The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 20, 1978, Image 1
R\TE4IJON News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 Plimpton beware Battalion reporter Lyle Lovett took a page from George Plimpton’s book of participatory journalism by dancing with the Houston Ballet Wednesday. See page 9. Texas, two others to file federal suit ntcrnitioiul We grow bikes, too Bikers beware! When the sprinkler systems are turned on, your vehicle might grow an inch or two, but more likely it’ll just rust. These bicycles were parked near the Michel T. Halbouty Geosciences building on Spence St. Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. cut be® and ictice Wi ijtiry Westmoreland says U.S. ant be isolationist m U By DOUG ERCK raor\lk Battalion Reporter ' l) [The United States cannot resort to olationism because of its dependence on imationalInign imports, former U.S. Army Chief [ Staff William C. Westmoreland told a bup at Texas A&M University Thursday pt. “Our country does not have the option retreat into isolationism,’ he said, merican reliance on foreign materials is ade evident by our importing more than I percent of our oil. Westmoreland spoke about some of the ost pressing trouble spots of the world, en opened the program to questions. Our nation and the world around us is a state of drastic transition,” said 'estmoreland, “with political, moral, I *"nomic, and military conditions compos- changing national strengths.” le said that the population of poorer mtries continues to boom, and the total rid population is growing at a rate of 172 >r bap lounceu transfe rgo corn! n ligamei er from 1 e, injure s fourth 1 > 6-7 pod t of actio weeks. per second. He said that the advance ments in industrial technology is also growing and is contributing to military growth. Most of the program dealt with the mili tary and political relationship of the United States with the rest of the world. Westmoreland repeatedly compared the United States with the Soviet Union. “The Soviets are adding men to their ar mies while we are cutting ours in half. 'The U.S. defense spending is the lowest it has been in 26 years, while the Soviets are spending three times what we are. Westmoreland attributed the ever- increasing military advance by the Soviets to their direct aggressive attitude. The national will and the moral attitude of a nation may be just as important as its actual military strength, Westmoreland said. “Our adversary may try to destroy our moral attitudes, thus lowering our will, and try to submerge us without firing a single shot. ” Again, in citing trouble spots around the globe, Westmoreland focused on military and political problems which affect the United States. “Latin America could have a great future if they would control their population growth,” he said. Westmoreland expressed his concern for the status of Cuba as being a source of trouble for the Western Hemisphere. Cu ba’s army is three times the size of the U.S. Army, and Cuba has for years been an extension of the Soviet Union, he said. General Westmoreland was the Army’s Chief of Staff from 1968 to 1972. After he completed his four-year term, Westmore land retired, thus ending a 36-year career which included a brigadier general promo tion at age 38 and a two-year term as Superintendent at West Point Academy. He is serving as chairman of the Gover nor’s Task Force for Economic Growth in South Carolina. United Press International GRAPEVINE, Texas — The attorneys general of Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana — states which produced 85 percent of the nation’s natural gas — Thursday said they would jointly challenge gas pricing provisions of the energy bill Congress passed in its closing session. The legal experts said they would file suit against the bill as soon as it is signed into law by President Carter. Oklahoma Attorney General Larry Der- ryberry said his state would also file a separate suit challenging requirements of conversion from natural gas to coal. “We all agree that the prime thrust of our suit is our contention that the federal government has no constitutional author ity to control the price of a product pro duced and sold solely within a state,” said Texas Attorney General John Hill at the conclusion of a morning conference which also included William Guste of Louisiana. Guste said the legal challenge would be difficult to win but was worth the fight no matter the odds. “We believe this act goes beyond the right of Congress to regulate commerce between the states because it tells a state, ‘Either you do the regulations provided in this bill at a cost incidentally of probably $1 million in Louisiana or we will regulate it for you.’ “And we don’t believe that they can do this on a product produced solely within a state,” Guste said. The energy bill, which the three attor neys general expect Carter to sign soon, would for the first time set price controls on intrastate gas and require each state to cause its regulatory agency to enforce the federal pricing structure. “We recognize the nation needs a na tional energy policy and we re not at tempting to turn off the valves,” Hill said. The attorneys general emphasized that they did not object to other portions of the bill including tax credits for homeowners to increase energy efficiency and the util ity rate provision which would end dis count prices for high volume gas consump tion. Only Oklahoma will challenge the coal conversion requirements of the bill which would wean industry away from oil and natural gas use. Derryberry said coal con version would cost Oklahomans $5 billion. “We believe we can make a strong argu ment that the federal government can’t impose upon a state such an economic burden,” Derryberry said. Derryberry said the joint lawsuit will determine whether the federal energy bill “passes constitutional muster.” “I’ve never filed a law suit that I thought I wouldn’t win and I’m not planning to start now,” said Derryberry, a lameduck officeholder who failed in an attempt to become his state’s Democratic nominee for governor. “It will be a real tough uphill fight but it’s my obligation to make that fight," said Guste, who has not announced whether