The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1978, Image 11
. ' • •. . , firyan envies CS Ies Rescue squad needed d sed with !ly reads corrup- ion with Hander’s rid fraud a bunch o make >s Edna nserva- led out house, idea to d, cau- having say for aming By MIKE FLEMING Special to The Battalion Anwld Smith and Bill Jones, two usinessmeii from Houston, arrive Bnjiin to attend a conference at mis AbM Vniversity. Both men tire to Smith’s room to go over a aport they plan to present the next mj. Suddenly, Jones grabs his chest nd collapses. Smith knew Jones heart condition, so he quickly icks up the Bryan-College Station lephone directory. Horrified, he nds two listings for ambulance rvices, and one for College Sta- lon. Smith runs from the room and :ross the parking lot to the main lesk. In the confusion, he forgets lis room number so he and a clerk ish back to the room where the lerk finally calls the ambulance. When the ambulance arrives, sues has died. The Emergency ledical Technicians (EMT) say if ey had arrived moments earlier, mescould have been saved. Smith left alone in his grief and wonders hy there are two ambulance serv es in Bryan-College Station. He is not alone. A number of res- leutsare pondering the same ques- peroting an ambulance service expensive. The above is fictional but it could j itrue. The cities of Bryan and Col- ge Station maintain separate am- ilance services. The operation in illege Station is financed by taxes lile the Bryan service is operated a private concern, Mid-Tex Am- lance Service. Operating service is expensive, le ambulance equipment must be jll-maintained and the emergency tdical supplies stocked in the am- lance are costly. adding to the problem is the man element. Occasionally a pa- it can’t pay his bill. In College tibn, taxpayers make up for de- pients at the end of the year with ix assessment. In Bryan, bad ts are absorbed by the private inessman. he owner of Mid-Tex ambulance ice, Bill Thornal, recently asked the Bryan City Council for subsidy of $2,000 monthly to enable him to continue emergency ambulance service. He told the council it was either the $2,000 or he would be forced to cease operations. Reluctantly, the city fathers came up with the money. They say it is only temporary. Bryan hopes to come up with a new ambulance plan. How did the ambulance service get into its present situation? In 1974, the local funeral homes, who at the time operated the area emergency ambulance service, an nounced they were going out of the ambulance business. They cited the rising cost of doing business as their primary reason to curtail the serv ice. The College Station city council opted to run their own ambulance service. Bryan was approached by William Sherrill of Waco, who oper ated D.K. ambulance service in that city. The city council gave Sherrill the authority to operate an ambu lance service in Bryan. Sherrill operated his ambulance service from a Bryan fire station. After a short time, Sherrill moved to Texas Avenue. He said the move was completed to give his service a centralized location. The firemen said there were serious personality clashed between the firemen and the ambulance operators. Shortly after Sherrill began oper ation, Bill Thornal left his job as sergeant on the Bryan police force, to operate an ambulance service. Despite his not being allowed to provide emergency service, Thornal existed on private non-emergency calls and patient transfers. Sherril continued to operate his service for two years, but he went out of business, apparently because of financial reasons. Thornal’s Mid-Tex ambulance service petitioned the Bryan city council to provide emergency serv ice. The city leaders were delighted that private enterprise would still operate the service. They were not thrilled recently when Thornal asked for the $2,000 subsidy. Instead they cast a curious glance toward College Station and their successful city-operated service. oviets attack ress freedom ray voice ation ma le fibers great dis- ns of the interfer- -opping. acturing the sys- vill dra- of rural mtually ed with 10 years t to use ia. ething ' and is id Bob in, one for the United Press International VS - The West is sticking to losition to government control irld news despite Soviet is that in the West, freedom of ess means nothing more than im to promote war, racism, ;e and pornography, iday, at the opening of the week of the U.N. Educa- Scientific and Cultural Or ation general conference, Britain and West Germany rejection of a draft declaration ning government supervision press, radio and television, th Hart, head of Britain’s del- i to the conference, told the tes from 146 countries, “We bays ready to work for reason- bmpromise, but I would pro- that consideration (of the dec- |n) be postponed. ” ier in the day, Igor Zemakov, deputy foreign minister and of the U.S.S.R. delegation, liberty in the West amounts to |paid in the United States “300 