The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1978, Image 3
ws ’uster. Parents’ Day THE BATTALION THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1978 Page 3 Tucker vetoes budget MA/M j .vVUCT i !. 30 ' fhe sixth Prizes j n . is. Contest e near the An ent^ Election, a -ted entn- library f 0 ’ r 'ards cere- ransport ke soon, ich rep ay gave moment under a ars, the resident be 1976 session by that >ery ■ral grand e perpet- Moming peeted to e) Acker, . Federal lall Collin Revenue dlas busi- -ase. es ;hed intoa ?rs of Par- ne of the taking of pokesman ashed 200 embers in rticipating ly gives to 1 when 25 ean By DILLARD STONE Battalion Reporter JL.dent Body President Bobby Iker vetoed the proposed 1978- 9 indent government budget Idnesday night, forcing the se- L, (o set a special session tor next I Hi ■With passage of the budget, rlker said, "we establish our Irities to the student body and dniinistration. Currents beat isappointed ?ulf swimmer fter collid- rew were ■ ;e nee offi- I, United Press International ioRT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — as the Gulf Stream, not the packs, poisonous jellyfish, the or fatigue that finally whipped a Taylor, the "Swimming Nun. " i was almost in sight of reali/- her dream to swim from the mas to Florida Tuesday, but to (piit. fer 51 hours in the water and [4Imiles, handlers convinced the ar-old marathon swimmer she ■d the strength to free herself Din the northward pull of the Guli Jam. She didn’t want to quit. ^ j found out 1 had to go five miles lour for five hours to get there, j I stopped," Miss Taylor told re- lers in a hoarse whisper. I It really want to stop, but I lv I had to. The currents were st too fast. 1 am disappointed. ! orb'd very hard for this. 1 was nonetheless a record fbi jipen’s endurance swimming, > nine hours short of the men's Jrd. lie paid a painful price. A robust oinan, she hobbled ashore in ed over and was barely able to Her face and tongue were len, lips bloodred from chap- B. Scabs surrounded her mouth. |p wrinkles showed in her bands long exposure to water, it she refused a trip to the hos- and medical treatment. “I’m in*-to go home and go to sleep for ng time, she said. Besides the physical punishment p the elements and stings from erotts jellyfish. Miss Taylor ired a psychological pounding fatigue-induced hallucinations the ever-present threat of She swam without a shark It’s my feeling the priorities in dicated by this budget are wrong,” he said in announcing the veto. Tucker based his objections to budget on two major concerns: large cuts in Muster and Parents’ Day funds and increased expenditures for Texas A&M’s membership in na tional and state student organiza tions. This budget will not meet the needs of Parents’ Day and Muster committees,” Tucker said. Under the proposed budget. Muster funds were cut from $1,500 last year to $1,100 this year, a 37 percent de crease. Parents’ Day finances were decreased from $1,175 to $670, or by 49 percent. Tucker’s other main objection was that travel expenses for Texas A&M’s membership in two student organizations were given too much priority. "I question spending so much money on the Texas Student Associ ation and the American Student Federation in such a tight year,” he said. When confronted by' such a tight budget as student government faces this year, he said, “we should look at things that can benefit the most stu dents. ’’ Although Tucker acknowledged the important roles that individual Texas A&M students are filling in these organizations, he said that more important projects could be carried out on campus with student money. After considerable discussion, the senate tabled the budget, sending it back to the finance committee. The committee will reconsider the budget at a special meeting on Monday, and make another recom mendation to the senate’s special Wednesday session. Wayne Morrison, vice president for fi nance, said the committee will dis cuss only the proposed Parents’ Day and Muster budgets. In other action, the senate passed a resolution calling for a student government information handbook containing information on mem bers. Also approved was a poll to de termine the consensus of the senate in establishing legislative lobbying priorities for the coming year. Senators Teresa Beshara and Scott Farthing introduced a resolu tion asking the University adminis tration to consider expansion of Memorial Student Center facilities to accomodate an increasing number of students. The football team gets its news from the Batt. ZXKZ 34 *C 34 XZ ZXhC "Flowers for All Occasions" Petal Patch Te**s 707 Ph«s* It 711/04* »7r I HjI I altti* “Wf SHIPLEY’S DONUT SHOP %0-Sj Kfiredfcsf fo/ne! AFTER STUDYING, STOP IN FOR SOME FRESH DONUTS OR A FLAMEBURGER. Our donuts are made fresh all day long Open 6-11 Mon.-Sat. Closed Sunday 3310 S. College 822-4096 INTERESTED IN THEATER WORK? * . . . THEN COME TO THE TRYOUTS for the production company of IVinnrr of the Pulitzer Prize By ARCHIBALD MacLEISH PARTS FOR UP TO 15 ADULTS AND 8 CHILDREN AGES 8 TO 14 7:00 P.M. MON., OCT. 9 & TUES., OCT. 10 RUDDER CENTER FORUM THEATER PRODUCTION CREWS WILL BE FORMED AT THIS TIME. 34XZ 34X1 34iC 334 XI 34X l 1 reported occurred olved was alian ship ers p.™ divers paddling surfboards nlrd Iter throughout the swim to |ect her from sharks. Other at- ants stood guard with rifles and g sticks” on the lead boat, ree times Monday, Miss Taylor hauled onto a surfboard or onto lead boats dive platform while aides scared away as many as six Irks at a time. 1 won t try this again this way. ISS Tavlor rmuLr#»fl M.S.C. Arts Committee PRESENTS ‘EXHIBITION AND SALE OF TINE o5dRT TRINTS FULL.-COLOR REPRODUCTIONS OF MASTERPIECES ! • • - featuring the. coorj-s of Cka-jatlj Matisse, Gauguin j Van Gogk, Breughel, Cezanne, Fran ken iha/er, Homer, Klee, ftiro, Nonet, Nagntte, Picasro, Pembrant, Renoir, Toulouse -1—a.utrec, Urfeth, arut others. over 1200 different prints and MASTER DRAWINGS TIME: October 9-13 9:00 am -6:00pm PLACE- Main Cone our: MSC Something New at the Old Peanut Gallery TONIGHT 'THANK GOD IT'S THURSDAY! (Night) ~ BAR DRINKS CALL ICE CREAM DRINKS $2.50 Girls Btyan-College Station's Big City Disco 846-1100