he will seek re-election or another office. Hill, the Texas Democratic nominee for governor, said Texas had always “done our fair share in providing energy to the na tion.” “But if the (intrastate) pricing mecha nism is allowed to stand, this bill provides our state regulatory agency, the Railroad Commission, be required to set up the mechanism to regulate and enforce that pricing provision and we don’t think that’s fair,” Hill said. “We (Texas) did not feel the federal government can — as a policy or right — impose a federal pricing structure on gas produced solely in this state and used sole ly in this state,” said Hill. “We are not trying to scuttle the energy bill in its totality,” the Texas attorney gen eral said. “But we are seeking to delete the provision from this bill that would control our prices. “It (the energy bill) will perpetuate this foolishness of other people in other states being able to purchase this gas for a lower price than our people pay for it,” Hill said. The provision in the energy bill that the attorneys general object to is the one deal ing with natural gas. That provision would lift federal controls on the price of newly produced natural gas by 1985 with an im mediate price of about $2 per 1,000 cubic feet. That would increase about 10 percent a year until 1985. Controls would be reimposed, but only briefly, if the economy suffered too much. Homeowners would be protected from the initial high prices. But controls would extend for the first time to the intrastate market — the selling of gas wholly within the borders of the state that produced it. And that, the attor neys general said, they couldn’t abide with. He called it “unnecessary interference in our state government.” Derryberry said the bill also called for the conversion of natural gas use to coal. He said it would cost his state $5 billion to make the conversion. He also said the federal price control of intrastate gas could result in a 43 percent increase in cost for Oklahoma consumers. Guste, whose governor disapproved of Thursday’s meeting, said, “historically, our problem has been that so much of our gas has been siphoned off to the East Coast when we have tremendous need for it. He also said the new bill would force states to to spend public funds to enforce the new federal regulations. A representive from the New Mexico at torney general’s office also was invited to attend Thursday’s meeting, but New Mexico Gov. Jerry Apodaca, a supporter of the energy hill compromise, said he did not want the state to become involved in any challenge. Hill said he hoped to have Texas’ suit filed by next week. But he doubted whether any action would be taken on it before his term as attorney general expires this year. Guste also has said Louisiana would challenge the bill — with or without Texas and Oklahoma. However, Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards, a consistent critic of President Carter’s energy policy, said he was not sure a lawsuit would be product ive. Oklahoma Gov. David Boren, however, has suggested filing a suit. He attacked the Federal Energy Act as a “gross abuse of federal power.” Hill said Texas hire! no quarrel with most of the bill. “We approve many of the measures in this bill. We do need conservation and recognize the need to convert to other energy sources,” he said. ‘But we are seek ing to delete the provision from this bill that would control our prices.” Rent subsidies from HUD may be available to students Local bank sells exotic animals ring ce s tne •m a ased ig thfi By ROY BRAGG Battalion Reporter The Bank of A&M will continue to sell nimals from Exotic Wildlife Unlimited in n attempt to liquidate all operations of le compound. Dennis Goehring, president of the ink, made the statement Thursday at a ress conference called by the bank to arifyits position concerning the future of le park. The Bank of A&M has been operating tie park since April when the bank fore- losed the operation. The bank has sought legal opinion from le Texas Parks and Wildlife Department oncerning the sale of the animals, but has et to hear any word about finalizing pre- ious sales, Goehring said. Animals at the compound which are on le endangered species list cannot be sold udividually, the department said. The Simals can be sold as a group, but cannot e moved from the compound in either ase. Goehring also denied that animals al- eady sold from the compound are to be estroyed. The animals were sold to the YO ranch Kerrville. According to Charles xhreiner of the YO ranch, the animals urchased by the ranch are to be used for ireeding, exhibition or resale. Goehring nd Bank of A&M vice-president Steve ohnson also denied charges made by Pat- icia May that the bank treated her un- airly in her attempts to buy the com- loiind. fay is from California and has been liv- ng and working at the compound in an tempt to purchase the park. Goehring and Johnson, a loan officer in harge of running the compound since the ank takeover, both said that they knew othing of May’s claim that she had in- ested her life’s savings into the park and iad made several investments in the park ith her own money. They said that the decision to forclose urred after “we had been forced into a iquidating position.” “After five months,” said Goehring re aring to the decision to sell out, “we felt as though we had given her a fair chance.” Both Goehring and Johnson said the bank has lost money on the deal, although neither would speculate exactly how much was lost. “It’s been a tough situation for us and we’ve had to bite our lips several times” said Goehring, referring to the money lost on the park. The bank filed charges last week against May and two former em ployees of the compound. May was forced to leave the compound when the bank sought a no-trespassing injunction against her. The other charges were against Bill Cal- fee and John Forgie involving misapplica tion of gate receipts and the theft of a metal cage. The animals are currently under the care of Bank of A&M employees and Dr. Dean Brown of the Texas A&M vet school. Goehring said the buyers being sought for the animals are zoo directors, breeders and private collectors. By SCOTT PENDLETON