The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1978, Image 1

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    roposed dorm plan-freshmen get first priority
Battalion Reporter
Bhtchley, director of student affairs
r.xas A&M University, and Ron Sasse,
' e director of student affairs, have
imecTa proposal that would eventu-
■guarantee all freshmen a room on
Sder their plan, upperclassmen cur-
tlv living on campus would not be
Id off campus. Sasse sa.d each year all
big space would go to freshmen so
eventually all freshmen who wanted
live on campus.
se said all freshmen who accepted a
on campus would do so with the
ledge that they would only be
„teed a room for one year.
t all times.
m Thu
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All meet
Sasse emphasized their proposal is not a
iixed plan. He said they are suggesting a
policy change for freshmen housing. If the
policy is accepted, then the means of im
plementing the change would be flexible.
Sasse said current policy neglects the
needs of freshmen. He said freshmen who
wish to should be able to live on campus.
He said many freshmen have a difficult
time making the transition from high
school to college, and that living on cam
pus makes the change easier, because they
do not have to worry' about such things as
apartment leases and shuttle bus routes.
In memorandum to Dr. John J. Koldus,
vice president for student services, and
Residence Hall Association members.
Blatehley said, “Indications are that if
more freshmen were able to live on cam
pus, the spirit of Texas A&M coidd carry
deeper in their lives.”
Sasse said this change would also elimi
nate the poor image the University has
with parents because of a lack of freshmen
This fall, 1,800 of 5,300 fresh men re
ceived rooms on campus. Sasse estimated
that at most 4,500 wanted rooms, of whom
about 700 are in the Corps of Cadets. He
said if the 3,800 remaining freshmen got
rooms it would still leave room for 3,000
Sasse said he realized this change coidd
cause enrollment to rise. But, he said, “I
don’t think it will lead to all freshmen
halls. ’
Koldus said Blatehley and Sasse have
presented their proposal to both the Fa
culty Advisory Committee and the
Academic Programs Council. The Faculty
Advisory Committee is composed of one
faculty member for each college and the
Academic Programs council is made up of
the deans.
Koldus said reaction from the groups
was mixed. He said they could see there
was need for more freshmen housing, but
believed there were also other needs to be
Some were concerned about the effect it
would have on enrollment, he said. Others
said a study of grade point ratios and
drop-out rates for on-campus and off-
campus freshmen should be conducted.
Koldus said he was concerned about
upperclassmen who lived on campus be
cause they could not afford to live off cam
T realize their concerns,” Koldus said.
He said he has not taken sides and has
instructed Blatehley and Sasse to resubmit
their proposal after they have opinions
from faculty and students.
Student Body President Bobby Tucker
said that no presentation has been made to
the student senate. He said he could see a
need for freshmen to be exposed to more
campus activities.
“If they lived on campus a year they
might be more likely to become involved,”
he said.
Residence Hall Association President
Lynne Andrus said Blatehley and Sasse
will present their proposal to her group
“I agree something needs to be done for
freshmen, but Tm not in favor of kicking
people off campus,” Andrus said. She ex
pressed concern that predominantly
freshmen halls could mean a loss of stu
dent leaders among on-campus students.
She said something could possibly be done
to encourage more students to move off
campus voluntarily.
The final decision on the proposed
change will be made by President Jarvis
E. Miller and the Board of Regents.
The Battalion
Vol. 72 No. 23
10 Pages
Tuesday, October 3, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
A pouch containing more than
$30,000 in University funds was
reported stolen over the
weekend. Football coupon
books and a $1,000 bike, later
recovered, also were snatched.
See page 5.
What’s happening on campus
this week? Check “What’s Up”
on page 6.
Four-hundred pounds of ap
plications may turn into an
offshore oil import terminal for
Texas. See page 8.
Si r*
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op five
11 meet
d. The
into an
Battalion photo by Steve Lee
•p.. ^ n 't e d Press International
ilat Egy P t — Presi nt Anwar
I s Sai • Jonday that President Carter
Id ioin !r> 6 • an i nv ttation to visit Egypt
12 late n e two Slt i es will start negotiat-
K ater inis month.
a nl ? nounce d his invitation to Carter
Iged m * m f ntar y s P eec 'l | hi which 1
L n. ra ^ parties directly involved
itlvwU With Israel to negotiate
»fevid i' nt ' n accor dance with two Camp
Israel signed by Egy i at ’
I He an , 6 United States Sept. 17.
