The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1978, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1978 GS a ^Tv(^i!^fhS^rH^t7 Dr V T-shirt hash At The Jalapeno lollipop FREE FRENCH FRIES With Every Hamburger 3600 S. College 846-3306 o o RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT We have got a fast growing chain of restaurants with excellent opportunities for highly motivated people to achieve both personal and financial success. If you are interested in a career in restaurant manage ment with a young agres- sive company that is going places fast, Bill Bearden will be on your campus Mon. ( Mar. 6 . Please contact your place ment office for interviews. United Press International SAN MARCOS — Wet T-shirt contests have become popular at chili busts and beer parties in the hill country in recent years. But next weekend Texans will be introduced to the world’s first dry T-shirt contest. That contest will be part of the celebration of the first anniversary of the invention of the jalapeno lollipop — the latest reason for a beer party. The Cheatham Street Warehouse and Luckenbach Monthly Moon, which specialize in the absurd, have called the all-day bash for next Sunday to honor Sam Lewis, the San Angelo clown and novelty shop owner and founder of the Cross-Eyed Mule Chili Cooking Team. Lewis invented the lollipops spiced with ground jalapenos and introduced them at the World Championship Chili Cookoff at Terlin- gua on Oct. 8, 1977. Since then he reports he has sold more than 1 million of the spicey suckers. “Sam has done a great thing for Texas and America,” said songwriter-singer Kent Finlay, owner of the warehouse whose musi cal career’s high was his rendition of “If You Know Beans About Chili, You Know That Chili Has No Beans.” “He has not only found a new market for a native agricultural product, but the jalapeno lollipop promises to solve our balance of payments problem,” Finlay said in praising Lewis’s lollipops, which some folks claim make excellent swizzle sticks for Harvey Wallban- gers. In keeping with the Jalapeno theme, the lead-off of the celebration will be the crowning of Miss Sweet and Hot, the Jalapeno Lollipop queen. Lewis, Finlay and Jack Harmon, a San Antonio publicist who now calls himself “former press secretary of Luckenbach” since he ran afoul of that three-person city’s owner, Kathy Morgan, also will judge what is billed as the world’s first dry T-shirt contest. Harmon explained that, unlike wet T-shirt contests where beer is poured over the front of a bra-less contestant’s T-shirt, entrants in this contest will not have the benefit of liquid. “They have to take a deep breath and see how many rooms they can add to the warehouse, how much the moon expands or whether they can make the mule’s ears stand up,” Harmon said. Yo'U <^ ir ' c ^ Qn 9 < \rU. tl over L X, frn/ r m By Walt ; I rs stnigl lit brl ut ill [istnial v off I ) ilnnanl d! ■ I stol I’ coul| mlile tl \ M': T-sh»rt comes t - SHIRTS XYSnvJl! pc Seadock still Gulf Coast reality United Press International HOUSTON - To hear Gerald Jackson tell it, the key to the fixture of the Texas Gulf Coast arrived at the U.S. Department of Tiansporta- tion in the back of a pickup truck six weeks ago. There are some folks in Galveston and perhaps Corpus Christi who might disagree with him, but more about them later. Jackson’s key was 400 pounds — or more than 60 looseleaf notebooks Complete Line of Used Books. Flowers for All Occasions' Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 ROTHER'S BOOKSTORE 340 Jersey — At the Southgate £p=> i Petal Patch PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND — of license applications for an $800 million offshore oil import terminal he hopes to see built 25 miles south of Freepoi t, Texas. “We canied it in excess baggage on the plane. We hixed a pickup truck to take us to the Department of Transportation and we presented a copy to the secretary,” laughed the director for the Texas Deepwa ter Port Authority. But Jackson’s serious about this dream platform that could empty three 500,000-ton supertankers at once and pump 2.5 million barrels of oil daily to a 22-million-barrel on shore tank farm. “Our theory is that there’s got to be one built, not especially for pre sent day needs but for our future needs,” he said. “We’ve got to have the oil and it’s got to come from somewhere. “Somewhere Gen. Public Student Zone I Zone I Zone 1 I 2 I 3 $6 $5 $4 $4 $3 $2 TAMU MSC TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION Tickets & Info: MSC Box Office 845-2916 October 11, 1978 Rudder Auditorium 8:15 p.m. [CARROLLS BASKET AND WICKER 707 Complex 846-7847 WICKER BACKGAMMON WICKER TRUNKS $ ^DISCOUNT trophy^ AND ENGRAVING MON.