' THE BATTALION MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 197B Come over to our house for dinner. Full-Course Dinners An Outstanding Value You probably think of us for breakfast, but at your I HOP you'll find great dinners. Veal to Crepes, Pasta to Fish. Each served full-course with tomato juice, salad or soup, entree, dessert, and beverage, all for one low price. Tonight, come over to our house for dinner. ■f® Special kids menu from 99$ o Vegetables „ \ / 1 Beverage Tomato Juice 103 N. COLLEGE International House of Pancakes Forestry seminar Tuesday The Texas Urban Forestry Seminar will be held Tuesday at 8:15 I jp.m. in Room 302 Rudder Tower. Topics to be discussed include urban forestry in Europe and ] America, pre-development urban forestry planning and inventory or i the urban forest. , I Dr. R.S. Dewers, professor of forest science, said many cities need an urban forester to take care of the street and park trees as well as privately owned trees. The city forester also keeps track of the species, number and condition of the city’s trees. Trees are important to a city not only for aesthetic reasons, but for environmental reasons as well, he said. Many cities are losing trees at an alarming rate, and College Station has lost a number of post oaks , due to construction, Dewers said. Admission to the seminar is free to anyone interested in urban forestry. WE CAN SAVE YOU HUNDREDS ON A NEW CAR? WE BROKER STRAIGHT FROM DETROIT! HOUSE OF YOUR SUPERMARKET FOR NEW AMERICAN CARS CALL 822-7139 OR 846-2526 * e *e c°£ ^ °' -W ^ W* 6 ndrl XOf3 %?- ^ toO^’ o X.O ^ 3S s ee'/ oOCV Culpepper Plaza what’s up? POLITICAL FORUM: Hosts a “Mayors’ Panel: The Future of J Big Cities.” The mayors of Houston, Austin and San Antonio will present a panel discussion of some of the problems facing they cities. The panel includes Jim McConn (Houston), Carol McClJ lan (Austin), and Lila Cockrell (San Antonio). The panel will be| at noon in Room 206, MSC. TURKEY SALE: Members of Alpha Zeta will be selling smokJ turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas to raise money for student scholarships and service projects. To order, call 845-5380 or 82i| 2088, Monday-Friday 7-11 p.m. from Oct. 12-Nov. 2. Membersofl Alpha Zeta will meet in Room 305, Rudder Tower at 7:30 p. m I FILM: The MSC Arts Committee presents “A Night of Fun anil Animation,” starring Mel Brooks, Bambi, and the Unbelievable I Bugs of Malacapalacapoo to explore the world of experimentall fantasy. The movie will be shown at 8 p.m. in the Basement| Coffeehouse. OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 5 30pm I in the Student Programs Office Conference Room in the MSC. GOLF: The men’s team will play at the Braswell IntercollegaiteJ Shreveport, La., today and tomorrow. j ENGINEERING CO-OP: Will have a meeting at 7:30 p.m, for J students who are in the program or are interested in leamij more about it. Tuesday GREAT ISSUES: Dennis Brutus will speak on “South AfricanCidl Rights. ” Brutus escaped from South Africa and is currently teadI ing Afro-American studies at Northwestern University oflllinojJ His personal experiences have given him a first-hand viewc ’ heid in modem times. Brutus will speak at 12:30 p.m. in Root| 601, Rudder Tower. AGGIE CINEMA: “My Fair Lady, about a cockney flower sfl* who is tutored into the ranks of the gentry by Professor Hero| Higgins, winner of eight Academy Awards, starring Audrey Hep burn and Rex Harrison, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder TV, ter. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: The American Institute of Chemical Engineers will have its picture taken for the Aggieland at 71 p.m. in Zachry’s main entrance. A meeting will follow in R« 203, Zachry. Hazel Kreuz from Union Carbide’s Seadrift Fai will speak on “Development of a Revolutionary Process- Opportunities for Young Engineers.” HERPETOLOGICAL CLUB: Will have a program on “The Houstol Toad,” with speaker Hugh Quinn at 7:30 p.m. in Room 312, Najlf| Hall. Pictures will be taken for the Aggieland at 7 p.m. at Zachry ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Will have a speal from Brown & Root at 7 p.m. in Room 204, Harrington Educati Center. MSC RADIO COMMITTEE: Will discuss bonfire communicatic and have a presentation on Message Handling at 7:30 p.m Room 401, Rudder. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS CLUB: Dr. Ron Knutson veil speak at 7:30 p.m. in Room 108, Harrington Education Center I Wednesday SAN ANGELO-WEST TEXAS HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meeu| 7 p.m. in Room 109, Military Science Building. SOCIAL DANCE CLUB: Will have a regular club meeting froul 7-8:15 p.m. in Room 266, G. Rollie White Coliseum and will haul exhibition group practice from 8:30-10 p.m. j ACT: Will meet at 6:45 p.m. in Zachry for pictures for the Aggielandl A program will follow in Room 002, Reed McDonald Bldg. i immiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimamuiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiBUUiii MAMA'S PIZZ DELIVERS I 11 A.M.-11 P.M. DAIU| PIZZA, SPAGHETTI, LASAGNA, SALADS, & DRINKS ($5.00 MINIMUM) i 696-3380 iO = 8Q7 TEXAS AVE ■ ■ piimiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii A di Commi ence cr ration’: here la picture in the 1 How chief pc dollar ton toh audienc will con are his He s swer. Boyd worldw Co., n energy "The energy start,” consen ously ; econon either. “We produc The embarj the po said. ] said, r more 1 front. But talized “1 d but th away,’ 1 import time away.’ For may 1 power open Attention Phi Eta Sigma Members! General Meeting Monday Oct. 16 Certificates will be distribute^ Pictures will be taken 7:00 P.M. MSC Student Lounge