The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1978, Image 9

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'stilt was a circus
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' N S under the Dome
^-Texas, a
bad Pjett T i, e Fighting Texas Aggie Band (whoop) just added to the merri-
was thru* en t Saturday night in the Astrodome. On their run-up, from the
^ ^^ck of the end zone to the goal line before they take the field at
ilftime, three members on the front row of the band slipped and fell
■Bown on the Astroturf. The Houston fans roared.
And in the middle of their halftime performance the Cadets broke
to that old familiar tune, “Bamum and Bailey’s Favorites.” It added
i the circus-like atmosphere of the evening.
The Aggie Band must have had a premonition of how things were to
3 for the football team when it made its selection of music for the
ouston halftime. Nothing fit the Aggies better than circus music on
iis particular Saturday.
Texas A&M coach Emory Bellard said after the game that it was
istacase of one team outplaying another. But those who were at the
me know the real reason for the loss suffered by the Aggies.
It was clearly a matter of being out-coached, out-manned, under
bred and unprepared for Coach Bill Yeoman's Houston Cougars,
be Aggies seemed to enter the game with the thought that going
rough the motions, they would be handed a victory, as in their first
ar games of the year.
But the Cougars aren’t cut from the same flimsy cloth as Kansas,
|emphis State, Boston College or Texas Tech. The Cougars know
'to play good, aggressive football. If Saturday is any indication,
f ,, nut Aggies don’t. And not in any one area are the boys in Maroon
iirting. They ache all over.
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Going into Saturday’s game all the press clippings the Aggies had
n reading told them they were the second best rushing team in
e nation. They were unstoppable, awesome, punishing.
They read too much.
The offense was nonexistent in Saturday’s contest, being held to
[87yards, far below the 400-plus average it had compiled through the
1st four games. Curtis Dickey , the phenomenon w ho had struck
Irrorin the hearts of the first four opponents, struck out against the
lougars with 25 yards on 14 carries. Dickey suffered a strained knee
Id left the game late in the third quarter. Who could blame him.
[A touch of irony surrounded the play of Aggie quarterback Mike
losley against Houston Saturday. In a highly publicized act last
pon, Mosley came off the bench to relieve then-Aggie quarterback
Cavid Walker and lead Texas A&M to an emotional 27-7 victory over
■Mosley started this Houston game against a team similar to the one
llded and defeated last year. But now Mosley must know how
[alker felt last year against the Cougars, bearing the brunt of the
ticism and the blame.
Mosley was mercifully pulled in favor of David Beal late in the
rth quarter. The leader of the “potent” offense retired for the
ening with one interception, four fumbles, and a rushing total of
inus 16 yards to his credit.
j The defense for the Aggies must have read the same newspaper clip-
Ings that the offense did last week. Going into the Houston game
bxasA&M ranked third in the nation defensively and had gone 14
jiarters without giving up a touchdown. Houston broke that string
Iriy, on their second possession in the game, and proceeded to show
|at past reputations wouldn’t mean a thing in this game.
|0n the bright side, the Aggie defense did stop two extra point tries
r Houston. And the Texas A&M defense did hold Houston scoreless
[the second half. But I think I saw Bill Yeoman’s mom trotting onto
|e field to lead the last few Houston drives in the ballgame. Son Bill
jew he had little to risk with her in there against the Aggies this
jening. Everyone got to enjoy the victory Saturday.
Coach Yeoman seemed to sum up the attitude of the Houston
ayers going into the game against the Aggies this season.
Last year we didn’t really shower ourselves with glory against
r» em ’a Ye0man sai ^‘ this year the team had something that they
nHanted to prove, not only to the fans but to themselves.
told them that no one embarrasses you but yourself. They just
t ready to play and went out and did what they wanted to do
| n 'ght.
,^ es ’ C° ac f) Yeoman, your players did go out and do what they
[anted when they wanted to against the Aggies Saturday. And most
11 ( )p e who saw the game are still laughing. Or crying, as the case
®ay be.
Top 20 poll
■ Oklahoma (31) (6-0)
■ Penn St. (10) (6-0)
■ Arkansas (4-0)
• Alabama (5-1)
United Press International
11. Houston (4-1)
12. Ariz. St. (5-1)
13. LSU (4-1)
Texas A&M (4-1)
Pittsburgh (4-1)
Georgia (4-1)
Missouri (4-2)
Notre Dame (3-2)
Purdue (4-1)
Navy (5-0)
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World Series play continues
United Press International
LOS ANGELES — If the Los
Angeles Dodgers were psyched out
by the boisterous Yankee Stadium
fans, they surely can’t be too happy
either about needing to win the re
maining two World Series games —
including a possible seventh against
Ron Guidry.
