The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1978, Image 2

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The Battalion Wednesday
Texas A&M University November 1, 1978
GOP conservatives
slice republican vote
by Jim Earle
For those of us living off-campus, utility
rates can be a constant source of concern.
For this reason, I for one rejoiced when
the College Station City Council passed
the Structural Standards Code. Section
104.13 of this code requires all dwelling
unit windows to have screens. This code
was passed on Sept. 14, 1978, complete
with a public hearing.
Reader s Forum
Representatives from the Apartment
Owners’ Association weren’t at the public
hearing, but they were at the City Council
meeting Oct. 26, and were they mad.
Chuck Harty, president of the Apartment
Owners’ Association, represented the
group and presented an assortment of fig
ures he had compiled concerning the in
stallation of screens. He said that as most
windows will not readily accept screens,
the installation cost per window (not in
cluding labor, time and inconvenience
costs to the management involved in or
ganizing this installation) would be $12.50.
Assuming that the average apartment has
4.6 windows, this would be $57.56 per
What would be the approximate cost to
the renter for this? It would depend on the
length of time the owner chose for recoup
ing its cost. If it were two years, it would
amount to an increase of $2.40 per month;
if it were nine months, it would amount to
an increase of 6.39 per month. He also
estimated the life of a screen to be 1.5
years. Mr. Harty came prepared with a
barrage of figures on the cost of screens,
but he stated that he had not had time
to compile any figures on how much the
installation of screens could save renters
in utility costs. _
First, I would like to take issue with Mr.
Harty on his figure of 1.5 years as the life
of a screen. He stated that one reason for
this is that students tend to use windows
when moving in and out. This seems pre
posterous to me, especially if screens are
on the windows. In addition to this, if
screens are destroyed by the occupant, the
money for this can be taken out of his dep
Second, it seems obvious to me that util
ity rates aren’t going to decrease, and
screens would certainly be an asset in
fighting high utility bills. With screens,
renters would not have to be concerned
with flies, mosquitoes, etc. when they
open their windows.
This would also be a blessing during
those (seemingly frequent) times that
apartment air conditioning systems break
down. I believe that our present energy
dilemma lacks an ultimate solution, and
that costs will continue to rise. While
screens would by no means be a solution,
they would certainly help lessen a prob
lem that we will always have with us.
At its next meeting on Nov. 9, the City
Council will appoint a committee to study
this issue. This committee will be com
posed of representatives from three differ
ent areas: people in the screen business,
apartment owners and primary renters,
that is, students. If any students would
like to serve on this committee, please
contact me through the Student Govern
ment office in room 216 of the MSC, 845-
3051. Student participation is important,
so please do get involved!
Dorothy Dubois is a junior political sci
ence major and a Student Government
City Council liaison.
Don’t screen benefits
BOSTON — There was a small incident
here the other day which exemplifies a
rather important trend — the tendency of
conservative-liberal battles to be fought
within the Democratic party, rather than
between the Republicans and Democrats.
Ronald Reagan canceled a luncheon ap
pearance he had been scheduled to make
for the Republican state committee. The
Massachesetts GOP ticket this year is
headed by two progressives, Sen. Edward
W. Brooke and State Rep. Francis W.
Hatch, the candidate for governor.
Reagan had no trouble endorsing
Brooke, despite their many differences on
domestic issues, because Brooke is much
more skeptical of arms reductions and de
tente with the Soviet Union than is his
opponent, Rep. Paul Tsongas (D-Mass.).
But there were more problems with
Hatch, who is opposed by a conservative
Democrat, Edward J. King — the man
who beat liberal governor Michael S.
Dukakis in the Democratic primary.
Many of the conservatives who would
normally back Reagan are supporting
Democrat King over Republican Hatch for
governor. Indeed, a poll published the
other day showed King leading Hatch
among both conservatives and self-
described middle-of-the-roaders. Only the
liberals in the poll gave a plurality to the
Republican candidate. Hardly the place
for Reagan to weigh in with an endorse
That kind of situation is not unique to
Massachusetts. In a number of northern
states, Democrats are thriving by cutting
deeply into the conservative territory
normally thought to be the province of the
That is true in the Pennsylvania guber
natorial battle between Pete Flaherty and
Republican Richard Thornburgh. Flaherty
was the most conservative candidate in the
Democratic gubernatorial primary on the
issues of spending and taxes, and has
never yielded that position.
