omes may get Vee repairs here Bv DOUG ERCK Battalion Reporter u,nv elderly and handicapped ‘Income homeowners in Brazos id surrounding counties may re ive free home improvements r0l ,gh the Brazos Valley Comnm- tv Action Program. The program's purpose is to re- ice energy consumption and costs irou gh such improvements as orm ’windows, caulking and root pairs. The Brazos Valley Community Jon agency was awarded $24,800 , the Texas Department of Corn- unity Affairs (TDCA) for programs Brazos, Burleson, Crimes, Leon, adison, Robertson and Washing- n counties. The program was made possible the U S. Department of Energy. Persons interested in receiving is assistance are requied to apply the BVGA agency, in the Varisco uilding located on the corner of (hand Main streets in Bryan igibijity is based on income and esentcondition of the house. “A selection committee made tip persons from the seven counties preys each house, takes slides and yaluates the actual needs,” said Lron Barnard, energy co- [llinater for thU BVCA. Barnard spent most of Monday )<) ele ■cently sm onsibility force tout ny of thel! t checked would la illy, hesai tit calls ii e said a or this wed )f the em 'S FRI. L) what’s up? Thursday ROOMMATE SWAP SESSION: The Off Campus Center is holding a roommate swap session from 3-5 p.m. at the Off Campus Stu dent Center. POLITICAL FORUM: Thomas DeFrank will speak on "The Carter Administration - A Press Reaction.” DeFrank is White House Correspondent for Newsweek Magazine and a former Texas A&M student. He will speak at 8 p.m. in room 206, MSC. MOVIE: “Blazing Saddles,” a madcap comedy spoof of westerns, starring Gene Wilder and Harvey Corman, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will have a meeting at 7 p.m. in room 302, Rudder Tower. WATER SKI CLUB: Will have a meeting at 7 p.m. in room 230, MSC. BLACK ENGINEERS: The National Society of Black Engineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 141, MSC. Everyone is invited and refreshments will be served. MSC RADIO COMMITTEE: Will have a meeting at 6:30 p.m. in room 410, Rudder Tower. VOLLEYBALL: The women s team will play at Sam Houston State in Huntsville. Friday MOVIE: “Oh, God," about God coming down from heaven in the cool, sharp form of George Burns. The person he picks to help him straighten out mankind is the assistant manager of a supermarket—John Denver. The movie will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. ORGANIZATION OF ARAB STUDENTS: Will have a meeting in ; room 502, Rudder Tower at 7 p.m. A membership drive will be organized. EE WIVES CLUB: Gai nes West, student legal adviser, will speak on f Establishing Credit, Apartment Leases," at 7:30 p.m. at 2612 Melba Circle, Bryan. New members are welcome and anyone who needs a ride should meet at Lot 50, Zachary, between 7 and 7:10 ; p.m. TENNIS: The women’s team will play in the LSU Invitational in Baton Rouge, La., today through Sunday. CANOEING SEMNAR: Th ere will be a canoeing seminar with John Schwartz speaking at 7:30 p.m. in room 401, Rudder Tower. After the seminar, those who wish will go to a lake to practice canoeing. CROSS COUNTRY: The men’s team will run in Arlington at 4 p.m. the women s team will go to the Houston Invitational in Houston. Saturday FOOTBALL: The Texas Aggies will play Texas Tech here at 1:30 p.m. 1 *8 u THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1978 looking at houses in Washington County, and said the condition of most of the houses was “terrible.” You could see daylight right through the walls, there were holes in the roofs, and some had no win dows, Barnard said. “You just know the program is working when you fix a hole in the roof.” The program allows for a maximum of $250 for each house and only can be used for individual homeowners, not landlords. The money received for the program is used to buy supplies, Barnard said, but the labor must come from somewhere else. The Comprehen sive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program and the Senior Texans Employment Program have provided some of the labor. "We have tried to get volunteers, such its church groups, to help us but we have been unsuccessful in that area, Barnard said. Wayne Sadbury, director of CE I A, said there is a labor project submitted to the TDCA for the weatherization program. ” The project has not been approved yet, and until it is, we can t supply any labor," he said. "Our main problem is labor,” said Barnard. “We can’t get any. We have plenty of supplies and money, but if there are no workers we will have to shut down Saturday Special $1 Bloody Mary before the game Happy Hour doubles 4:30-6:30 Mon.-Fri. 913 Harvey Rd. (Hwy. 30) 11 A.M. Mon.-Sat. College Station 5 p.m. Sunday Jupfnam&a Eddie Dominguez ’66 professional hair designers FEATURING SEEKING MON.-SAT. 9-5:30 693-1772 1510 HOLLEMAN (ACROSS FROM THE SEVILLA APTS.) If you want the real ini.ig, not frozen or canned . . . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 Greyhound R x - The cure for college blahs. It's a feeling that slowly descends upon you. The exams, the pop tests, the required reading, the hours at the library, the thesis— they won’t go away. But you can. This weekend, take off, say hello to your friends, see the sights, have a great time. You’ll arrive with money in your pocket because your Greyhound trip doesn’t take that much out of it. If you’re feeling tired, depressed and exhausted, grab a Greyhound and split. It’s a sure cure for the blahs. Greyhound Service One- Way To Houston 6.45 Dallas-Ft. Worth 11.75 Waco 6.50 New Orleans, La. 33.55 Round- Trip 12.30 22.35 12.30 63.75 You Arriva 12:20 P M 2:30 PM. 2:30 P.M 8:50 A.M. Students special to Houston & Dallas Friday afternoon Call for Reservations. 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