The Dodgers, who left Los
Angeles Thursday with a comforta
ble 2-0 Series lead in games, took a
bite of the “Big Apple” over the
weekend and choked on it. Sunday’s
12-2 laugher was the biggest gag of
them all. The New York Yankees,
suddenly steamrolling toward their
second straight World Cham
pionship, raked over three Dodger
pitchers for 18 hits and, in the pro
cess, were aided by three Los
Angeles errors, two passed balls and
a wild pitch — most of which led to
“I didn’t believe the Yankees
could sweep three games in New
York,” said Dodger Manager
Tommy Lasorda, “but I do now. At
least we can go home now and play
on our own field where we know our
fans and how the ball will bounce.”
The ball most certainly did not
bounce well for the Dodgers in New
York — especially in Sunday’s
Game 5, which put the Yankees
ahead 3-2 in the Series. Dodger
shortstop Bill Russell, who comitted
one of those errors, muffed another
one that could have been an error.
That was in the fourth inning when
Bucky Dent hit a hard shot to short
that should have been a double
play, but Russell couldn’t handle it
and the ball wound up in the out
field, paving the way for a three-run
Yankee rally that opened up a 7-2
Kramer out of hospital
United Press International
Vikings backup quarterback Tommy
Kramer, sacked and knocked un
conscious late in the game with the
Los Angeles Rams Sunday, was re
leased Monday from Hennepin
County Medical Center.
“He is doing very well,” Dr. Ben
jamin Graves said of the former Rice
University All-America who suf
fered a concussion, “and there
should be no permanent damage.”
The Vikings were more con
cerned about Kramer than their
34-17 loss to the Rams as they went
to the locker room after the game.
“Bob Miller led us in a prayer for
Tommy,” linebacker Matt Blair
said. “He told us our life is our own
and in comparison, football is no
thing. It was very sober in the
locker room.”
Jim Youngblood, the Ram who
sacked Kramer, swung him around
and tossed him to the ground, also
was concerned. He said he didn’t
know Kramer was injured until he
reached the sideline.
The second-year quarterback, a
native of San Antonio, Texas, re
gained consciousness en route to the
hospital, about 10 minutes after he
was tackled.
“He’s very satisfactory,” Dr.
Graves said. “It will he up to him
and the trainers to decide when he
can play again, but we anticipate he
should do quite well. We ll have to
wait and see. His attitude is 100
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“I’m not gonna make excuses,”
said Russell. “I missed the first one
(an error in the first inning that
didn’t hurt the Dodgers), but the
others were tough plays. I’m no
Golden (Gold) Glover by any
means. We had all the confidence in
the world when we came here, but
they tore everything down.”
Earlier Russell blasted the New
York fans, who didn’t exactly im
prove their image by rampaging
onto the field after the game and
tearing it apart.
“You’ve got to be half-crazy to live
in this town,” Russell said. “The in
field here isn’t the problem, it’s the
fans. They throw things at you and
the screaming is like no place else
we go to. I can’t wait to get out of
this town. At least in Los Angeles,
our fans are civilized.”
“Today was a total disaster,”
Dodger third baseman Ron Gey said
after Sunday’s game. “I wouldn’t say
everyone is doing something wrong,
but it’s enough to make a differ
“That was one of the worst games
we ever played,” added first base-
man Stev^^G^rvew^^iose wild
staked the Yankees to four runs in
the third inning and wiped out a 2-0
Dodger lead.
1978 World Series
throw to the plate in the fourth in
ning allowed Dent to score the sixth
Yankee run. “We re going to have to
do the job in Los Angeles. It won’t
be the same there with our own
fans. ”
If the Yankees had an offensive
star amid all the Dodger mistakes, it
was Thurman Munson, who drove
in five runs with two singles and a
double. A leadoff walk by Dent,
singles by Mickey Rivers, Roy
White, Munson and Lou Piniella
plus Reggie Smith’s throwing error
on Munson’s base hit to right field
^9 A.M.-11 P.M. DAILY i
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