It is true in the Minnesota Senate race
between Democrat Bob Short and Repub
lican David Durenburger. Short took
strong conservative positions on both fiscal
and social issues in winning his primary
over liberal Rep. Donald M. Fraser (D).
While Durenburger has the support of the
liberal Americans for Democratic Action,
he is not sure of getting the solid rural,
conservative backing a Republican is nor
mally guaranteed.
It is true in the Illinois Senate race,
where Democratic challenger Alex Seith
has taken a run to the right of Sen. Charles
H. Percy (R) on some domestic and foreign
policy issues, and is unexpectedly posing a
major threat to Percy’s third-term bid.
And it is true in Connecticut, where
Gov. Ella Grasso (D) was accused by her
unsuccessful challenger in the Democratic
primary of being too parsimonious with
the cities and the needy. She is now using
that reputation to good effect against her
November opponent Rep. Ronald M.
Sarasin, a moderate Republican whose
hopes are being blunted by a significant
suburban Republican defection to Grasso.
Washington Window
Every one of these Democrats who had
a contested primary chose to run on con
servative issues. Except for Seith, who lost
the AFL-CIO endorsement to Percy, all
these Democrats have been able to main
tain their conservative positions and still
gain endorsements from most unions,
from the regular Democratic organizations
in their states, and most — if not all —
other elected Democrats. None of these
Democrats is a cinch for a victory. But
several are likely to prevail. And their
wins will have two important conse
For one thing, they will be very damag
ing to the dwindling progressive wing of
the Republican party, which has its base in
the northern industrial states. Republicans
have won in these states by adding enough
labor, liberal and black support to offset
the Democratic registration advantage.
But now a new victory formula has been
found by Democrats, who sacrifice some
liberal and black support by their stands,
but make deep inroads into the conserva
tive constituencies.
The second consequence of this trend
will be to encourage conservatives to con
centrate their efforts at remaking the
Democratic party, rather than trying to
defeat it. Already, such conservative
strategists and writers as Richard Viguerie
and Kevin Phillips are preaching their ver
sion of the old adage: “If you can’t lick ’em,
join ’em.”
Reagan, the ex-Democrat, is a partisan
Republican who will not join such
schemes. But his decision to avoid embar
rassing conservatives in Massachusetts,
who this year are helping the Democrats
win the governorship, is another warning
to liberals in the Democratic party that
they are going to have to fight to protect
their franchise.
1978, The Washington Post Company
Fetters to the Editor
Parking ticket treatment unfair
I parked my car in the women’s parking
lot behind Mosher in one of the parallel
parking places. My front tire was on the
line in front due to the fact that the car
behind me had parked incorrectly. The
space was right next to an opening out
onto the street but I was in no way
obstructing traffic.
I did not use my car for three days and
when I did I found three tickets on the
windshield. I do not believe I deserved to
get any tickets much less three for the
same “violation.” I lost one of the three
tickets between Thursday and Monday. I
took the remaining two to the police office
and was extra polite.
I went in to some man’s office (I foiled to
notice his name) and started by explaining
my position. I got as for as “my front
wheels were on the line,” and he stopped
me and said, “You have to be parked leg
ally.” He then took the two tickets I had
and said he would excuse one and if I
could find the other one he would excuse
it too.
I was at a loss for words because how in
the world was I supposed to find that other
ticket. I asked, still halfway calmly if they
had a copy at the front desk. He then told
me to go ask for it and he would excuse it.
I was getting a little perturbed at this
time because I was having to pay $5 for
something I truly believed I didn’t do, but
like a good citizen I was willing to pay the
money and forget it. I asked at the desk
and after a few minutes of confusion she
produced the missing ticket plus another
violation from Aug. 25 because some
sweet person must have kindly relieved
me of its burden. The ticket was for park
ing in a staff lot before school even started.
