The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 27, 1978, Image 1
iii '79, if my heart, s need to go [they solved! 6:30 ng rid of then they slt ( they hav it up. r (lid gel last;, ;eks of the sen :1 time to i)w what mahi e frequent I# irbett durinj ft the impress that they have and if they dr ling block, e that teamii ley’ve got the! b. I could he d, but who because Bnf a impulsivi have to wood nt) know other times! the way d I’ve go “If you don’t get here early,” Kyle ex plains, “then you won’t get a good spot.” An hour later, a van drives up and stops in front of the boy. Louis Walston gets out of the van and hands Kyle a large, covered bucket. Walston is a distinguished looking man in his late 30s. “Generally,” he says, closing the door of the van, “everybody knows what we have to do, and what it takes to stay even.” Walston’s son Andy, also 14, is standing farther east on University near the Ramada Inn parking lot. As each car drives by, he leans perilously out on the road waving a flower and hollering “MUM!” Hie cars drive by, obviously unimpressed. No, he’s not a displaced flower child. He’s not selling his mother, either. He sells football mums. That’s right, football mums. Mums are big white chrysanthemums draped with maroon and white ribbon and little metal lic or plastic footballs. They are usually adorned with pipe cleaners bent to spell ‘.‘ATM.” On-campus sales of mums are regu lated, but off-campus sales are another story. Out there, it s a free-for-all. Andy has been doing this for two years. He says he doesn’t like it, either. Why do it then? log lig Rider ami ones as don! me againsl Jist Univ bruised sh« in elbow Guy Sellen n while fensive end earn worked •sday inprej nier quarted irotectionbi ikerssaid. s thrown nes a probki ie Musts® hiding Effl [i the balls! s co-leadii jth Housta — Texas )ach F.A ■ Horned called no n for Satun against Bay ised with ■’re getting! rs hack and ole picture ite hack ie best I’ve: ey’ll he res Saturday upset T»! ir record Ii ? Wl rrnatimial <e Newlin ssingthed ve game! 106-101 o; [nicks M 5 points its —indi quarter, igh score! nts and 0 fore foulim d 21 and Rf eight sti i chedule 11 dffice r;R T0t> -rE SCHD 1 , ANAGEf! ■mpos ^ 8530<i Aggie mums big business in College Station By ROY BRAGG Battalion Reporter Fourteen-year-old Kyle Collins is sitting on an aluminum folding chair on the shoulder of University Drive near the traf fic light at College Avenue. It’s Saturday, “I make 50 cents for every flower I sell,” says Andy, explaining his motivation. Louis Walston runs Nan’s Blossom Shop in Bryan. Theresa Walston, Andy’s sister, is selling mums over on Jersey Street. In this case, it’s all in the family. Kyle also works for Walston. The young businessman says the best spot is the U-tote-M near the Ramada Inn. “I was sick for the first game this year and I lost the spot to Jeff.” Jeff Shillings, 14, is the “owner” of the coveted location. He arrived a little before Collins at 6 a.m. He is in his second year of selling mums. Jeff, Andy and Kyle all make 50 cents on each mum they sell, and they are usually at work for seven hours. Is it worth it? Kyle’s biggest day was last year’s Texas game. He sold 66 mums. Thats $33 for 7 hours work, or almost $4.75 an hour. The most Andy has sold is 82 mums. That’s nearly $6 an hour. And all of these “record sales’’ have oc curred in front of the U-tote-M. But Louis Walston says location is not that much of a factor in sales. The going rate for mums along this stretch of University Drive is $3. There are a few vendors selling for $3.50, but they are few in number. No mums sold before 7:30 a.m. On the other side of campus, however, there is quite a discrepancy in prices. Members of the Agricultural Com municators of Tomorrow are selling mums at the intersection of Bizzell and Jersey as a money-making project for the club. The club also has a location at Throckmorton and Jersey. The price there before the Baylor game was $3. However, before the Tech game the mums were $4. Mark Sing leton was manning that location. “I didn’t know anything about that,” he said with a grin. He had already sold six mums before 8 a.m. That’s the free enterprise system at work. Before the Baylor game, Bonnie Helwig and Julie Smiley, both of ACT, made $35 by 11 a.m. at the Bizzell loca tion. ACT gets the mums from the Senter Piece in College Station. Ken Senter, owner of the shop, says he usually has nine locations for every home game, mainly on Jersey. According to Helwig and Smiley, ACT makes between $50 and $70 a week. That