The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1978, Image 1

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The Battalion
Saunter forth!
72 No. 32
14 Pages
Monday, October 16, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Deot. 845-2611
• No speedy struts here; only
sauntering, walking aimlessly
without purpose, is recognized
by the worldwide society fea
tured on page 12.
• Handicapped students on
campus will soon get van ser
vice. See page 11.
• Schools are failing the test in
Texas and the nation. See page 7.
-Food is wasted
t n A&M campus
By PAT DAVIDSON surveyed each time, Smith said.
xas A&MlJ
■ ■ • -SMU "' L ng '
Houston li
.. Dallas!
. .Denvai
Battalion Reporter
The first part of a food waste study being
inducted by the food services depart-
ntat Texas A&M University shows that
1 percent of the food served in campus
ning halls is wasted.
Sbisa Dining Hall has the smallest aver-
T waste at 4.1 percent, followed by the
Texas Til ,inmons at 5-3 P ercent antl Duncan at
. n 8 percent.
U * The cost of food wasted during the
ie-day survey was $883.41. Using that as
average, the cost of waste in a 106-day
imester is more than $93,500.
The study is being conducted by Betty
augen, administrative dietitian for food
rvices and two students in a food
chnology problems course. They take a
mple number of trays from each of the
ning halls and weigh the edible food re
aming on them. An average "plate
aste” is computed which, when multip-
idby the number of students that ate the
eal, provides a total waste estimate. This
ill be done three separate days this
The total cost of waste is determined by
imparing the cost and weight of food with
e weight of wasted food.
On the day surveyed, $336.21 worth of
od was wasted at Sbisa. Duncan had a
aste figure of $287.33 and the Commons
id a total waste value of $239.87.
Sbisa's waste expense is higher because
serves more students, said Lloyd Smith,
sistant director of food services.
Miffi Masterson, a Sbisa menu board
ember, said one reason for the lower av-
age plate waste at Sbisa is that a greater
riety of food is offered. When students
choose something they like, she said,
ey will be more likely to eat it.
A reason for the higher percentage of
iste at Duncan, Smith said, is that the
orning and evening meals are served
mily style to the Corps of Cadets.
Corps members eat at tables that are set
nerally with a meat dish, a green veget-
ile, a starchy food, salad and dessert,
nith said. There are no choices offered,
P said. When preparing for a group of
sople, food services has to guess the
nount that will be eaten. Portion sizes
id up being standard, while preferences
b different foods vary, he said.
Another factor in the amount of food
»sted at Duncan is that food left in the
. rving bowls is considered as waste in the
1 fvey, Smith said.
Smith said these waste figures are for a
ven day and menu. The survey will be
nducted two more times this semester,
I corresponding days of the five-week
pu cycle. Thus, the same menu will be
surveyed each time, Smith said.
If the study was conducted on a diffe
rent day. Smith said, the results would be
different. He said the menu chosen could
be was one that was “100 percent.” The
entrees had no bones and a minimum of
fat, he explained.
Much of the waste in the dining halls
could be eliminated if students paid atten
tion to the amount of food they were tak
ing, Smith said.
Students should realize that they can go
back for seconds instead of getting too
much at one time, said Beth Scott, a
member of the Commons menu board.
Dan Steed, another member of the
Commons board, said the quality of food
offered affects the amount of waste. He
said cheaper food could be bought to save
money, but that low quality food would
probably increase the amount of waste.
He said if a student chooses a dessert
and decides he doesn’t like it, he will usu
ally get another one.
Smith said that for the first time, the
price of every major food category rose
this year.
Furthermore, replacement of lost and
stolen silverware and dishes costs food
services more than $30,000 each year,
Smith said. Napkins cost more than
$32,000 each year, over half of which
could be saved if students would take only
one or two instead of a handful, Smith
Salt and pepper, sugar and ketchup are
other items which are taken in excessive
amounts by students. Smith said. What
they take but do not use goes into the
trash, he said.
Smith said the food service department
operates entirely on the income recived
from board payments and cash sales.
“The students are the ones that pay the
bills,” he said. Board rates must cover in
flation, destruction, maintenance and
waste expenses, Smith said.
“Individual wastes cost money,” he
“We want to provide good food,” said
Scott, a member of the Commons menu
board. “Sometimes rates have to be raised
to provide what students want.” „ .
Masterson said the menu board could
help by not voting for expensive menu
items and by being open to suggestions
from students.
The student menu board is a committee
selected by the student senate. It decides
what foods will be served at the dining
halls. The Commons and Duncan menu
boards include five members each, while
Sbisa has six students. The menu boards
meet with food services individually and as
a joint group.
‘Vve got it’
Brad Stayton, Paul Schertz and Kyle Moore have a new variation of an old
game — human pretzel frisbee. “Frisbeeing” has been around so long and
with such wide participation it’s no longer a fad. It’s a national pasttime.
The three men were practicing their skills in front of the Academic Build
ing on a recent afternoon.
