The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1978, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1978 A&M STUDENT DISCOUNT (WITH COUPON) (NOT GOOD ON DELIVERIES) OFF 807 TEXAS Across from Texas A&M $|00 696-3380 OFF Mama's Pizza (20”) Large Pizza (16”) Medium Pizza (13”) (EXPIRES OCTOBER 19, 1978) GOOD MON.-THURS. OFF North and Midwest may ‘lose their seats’ MSC Political Forum “The Future of the Big Cities” a mayors panel with Carole McClellan Jim McConn Austin Houston Lila Cockrell San Antonio Mon. Oct. 16 12 Noon MSC 206 United Press International WASHINGTON — In the last quarter of the century, the South and the West will grow so much fas ter than the North and Midwest that New York may lose four congres sional seats and Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois two each, the Census Bureau said Thursday. Should recent migration and fer tility and mortality trends continue, the bureau said, states in the boom ing South and West will grow at more than twice the rate of their northern neighbors. In its first projections of states’ census since 1972, the bureau said it generally appears Florida, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado will be the fastest growing states, while the District of Columbia, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and the Dakotas would be slowest growing. The report provides three projections for each state. The first assumes interstate migration will continue to reflect the trends in population from 1965-75, the sec ond is based on the period from 1970-75. A third forecast presumes no net interstate migration from 1975- 2000. Dr. John Long, chief de mographer for the population projections branch, said the sepa rate projections are needed because growth trends differed substantially in 1965-75 versus 1970-75. During the latter period. Long said, “metropolitan areas grew much more quickly than they had before. Great Selection of Guitars Now on Display. Terms Layaway Guitars by: Alvarez, Yamaha, Ventura, and others. KEyboAnd Center ( Baldwin Pianos, 1 Organs, Fun Machines, Player I Pianos. J Manor East MaII Bryan • 779-7080 Randy Stuart, Owner Your Favorite Songs in Easy Play Speed Music.I OpcN 6 Days Til 6 PM Radio /haok REALISTIC® HI-FI SPEAKER Optimus® T-100 with two 8” woofers and 3” tweeter for 55-18,000 Hz! Oiled walnut veneer. 40-2025 Reg Y59 95 SaV e CELEBRATING AT BOTH LOCATIONS MON.-SAT. 10-6 VISA Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-1444 1125 Villa Maria Bryan 846-7384 “In fact, in many cases, they went from decline to growth,” he said, adding that the result is a “fairly large amount of difference” in the three sets of projections and the Census Bureau has no way of know ing which trend will prevail. If the 1965-75 forecasts hold true, the bureau said, Florida could pick up three extra congressional seats by the turn of the century, while Texas would gain two new seats and California, Arizona, Maryland, Ore gon, Utah and Tennessee one each. States losing in the congressional numbers game under 1965-70 projections, the bureau said, in clude New York, four; Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois, two each; and South Dakota, one. If the population shifts follow the 1970-75 trends, the bureau said, Florida could gain four seats instead of three and Colorado would gain two instead of one. Michigan and Missouri each would drop a seat. NASA officials keep Skylab flying longerli United Press International Skylab flight controllers^ will add a Chilean static. HOUSTON ~ , ... to their tracking network Sunday, enabling 24-hour worldwide monitoring of the space station they are increasingly hopeflil can l, xplosiv kept flying indefinitely. . , . . . , asA&\ The National Aeronautics and Space Administration discoveredlai ch Em< fall Skylab’s orbit was deteriorating faster than expected. Scientist, be the have worked since March to keep it in a streamlined flight pro^ ,gars. intended to minimize outer atmospheric drag on its orbit. /hen th The aim is to extend the fading orbital life of the 74-ton station i time which was abandoned in 19/4, until a space shuttle crew can usei is the remote-control add-on rocket to boost it higher or destroy,' jturday harmlessly away from populated areas. , t h e A Santiago, already tracking other satellites but modified forSkylak edeach will close a six-hour daily gap in Johnson Space Center’s contact wj) two te the space station. Prior 18-hour monitoring was from Bermuda, Spa, ralmo and California. s. The Santiago began a series of shakedown operations Wednesday an J est wit! will start full Skylab network tracking Sunday. ;s , The ‘We just increase control one more degree,” spokesman Charfelds at se Redmond said. “If we thought we were flying on a rail up until I f we will probably be flying on an autorail from now on because mjiere is o won’t have any blind spots.' Aggie-C Redmond’s optimistic comments reflected NASA’s recent succa everw-oi in controlling the