works out to at least 100 mums a week being sold by ACT. Senter says he sells a total of 400 a week. Although Senter and Walston discount the existence of price wars, Andy and Kyle both know it’s a “dog-eat-dog” out there in the mum business. “Some customers try to knock the price down by bargaining,” says Andy, “They think they can do it because I’m a kid. ” Kyle says some people try to steal mums from him. Considering the 400 mums that Senter sells, along with a like amount from Walston and a few extra from other florists, the total comes to nearly $2,500 daily before every Texas A&M home game. And that’s big business. Check that mate The hand moves quicker than the eye — or it almost has to in this game. Speed chess allows about 5-10 seconds per move, but all other rules still apply, page 7. The Battalion Vol. 72 No. 41 12 Pages Friday, October 27, 1978 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 Al Woods, a retired postal service worker, has been selling Aggie mums for the past 22 years. He says the demand for mums is dropping off — everyone used to buy mums, but now mostly former students Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. buy them. Woods started selling mums when his wife owned a flower shop. He now sells them for a local florist. Woods worked at the Texas A&M Post Office for 26 years. Cause of resignation remains unresolved Bryan police want to adopt uniform working standards Bryan police desiring consistent standards for the hiring, firing and promo tion of personnel, are looking for them in the Firemen’s and Policemen’s Civil Serv ice Act. Detective Gary Wentrecek, president of the Bryan Police Officers Benefit As sociation, is circulating a petition to adopt The act, passed in 1975 by the Texas legislature, provides guidelines for the administration of fire and police. The deci sion to adopt the act is left up to each city. The act was passed to encourage more efificient police and fire departments which would be free from political influence. “I think one of things the police associa tion would be looking at are the monetary benefits,” said Charles Bluntzer, Bryan city attorney. “The civil service act itself does have some benefits in it such as vaca tion and sick leave which the regular city employees don’t have. ” Support for the move within the police force apparently is widespread. Members vith 24 f attending the police association meeting last week comprise an estimated 80 per cent of the total force, Wentrecek said. He added he’s confident the rest of the de partment will concur. “The ones we’ve talked to are going along with this,” he said. “I feel the rest of the department will, too. We’ve been talk ing about it for some time.” Wentrecek said the association’s action is not a result of incapable personnel and ineffiency on the force. But he did not dis count the possibility of political influence being exerted in the department, com menting, “let me say that I’m not going to cite any example at this time.” He would not comment about unfair ness in the handling of hiring, discipline and promotion. “We want to insure there will be fair ness and consistency in the future,” Wen trecek said. “In the past, as well as in the present, there’s been no way to secure jobs. With this there’s a way to put job security in writing. ” He explained that for a policeman to be fired or suspended, he would have to violate one of the regulations described in the act. “We can’t be terminated or suspended at the whim of the police administration or the governing body of the city,” he said. ‘They can’t come up with something out of the clear blue.” A committee of police officers is study ing the act, along with Bluntzer and Bryan acting City Manager Hubert Nelson. None of them could say exactly what changes would be affected in the police and fire departments since the study has just begun. However, Bluntzer and Wen trecek say some of the rules are basically the same ones the department is operating under now. The act, if passed, would not take effect until October 1979 and would set down standards for departmental policy concern ing personnel. Under the act, police and firemen would not have the right to strike. The men would work on a merit system for promotions. A Civil Service Commis sion appointed by the city council would be responsible for administering exam inations and maintaining eligibility lists, Wentrecek said. This will eliminate a lot of misunderstanding about who is up for a promotion, he added. By MARK PATTERSON Battalion Staff Rumors, accusations