The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1978, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1978 Randy’s #2, Liquor Store Now open at 113 Boyett Same Low Prices Randy’s #1 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: (.'all: Ceoigf Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment’ 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 ! The Battalion Classified 1 SPECIAL NOTICE FOR RENT FOR RENT THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Tollett, Susan Morrison Degree: Ph.D. in Health Education Dissertation: A COMPARISON OF AMOUNT OF GERIATRIC CUR RICULUM CONTENT IN TERMS OF BACCALAUREATE NURSING STU DENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARD THE ELDERLY. Time: 10:00 a.m. on June 30, 1978 Place: G. Rollie White, Room 214 G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135month. One bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75tfn 5 blocks from campus. Almost new 4-plex apartments; furnished and unfurnished, 2 bedrooms. Immediate occupancy. 822- 7341. 154120 Weight Watchers has now simplic ity, more flexibility and many new foods. College Station class meets Thursday 5:15 p.m. Luthe ran Student Center, 315 North College Main. For free booklet and further information call 822- 7303. 157135 SUMMER SPECIAL 2 Bdrm Unfurnished $169.50 New 4-plexes Fully Carpeted Central Air & Heat 693-6893 or 846-2426 Cheyenne Apts. Brentwood off of Anderson St. SERVICES Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 WE WANT YOUR CALCULATOR PROBLEMS If TI or HP makes it, we have it or can get it in 24 hours. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE COME LIVE WITH US THIS FALL! Brand New Pepper Tree Apartments 2701 Longmire Lease now for fall • pool • game room • outside storage • on shuttle bus • professionally managed Call Chris & Ann 693-5731 ! Super Summer Rates ! 2 br only $160 unfurn. or $180 furn. All bills paid. Stop by or call. 505 Hwy. 30, 693-7184. isitu GLEN OAKS MOBILE HOME PARK “Private Country Living” Spaces available for travel trailers up to 35’ in length. Six miles from cam pus. Call 693-5670 after 1:00 p.m. 16419 FALL SPECIAL Lease Now for the Fall $219/2 Bdrm Unfurnished 10% Discount for Full Year Lease New 4-plexes Fully Carpeted Cheyenne Apts. Brentwood off of Anderson 693-6893 or 846-2426 Northgate — Across from the post office WANTED PROFESSIONALTYPING SERVICES. 846-9109. 158112 Fi(ll time typing. Symbols. Call 823- 7723: 392tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 156114 Professional typing from 75c page, symbols, English M.A. 846-1360. Also tutoring and editing by hour. lems VILLAGE OAK APARTMENTS 3200 Pinfeather now taking applications *1&2 bedrooms ‘Summer/Fall rates ‘Furn. or unfurn. 822-2366 1-817-772-6031, Waco ‘Briarwootf •Apartments Exercise Rooms (Men A Women) 2 Swimming Pools ~" ’* Sauna Baths Tennis A Volleyball Courts Recreation Center 1. 2, 3 Bedrooms Furnished and Unfurnished Special discounted sum mer rates. “All bills paid during summer!” Call now for information. Cali Now For Information 693-3014 693-2933 Huntsville Hwy. THE NEW VILLAGE GREEN APTS. 401 University Oaks • College Station Now Leasing ►pool • Efficiencies - 1BR - 2BR, 1B - 2BR, 2B tennis courts - club room •furnished or unfurnished) • on shuttle bus route 693-1188 14 i IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AND PRELEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS 1&2 BEDROOMS Furnished & Unfurnished LONGMIRE HOUSE 2300 Longmire Drive Southwood Valley - Off FM 2818 College Station On Shuttle Bus Route Swimming Pool Ample Parking $175.00 to $245.00 1824 WILDE OAK ORIOLE Bryan $160.00 to $235.00 ► ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■A:** CALL 693-8850 For Appointment OR Free information sheet with floor plans and additional information to be mailed to you. No obligation. Evenings & weekends Call 693-1884 - 846-8145 D.R. CAIN COMPANY 3002 S. Texas Ave. College Station fimm uufs APARTMENTS ATTENTION APARTMENT HUNTERS! SUMMER LEASES “30% DISCOUNT” You can SAVE up to $374.00 when you sign a summer lease. Please come by today and see how much we can help you save. We are now leasing for Fall & Spring semesters. « o Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments All Utilities Included No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance Service Two Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-6 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 157(13 / LOST Lost. 3-month old black kitten around 200 block Montclair. Call 846-5936. 