The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1978, Image 3
ws gists Survey 5 A&M Stu. )e held at 3 1 KoomlOS, Petroleum >er Reef of tion contact ants "g $10,000 McClung, nuha, and ton-based “ thousand at Texas •u m engj. College of OOO I^resented ig for lac- e I4th an- Jiresented and chief what’s up? Tuesday ip CAMPUS STUDENT ASSOCIATION: All ofF-campus girls are invited to dine with the Corps of Cadets on Wednesday, Oct. 25, n Duncan Dining Hall at 6:30 p.m. Those who are interested hould sign up in room 216, MSC, in the OCSA cubicle. (MANICS SEMINAR: Those who wish to leam and discuss all aspects in establishing a role as a future youth agency professional should attend the American Humanics seminar from 6:15-8 p.m. in room 203, MSC. Eleven youth agency state executives from gional and metropolitan stafifs will be in attendance. SSLE FREE: Will have a mandatory meeting at 6 p.m. in room 504, Rudder Tower. SC ASSOCIATION AT A&M: Will meet at 8 p.m. in room 138, MSC. EDICAL TECHNOLOGY: Staff members from Methodist Hospi tal will answer questions and will discuss Medical Laboratory Electronics at 7:30 p.m. in room 501, Rudder Tower. MU INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCERS: Will dance from 7:30-10 p.m. in the MSC. MU COLLEGIATE HORSEMAN S ASSOCIATION: There will be a program and a film about Paint Horses at 7:30 p.m. in room 113, Kleberg. CUDENT : Will have a general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 401, Rudder Tower. BIO-MEDICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION: Will have its picture taken for the Aggieland at 7 p.m. in Zachry’s main entrance. A meeting will follow at 7:30 p.m. in room 230, Veterinary School. .New members are still welcome. ng design hjoME: “Outrageous,” an unusual film about a friendship between Richard Btwo misfits; a transvestite and a schizophrenic, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. rike lowed a n strike )us Day hey are support i left the i waiting aid the nates at •ike last ne e New dser to blisher urdoch gaining at the i New s were r ar off. dll be ct t lines i. Pa., posal. ocked ' said. , Sun- ement called tional ng for ie /ery hat- 3 in de nial and per ress Wednesday RESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND: Will bring its own special style of Dixieland Jazz to Texas A&M’s Rudder Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Tickets for the show are on sale in the MSC Box Office in Rudder Tower and will be available at the door tonight. Box Office hours are 9a.m.-4p.m. Monday-Friday. IlILENE HOMETOWN CLUB: Will have a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 308, Rudder Tower. )CIAL DANCE CLUB: Will meet from 7-8:15 p.m. in G. Rollie White for lessons and from 8:30-10p.m. for exhibition group prac tice. |fITH COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: Will have a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 229, MSC. DDLE AND SIRLOIN: All interested members of the Saddle and Sirloin Club are asked to help with the tours of the animal centers by area elementary schools from 9a.m.-noon today and tomorrow. Tours begin at the swine center. ANAGEMENT SOCIETY: Will hold a wine and cheese party at 8 p.m. in the Treehouse Apt. Party Room. 1MU ROAD RUNNERS: Will have a general meeting at 6 p.m. in room 226, MSC. New members are welcome to attend. Thursday )LITICAL FORUM: Cecil Andrus, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, will speak on “Interior Department’s Perspective on Energy,” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Forum. FF CAMPUS STUDENT ASSOC.: There will be a party for off campus students interested in working with OSA and for those interested in running for zone representatives from 8p.m.-11p.m. in the Country Place Apts. Party Room. EECH: Howard Boyd will speak as a part of the 1978-79 Visiting Executive Speaker Series. Boyd will speak on “Business Decisions in a Political Climate,” at 2 p.m. in the Rudder Forum. IAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at 8 p.m. in room 504, Rudder Tower. ESS1AN CLUB: Will have a slide presentation of Dr. Michal Barszap s latest trip to the Soviet Union at 7 p.m. in room 123, Academic Building. New members are invited. MU SURF CLUB: Will show a movie presentation, “Standiog Room Only, at 8 p.m. after a general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 223, MSC. 9VIE: Animal Farm,” a satire, where farm animals evict the armer and his wife and take over the operation. Peace and coop eration exist until the pig leader turns into a dictator. This ani mated cartoon will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Rudder Thea ter. ^H^CTIGE: There will be a yell practice for the A&M- ouston game at 7 p.m. in the Grove. PTBALL: The women’s team will go to the TAIAW State Tour- oament in Canyon today through Saturday. piiLEYBALL: The women’s team will play at the Houston Tour nament in Houston today and Friday. THE BATTALION Page 3 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1978 Uprisings spread Vietnam claims Cambodia troops suffer heavy losses United Press International BANGKOK, Thailand — Viet nam claimed Monday that