mud '"ore. 11 Dr, R,. hl , >-5422. hTexas.Fj Amino’s Pizza needs delivery jersonnel. Must have own car and insurance. $2.75 per hour ilus commission and tips. Apply Domino's Pizza, '1504 Holleman, C.S. after 4:30 p.m. 693-2335. 18816 zm U-ESM Part| 162 ■VN’s ^ 11-7 sn 1 and i|.j 1 and li.;| leniorial sola 778 Mahnke Wanted. Secretary-Receptionist, tehave good typing skills, 50 wpm inimum. Must be able to work well ith others. Must have excellent Miners. Shorthand preferred but not equired. Call 846-4713 for interview appointment. isste — S Ni AIL 5SES inda’s irsity i 10:30 a ight auditor Sunday through Thursday night. 11 p.m. to 7 am. five days. Experience helpful. Apply Rodeway Inn, 1601 Texas Avenue, Bryan . Hawley. iset 0RKER D Offset pi expenei nna nt cams s near! vomeii illas Mi ■3191. weewt •enny'sS tween 41 ohone :s AT ? ;ome Flexil low int one The Battalion Classified HELP WANTED for SALE ’art time help wanted. Urapevine Personality. Call 846-3411. Itlii 3-C BAR-B-Q #3 Culpepper Plaza Part-time or Full-time: — Dishwashers Serving-Line Workers — Waiters and Wait resses lightsr.] Full-time Day Cashier and Cooks. Apply 2-4 p.m. 187t7 The Houston Chronicle has im mediate openings for route car riers. Salary ranges from $300- $550 per month. Applicants must work pi have afternoons free from 1-5 p.m. and dependable transporta tion. Also taking applications for semester. Call Julian McMur- ray 693-2323 or 846-0763. i/ettn For Sale Large, green overstuffed chair with hassock; used golf clubs and bag; Old Judge Roy Bean print; pictures, frames, elec, fan; more. 2316 Bristol Street, Bryan. One block east Carter Creek Parkway. m RAYS’ AFRICAN VIOLETS Bloomers Starters Miniatures $1.50 - $6.00 693-3237 1206 Austin C.S. ism ca STUDENTS NEEDED Male or female delivering Hous ton Post to students on and near thecampus. Early morning hours. for part-time or 846-8032. 18816 Duel n J Excellent income a VV1 job. Call 822-3191 esse; d-, )rkeis 'SOM CKJ ■B& j for all ys;$2 ipartf edules! rom t. fS ers inityti ij e midi ■en arf ! P 5 DoW* >r Bw ie te salal BC/Bi labia nte® .M.i jroa JT Op 6 ' litre! on rsitf 5^ FOR SALE 1976 Pontiac 2-door compact wagon. 3,1-liter, 2-barrel, 5-speed. Silver- grey, radials. 33,000 miles; still under warranty. Super clean and sharp. 845-34 23 or 693-5760 after 6 P.M. 19014 MOBILE HOME ’72 Champion 14x64. 2 bedroom, front kitchen, C/A. Ex. condition. Porch, fenced, shade, skirted. $6900. #377 Western Village. 779-2010, 1-465-0134. isms WOODLAKE EQUESTRIAN ESTATES ii / i 2to 6 acre wooded tracts with live oak and post oak. Paved streets - Wellborn water - Restricted - 1 horse per acre or fractions thereof - Bridle - path - 15 minutes from campus. Call for appointment. 846-1016 or 693-4295 after 6 p.m. IB MLS List with us— Sell thru us — Finance with us w n. LIAMS REAL ESTATE 2913 Texas Ave. Bryan Williams Real Estate 2913 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN, TX. NEAT BARGAIN — ROCK HOUSE, 2 BDRM., BATH, LIVING, DINING, KITCHEN, CARPORT, OUTBLDG. HURRICANE FENCE ENCLOSING BEAUTIFUL BACK YARD, EAST BRYAN, $23,500. REDUCED — FRAME 2-3 BDRM., BATH, LIVING, DINING, KITCHEN WITH NOOK, REAR APT., DOUBLE GARAGE, 2 LOTS, TILE ROOF, WEST BRYAN — CALL US. SPACIOUS LIVING — IN BEAUTIFUL MEMORIAL FOREST, APPROX. 4,100 S.F., 3-4 BDROOMS, 3 BATH, LIVING W/FP, DINING, KITCHEN, den, tile roof, terraced lot, y 2 acre plus work on hobby ROOM, OUTBLDGS., $150,000. best buy — in college park addition, brick 2 bdrm., bath, living with f/p, dining, kitchen w/nook, utility, full FLOORED ATTIC, SCREENED PORCH, GARAGE, LOVELY LOT TO SELL WITH ALL FURNISHINGS, GARDEN TOOLS ETC. OWNER MUST SELL. APPT. THRU BROKER ONLY, $38,000. INVESTMENTS — FRAME HOUSES AND DUPLEXES IN GOOD CONDI TION, ESTATE PROPERTIES, ALL RENTED AND FOR SALE FROM $16,500 UP, CALL US. COMMERCIAL — LOT AND FRAME HOUSE, 2 BDRM., BATH, LIVING, dining comb, kitchen, garage, fenced, adjacent to Ridgecrest center and shamrock station, priced right, land — two tracts 5 acres each, harvey community, all utilities available, city bryan 2.1 acres next to country CLUB LAKE ON BUSY COLLEGE AVENUE NEAR VILLA MARIA INTER SECTION FOR BARGAIN PRICE LESS THAN $1 S.P. LIST WITH US FOR THE SELL OF IT. OFFICE CAL TROSSEN glvnn williams, broker 822-3793 846-7260 822-3793 Self-abortionist found innocent THE BATTALION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1978 Page 7 Used couch. $30. Call 846-5479. It3 1974 McGregor, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, furnished, central air & heat, carpeted. Call 693-5670 after 1:00. lt8 GUITARS AND STRINGS. Alvarez, Yamaha, Ventura guitars. Assortment of strings. Quality at reasonable prices. Keyboard Center, Manor East Mall, Bryan. 187(12 1969 Ford windowvan, Nikon camera, '76 Pinto. 846-5036. 191(8 1976 Datsun 610. 20,000 warranty. Beautiful. Loaded. 1966 Mustang. 693-4120. 189(10 For Sale. 1975 Honda. After 5 o’clock 846- 2829. 187(7 Schwinn 10-speed women’s bicycle, $100. Good condition. 846-7036 after 5:00. 