previously cantankerous space station, which la several weeks repeatedly wobbled out ol minimal drag attitude afie kinHou first being positioned in June. , i er e will ing to th will 1 New dollar coin to replace old faithful paper ‘George United Press International DENVER — U.S. Mint Director Stella B. Hackel understands that Americans do not want to carry bulky silver dollars in their pockets, but she hopes they will change their attitude when the new dollar coin goes into circulation next year. A half billion of the coins bearing the image of American suffragette, Susan B. Anthony on one side and an Apollo 11 Eagle on the other, should be ready for the public by the first week of July 1979. If they become popular — as Mrs. Hackel hopes they do — they could save the government millions of dollars. At a news conference Wednes day, Mrs. Hackel displayed an enlarged likeness of the new coin and announced the plan to have it in production early next year. None of the coins will be released until 500 million are minted to prevent col lectors from hoarding them. Mrs. Hackel said she and other federal officials will make a major ef fort to have people accept the coins because they think it is important. Without such action, consumers might continue using dollar bills be cause “people don’t like to change their habits,” she said. The coins actually should be a lot easier for Americans to use, Mrs. Hackel said. They will not wear out as fast as dollar bills, should be easy to carry since they are only slightly osley, as sputterin idquartt Field. 1 tthe tim larger than a quarter and «ii handy for getting change fromn 1( i owns ing machines which Mrs. Hi w ars 2 described as “the American *ir f . .. , was la The cost of minting each on j, iar will be 3 cents and it will la estimated 15 years. Dollar bills ^ p anr produced at a cost of 1.8a , c |( er p a apiece, but can be kept in cin | 0s t () f] as tion only about 18 months. j If the coins replace half thf , rsona | re now in circulation, it could res V|s j s ^ immediate savings of $20 ml ^ | 0 Mrs. Hackel said. Shesaidtht q uar rent demand on $1 bills is so| ihappen that unless it is replaced by (tie ^ coin, the Bureau of Engravinj u ] e an( j Printing will have to undergo! }| e | )as t | million expansion. Amin may retaliate against Americans United Press International NAIROBI, Kenya — Uganda’s President Idi Amin Thursday said he is bn the verge of retaliating against a U.S. trade embargo by tak ing “very drastic” action against the 300 Americans who live in his coun try. Amin’s threat, broadcast by Radio Kampala, gave no hjnt of what steps the dictator contemplated. The U.S. congressmen who spon sored the trade embargo said their action also was retaliation, against the “ferocious, institutionalized brutality” that has killed tens ol ^\ffnrttesf Marne, SHIPLEY’S DONUT SHOP AFTER STUDYING, STOP IN FOR SOME FRESH DONUTS OR A FLAMEBURGER. Our donuts are made fresh all day long Closed Sundayl thousands of Ugandans ui Amin’s rule. After Amin was stung by criticism last year, he rounded Americans living in held them hostage while hes] a series of threats. Faced with a stern response the Carter administration, hoi he later released them. There was no immediate sponse to Thursday’s Radio broadcast, which came before in the United States. The b States and Uganda have not relations, but the U.S. End Kampala has been closed f and the U.S. government dissuade all Americans from ing in the landlocked East nation. The trade embargo Carter earlier this weekactu; an amendment to other le It bans the LJnited States porting Ugandan products or ing American goods to Amin 1 gime The sponsors of the em cused the Amin regime sponsible for the indisem slaughter of between 300,000 Ugandans. “The world has not see» l for Hoi ton wou elv Agg b and you. rback." 0 lether SOT ofM Open 6-11 Mon.-Sat. 3310 S. College 822-4096 OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS filing for representatives to the ferocious, institutionalized j since the concentration ea 1 !] Stalin’s Russia or Hitlers said Sen. Mark Hatfield, one of the principal sponsofij legislation. About 300 Americans Uganda. Most are mission® though several dozen b uSin j and technicians also n' e j drawn by lucrative oppor™ those who would 1 Uganda’s turbulence. United Pr SIGN - basketb; to post- ouston’s HemisF; A&M coa ursday. sure of the co; ments o after eij met in a SWC oi rectors j iy mornii re well news cc : eting. coach A about th to the C, declin la t differei inference Lemon tournam 35 drawn 'ates in th< severa P n arena j and Ri ( ?e, althi nor 0w] mmit. ,r «s an a teams), can 1 16 their da coach Ec they ,/enti |, l /upfnatn s© Eddie DomingueJ Joe Arciniega -CAIVIPUS 1USTE yeai OLD. ASSOCIATION i(OSA) opens Thursday October 12th Sign up in Rm. 216 of If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call It "Mexican Food I Supreme." Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 the MSC 1700 The \ Exch Farm