The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1978, Image 11

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    IUD funds for CS.
conrinued from page 1
l0t her $141,000 from the 1977
Lnds could be used for rehab.l.-
1 Calloway said. The money is
lied but not yet contracted,
L street construction projects.
L officials are also working on a
subsidy plan in conjunction
The Brazos Valley Develop-
elwTn"Rhode, rural bousing
dinator for the BVDC, said
m promised to rule on an apph-
L for rent subsidy binds by
rsday. The 150 “assistance un
applied for would be divided on
mutation basis among Brazos,
[eson, Leon, Grimes, Madison,
, r tso'n and Washington coun-
Rhode said.
,zos County is scheduled to re-
97 subsidies, Rhode said. Col-
Station tenants could receive
of the subsidies.
,ould the BVDC application be
:ted, HUD will still expect Col-
16 Station to provide some form of
assistance, Danfprd said,
he College Station officials in-
Jed about all aspects of forming a
ling authority, Such as optimum
Ijty of low-rent public housing.
Iterance and operation proce-
ls, Calloway said. Housing au-
Ities build, own, maintain and
E low-income housing.
As for actually forming a housing
authority, We don’t know where
we re going yet,” Mayor Bravenec
said. In the past, the city council has
opposed plans that call for the con
struction of additional low-income
The city council doesn’t want to
create new concentrations of low-
income households, Calloway said.
That could be creating more of the
very same problem they are seeking
to correct, he said.
Jack Stark, a lawyer for HUD,
said that a privately owned housing
assistance program would be just as
acceptable to HUD as a housing au
thority. But he commented that “it
is difficult to motivate the private
sector to come up with a successful
public housing project.”
1 he city has to fulfill its housing
obligations, whether by forming a
housing authority or getting a pri
vate assistance program. Stark said.
College Station will have two
chances to show HUD that it is mak
ing “substantial progress.” The first
comes on Feb. 28, the city’s dead
line for turning in it’s 1978 grantee
performance report.
Even though the city didn’t re
ceive the 1978 CD funds, it must
still file a grantee performance re
port explaining what it has done
with leftover funds from previous
College Station’s second chance
will be after the city applies for the
1977 CD block grant, which must
be done by April 7. When HUD re
ceives the application, it will send a
group of officials, including
environmental and equal opportu
nity representatives, on a two-day
“comprehensive monitoring trip,’
Danford said.
the BVDC is proposing, Calloway
said. But the city’s plan was closed
down because it could not interest
Highway 30, Texas
State may help traffic flow
The problem, Calloway said, was
that the HUD fair market rent
schedule was unrealistically low for
the College Station market.
HUD will approve or reject the
application by June 21.
Councilman Gary Halter said Col
lege Station could have avoided los
ing the CD block grant funds in the
first place by rehabilitating some
houses in low-income neighbor
hoods. The city started to do so, he
said, but the residents wanted their
streets rebuilt instead.
“The applicants lost interest when
they heard the rent levels because
they knew what they would find at
that rent level,” Calloway said.
Even before the program started,
the city told HUD that the rent
schedule was too low. But HUD
urged the city to start at that
schedule, Calloway said.
“They were tired of driving in the
mud,” Halter said.
Though HUD requires a city to
get public input on the spending of
CD hinds, Halter said College Sta
tion probably had listened to the
public too much. The housing re
habilitation was “something we
should have done a long time ago”
to keep HUD happy. Councilman
Halter said.
During regular contact with
HUD, city officials continued to say
that the schedule was too low and
that the program wasn’t working,
Calloway said. HUD discussed with
the city raising the schedule 20 per
cent, but was told that that wasn’t
near enough, he said.
College Station had for 14 months
a rent subsidy plan similar to one
At the end of the 1977 fiscal year,
the rent subsidy plan was summarily
shut down since it had been ineffec
tive, Calloway said. Several months
later, HUD increased the area-wide
rent levels, he said, but College Sta
tion wasn’t eligible to re-start the
Battalion Reporter
A proposal for improving the in
tersection at Highway 30 and Texas
Avenue was considered by College
Station city council members
Thursday night.
The intersection improvements
are part of the new Brazos County-
Bryan-College Station Traffic Engi
neering Plan that was presented to
the council in a special session Sept.
13. City Manager North Bardell said
that if the proposal is accepted by
the city, construction may begin in
October 1979.
The proposal includes the con
struction of a high type-T intersec
tion at Highway 30 and Texas Av
enue and installations of com
puterized traffic signals. The high
type-T intersection design will
provide extra lanes on Texas Avenue
and Highway 30 specifically for left
turns. Traffic passing through the
intersection will not be stopped to
allow other vehicles to turn left.
A spokesman for the State De
partment of Highways and Public
Transportation said the highway
improvements are designed to ac
commodate increasing southbound
traffic on Texas Avenue. He also
said the computerized signal plan
will provide an improved continous
traffic flow along Texas Avenue.
The council also considered a pre
liminary plan for the development
of Timber Ridge located between
Dominik Drive, Munson Avenue
and Plantation Oaks Drive. The de
velopment will consist of both dup
lexes and single family residences.