168t2 Limits on tax, spend authority may be topics in special session United Press International AUSTIN — Gov. Dolph Bris coe said Wednesday that he might not decide until next week whether to call the Texas Legis lature into special session to con sider tax relief for property own ers, but that any such session also should consider placing limits on state and local taxes. The governor said members of his staff were meeting daily with the staffs of Lt. Gov. William P. Hobby and Speaker Bill Clayton concerning various proposals for tax relief and limits on taxing and spending authority of the state and local govemments. “My thinking is that a special session, if one is called, should also deal with the subject of tax limitation, Briscoe told re- PETS porters at an impromptu news conference in the Capitol hall way. “I want to be sure that in case a special session is called that prior to the session all our homework has been done, and that’s what is being done now.” Briscoe, who has made pres ervation of an attractive business climate in Texas a major point of his administration, said Califor nia’s adoption of Proposition 13 had made that state more attrac tive to business and could de crease Texas’ growth unless Texas took similar steps to con trol taxation. He said he supports proposals to require a two-thirds vote ol the Legislature or local govern ing boards to implement tax in creases. “California, the state with which we compete most directly for business, now has such a limit in its’ constitution,” he said. “We have to recognize that because of the change California is going to be better able to compete with Texas for business. That has to be taken into consideration.” Speaker Bill Clayton, Tuesday ordered the House Ways and Means Committee and Constitu tional Amendments Committee to begin immediate public hear ings on various proposals for tai relief and limitation. Briscoe said Wednesday that he supported the idea and that the early hearings could acceler ate action by a special session | one is called. July 10 is the date mentioned most often as the possible start ing date for a special session,but Briscoe declined to pinpointtlai as a likely date. Asked when he will decide on calling a special session, here- plied, "I would hope itcouldte the latter part of this week, butt could be next week.” Briscoe said that he wouldalst support proposals to limit state spending hut that such legisla tion was considerably more dif ficult to write because it must take into account factors such as inflation and population growth, Registered Golden Retrievers two females left. Nine wks. $125. 693-2478. 167t4 HELP WANTED the music booth Student wives wanted. Several full time, light assemblies and paekaging. Steady work. O Beam Co., 4109 College Main. I67tll We need a capable, experienced sheetrock finisher to work part time on remodeling jobs. If you qualify please call, JOE COURTNEY, INC. 846-5796 or 693-1818 3202 TEXAS AVE., BRYAN 779-3988 TAKAMINE - GIBSON - YAMAHA - HONDO ^ MUSIC MAN - VENTURA - ASPEN - IIDA APPLAUSE - HOHNER - SHU RE / STRING INSTRUMENT SPECIALIST GUITARS, BANJOS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS, DRUMS, AMPS, SHEET MUSIC, LESSONS, REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES WM. M. & BILLY BOOTH - OWNERS Dying mam words brim murder COIltll United Press International HELP WANTED Male attendant for handicapped freshman. Required to take care of all personal needs (bath etc.) Can carry full load of courses. Live in As ton/Dunn $240/mo. Contact Texas Rehabilitation Office. i64t6 Vet assistant wanted for large clinic in Houston. Must be a graduate or upper class student staying out a semester or a year needing experience to get into vet school. Call (713) 688-0387 COlleCt. 