and denials abound in the wake of Emory Bellard’s resignation as football coach and athletic director at Texas A&M University. In a story written by Dave Campbell and printed in Wednesday’s Waco Tribune-Herald, Campbell named Texas A&M Athletic Academic Counselor Max Bumgardner as the source close to Bellard who told the former coach of the inten tions of Texas A&M President Jarvis Mil ler and the Board of Regents to ask Bellard to relinquish his coaching duties at the end of the season. When contacted, Bumgardner would offer no comment on the situation. “I’m hot going to add anything to this story,” Bumgardner said. “Just let Coach Bellard’s story die. “Whoever named me (as the source to Bellard) is purely speculating on who it is. I’m not going to make any comment to your question. I’m not going to get into it. “You’d better re-check with whoever wrote that story and get the truth. I’m not the reliable source.” Asked if he would answer any more questions on the subject Bumgardner an swered, “No son, newspapers are for fans.” Click. WHEN ASKED ABOUT the credibility of the story, Campbell stood by his source and his story. “My source is a good contact,” Campbell said. “He’s always been accu rate in the past and I have no reason to think he isn’t now. I wouldn’t have used him if I didn’t have confidence in him.” Campbell declined to identify his source. Emory Bellard was unavailable for comment on the issue. When a writer from the Baylor University newspaper. The Lariat, contacted Bellard’s wife Mary Kay about asking the former coach some questions, Mrs. Bellard responded, “As long as you’re not from The Battalion he’ll talk to you.” Bellard never returned the call. The Texas A&M alumni have been re- Picture of coach to he in program While the resignation of Emory Bel lard requires many obvious changes, other less obvious changes are also necessary. Both the program which is sold at each home game and the football high lights show must be changed. The ‘Today’s Game” page for Satur day will include information about the coaching change, said Billye Tate, printing services representative for the University Printing Center. But Tate said the full page color pho tograph and story about Bellard will remain in this week’s program. She said that it was too late and too ex- pensve to change it for this week. It would cost about $3,000 to make the change, she said. Marvin Tate will still be listed as as sociated athletic director and Tom Wil son as offensive coordinator. Additional changes may be made for the TCU program, but that decision will be up to Sports Information Direc tor Spec Gammon, she said. Melvin Chastain, director of educa tional broadcast services for KAMU, said the'specific changes in the high lights show will be worked out with Interim Athletic Director Marvin Tate and Coach Tom Wilson in a meeting this morning. - Battalion photo by Steve Lee ceiving much of the blame for Bellard’s resignation. One prominent member from the Dallas area, Thomas Frymire of Fry- mire Engineering, denies any knowledge or participation in an attempt to oust Bel lard. “SOME (FORMER STUDENTS) were against him, but no more than at the end of last season,” Frymire said. “He’s been able to beat the Memphis State’s but he can’t win the big ones. “Emory is a personal friend of mine. But I think he’s made some administrative and organizational mistakes that have shown up on the field. ” Frymire went on to say that he knew of no organized effort by any group to re move Bellard from his position but later made the comment, “It’s the Houston group acting on its own.” The Houston alumni have been much in the news surrounding Bellard’s resigna tion. In a story appearing in Wednesday’s Houston Post it was reported that “an inf luential group of Texas A&M alumni flew to Pittsburgh last weekend, four days be fore Aggie Coach Emory Bellard resigned, to discuss the job opening with Pitt Panth ers’ defensive coordinator Jimmy Johnson.” JOHNSON, CONTACTED Wednes day afternoon, denied ever meeting with any Texas A&M alumni. But Johnson does confirm the fact that he’s spoken with former Aggies from Houston this week. “No one flew to Pittsburgh and talked to me,” Johnson said. “A couple of con cerned, interested alumni (he wouldn’t name them) called me, but it was after Emory resigned. It was nothing more than casual conversation with friends, nothing official. No officials of the University con tacted me. “Some friends called and asked if I would be interested in being head coach at A&M. I’m from Port Arthur and I