I explained to the lady at the counter that I
never got the ticket and she said it didn’t
matter and that I would have to pay $10
instead of $5 because it was late. I wrote
my check for $15 and disgustedly gave it to
the cashier.
This is where I made an awful mistake. I
still had to get some other card signed by
the man I talked to first. After he signed
the card I told him I wanted to complain
about having to pay the extra $5. After a
moment of hemming and hawing he said
triumphantly, “It’s too late, you already
paid it.” I was so upset that I just said
thank you and walked out of there as fast as
I could, fighting the tears that were trying
to roll down my face.
There are several morals to this story.
The first is: don’t ever let anyone talk you
into paying for anything you didn’t do. The
second is: please, don’t think you’re doing
someone a favor by taking the ticket off is
Last of all and most important: Don’t
ever go to pay a parking ticket or get upset
right before a calculus test. Thanks to the
campus police, I couldn’t enjoy my lunch
and I did really crummy on my test.
—Sherri Vinyard, ’82
P.S. Maybe by the time I’m a senior I’ll be
able to deal with the “system.”
Lottery — no worry
In response to Mike Oswalt’s letter (Bat
talion, Oct. 27) concerning his views on
the Arkansas ticket lottery bill: Not to
worry Mike, for even if the bill passes, it
must still be approved by the Athletic
Council and this, I have been told, will not
So, Mike, I’ll see you Friday, Nov. 10,
at 5 p.m. in front of G. Rollie for that is the
earliest Wally Groff will allow people to
begin standing in line.
—Willard D. Jones Jr., ’80
Looking for help
I openly admit that I am not a rich man.
But earlier this semester I decided that I
must buy a calculator. It almost broke me,
but I bought a TI-58.
Well, Tuesday morning as I was going to
class the belt strap broke and I lost the
Someone found it. I can’t afford another
one. If you found it, please call me at 693-
3049. In return I offer both a reward and
my friendship for life. If the words “Aggie”
and “honesty” are in any way related, I
rest assured that I will get my calculator
— Randy Stafford, ’81
Sorry, refs
We as members of Dunn Hall’s A’s
Kickers intramural football team would
like to apologize to the intramural office
for our unsportsmanlike conduct in our
play-off game on Oct. 26, against
We especially express our apologies to
referees Bruce Klinger, Cathy
Schnanbelt, and Paul Gardina. We realize
you were only trying to perform your duty
and that nothing can be done about judg
ment calls.
We know our conduct reflect on our
dorm and on the intramural program as a
whole. For this, we are truly sorry. We
would also like to praise the Davis-Gary
team. They outclassed us during and after
the game.
— Paul M. Thompson, ’80
Editor’s note: this letter was
accompanied by 10 other signatures.
by Jim Earle
OCT *1-1 &
Top of the News
University books win award
The Texas A&M University Press has been notified that two of its
books have received Awards of Merit in the Rounce and Coffin Club
of Los Angeles’ 1978 Western Books Exhibition. “Impressions of the
Texas Panhandle” and “Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana
and Adjacent Waters” were chosen. The awards are presented yearly
to books printed in the western U nited States and Canada that reflect
the best tradition in book design and craftsmanship. The Rounce and
Coffin Club was founded in 1934 as an association of those who hold a
common interest in printing as a graphic art.
State employee seeks back pay
The former director of the Governor’s Office of Migrant Affairs has
a state job again, but said Tuesday he plans to file suit for nine months
back pay to which the attorney general’s office says he is not entitled.
Hill’s office said it would be unconstitutional to grant retroactive pay
to the man. Perez lost his $32,000-a-year job as head of GOMA when
District Judge Darrell Hester of Brownsville charged him with
forgery theft at a court of inquiry into misuse of federal Manpower
training money by South Texas labor leaders.
Adair called to Eagle Pass fire
Houston wild-well expert, Red Adair, and his crew, were called in
Tuesday to extinguish and cap a flaming oil well which blew out seven
miles north of the city. Bobby Oliphant, Maverick County deputy
sheriff, said no one was injured in the blowout, but that the well’s
rigging completely burned and collapsed about 5:30 p.m. Monday.
