The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1978, Image 1
l<U 1! J1 Rodeo bulls, broncs and buckles \! The rider in the shoot, left, is preparing for a try in the All-Aggie Rodeo tiedown calf-roping event. Another rider, below, is just about to lasso a calf in the same event. The eventual winner of the event was Mark Ivy. The annual rodeo on Friday and Sat urday night had 123 students participating and 2 faculty-staff members. Battalion photos by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. By SUSAN SHILLINGS Battalion Reporter Wild bulls bucking and snorting. Dust flying. Aggies screaming and yelling in the stands. Everything from bull and saddle-bronc riding to barrel racing and goat tying took place Friday and Saturday nights at the All-Aggie Rodeo. Corky Sandel, the rodeo club’s sponsor, said this rodeo was the largest All-Aggie Rodeo to date. The first such rodeo was in 1947. The crowds were more responsive dur ing this year’s performances than the aver age crowds of the previous rodeos, espe cially the Saturday night crowd, Sandel said. The All-Aggie Rodeo differs from any other rodeo because the contestants are either students or members of the staff and faculty at Texas A&M University. There were 125 contestants entered in the rodeo and a record crowd on Saturday of about 750. More than $4,200 was awarded to the top placers in each event and $1,100 in buckles were awarded along with cash to the first place winners. The All-Round Cowboy was Bobby Cobbs, a third-year veterinary student from Haskell, and the All-Round Cowgirl was Glenda Raney, an agricultural eco nomics major from Rockwall. First place winners were Bobby Cobbs in the bareback bronc riding and bull rid ing, Joe Dutton in saddle-bronc riding, Mark Ivy in tiedown calf roping and steer wrestling, Bruce Barker and Hardy Stewardson in team roping, Linda Rod gers in barrel racing, Glenda Raney in breakaway and Cass Behrman in goat ty ing. Sandel said only two out of the 125 were faculty or staff members, while the rest were students. Hexas AdcM Tens . ...Baylor .... Houstd Pil Arizona St. ew EngUI . .Houston Miami Seattltl The Battalion Vol. 72 No. 42 12 Pages Monday, October 30, 1978 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 ‘It would have been easier to die. ’ • An Aggie from the class of ’27 • The Humphrey-Hawkins bill who was captured by the may present opposing economic Japanese in World War II lived to write a book about the near- goals, page 5. death existence in prison camp. • The Corps of Cadets hosted See John Scott Coleman’s story 2,200 junior cadets Saturday, on page 3. page 6. Students oppose ■^fnew center plans By DOUG GRAHAM Battalion Staff The Memorial Student Center Council bet opposition Sunday night to its propo- lalsfor an advisory committee on the con- puction of a secondary student center. The Residence Hall Association presi dent disagreed with proposed representa- of different campus groups on the ommittee. The committee will advise the Univer sity administration on student needs in the ptudent union project. The proposed student union will be housed in the present Animal Science ravillion across the street from the Oceanography and Meteorology building. The union, according to the 5-year master plan developed earlier this summer, will onsist of two floors with a large open area (suitable for registration and dances. The plan said the rest of the building will be illocated to student use. THE PROPOSED COMMITTEE will help the administration decide which ac tivities the rest of the cavernous exhibition pall will be used for. The MSC Council pased a resolution to [send their plan for the committee to Dr. Bohn Koldus, vice president for student (services. The proposed representation has four Council representatives, one each from the Corps, RHA, the Off-Campus Student As sociation and student government. In addition, four other representatives vould be associated with the MSC: The IMSC director, the MSC vice president of [administration, who will serve as ex-officio [chairman, a former student representative [from the MSC Council and a faculty repre- |sentative from the MSC Council. The representation plan led Lynne An- [drus, RHA president, to say the committee [representation favored the council 8-1. Ron Woessner, vice president of admin- jistration for the council, disagreed. He said [only council students, not former students [or staff, should be included in the count. He discounted charges of bias in repre sentation. “There is no imbalance,” he said. HE SAID THAT representation should I not be an issue in a com mittee that does not decide policy. He said the committee will' serve as an investigative body that will call (people from all student organizations. During the Sunday night meeting, vari- [ ous council members stressed that the committee would set no policy and would ) be almost temporary in nature. Later Woessner said that the committee | would make recommendations in addition [ to gathering information. The proposals and information would then be forwarded | to Texas A&M President Jarvis Miller. He reiterated that to include representa tives from all student organizations would make the committee too large to work ef fectively. Andrus disagreed, and in response, a few council members started to opt for a com promise that would leave the council three seats and give one seat to the Graduate Student Council. That, however, never reached the voting stage and the original proposal was ap proved. Koldus is not bound by the proposal and will make his own decision on the commit tee before sending it up to President Miller for approval, Woessner said. ANDRUS SAID THE RHA may send an alternate plan to Koldus, but had delayed action until the council made its final deci sion. She disagreed with Woessner’s claim that the MSC Council deserved the slots because its members have experience in running an operation similar to the new union. Andrus said the RHA has experi ence in running the Quonset huts near Eas- terwood. “They’ll have lobbies, food service, and offices and rooms,” Woessner said, “where else can you find all that — the MSC.” There seemed to be a question of