still have friends from around there who know I would be interested in that job. But no offer was made now because the job is not open. “I won’t say who they were but they were from Houston.” THE POST ALSO stated that it was rumored the Texas A&M group also talked with Pitt head coach Jackie Sherrill. Sher rill denies ever being contacted by the Texas A&M group. “I haven’t talked to anyone from A&M about anything,’’ Sherrill said. “I haven’t talked to Johnnie (Johnson) about A&M, or about anything with A&M. And I know of nothing about Coach Johnson’s connec tion or talking with anyone from A&M." Kenny Hand, the author of the Post ' story, when contacted about the denials of Johnson, maintained his stand on the arti cle about the Aggies’ visit to Johnson. “I asked Johnson six times if the group visited him and he never denied it,’ Hand said from the Texas Stadium press box Thursday evening. Hand also refused to disclose the names of the people he’s talked to about the Texas A&M group’s trip to Pittsburgh. When contacted about the Pittsburgh visit, Steve Pringle, assistant to Texas A&M President Jarvis Miller, denied &ny knowledge of the group or the trip. “I DON’T KNOW who made the trip to Pittsburgh,” Pringle said. “But this phan tom group from Houston did not have any authority to talk to anyone about the pos- sibility of being hired. “The alumni of this school do not make athletic decisions. They do not hire coaches nor do they fire them.” The President’s office has been one of the major objects of criticism revolving around the Bellard resignation. Many Ag gies are blaming the resignation of Bellard on President Miller and his staff. Newly appointed Athletic Director Marvin Tate said the discrepency in Bel lard’s story and Miller’s story is based on a communications breakdown. Tate ex plained that Bellard went into Miller’s of fice thinking that Miller and the Board of Regents were going to ask him to relin quish his coaching duties at the end of the season. Tate said he believed that Miller had no intention of asking for Bellard’s resigna tion. Tate continued to say that after Bel lard tendered his resignation Miller suggested that he remain at Texas A&M as athletic director. IN HIS RELEASE to the press Wed nesday Bellard said, “at that point I knew that the information I received (earlier in the day) was factual; at that point I knew that I no longer belonged at Texas A&M.’ Apparently, it was the connection be tween the information Bellard received earlier and the suggestion by Miller that made Bellard resign his duties as head coach and athletic director. Whether that information was fact or fiction remains to be seen. It’s only one of many stories left unanswered. Constitution passes; fish officers elected Texas A&M University has a new stu dent govenment constitution after Thurs day’s fell election. The constitution is almost identical to one passed last spring. That document was invalidated when the Judicial Board this semester threw out its election. The new constitution makes only two major changes in student government: it provides for a two-thirds vote of confi dence by the senate before the executive vice president takes over a vacated presi dency, and it specifies cumulative and semester grade requirements for student government officers. Elections were also held to determine freshmen senators and class officers, as well as Off Campus Student Association representatives. Runoff elections for freshman class pres ident and vice president will be held next Thursday. David Porter and Jonny Wein- baum will run for class president, while the vice presidency is between Rick Seger and Sally Takacs. Freshman secretary-treasurer is David Moyer, and social secretary is Susan Bryan. The seven freshman senators are Cheryl Swanzy, Mike Behrle, Jim Barolack, Di onne Jung, Karen Shipp, George Mauze and Jim Bob Coates. Zone 1 OSA representatives are David Collings, Sandra Bailey, Charles W'ait, John Lee and Mary Louise Trifovesti. OSA representatives from Zone 2 are Deb bie May, Sandy Farringer, Ken Martin, Jill Stucker, Brad Banner, Susan Bryan, Ron Moore, Don Seaver and Barry Wil kinson. Zone 3 will be represented by Rene Sandel, Karl Dickinson, Mark Andrus, Joel Bracewell and Joe Aravjo. Zone 4 had no winners or contenters. Election commissioner Bill Jentsch said 1,284 votes were cast in the election. Ap proximately 5,000 freshmen and 23,000 off campus residents were eligible for their respective elections. The entire student body was eligible to vote on the constitu tional referendum.