Battalion photo by Bill Wilson
Congress may agree on tax-cut bill
hip faces Iran
student protest
HnilCT-rixT®^ Pr ^? s ■toternational
nuUMON — Secret Service agents
corted President Carter’s son. Chip,
ray from an angry group of Iranian col-
f, stu .^ en to ’ n a Texas Southern Univer-
fybuilding Friday, and the chanting stu-
E nts briefly scuffled with city police cal-
to the scene.
|Awitness to the incident said about 150
I wnian students suddenly appeared near
iii ar ft ras n ^ e telked with other students on
R e ^ floor of the Student Life Center.
“They were shouting obscenities at him
and shouting about the U.S. government’s
relationship with the shah (of Iran),’’ said
Mario Gomez, a reporter for the campus
radio station.
The incident was the latest in a series of
protests staged by Iranians who oppose
the shah’s government.
A police spokesman said there were no
injuries and no arrests, despite a brief scuf
fle between a few Iranians who rushed a
police riot squad when it first arrived at
the student center.
United Press International
WASHINGTON — In a marathon
post-midnight session, Congress struggled
to adjourn Sunday. A 14-hour filibuster,
which stymied the Senate, was cracked
and negotiators were near an agreement
on a compromise tax bill.
Passage of President Carter’s five-part
energy package — the main piece of legis
lation in the 95th Congress — was virtu
ally assured.
Congressional leaders, ignoring the
clock, drove their exhausted charges down
to the wire in a desperate effort to keep
the session from spilling over into next
week or, even worse, a return after the
The final obstacle to passage of the
five-part energy package came well past
the midnight bewitching hour when Sen.
James Abourezk, D-S.D., and his allies
gave up the delaying tactics that had
paralyzed the Senate since 9 a.m. Within
minutes of his surrender, the Senate ap
proved the energy tax bill.
U.S. has dollar-devouring machine
Tvt * >ress International
S* . Texas — The United
.. es . 8°y e rnment throws away
m e , Jjtoflions of dollars per day,
invo thanks to a machinist-
en or named Elias F. Joseph.
Atn^’ a technician for the
a „, mic Eoergy Commission years
Drn/ Urrent y heads a company that
Produces currency disintegrators,
hji chines up to two stories
ri P’ shred
is Se d ® stro y Paper money that
dilation” 8 ^ Wear and tear ° f cir-
brealc^j P a P er currency and
and fLr 0 ^\ into 1 sma11 particles
mark; r ’ Joseph said. “Our
different 8 ^ current ly used in 13
Mice Sn . C0 ^? tnes > including Fr-
and i Pain ’ Netherlands, Zaire
America’> eVeraI plaC6S in South
comn! P ^- Sa t ys mone y wears out
C E f asL A « Ml. he
$20 bill l a about 18 months, a
he sav T that ' ^ $ 100 bill,
because “ k the s h°rtest life span
bill thev^T > ^yooe gets a $100
■*ty sotd “ corner ,orn or
Dall as 1 ed , e , ra l reserve bank in
integratn^fr j curre ncy green dis-
day. Wr, r S , U P to $4 million per
^be ton nf fk S dum P the currency in
Mid bv rh . mac hine on one floor
below It "m 14 gets to the floor
bales an4 kshke confetti bound in
Us e s„^ eady k* r sorne alternative
Jjittd fc- .j 48 fixing with drilling
The average $120,000 machine
can handle up to 350,000 bills per
day. The machine destroys up to
1,500 pounds of currency per hour
with a thousand bills weighing about
2.2 pounds.
“When I had my first machine
ready for the U.S. Treasury to see,
representatives came to Tyler to see
a demonstration,” Joseph said. I
had asked them to bring some sam
ples for me to destroy. They
brought a half million dollars in $1
Showing off the machine for po
tential customers is not without its
problems however.
Joseph said the Bank of Chile
once sent him three trunk loads of
two million pieces of currency as
samples for his disintegrator.
“The FBI contacted me wanting
to know why a machine man with
five children from Tyler, Texas,
aeeded three trunks of foreign
At the same time, Senate-House
negotiators on the tax bill were reported
near an agreement considered acceptable
to Carter.
Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal
told reporters the provisions in the bill
were “reasonably close to most of the pres
ident’s targets. It looks a lot better than it
From the start, congressional leaders
had said that there would be no quitting
until the tax and energy bills were sent to
the White House in a form that would not
lead to a presidential veto. The president
delayed his departure for Camp David to
keep a close eye on Congress.
Senate-House negotiators, despite the
complexity of trying to reconcile the $16.3
billion tax cut approved by the House and
the $29.3 billion package approved by the
Senate, moved toward agreement on a
plan providing cuts in the range of $20 bill
ion to $21 billion. They moved to agree
ments in a number of controversial areas
hoping to satisfy the administration.
White House lobbyists — on the scene
all day — reminded the negotiators that
Carter would veto a tax bill if he found it
unacceptable — a move that would almost
certainly mean a “lame duck” session.
Abourezk, sticking to his role as a
maverick, used every parliamentary man
euver to keep the Senate from voting on
the energy tax bill and Senate Democratic
Leader Robert Byrd’s temper grew shor
ter as the day grew longer.