- . - FRI. 9:00- 5:30 SAT.- 9:00- 1:00 215 S. MAIN 822-5923 Qbc) INTERSTATE 846-6714 & 846-1151 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER PllTT THEATRE GROUP SALES TICKETS WILL BE ACCENTED ► SHOW is outside the Un ited States, where demand far ex ceeds supply. Jackson’s concern is continued raw material for billions of dollars worth of refineries and petrochemical plants that employ thousands of Texans. “This oversupply of tankers is not going to continue. These big tankers can lay out in the Gulf and use smal ler ships to lighter (transship the oil). Those (little) tankers may not always be available. “And they’re building bigger and bigger tankers--500,000-ton, 750,000-ton tankers are in the of fing. There’s not a port anywhere in this country they can enter. “It (the superport) means a con tinued, inexpensive source of oil," he said, biting his cigarholder. There are many obstacles, as evi denced by failure of privately owned Seadock Inc. to put together the identical project. Seadock folded last March after several years of ef fort. TDPA — created by the Texas Legislature to rescue the idea with out committing taxpayer funds or the state’s credit — must win fed eral licensing and tariff approval and must sell revenue bonds on its own. But TDPA has a lot of help and some new ideas, including a prop osed $50 million oil spill cleanup fund intended to eliminate the obs tacle that sank Seadock — almost unlimited environmental liability. Jackson and the TDPA board, chaired by former congressman Bob Casey, have arranged to borrow operating funds from the state to be repaid when bonds are sold. They lie Rtx ■ of all Tmities I and he eht of a Bh inch Pallas o lb I Co who lugh th Mos have borrowed $500,000 and) will seek $2.5 million more They have hired a finaraj visor. First Southwest ofD bond counsel, various engii consultants and a project en; Brown & Hoot Inc. of Housti will suspend billing until homlexas Af sold. os ley was Jackson negotiated to pay ^ million — again payable after! I 13 ™ °' Sl are sold — for $22 million we I S0 P^°’ n planning and licensing dataal I • ^ compiled by Seadock. ; |. wor ' c ® As a result, TDPA easily nL atu ™ first objective. It took 33 days, from start livery on Aug. 24, to subi amended Seadock license tion in TDPA’s name. Jai whose only full-time office technical advisor Joe Moseley secretary, figured on four mo Brown & Root and the otb course, did much of the wort On Sept. 19, Jackson re Coast Guard notification t! application had been accepl substantially complete, altl some additional information' 1 needed in the next few weeks He’s hoping for continued “It takes a minimum of months for this application through the various hnreai agencies in Washington — if thing is green, if they do minimum time,” Jackson said That means the earliest 1 approval would come next and, by then, Jackson hopes well down the road toward TDPA’s first revenue perhaps early in 1980. Sun Theatres TAMU MSC TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION Friday, October 6 8:00 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum A&M Student/ Date General Public General Admission Tickets and information at MSC Box Office 845-2916 Reserved $4.00 $5.75/ $6.00 HaU $12LEBM)= u OPENS ^ was the Deltas 6 45 against the rules... SHOWS the r ules lost! & NATIONAL 9:45 LAMPMNs 333 University 846-98(1 jj The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. ( 12 Noon - 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS o. ANIMAL U#UfE| TLS 6:45 a uNivtrviAi pictuw TO 7:15 11 FOOTBALL MUMS Five styles to choose from Free campus delivery Saturday morning. On sale before each home football game in the MSC, dorms, Commons & Sbisa. TAMU MSC TOWN HALL SERIES ATTRACTION #2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:00 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM A&M Student Non- Student Date General Public General Admission FREE w/ticket 3.00 4.00 | Reserved . 4.00/ 4.50 4.00/ 6.00/ | 4.50 6.50 i Tickets and Info: LMSC Box Office 845-2916