192(3 NOTICE Order now for Christmas A&M RING CREST JEWELRY Beautiful replica of your A&M ring. Finely crafted, cus tom made. Come by Student Finance Center Rm. 217-MSC Some years in stock. United Press International BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — After less than an hour of delibera tion Wednesday, a jury found Marla Pitehfbrd, 22, innocent by reason of temporary insanity of performing an illegal abortion on herself. Pitchford, who performed the abortion with a knitting needle June 9 in a Louisville motel room, said she plans to visit a brother in Col orado Springs, Colo., then return to her studies at Western Kentucky University. After the trail, both the Com monwealth’s prosecutor and the public defenders agreed changes are needed in the law that led to the nation’s first trial of a woman on charges of self-induced abortion. “It’s not a good law, Common wealth Attorney Morris Lowe said. He said the statute needs to he more explicit on who should he prosecuted for performing illegal abortions. Assistant prosecutor Tom Lewis said the law as draw n applies to in stances such as Pitchford s hut added lawmakers should clarify the intent of the statute. “I would do exactly the same thing again, Lewis said. T am not unhappy with the verdict. 1 have a tremendous amount of sympathy for the defendant in this ease, he added. Flora Stuart, who headed the team of public defenders, said the ease should serve as an example of those who might pursue a similar course. Australians are unwilling to host Nixon United Press International CANBERRA, Australia — The Australian government today turned thumbs down on a proposed visit here by former President Richard Nixon because the “timing would he awkward. Government officials said Nixon s staff in Washington approached the Australian Embassy last week about a visit in September. “His staff asked about the possi bility of coming to Canberra in late September and meeting Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser and Foreigri Minister Andrew Peacock, a government spokesman said. “We have had to tell Nixon's staff that the timing would be awkward for Australia and it would he difficult to arrange these meetings. The spokesman said Fraser and Peacock have a number of official visitors scheduled for September, and Parliament will he in session. Nixon, who returned to the American political arena last weekend by hosting a Republican fund-raising party, is planning to visit a number of foreign countries in the near future. UNIVERSITY jREFRIGERATORS I FREE PICK-UP | | DELIVERY | 846-8350 Tupfnamba 0^ Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega '74 iglfll WiiaMi If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned .. . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 T believe because of this case, females will not he prosecuted in the future for self-abortions,” she said. During the trial one of the au thors of the law under which Pitch- ford was prosecuted. Dr. Nicholas Kafoglis, testified the measure was aimed at the “quacks” practicing in back-alley clinics. Smiling for the first time since the trial began Monday, Pitchford, who had faced a minimum 10-year prison term if she had been convicted, said she hopes other women in her pre dicament will he spared a similar ordeal. "I hope this w ill prove that there’s no point in prosecuting a ease like this, she said. During the trial the defense had called a series of medical experts who testified Pitchford, rejected bv her fiance Dwight Allen Mundy of Hendersonville, Tenn., when she became pregnant, was psychologi cally unbalanced and unaccountable for her self-inflicted abortion. Tuesday Munday, a former West ern Kentucky student, testified he encouraged the abortion because he could not financiallv support the child. New Orleans teachers continue strike for pay United Press International NEW ORLEANS — School teachers carrying umbrellas to ward oil the hot summer sun marched outside deserted class rooms Thursday in the second day ol a strike that seriously cur tailed instruction to the city’s 91,000 puhli e school students. School buses delivered stu dents to the schools, hut the drivers’ union voted to join the teachers’ walkout Friday. A few scattered incidents were reported. At one elementary school where all teachers re ported for work, a bomb scare slightly delayed the opening of classes. No bomb was found. At another school, a striker claimed she was struck and hurt on the picket line by a ear driven by a substitute. Youngsters dismissed from classes gathered around school fences to chat with striking teachers, who are seeking an 4? •$••£•<£••&«£••£»£••£•'£••&•& 4? •£•£>•£> 4b it * * * * * * 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* * 4> 4* * 4* 4* 4« 4* 4* 4* 4- 4'.. JERRY LEWIS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY HOOTENANNY SATURDAY SEPT 2 Come to the Kmart parking lot Saturday for an afternoon of fine entertainment by a variety of local groups and personalities. FREE ADMISSION- A fish bowl will be provided to receive donations to the M-D- Labor Day Drive. All donations will be greatly appreciated. THE FUN BEGINS AT 2:00 4’ 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* * 4* 4* 4* » 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* fr 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4> * 4» 4* 4» 4» 4* 4* 4* * 4» 4* 4- * 4* 4- 4* 4«