about dou ble the size of the library, is scheduled for comple tion sometime this spring. This view of the campus is from the observatory in the Oceanograpya Meteorology Building. Tours of the building! conducted each Tuesday at 4 p.m. Adventures of the mind & spirit. . . Peace Corps & VISTA Backstairs at White House First lady still a trooper Texas t Housto Aggies’ 6-2, 6-i Kathlet l?D(SWo SPM-'?? REPS ON CAMPUS: NOV. 6-8 (NEXT WEEK) SENIORS/GRADS: SIGN UP NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW AND PICK UP AN APPLICATION PACKET AT CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT, 10TH FLOOR, RUDDER TOWER. W. R. BILL OWENS AS SHERIFF MEANS COMMON SENSE LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE WE GETTING FULL BENEFITS FOR WHAT THE SHERIFF S OFFICE IS COSTING NOW? AUTO THEFT UP 172 PERCENT, RAPE and MURDER UP 33 Percent, Robbery up 123 Percent in the past year. BRAZOS COUNTY Only. WHY. If the party leaders had had their way you could have voted for only one man for SHERIFF. BILL FOUGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS THEN, SUPPORT AND VOTE FOR HIM NOW. HE WILL MEET WITH ANY GROUP AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. PHONE 779-4325. HE CANNOT STOP CRIME BUT HE WILL SURE SLOW IT DOWN. VOTE W. R. BILL OWENS FOR SHERIFF VOTE POL. AD PD FOR BY FRIENDS OF OWENS FOR SHERIFF COMM. CO-CHAIRMAN LEO OWENS CLASS 82, 2308 CAVITT. BRYAN. 4419 COLLEGE HAIM, BRYAHL United Press International WASHINGTON — Backstairs at the White House: Rosalynn Carter has organized a staff of 18 to assist her in the many projects she has planned over the next several months. The first lady will be on the road, traveling fre quently to focus attention on com munity projects she has learned about through her mailbag and other contacts. Carter has already found that by spotlighting volunteer efforts in be half of the less fortunate she encourages more such endeavors. She also is a trouper and by the time the elections are over she will have made six major campaign trips — more than the president. Some of her aides feel she is tired of cam paigning but carrying on. She has become a total activist, hut there are indications that she feels that the press does not give her credit where credit is due. She also has said several times that reporters do not feel that her mental health project is “sexy enough” to cover. In recent interviews. Carter dis claims the role of major adviser to the president, hut when he asks her SCHWINN STUDENTS!!! THE WHEEL WORLD The Fuel Proof Wheels VtANOR EAST 3 THEATRES THEY WENT THAT AWAY 7:15 9:35 THE BIG FIX 7:30 9:50 THE END 7:25 9:45 LET WHEEL WORLD HELP YOU HAVE AN EARLY CHRISTMAS!!!» Skyway Twin 10% discount on all existing stock of Schwinn® bicycles with A&M I.D. and presentation of this ad. Jf WEST ^COMING HOME J PLUS % big * SHEEP EAST ISLAND OF THE DAMNED PLUS HOUSE BY THE LAKE Complete line of accessories and repairs on most makes of bikes. 811 S. Texas (Behind Mama's Pizza) 696-9490 THIS YEAR THE PEOPLE OF THE SIXTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ELECT AN OUT STANDING AMERICAN WHO WILL TRULY REPRESENT THEM IN THE U.S. CONGRESS. MY FRIEND WES MOWERY IS THAT MAN! HE STANDS FOR THE SAME PRINCIPLES THAT I DO — LOWER TAXES ALONG WITH LESS GOVERNMENT SPENDING AND REGULATION, A STRONG FREE MAR KET ECONOMY, A NATIONAL DEFENSE SECOND TO NONE, AND A SOUND ENERGY POLICY. THAT IS WHY I AM ASKING YOU TO SUPPORT WES. SINCERELY, RONALD REAGAN mmmm Pol. Adv. paid by Wes Mowery for Congress Committee, P.O. Box 11487, Fort Worth, Texas 76109. J. L. Matthews and Lee Paulsel — Chairmen, R. J. Schumacher — Treasurer. A company of our report is filed with the Federal Election Commission and is available for purchase from the Federal Election Commission, Washington, D.C. COMMUNICATIONS John Raney thinks the County Judge should be accessible to the citizens of Brazos County. He must be willing to discuss the is sues. When John Raney takes over as County Judge, his door will be open. John Raney Listens John Raney Responds JOHN RANEY The Wise Choice for Brazos County Judge Political advertisement paid for by John Raney for County Judge Committee, Mrs. Katye Kowierschke, Treasurer, 2315 Bristol, Bryan, Texas 77801. advice, or where she sees it is needed, she does not hesitate to The Virginia vacation spoti give it. Mary Hoyt, the first lady’s press secretary, said Carter was involved in the Camp David summit by “waiting up for her husband until 3 a.m.” when he would he involved in negotiations and she also sat in on the top American staff meetings. Carter also plans a major push in behalf of the Equal Rights Amend ment which she feels is not really understood. She will take on an “educator’s role to help put over ERA. tic and completely escapist tore lovers like the Carters. ■ Tl le 161-acre spread wasp chased by Herbert Hoover i during his presidency, anil queathed to the National Paiiii ice as a VIP government ret when Hoover left the presides the fede j i ied a pate m, Jame: icd chant Vice President and Mrs Mmi juI'An^ has frequently used Camp ite and talked the Carters into kol ^ en S it fixer. President Carter has never been known fora lack of confidence. Dur ing the campaign, he often said “I do not intend to lose. During a recent campaign rally in Minneapolis a man shouted “God Bless You Mr. President, and Car ter replied: “He does. He does. The Carters are not unalterably committed to Camp David, al though they are spending nearly every weekend there, rain or shine. They are now looking over a new retreat — Camp Hoover on the Rapidan River — where they can indulge in their favorite sport, trout fishing. National Security Affairs aJi Zbigniew Brzezinski had turned from the Vatican wheif witnessed the installation off John Paul II, when a reporterd him if the Egyptian-Israeli pe treaty would he signed on Mt where the Ten Commandmi were given to Moses. ^ “Or maybe on the Red Brzezinski replied, garbling Bible stories. The Red Seadii so the Israelites could escajj iw many ] ore than dication ars, Zach tween g otball, irps of C; Although ‘ ' Za idets lat Egyptians in an account in tk of Exodus. Jesus walked on of Galilee, according to the Gi The president and Mrs. are keeping their Thanksgiving Christmas holiday plans topsfi nt in th They have established some 1—J 846-6714 X I Sl > 846-6714 & 846-1 151 „ UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER^ Formerly ABC Interstate Theatres of a tradition of spending Thanla "I just ing at Camp David and going It wh time to Plains, Ga., for Christmas. U mted to,’ Carter aides indicate that tlie family finds it difficult to go hoi# tht, it wa: spread BOYS IN * F COMPANY “C” J a t illage where they will hem by tourists. The division in thef 'olarship, Baptist Church of Plains over Mall had segregation issue also has bef strain, particularly since Carter #nd any ti tries to attend both thechurcW dies is an childhood and the new churcl tablished as a result of the n 'ssinthei controversy. d. “If j There was speculation that0 digs real David was still in the picturt Thanksgiving and that the Call vejo shir might even decide to spend Clt mas in the White House — s thing first families rarely do, w it is the last Christmas for the# the White House. When reporters told Mrs. & “you know it’s important tot know where we will be on tl holidays,’’ she replied: “that! our first consideration.” ■SEASON’S - GREETINGS! eds to ough I de