Tstand? 63 f d to ot h er Arabs to show un-
|rib e d ° r t ^ le accor ds, which he de-
| a n °veralf solution/^ 5 ^ ^
]. lrt r0la ^' s rostrum, I invite President
Eatv”°e V i Sit Egy Pi an d sign die peace
Cen, ^ a ; " l dl > "<* f°' a
Ionian •n a | every Egyptian man and
express W ' 00 ^ forward to tins visit to
great esteem for a great man.’
After th —i\ji a greai man.
6 P ar liamentary session Sadat
lylfl rpn i- i ecu y acaaiciii ocuacii
’’''itation' S t ^ at E ' arter accepted the
ion nr!! 1 * ‘destine Liberation Organiza-
irab 0n nil3tly re J ec ted Sadat’s call for his
taves * K>nents to join in current peace
d at n“ ke fi ma j Mahmoud
.. I eal 0r . 1 LO refiised to come in,
, ; Nnst ihp * n those conspiracies
e ./ p a b world *■ estinian people and the
I ^adat Snr>U„ _r.
ra b world ” stlnian people and the
Poke after Egyptian government
State approves
new deck cost
Work to increase the seating capacity of
Kyle Field to 71,600 seats will begin Nov.
27, two days after Texas A&M University’s
last home game this fall.
The $22,858,600 contract, awarded by
the Board of Regents to H.B. Zachry Co.
of San Antonio, Saturday, was approved by
the Coordinating Board, Texas College
and University System. The work is
scheduled for completion by the 1979 sea
The project had to be approved by the
board because it will cost several million
dollars more than originally estimated.
The work will involve building a third
deck of seats on each side of the stadium, a
new press box, and two four-story build
One building will be on the west side
and one on the east side of the stadium.
The building on the west will provide the
superstructure for the third deck and the
pressbox and will house the Athletic De
partment facilities. The one on the east
will be connected to G. Rollie White Col
iseum and will house health and physical
education offices.
University facilities planning manager
Paul Stephens told the board that total
cost of the expansion is expected to be $27
The regents cut $770,000 from the
budget for the project in Saturday’s meet
ing by changing the finish to be used of the
exteriors of the addition to the Coliseum
and the concrete columns. Changes were
also made in the public address system for
the system.
The only bidder aside from the Zachry
Co. was Temple Associates Inc. of Diboll,
which offered to take the project for
This is a model of Kyle Field as it will look when renovations on it are
Senate to vote on ERA extension
The Coach s Shop in Bryan, a men’s clothing store and cleaning service,
routinely holds a sale the week after an Aggie football victory. The per
centage off the regular price is based upon the margin of victory of the
^8S* e game, which this week is 58 percent! A long line formed outside
“ 316 establishment as early as 7 a.m. Monday. Commenting about the line
__ ^ s * de ’ ow ner and manager Ron Vandiver said, “I expected to see them,
i he same thing happened two years ago when the margin was 49.
Sadat says Carter to join
igning treaty with Israel
officials in Cairo said Egypt and Israel
have agreed to start peace negotiations,
with hill U.S. participation, in Washington
on Oct. 12.
Sadat attacked the Soviet Union and
Arab hard-liners who have denounced the
Camp David agreements as a betrayal of
the Arab cause. The hardline “rejec-
tionists include Syria, Libya, Algeria,
Iraq, South Yemen and the Palestine Lib
eration Organization.
“This is what Egypt has been able to
achieve at this stage, he said of the
framework agreements that call for total
Israeli withdrawal from Egypt’s Sinai
peninsula two to three years after the sign
ing of the treaty.
The accords also provide for a five-year
transition period for the Jordan West Bank
and the Gaza sector during which the
Palestinian inhabitants would enjoy full
autonomy and then participate in the de
termination of their future status.
“If the rejectionists, in their alliance
with the Soviet Union, can do better, we
shall support, applaud and thank them,
Sadat said. “If any Arab leadership can
lead us to the realization of all our hopes,
we shall be the first to say yes,” he added.
The implication was that the Camp
David agreements represent the
maximum possible at this point and not
what Egypt would have liked ideally.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin vowed earlier that Israel will pre
vent the establishment of a Palestinian
state in the occupied West Bank of the
Jordan River and the Gaza Strip.
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Should states that
have ratified the Equal Rights Amend
ment have the right to change their
The Senate answers that fateful question
Wednesday in a vote overshadowing the
much publicized — yet anticlimactic —
roll call two days later on giving states
more time to ratify the amendment.