uprisings against the communist Phnom Penh regime have spread to 16 of Cam bodia’s 19 provinces despite the “fiercest ever” domestic purge. The Vietnamese army paper, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, in an article broadcast by Radio Hanoi said the “cruel genocidal Peking-ordered anti-Vietnam policy” pursued by Phnom Penh leaders “has driven them into an unprecedentedly dif ficult and dangerous situation. “The rebel forces have operated and gained firm bases in many areas.” The paper said the anti government guerrillas included people of all classes from laborers to personnel of central government agencies and the armed forces. “In several localities, the guerrilla forces have been deployed in such a way that they can support one another,” the newspaper said. The article said the Cambodian government “has launched the fier cest ever domestic purge which is taking place daily and hourly in Cambodia.” It said the internal purge “is in reality a scheme to kill all those who have not sided with it and to con tinue to barbarously repress all the Cambodian people’s uprisings.” Intelligence analysts have also re ported uprisings against the Com munist regime in Cambodia, but not of the extent described by Vietnam. Some of the analysts say Vietnamese-supported guerrilla forces have been operating effec tively in areas near Vietnam’s em battled border. One analyst suggested that Viet namese strategy in Cambodia may be to use its regular army to chew up Cambodian forces clearing the way for the anti-government guerril las to topple the Phnom Penh re gime. The Quan Doi Nhan Dan article ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★•A- said Cambodian troops have suf fered heavy defeats in border fight ing. “Many of its regular army units, including those in the Kandal milit ary region which (Cambodian Prime Minister) Pol Pot and (Deputy Prime Minister) leng Sary consider as their most seasoned units, have been wiped out,” the article said. HATE DOING LAUNDRY? Let Frannie's do it for you Aunt Frannies Laundromat * * * * * * ★ Holleman at Anderson 693-658/4' I Bridals & Formals in the 707 Texas Center . Kim T! , ‘ Liz Ne* 1 iren vid inie Aiik |y Will i)C schpef’ PLAN YOUR FALL PARTY NOW The 106 year old Calvert Hotel is now accepting reservations for fall parties — Dining rooms with dance floors ~-20% Discounts on week nights Catering available, or bring your °wn and use our kitchen Overnight accommodations available "Furnished in Antiques "BYOB, Mixers upon Request Call 1-364-2641 r te P.o. Box 785 Calvert, TX 77837 kLVERT HOTEL ScLTL^Ul- PLL-SERVO DIRECT DRIVE MANUAL TURNTABLE RETAIL $320 $ SPECIFICATIONS TYPE — Two-speed, PLL-sen/o direct-drive manual turntable, MOTOR — 20-pole, 30-slot DC brushless type with built-in Frequency Generator, DRIVE SYSTEM — Direct spindle drive, PLL-servo controlled, PLATTER — 318mm (12 9/16”) aluminum die-cast, weighing 1.6kg (3.5 lbs.), PERFORMANCE WOW & FLUTTER — less than 0.028% WRMS), SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO — better than 63dB (IEC-B), RUMBLE — better than -71 dB (DIN-B) Woofer Says: “Rely on Custom Sounds for all the latest in stereo equipment.” promises reliable performance and accurate musical reproduction.” ScLnsnJ- AU-717 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER RETAIL $550 SALE $ 439 95 The AU-717 DC integrated amplifier has about the widest frequency response (from main-in) available in any integrated audio amplifier. And high frequency tonal quality is even further improved by the AU-717’s ultra-fast rise time and very high slew rate. PQWERAMPSEglLQN POWER OUTPUT 85 watts per channel, min. RMS, both channels driven into 8 ohms from 10Hz to 20,000Hz, with no more than 0.025% total harmonic distortion FREQUENCY RESPONSE (from Main-In) DC-200,000Hz, +0dB, -3dB(1 watt) DAMPING FACTOR 60 (into 8 ohms) RISE TIME 14 M Sec SLEW RATE 36.9V//u.Sec. PRE-AMP SECTION FREQUENCY RESPONSE (Overall, from Aux) 5-IOO.OOOHz, -l-0dB, -3dB RIAA CURVE DEVIATION ±0.2dB, 20-20,000Hz INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPEDANCE Phono 1,2 2.5mV, 47kohm Aux, Tuner, Tape, Play 150mV,47kohm MAXIMUM INPUT CAPABILITY Phono 1,2 350mV (1kHz, 0.01 %THD) HUM AND NOISE Phono 1,2 78dB Aux, Tuner, Tape, Play 100dB SansruJ- TU-717 TUNER RETAIL $370 SALE The TU-717 tuner delivers super-clean sound on both FM and AM. The selectable IF bandwidth contributes to this tuner's outstanding performance. The WIDE BAND mode reduces distortion to nearly unmeasurable proportions; the NARROW BAND features exceptionally high selectiv ity for FM-congested areas. And a built-in calibrating tone lets you set up your cas sette deck for perfect taping. SENSITIVITY (IHF) Mono: lO.ldBf (1.75/uV) Stereo: 19dBf (4.9/u.V) 50dB QUIETING SENSITIVITY Mono: 13dBf (2.45^V) Stereo: 37.2dBf (40u.V) SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Mono: 80dB Stereo. 77dB FREQUENCY RESPONSE 30-15,000Hz, +1dB, -2dB TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION less than 0.07% (Wide mode) ALTERNATE CHANNEL SELECTIVITY 80dB (Narrow mode) CUSTOM SOUNDS HOURS MON.- SAT. 10-6 846- 3806-A OLD COLLEGE ROAD (NEXT TO TRIANGLE BOWLING ALLEY) 5803