aphic magazines are pub- and hundreds of motion pic- There are 300,000 minor n in the pornographic indus- ese unfortunate children do iye long enough to reach the 20.” akov did not say where he btained his eyebrow-raising ics. Instead he went on to say that the western press is “always for freedom. Freedom for what? Free dom to trample on people?” Britain’s Hart urged that instead of a declaration turning the press into a servant of government, UN ESCO should work to stamp out il literacy, to reconcile state subsidies with freedom from state control and to encourage rich countries to help poor ones build up their mass media. West German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher said infor mation “can be used merely for sen sationalism or to provide genuine in formation. To want to solve this problem by government control, or worse still, by censorship, would be a totally unsuitable way.” In an oblique reply to the Soviet delegate, Genscher added, “There is not too much freedom of the press in the world but too little.” So far, College Station has re fused to offer its sister city any con solation. College Station approached the ambulance dilemma cautiously. “When we anticipated the up coming ambulance problem, I was instructed to contact areas through out the state to determine what worked best,” says College Station Fire Chief Douglas Landau. He says his unofficial poll revealed the cur- Today, College Station residents possibly have the best emergency service system in the state. College Station Chief Douglas Landau says. rent trend of public-controlled am bulance systems. When Landau presented his findings to the Col lege Station City Council, they created the ambulance service opeated by city taxes. Today, College Station residents possibly have the best emergency service system in the state, Landau said. Average response time is three minutes. “Our crews are combined with the fire department,” says Landau. “The men rotate between fire duty and ambulance duty,” he says. Landau discovered that in some areas of the state, friction developed when firemen were housed with ambulance personnel. Landau de cided to combine the two tasks. He says it has worked perfectly. It has worked so well that Bryan now wants to merge with the Col lege Station group to provide serv ice to both cities, plus the county. City Manager North Bardell of College Station doesn’t think it is a good idea. “The trend in government these days,” says Bardell, “is the one of the smaller, the better.” Bardell went on to say, “If we were to com bine with Bryan and possibly Brazos County, we would be going against this trend.” Bardell also said he feels the citi zens of his city don’t want a com bined ambulance service. “I don’t feel the residents of Col lege Station are willing to give up one or two minutes of response time, to enable Bryan to consolidate ambulance service,” he says. Acting City Manager of Bryan Hubert Nelson says he thinks the College Station ambulance service is a good operation and he wants the city of Bryan to be part of it. “I think the ambulance service should be operated on a county wide level. The city dweller pays 70 percent of the county taxes. That’s why I feel it’s better if the county controls the ambulance system,” Nelson says. Bardell says he favors a mutual aide service. The fire departments in the area operate with one and he sees no reason why the ambulances can’t do the same. But he adds, “I don’t expect any combined ambu lance service in the near future.” The problem of dual ambulance service still exists in Bryan-College Station. Bryan wants to set up a jointly operated system, while Col lege Station wants to continue a separate operation. While Bryan may continue to press for a single ambulance service. College Station is expected to fight any attempts to merge. Dual ambulance service will be the case in Bryan-College Station for many years. THE BATTALION Page 11 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1978 what’s up? Wednesday POLITICAL FORUM: Presents Earl Butz, Former Secretary of Ag riculture. Butz will speak on “Agriculture — Where Politics and Economics Clash,” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Admission is 25 cents for students and 50 cents for non-students. BAHA’I CLUB: Invites everyone for a free International Dance and Food Festival at 7:30 p.m. in Room 231, MSC. BRIDGE CLUB: There will be a bridge tournament in Room 212, MSC at 7:15 p.m. Everybody is welcome to play. ACT CLUB: Today’s meeting has been canceled. Members are urged to attend the Earl Butz speech instead. The next meeting will be Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 002, Reed McDonald Building. MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: Will have a speaker on assertiveness training. The coming field trip will be discussed at 8 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. Thursday MSC OUTDOOR RECREATION: Will have a seminar on “Backpacking: Techniques and Equipment” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 401, Rudder Tower. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 350, MSC. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Is now accepting applications for any position that might become vacant on University committees. Please go by the Student Government Office, Room 216, MSC, for applications. All applications must be turned in by 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13. AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY Ernest Simmons from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Room 104, Nagle Hall. LECTURE: The Department of Georgraphy presents Ben R. Fin ney, who will talk on “Three Thousand Miles Without a Compass: The Voyage of Hokule’A” at 4 p.m. in Room 340, Rudder Tower. PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM: Will be held with John Linsley speaking at 4 p.m. in Room 146, Physics Building. PHILOSOPHY COLLOQUIUM: Will be held with Pete Gunter speaking at 4:30 p.m. in Room 502, Rudder Tower. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: There will be a panel discussion featuring four former students concerning careers after graduation at 8 p.m. in Room 607, Rudder Tower. COTTON BOWL REPRESENTATIVE: Applications for the 1979 Cotton Bowl representative from Texas A&M are available in Room 221, MSC. Any female student who has completed one semester at Texas A&M and has at least a 2.25 GPR is invited to apply. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 17, in the Student Activities Office. The selected applicant will repre sent the University at the Cotton Bowl parade and post-season football game in Dallas on New Year’s Day. TENNIS: The women’s team will play the University of Houston here. Friday VOLLEYBALL: The women’s team will play in TAIAW State Tour nament in Houston. AGGIE CINEMA: “The Turning Point, ” a story of two women, one of whom gave up a promising career as a ballerina, the other her best friend who went on to become a great star, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Let Sunshine into your life! SUNSHINE LAUNDROMAT 3815 E. 29th Street Featuring: coin operated machines attendant on duty at all times Wash, dry and fold services done in-house air conditioned lounge with T.V. Professional dry cleaning and laundry service Carter will not meet with Begin United Press International WASHINGTON — President Carter does not intend to meet with Menachem Begin when the Israeli prime minister visits the United States later this week, the White House said Tuesday. Press secretary Jody Powell used deliberate and unequivocal lan guage to get that point across to re porters at a midday briefing. The president, said Powell, “is not going to meet with Begin. “There are no plans, nor have there ever been, for the president to meet the prime minister in New York (where Begin will accept an award from the Council of Churches),” Powell said. Carter and Begin have been at odds over the last few days, and have corresponded angrily on the subject of Israel’s decision to expand its settlements in occupied Arab lands on the West Bank of the Jor dan River. The president canceled a news conference tentatively set for Tues day so he might avoid public com ment on the simmering dispute. Asked why Carter will not see Begin, Powell said, “There is no particular reason for a meeting of heads of state at this point. ” UPI learned that Carter pre viously planned to meet with Begin during the latter’s visit. So failure to set a meeting could be interpreted as something of a diplomatic snub. Powell also said Begin has re sponded privately to Carter’s criti cism of the Israeli settlement deci sion, and that response “is being studied.” On other topics, the press secre tary declined to comment on the declining value of the dollar on world money markets, or the drop in the stock market. Carter was also meeting with Crown Prince Reza of Iran, the son of the shah, Tuesday. Powell said the president would convey to the shah his “support and warm wishes” at a time of growing tensions in Iran. As for the decision to scrub the news conference, the reasons were manifold. 913 Harvey Rd. College Station $1 Bloody Marys 11-2 Happy Hour doubles 4:30-6:30 Mon.-Fri. Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m. Sunday 5 p.m. campus interviews ?orE"9 ioeerS Town and Country Shopping Center 846-7921 8-8 Sat.-Sun. 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With even more of everything available a short drive away in Dallas. There’s no state in come tax. There’s good weather year round. And you have the time and facilities to enjoy it. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS November 7-8 If unable to interview at this time, send your resume in confidence to: Staffing Manager/P. O. Box 84/ Sherman, TX 75090. Texas Instruments INCORPORATED An equal opportunity employer M/F