the committee’s permanence. Dr. Ray Cole, one of the council’s faculty advisers, said the committee would be permanent. Woessner said it would last until 1983, or almost 5 years. Bobby Tucker, student body president, said the conflict on representation “de pends on your interpretation of the com mittee.” He said if the committee were merely ad hoc, the conflict would be negligable. “If it’s on a permanent basis, there will be more interest from other organizations concerning representation on the commit tee.” THE STUDENT BODY president will have the power to appoint student commit tee members if it is permanent. When the center is built, there may be some question as to which student body will help set policies for it. Woessner said that since the new center will be an MSC-type operation versus a Quonset hut-type operation, the logical group to help run it will be the M SC Coun cil. He pointed to the MSC Council’s begin nings 29 years ago, when it evolved from an advisory committee itself. “Basically, the structure appears to make it a satellite of the MSC,” Tucker said. But he added, “Whether it should fall under the control of the MSC Council — that’s a different question.” “It’s a matter of working this thing through,” he said. ■% m - 0 i ‘The Thrill of Victory Gerald Carter is congratulated by Doug Teague, right, and Cody Risien after scoring a touchdown Saturday during the Rice game. The touchdown was a result of a 52-yard pass from Aggie quarterback. Mike Mosley on new Aggie head coach Tom Wilson’s first offensive play. Please see related stories on pages 10 and 11. Battalion photo by Pat O'Malley Bullock says he’s saving money by move to empty bank building United Press International AUSTIN — Comptroller Bob Bullock is’ defending his decision to move a large por tion of his office to an empty bank building, saying he has made a shrewd deal for the taxpayers instead of costing them money. Bullock’s order to lease the empty American National Bank building has drawn criticism from the Austin American-Statesman newspaper, which said one of Bullock’s employees does busi ness with the bank and Bullock had to break three leases at other buildings to move into the empty one. “The building was filthy, but I could see immediately that it had great possibilities for us,” Bullock said Saturday. “The bank says they were not in trouble on it. But I knew they’re in trouble on it. If a building’s been sitting there vacant for three years, sure they’re in trouble on it. “I knew then that I could probably get that building cheaper than any other place •around.” Bullock said he broke three leases for office space in north Austin — rented for 32 and 34 cents a square foot — and moved the employees to the former bank building to put different divisions in a single location and allow closer supervision of auditors. The bank’s property — leased at 49.5 cents a square foot — is closer to Bullock’s main office in the Lyndon B. Johnson State Office Building and more convenient for him than the earlier locations a few miles away. Three years ago the bank moved to another location. Bullock said Deputy Comptroller Ralph Wayne had nothing to do with the decision to lease the bank building. The newspaper’s article indicated the comptroller broke its current leases to move into the more expensive property be cause Wayne has business dealings in the bank. Bullock also said he needed additional space to office his growing staff and expects by next September to have 400 employees in the former bank building; there are 300 there now. The comptroller said he wants the state to condemn and buy the building — a move that would help American Bank surmount a legal controversy over title to the property. “Am I going to buy that building? Boy, if I can, I am,” he said. “I’ve got ‘em over a barrel. That’s one reason the building in terested me. I knew it had a title flaw. ” He said the bank spent $600,000 ren ovating the building to meet needs of the comptroller’s staff and provides a parking garage for 290 cars. Academic Building robbed The completed history tests of 80 stu dents were stolen from the Department of History office sometime between Friday evening and 8:30 a.m. Saturday, depart ment head Dr. Keith Bryant said. Another history professor discovered Saturday morning that offices in the Academic Building had been vandalized and called Bryant and the University Police. The official police report had not been completed Sunday evening. Bryant listed these damages, which oc curred in the psychology and history de partments in the Academic Building: Second floor — one classroom door win dow smashed; one glass panel smashed in an office door; Third floor — one glass panel smashed in an office door; one door frame removed, no entry apparent; one corridor door bro ken open; four office doors broken open; two Department of History office doors smashed open, all incoming mail taken from boxes, wall clock taken, 80 tests re moved; Fourth floor — two Department of Psy chology office doors smashed, secretary’s desktop and some files scattered, and a wall clock taken. Bryant said no decision has been made about the students whose tests were stolen. He also said the stolen mail could result in serious federal charges, if the robbers are found. Blaze guts one dwelling A smoky, one-alarm fire destroyed one apartment and damaged several others in an early morning blaze Sunday at the Briarwood Apartments on Hwy. 30. College Station firemen were called to Apt. 163 of the complex at 1:45 a.m., ac cording to a fire department report. The blaze was extinguished about 45 minutes later. The fire spread from the downstairs unit to the apartment above, causing partial damage to it and the attic. No one was injured in the incident. No cause for the blaze was determined as of Sunday night. Ship in drink hails Guard United Press International NEW ORLEANS — The distress call that came in to the Coast Guard office from an oilfield crewboat was most appropriate. “We got a call that the vessel ‘Gin and Tonic’ was on the rocks,” Coast Guard spokesman Bob Baeten said Tuesday. Before a cutter could arrive, the vessel reported it had resolved the problem.