Battalion Staff Some Texas A&M University students may soon be able to get a portion of their rent paid by the government. The Brazos Valley Development Coun cil submitted a plan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development which, if approved, would provide 97 “assistance units” to Brazos County and 53 units to six other counties. Delwin Rhode, the BVDC rural housing coordinator, said that HUD promised to decide next Tuesday whether or not to fond the plan. County residents, including Texas A&M students who live in non-university hous ing, may then apply to the BVDC to re ceive a rent subsidy. University housing is disqualified from the subsidy because it is state-owned, Rhode said. If the plan is approved, the BVDC will begin advertising that the subsidies are available within the following few days. Rhode said. About 30 people have already expressed interest in the subsidies. They have been placed on a waiting list, Rhode said. Once HUD approves the plan, Rhode said, those people will be notified they may apply for the subsidies. Although the elderly and the handicap ped are the plan’s primary targets, the ap plications will be considered on a first- come, first-served basis, Rhode said. “We re going to try to be as impartial as we can,” he said. Qualification for the subsidy is based on income and rent guidelines. An individual in Brazos County would have to have a total income of no more than $8,000, be paying more than 25 percent of that in come on rent and utilities, and live in a one-bedroom apartment that rents for no more than $179, including utilities. Under the subsidy plan, the individual would pay only 25 percent of his income on rent, and the rest would be paid by the government. The BVDC plan allocates 10 subsidies to Burleson county, six to Grimes, 11 to Leon, seven to Madison, nine to Robertson, and 10 to Washington County. Rhode said HUD woidd allow unused subsidies in one county to be moved to another county if needed. The subsidies were allocated on a popu lation basis, Rhode said. The allocation also took into account the fact that Brenham, Navasota and Hearne already have rent subsidy programs. Two other plans that the BVDC submit ted were rejected. The first called for 250 subsidies, which was more than HUD wanted to fond. The second outlined one plan for the seven-county area. HUD wanted a sepa rate plan for each county. Currently, the BVDC has a different plan for each county, totaling 150 sub sidies. ‘Texas Politics' — new version of dirty game United Press International AUSTIN — Politicians with a penchant for throwing dirt at oppo nents now can buy specially pack aged supplies from a venture called Politex, Inc. The ordinary soil comes packaged in handcrafted, mahogony boxes complete with instructions on how to succeed in a game parodying the state’s highest officials and political process. “‘Texas Politics’ is the first in a se ries of totally authentic games de signed to give people insight into the way politics are really played,” author and public relations consult ant Dave Helfert explains. “This game follows the tenets of accepted political and governmental strategy as practiced in Texas for the last 130 years.” Deluxe versions — “We don’t have any ordinary ones,” Helfert says — go on sale in department stores next month at $30 a box. Both versions feature a carved caricature depicting a truck dump ing dirt on the Texas Capitol on the box top and a plastic bag full of soil inside. “To the untrained eye this game might appear like little more than a box of dirt,” the introduction says. “It is. This is the fundamental in gredient of politics as we know it, from the campaign trail to the halls of the Legislature.” Success in the game is measured by the amount of dirt each partici pant can get on the other players. By improvising with a little water, one can get into mudslinging. “The player with the most dirt gets to be the governor. The titles of the other players (lieutenant gover nor, speaker of the House, senators, representatives and so on) are de termined according to the amount of dirt they have accumulated. Lob byists provide their own dirt and the Capitol press takes dirt from everyone and spreads it around. The taxpayer doesn’t get anything at all, but that’s just the way it goes.” The instruction booklet features drawings by cartoonist Ben Sergeant depicting an unhappy tax payer pierced by a giant screw, state agency officials as faceless bureauc rats, lawmakers with rings through their noses, reporters as snoring bystanders and lobbyists with cheshire-cat smiles. “Representatives,” the booklet explains, are “members of the lower house of the Legislature. There are 150 members of the House, all motivated by the herd instinct, fear of the speaker of the House and the voters back home, mitigated some what by the desire for wine, women and song (wine and song are op tional).” “Being a senator is more prestigi ous than being a member of the House, because senuiuis &ei uigj'ei offices and more money to hire staff. This in turn keeps the unemploy ment rate down among gorgeous Capitol groupies and exjocks. Senators are not motivated by the herd instinct. They are motivated by simple greed and self-interest,” the booklet explains. The game is the brainchild of Rodney Kelly, a former Senate sergeant-at-arms who currently op erates a direct mail marketing com pany. Kelly got Helfert to draw up the satirical instruction sheet and incor porated Politex, Inc. to market the ready-made dirt for politicians. “Without the dirt, Texas politics might be more productive and re sponsive to our citizens,” the gamemakers conclude. “However, it would be boring as hell and prob ably not worth the effort of keeping up with.” For anyone unfamiliar with the subtle shades of meaning in politi cian’s dialogue, producers of the new game “Texas Politics” offer a glossary: “Dirty tricks” — what someone else tries to pull on you. “Revealing dirt” — what you pull on someone else. “Landslide vote” — when your side wins, even if by only one vote. “Dirt poor — how you started out, used especially at election time. “Filthy rich” — how your oppo nent started out, used especially at election time.