Byrd said there was no “rhyme or
reason” for the filibuster because the Se
nate had voted 71-13 to curb debate and
time would eventually run out. Even
Abourezk said “you cannot keep some
thing like this going forever.”
The energy and tax bills, along with a
resolution funding departments and agen
cies that have not received appropriations,
were listed as “must” bills before Congress
can adjourn.
But backers of a number of other major
bills were fighting desperately to get their
chances before the final gavel falls: They
included the Humphrey-Hawkins “full
employment” bill, a program to curb the
rise in hospital costs, a new public works
bill acceptable to Carter and a re
authorization of the state and local gov
ernment public service program.
Before the session, Byrd gave Carter
and Congress “A” marks for their work and
said it came about “because there has been
a spirit of accord, compromise and cooper
ation between the Congress and the presi
dent. ”
“That record is to be shared by the Con
gress,” he said. “This has not been a rub-
berstamp Congress — yet it has not been a
balky, unbending Congress.”
Among the bills that moved toward final
and certain passage during the day were
the phasing out of federal regulations on
airlines with a possible cut in fares as a
result; an omnibus housing bill; a three-
year extension of the endangered species
act with an exception of the Tellico Dam,
the only known habitat of the snail darter;
and a $100 million program for the repair
of 13 western dams to make them better
able to withstand earthquakes and floods.
Conclave fails to elect new pope
United Press International
VATICAN CITY — Roman Catholic
cardinals from six continents failed in their
first four ballots Sunday to elect an heir to
John Paul I, but confusing smoke signals
convinced 300,000 onlookers that a suc
cessor to the “smiling pope” had been cho
The multitudes broke into wild cheers
and applause at 6:34 p.m. (1:34 p.m. EDT)
as the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel
began puffing the white smoke that tradi
tionally signals the election of a new pope.
But the white smoke lasted only four
seconds and for the next 15 minutes the
chimney billowed black — announcing the
111 cardinals sealed inside had failed to
give any candidate the required two-third
plus one margin, or 75 votes.
The Vatican officially confirmed the
smoke was black 18 minutes after the first
puffs emerged.
But the crowd refused to disperse and
stood in the cobblestoned piazza waving
handkerchiefs for more than half an hour
in hopes the 264th leader of the world’s
700 million Roman Catholics would appear
on the central balcony of St. Peter’s
Many remembered that the cardinals
took only eight hours and 54 minutes to
elect Italian cardinal Albino Luciani as
Pope John Paul I on Aug. 26.
There also was confusion following two
unsuccessful morning ballots when the
cardinals sent up thick, black smoke from
the Sistine Chapel. The crowd, many
wearing hats fashioned from newspapers
to ward off the hot sun, released a great,
collective sigh of disappointment.
But only three minutes and 45 seconds
later, unmistakably white smoke began
pouring forth and the huge crowd, which
had begun to scatter, cheered and stam
peded back into the square to see the new
A Vatican spokesman warded off a stam
pede in the Vatican press office with the
firm announcement at 12:06 p.m.: “The
smoke was black.”
The failure of the cardinals to elect a
new pope in their first full day of voting
echoed the deep divisions evident in their
ranks before they were sealed into the
conclave chambers.
The cardinals from 49 nations were
scheduled to gather for their next round of
voting Monday. According to the conclave
ritual, two ballots are held in the morning
and two in the afternoon with smoke sig
nalling their success or failure after every
second vote.
Following instructions from technical
experts, the cardinals were burning spe
cial Italian army chemical flares designed
to produce the black fumes.
For centuries the cardinals had burned
wet straw with their unsuccessful ballots to
produce the black smoke, but they aban
doned that practice in favor of the chemi
cal system after the death of Pope Paul VI
“to avoid confusion.”
The cardinals were sealed into a
bricked-off section of the splendid Vatican
palaces Saturday evening to begin the
secrecy-shrouded search for the 264th
The untimely death of John Paul, only
34 days after he ascended the papal
throne, brought the cardinals back into
conclave for the second time in only 50
Only American Cardinal John Wright,
69, the prefect of the Congregation for the
Clergy, was participating in conclave for
the first time. Operations on his eyes and
leg prevented Wright from participating in
the Aug. 26 election of Pope John Paul.
The cardinals spent most of Saturday
evening in quiet prayer and meditation
after settling into their cells.
At 9:15 a.m. Sunday, a tolling bell
summoned the cardinals to the Sistine
Chapel and they took their places at the
long, beige felt-covered tables dressed in
their formal crimson vestments.
Grades due;
Q-drop now
Mid-term grades are due today, so
grade reports should arrive in students’
mailboxes later this week.
Next Monday, Oct. 23, is the last day to
Q-drop a course, according to the Texas
A&M University calender.
A Q-drop allows a student to drop with
out recording a grade — a drop without
University regulations state that a stu
dent who drops a course after the Oct. 23
deadline will receive a grade of “F” unless
“unusual circumstances exist as deter
mined by his academic dean.”
Students who have not filled out an ad
dress card in the registrar’s office, Heaton
Hall, should do so promptly is they wish to
receive a mid-term grade report.