Councilman Anne Hazen ex
pressed concern for pedestrian and
bicycle traffic in that area. She said
there are no sidewalks or bike paths
other than a foot trail, which would
be eliminated by development.
Hazen said the developers should
provide some type of facilities for
the pedestrians and cyclists to keep
them off Highway 30.
In other business, the council ac
cepted a bid of $34,369 by Young
Brothers Inc. for the construction of
a parking lot at the College Station
Police Department. The job will
take about 35 days to complete, but
no construction starting date has
been set.
ocal sun
04 and I,
lefuge awaiting last whoopers
11 A.M.-11 P.M. DAILY
ms so tl
he resultil United Press International
interestfjfcsTWELL, — Wildlife officials
passed j) e y expect the world’s last 70
114, estiH whooping cranes to arrive at
xtensionlA ransas National Wildlife Ref-
staff of It Mthjs week.
g the puile re expecting them at any
150count|. Ken Butts, an official at the
npy refuge nestled on the Texas
Coast, said Wednesday,
e autumn arrival of the whoop-
Icrane —r- a spectacular bird
ting 5 feet tall and having a
t wing span when full grown
flotially brews excitement along
[“lOt solate d sa ^ marshes of the ref-
f$5.00 MINIMUM)
mystique has grown up around
Irama of the whooping crane’s
;gle for survival. Butts said
than 100,000 people — two-
of the refuge’s annual visitors
re expected to tour the area in
Cardinals move closer to choosing new pope
United Press International
^ICAN fcrTY — The Roman
lolic cardinals who will choose a
issor to the late Pope John Paul
/ they have narrowed their
m and are debating the specific
l ts a small group of candi-
hopes of snatching a glimpse of the
birds before they return to their
Canadian nesting homes in March.
Only a few more than a 100 who
opers have survived from the
thousands which once reportedly
darkened the skies in their seasonal
A few dozen live restricted, but
protected, lives at the Migratory
Bird Research Center at Pautuxet,
Md., and in zoos. Another young
flock of nine birds is being reared by
“foster parent sandhill cranes in
Idaho. The rest call Texas home.
“We’ve got practically all of the
wild flock. Last year we had a total
of 70 that survived the winter,”
Butts said, “Nine young and 61
adults — which was up only one
from the year before.
“The year before we had 57 adults
and 12 young. So we’re hanging
around 70. But this year we re hop
ing we’ll get up around 75 or 80.
We re supposed to have eight young
heading south this year.”
The whooping crane. North
America s tallest bird, almost disap
peared as a species in the late 1800s,
diminishing to only 15 in 1883 when
they were hunted for sport and
farmers and ranchers cleared their
nesting grounds.
They hovered on the brink of ex
tinction for more than a half cen
tury. A smaller flock that migrated
to Southern Louisiana was deci
mated by a hurricane in the 1940s.
In 1951, the Texas flock again
numbered 15, but since then the
whooping crane population has
been on a slow upswing.
Butt said whooping crane flocks
are slow to replenish because who-
oper couples will not breed until
they are 4 to 6 years old and nor
mally will raise only one chick, “so
you don’t regain big numbers at that
Ida, the first of New Mexico’s
nine adopted whoopers, arrived this
week near Bosque Del Apa yN.M.,
after spending most of the year in
The cranes are not hard to find at
Aransas and tourists can view them
from either an observation tower or
from boats that pass close to their
feeding areas.
Refuge officials, however, warn
tourists that the whoopers have an
absolute distrust of humans —
which does not seem all that surpris
ing considering their previous run-
ins with people — and will fly away
if anyone steps from the boats into
the marsh.
They also give voice to a call that
has given the crane its name. The
loud “whoop” is produced by a
5-feet-long trachea coiled behind
the bird’s breastbone.
sin nmniimiiimmimim^^
lurch sources and statements
p cardinals themselves indicate
"11 cardinals are moving toward
isensus: they want a theological
jcrvative wht> values traditional
tn ne and disfcipline, as well as a
man who can control the unwieldy
Vatican bureaucracy.
American Cardinals John Dear-
den of Detroit and John Carberry of
St. Louis admitted Wednesday that
discussions about specific papal
candidates were under way.
“Once in a while a name comes
up in a friendly way,” Carberry said.
“We are all trying to enrich our
understanding,” he said.
Church experts say two cardinals
among the papal candidates who fit
that mold are Giuseppe Siri, 72, ar
chbishop of Genoa and 25 years a
cardinal, and Pericle Felici, 67, pre
fect of the Vatican Court of Appeals.
The experts cautioned, however,
that Cardinal Giovanni Benelli, the
powerful former Vatican diplomat
most instrumental in electing John
Paul, could not be counted out.
Also being considered were the
so-called “pastoral candidates:
Cardinal Corrado Ursi, 70, ar
chbishop of Naples, and Cardinal
Salvatore Pappalardo, 60, ar
chbishop of Palermo, Sicily.
Pappalardo and Ursi were most
often mentioned as successors to
Pope John Paul immediately after
the late pontiffs death, when the
newly arriving cardinals said they
wanted another pastoral pontiff to
lead the church.
However, after two weeks of for
mal discussions at the Vatican and a
weekend of informal and frank talks,
the cardinals have been pointing
more toward a capable adminis
trator than a pastoral archbishop.
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