“The rig is completely burned up,” Oliphant said.
Newspaper strike prolonged
A new threat emerged Tuesday that could prolong the 83-day
newspaper strike despite growing optimism that the pressmen’s
union and The New York Times and Daily News were near settle
ment. The threat came from William Kennedy, pressmen’s union
president, who arrived at a new round of talks Tuesday and said he
had made no arrangements for a ratification vote, although a resolu
tion of the dispute was in view. A management spokesman said the
two papers and the drivers had “an understanding, but no contract.”
Ford recalls faulty 1978 cars
Ford Motor Co. has announced the recall of more than 206,000
1978 model cars, including 188,700 Ford Fairmonts and Mercury
Zephyrs with possible defects in their emission control systems. The
massive recall announced Monday also involves 18,100 Ford Fiestas
for replacement of certain optional steel wheels that may allow tire air
leakage. The company said it has received no reports of accidents or
injuries resulting from the defect. Owners will be notified to take
their cars to their dealers for free inspection and repair. Parts should
become available by mid-November, the spokesman said.
Pan American sickout ends
Flight attendants at Pan American World Airways began returning
to work Tuesday, ending a four-day sickout job action to protest a
one-year-old contract impasse. “We are back to normal,” said a Pan
Am spokesman. “There are no delays due to the flight attendants.”
The airline’s operations have been disrupted since Friday because of
the sickout by protesting cabin attendants, who have been working
without a contract for a year. They confinued to call in sick through
Monday, despite a federal temporary restraining order.
Soviet spies freed until trial
Two convicted Russian spies, sentenced to 50 years in jail for es
pionage, were freed Tuesday in the custody of the Soviet ambassador
but restricted to an area around their New York City homes. Valdik
Enger, 39, and Rudolf Chemyayev, 43, both former employees of the
United Nations, were sentenced Monday and placed under strict
travel conditions to ensure their presence in court. U.S. District
Judge Frederick B. Lacey sentenced each defendant to 50 years in
jail for their conviction on one espionage count and 10-year concur
rent terms on two conspiracy counts. The two were convicted Oct. 13
of paying a U.S. Navy officer more than $20,000 for military defense
Martial law decreed in Rhodesia
The government Tuesday placed more than half of Rhodesia under
martial law in an effort to contain widespread guerrilla activity
throughout the country. A Rhodesian communique, however, re
ported 11 African civilians were gunned down when they were caught
in withering crossfire during a firefight between troops and insur
gents. The total area now under martial law in Rhodesia, amounts to
more than one half the country’s land area. The Rhodesians said earlier
their troops destroyed a Zambian military outpost in response to
three days of steadily escalating military activity along their common
The Battalion
Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are
subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The
editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does
not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be
signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone
number for verification.
Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The
Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College
Station, Texas 77843.
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Represented nationally by National Educational Adver
tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los
The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from
September through May except during exam and holiday
periods and the summer, when it is published on Tuesday
through Thursday.
Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per
school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates fur
nished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 216,
Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843.
United Press International is entitled exclusively to the
use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it.
Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved.
Second-Class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843.
Texas Press Association
Southwest Journalism Congress
Editor KimTyso*
Managing Editor Liz Newt*
Assistant Managing Editor . Andy Willi® 1 '
Sports Editor David B
City Editor Jamie Aitfe-
Campus Editor Steve
News Editors Debbie Parse*
Beth Calhoun
Staff Writers Karen Rogers,
Patterson, Scott Pendleton
Sean Petty, Michelle Scuddf
Marilyn Faulkenberry, Di® f
Blake Lee Roy Leschper, Jr
Cartoonist Doug Grab® 1
Photographer Ed Cunni*
Focus section editor Gary Weld
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are
those of the editor or of the writer of the
article and are not necessarily those of the
University administration or the Board of
Regents. The Battalion is a non-^yrofit, self-
supporting enterprise operated by student
as a university and community newspapif
Editorial policy is determined by the editor