165(5 WHY SEARCH?? It’s A Free Service A&M Apt. PLACEMENT SERVICE APTS • HOUSES • DUPLEXES 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. Next to the Dairy Queen RN’s and LVN’s Staff nurses for 3-11 and 11-7 shift and also ICU nurses for 3-11 and 11-7 shift. Shift differentials for 3-11 and 11-7 shift. Call or stop by Grimes Memorial Hospital, 210 S. Judson St., Navasota 77868, (713) 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Mahnke or Mrs. Winkelmann. I62tfn Wanted Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $2.70/hr. Apply in person at Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Between 2-5 p.m. daily 164(17 LEARN TO FLY FOR LESS Join the TAMU Flying Club We offer the lowest airplane rental and instruction rates around plus club Fly-ins and parties. For more information call: 845-5433 845-6914 AUSTIN — The declarationd dying man, even if the versions w ied among witnesses, constitiiri direct evidence to convict the mar assailant, the Texas Court of Ciiii nal Appeals ruled Wednesday Ramon Sanchez of Victon Texas, was assessed life in prisoab the stabbing death of Billy Y, on April 6, 1976, outside a lo Sanchez’ brother, Jacinto, waste indicted for the same crime. In testimony showed the brothersk both been seen leaving the loins shortly before Yandell was the parking lot. Before Yandell died hemadesti eral statements in the presence four wiblesses, including two officers. Testimony showed ill Yandell said, “Hurry, I am g or words to that effect. When asked for the name assailant, the witnesses had difen:; testimony but all agreed Sanchez was mentioned. In his appeal, Ramon Sanck claimed Yandell’s dying declarat: should have been excluded from! trial because of the inconsistentv sions. But the court overruled,s ing all the witnesses agreed Sanchez was the person Yandellk accused. ORB er SPE( L; P- AGG P r th ar cr fo BAH 7: GRO in P- AGG th GRC GRC GRC GRC h Rising pollution may make harm! 1972 Opel-GT. Need to sell Now! AM/FM stereo-tape. Good condition. Asking $1850. 846-8032. I68t2 rain by 1985 United Press International HOUSTON — Researchers p dieted Tuesday that by 1985 Tes will burn more than 100 million Id of coal and lignite a year and said 4 resulting rise in pollution coil create “acid rain” in North Ten and health hazards along the coast Pollutants from the burning® added to existing pollution, coi further impair visibility and cai eye and lung irritations. The report was prepared and I livered to the 71st annual meeting^ the Air Pollution Control Assoc®' tion. The five-member research tea* said that downwind from li) fields in northeast Texas, nitvogenoxides from coal-bur® power plants will combine wil moisture in the air and create acil HE; c J GR< HO 1 GRi DIF GR Si 2-story, 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse; fire place, cent, air/heat; 8 mo. old; Trash compacter, separate utility room, 2-car carport, ample storage, fenced decked patio w/gas grill, house built around glass atrium; Corner lot; Access to pool; Near A&M; By appointment only, 845-3238, after 5, 846-1270. 16716 rain. The researchers said other Tesi metropolitan areas whose air qua will suffer from coal pollution elude Dallas-Fort Worth, Ansft Waco, Beaumont-Port Arthur Corpus Christi. ROOM FOR RENT Sublease unfurnished effi ciency apt. July 3 to Aug. 15. $125/mo. inc. utilities. Call Sarah collect (617) 749-9061. I® ROOMMATE WANTED Looking for exciting, inexpensive entertainment? Come see the MSC Summer Dinner Theatre presentation of Leon Gershe’s heart warming comedy Roommate(s) needed, start ing early July. Lovely 2 bdrm. apt. in unique, natural setting. $60/mo. & utilities if 2 share bdrm. Call Sarah collect (617) 749-9061. BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE Special non-dinner night is July 5’ A&M Students only $2.00 General Public $3.00 Curtain at 8 p.m. Tickets at MSC Box Office Call 845-2916 Produced by the MSC Summer Programming Committee and Aggie Players. *On July 6, 7, and 8, dinner will precede the show. See our ad in this paper for further information. on BETl THE II We' gro: nan due you one suii prh cole