Sen. Jake Gam, R-Utah, set the stage
for the confrontation by introducing an
amendment to let states rescind approval
of the proposed constitutional amend
How important is Wednesday’s vote?
Some key ERA supporters in the House
and Senate say privately it’s so important
they’d rather let the extension — and in
turn the rights amendment itself — die
rather than accept Gam’s proposal.
The amendment would add a single sen
tence to the Constitution: “Equality of
rights under the law shall not be abridged
or denied by the United States or any state
on account of sex. ”
The ERA is technically alive until
March 1979, but even its most vocal sup
porters concede there’s not enough time
left to add the three more states necessary
to achieve the required 38 ratifications.
Supporters say the only hope of saving
the amendment is for Congress to pass
legislation extending the ratification
period for tlrree years and three months —
to June 30, 1982.
The House has already approved the ex
tension and the Senate has set a final vote
on the measure for Friday.
Sponsors have lined up about 55 votes,
more than enough to pass the extension
proposal, so the final roll call is likely to be
an anticlimax.
The real test comes Wednesday when
the Senate votes on the Garn amendment.
The House rejected such a move by a
substantial margin. Senate approval would
force a conference committee battle that
could be fatal to the,ERA.
Congressional approval of the Garn
proposal would leave pro-ERA groups
fighting a frustrating, two-front battle — to
get more states to approve the amendment
and to keep others from changing their
Gam issued a statement last week claim
ing to have more than 51 of the 100
senators lined up behind his proposal. But
ERA supporters were quick to brand his
estimate “extremely misleading and pre
“Neither side has more than a majority
at this point,” one legislative source said.
Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., a driving
force behind ERA extension, estimated
neither side has more than 46 firm votes
apiece and the fate of the proposal is in the
hands of “eight to 10" undecided senators.
A procedural amendment requiring a
two-thirds — rather than simple majority
— vote in the Senate for the extending the
period of ratification is expected to be de
feated handily.
Cranston said there’s no question the
Gam proposal is the key issue in the ERA
battle. “It’s the only one where I’m sure
we don’t have the votes yet, he said.
Carrels permanent
Battalion Reporter
Ninety-three men are still living in
study carrels, lounges, office space and
other makeshift residences as a result of
this fall’s over-assignment of dormitory
rooms at Texas A&M University.
Ron Sasse, associate director of student
affairs, says most will stay where they are
until the end of the semester, although
they are moved into dorms whenever
space is available.
Fifteen of the students are living in mar
ried student apartments, 22 in Corps
dorms and 26 in various “alternate room
ing” situations in dorms on the north side
of the campus.
Fifteen men are living three-to-a-room,
of whom six are in Dunn Hall, two in
Aston and seven in dorms on the north
Sasse said students living in these situa
tions will pay rent at the next cheaper rate
of dormitory housing. Thus, men living
three-to-a-room or in study carrels in
Aston and dunn will pay $334 for the
semester instead of the usual $468.
Twelve of the 20 study carrels in Aston
have people living in them. Lan Tucker,
Aston head resident, said initially there
were a number of complaints from resi
dents because of the loss of study space.
He said that although residents are still
not happy over it, they are tolerating the
loss of the carrels.
Aston resident Jamey Burchett said,
‘They should give us a discount. We pay
$130 more than they do in other dorms,
and one reason is the study carrels.”
Sasse said there is no plan to compen
sate Aston residents for the loss of the car
rels. He said the music room in the Com
mons area has been converted to a study
If the early bird catches the
worm, then what does some guy get
who strings his hammock in front of
G. Rollie White Coliseum?
Well, he’s hoping for a set of 50-
yard tickets, according to Donnie
Scott, a fifth-year Recreation and
Parks senior.
Scott set up his hammock Sunday
around 10:30 p.m. so he would be
first in line for the Texas Tech game
football tickets. Despite this, Scott
was not sure he would get the six
tickets he wanted for two friends
and their dates.
He said he does not like the new
system of random distribution of
tickets, but said he hopes to get
good seats anyway. “If I don’t get
50-yard-line seats, your’re gonna
hear somethin’,” he said.
Scott said he stayed up all night
until the ticket window opened. He
said others started showing up
around 2 a.m.
He said people who arrive early
to stand in the lines get to know
each other.
And although the random system
prevents all the good seats going at
once — Scott says the tickets go
from good to worse, good to worse,
good to worse, in a pattern — Scott
was vindicated. He got six 50-
yardline tickets.
Battalion Photo by Kim Tyson