The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 15, 1978, Image 5
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1978 Page 5 idopt-a-Horse rogram underway f I'nitod Press International WBYVILLE — Thirty-nine r tseardi Ihorses of all sizes, ages and col- orgajjj, irrived by truck this week from or incoir, ada and will be distributed by national^ ederal government to residents Ips stud# ast Texas and Louisiana who es, Toilet, ' ec * ^ )r ^ u 'm and are willing to for transportation and feed, vocatiosj horses were rounded up on aid, thei Ik land in northwestern Nevada ith two tip the federal government’s ype hei opt-A-Horse Program,” started Phis type iduce an over-abundance of wild expectaj ies ancl b urros on sparsely- <nowledfi |etat(‘cl public lands in western ft horses are given free to per- " in of Box lent grmiwj ilderness 15 w h° apply to the Bureau be a e glami 's also i. They rection. tudenf nd Management at P.O. 49. Santa Fe, N.M. Those who adopt an animal are r nired to pay the transportation, ‘ Bnarian and other fees which ,1 [total about $100 at the perma- K tKirbyville Wild Horse Distri- d ""'“ ion Center, located about 40 )n ' ' es north of Beaumont. This ized i mmts to a h ,out half the average lemic f, a domesticated horse in the es a t- ^| area - ‘ | 5LM spokesman John Gumert 1 * there are an estimated 70,000 orses and 5,000 to 6,000 bur- aming on public lands in the I. He said 8,000 horses and bur ros had been adopted in the pro gram nationwide. Gumert said the number of mus tangs has increased from 7,000 in 1971 when Congress approved legis lation protecting the animals. Under the Wild Horse and Burro Protec tion Act, as horse numbers increase and the rangeland becomes over crowded excess horses and burros may be rounded up and given to in dividuals. The horses remain the property of the federal government and may not be used for commercial purposes or sold, Gumert said, but their off spring belong to the persons who adopted them. “The horses that are wild out in the West stem largely from the De pression,” Gumert said. "Back in those days a lot of the ranchers in the Western states went broke and went to town and turned their stock out. So these horses are roaming on public land in Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, so forth. Although the horses and burros irre available to those who pay the nominal fees, Gumert admitted they may be quite unruly after roaming untended. “They’re wild. They’re unbroken animals. It takes a little handling, a little care to get them in shape, he said. Racketeering trial ends as sheriff pleads guilty , -J Battalion photo by Lee Roy Lescnper Jr. nted use esult of horseracing ote still is criticized The coooool way to work Sophomore engineering student Mike Vasquez isn’t relaxing in his favorite pool — he’s working for the University facilities department cleaning mud and algae out of Rudder Fountain. Justice moves court session under tree, away from noise United Press International TYLER — In a surprise plea bargaining arrangement, Fannin County Sheriff Raymond Taylor has ended his federal racketeering trial by changing his plea to guilty and now could be sentenced to 29 years in prison. After meeting briefly with prose cutors during a Tuesday morning recess, Taylor agreed to plead guilty to bribery and narcotics charges in exchange for dismissal of 13 counts of a 16-count indictment against him. The plea change came in the seventh day of the widely publicized trial. The veteran East Texas sheriff, who was suspended from duty fol lowing the filing of the indictment, had claimed he was innocent of all charges. Before accepting the new plea, U.S. District Judge William M. Steger warned Taylor that a plea bargain arrangement acceptable to the prosecution was not necessarily binding on his court. He also warned the sheriff those charges he pleaded guilty to could net him a $70,000 fine and 29 years in prison. Steger set a June 23 sentencing date and Taylor was allowed to re main free on a $100,000 bond. Taylor refused to discuss his plea bargaining agreement other than to tell reporters “everything’s fine. ” Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeff Baynham, the prosecutor in the case, had few comments other than “justice has been served here. ’ “I feel this case has put on notice law enforcement officers who choose to violate the law rather than ********* enforce it,” Baynham said. The testimony Monday of former prostitute Linda Strahan was repre sentative of the stories which dam aged Taylor’s credibility. “We (she and her husband) heard we could buy the sheriff there (in Fannin County) so we moved there,” Ms. Strahan said. “When we first opened, Taylor was there two or three times a week. We were to pay Sheriff Taylor $200 per month at first.” Don't Forget Dad on June 18th FOR FATHER’S DAY GIFTS SEE OUR SELECTION OF PIPES — CUSTOM BLENDED TOBACCO — CIGARS — DOMESTIC & IMPORTED 3709 E. 29th St. etrv readiij e MSCt p. m. Hw jy the MSi l nited Press International [fISTIN — The State Demo- Executive Council has made results of the May 6 horseracing „ , frftnclum official, but the issue Christercl!' 4 ' ' ,andl,n S • st,n are be,ng Shihabiil'k -fe -i n r , T|e committee said the final |nt on pari-mutuel betting was 4,814 against and 702,505 in fa- Is will ram is t) Bar tars in I a re- ig Vet in the mated old its 14. An spon- is de- dty in udder is the irious C 140 ekend xperi- : star. on his t head stern. 1 offer ■’aitlfs tte for ;s are Shop ssions ngrid rtrays ession lasab- J ard\ ,Vorld Warwick Jenkins of Jacksboro, isaid he was not a horseman, lized what be called “tbe lack of hity” of the pari-mutuel re- endum, saying there might have en problems with the petition atures needed to get the re- ndum placed in the ballot, in Bock of New Braunfels also ited the pari-mutuel referen- m results, saying there was a jtion as to whether the votes ere counted correctly. State Democratic Party Chairman aim Guest said the SDEC had ■nt memos to the, 254 county lairmen and asked them to send in if ennonite ettlement Investigated United Press International SEMINOLE — The settlement 550 Mennonites in West Texas is Subject of an internal investiga- m by the U.S. Immigration and aturalization Service. She Lubbock Avalanche-Journal |bted INS investigator Frank Cos- js as saying the internal investiga- on will check into allegations that ji.INS officer recommended an El ||o attorney to help the Menno- :es prepare the paperwork to im- ate to Seminole from Mexico Canada. ftVhenever we hear of anything iat we feel should be looked into v our internal investigators, we do i said Verne Jervis, INS public in- irmation officer in Washington. Members of the religious sect, Ho entered the United States last ear without the proper papers, ave survived the threat of deporta- on at least another year because of mgressional and local support for leir settlement. They bought 6,400 acres of rolling inchland to farm and eventually lan to develop it into a major set- feinent of 2,000 to 5,000 families. final tallies. The SDEC did not ask the county chairmen to recount the votes. Other results officially proclaimed John Poerner winner in the June 3 runoff for railroad commissioner against Jerry Sadler. Poerner, who was appointed to the Railroad Commission by Gov. Dolph Briscoe when Jim Langdon resigned, garnered 527,927 votes to 231,295 for Sadler. Poerner faces Republican Jim Lacy of Midland in the November election. The SDEC also announced final results in four congressional races. Marvin Leath of Marlin polled 40,261 votes to 33,029 for Lane Den ton of Waco in the District II race. In District 14, Rep. Joe Wyatt, D-Bloomington, defeated Rep. John Young, D-Texas, 36,409 to 28,905. Young has served for 22 years. Phil Gramm of College Station defeated Ron Godbey of Duncan ville, 23,762 to 21,169, to-gain die Democratic nomination in District 6. Charles W. Stenholm of Stamford defeated A.L. “Dusty” Rhodes in District 17, 46,599 to 22,865. Jupfnam&a Eddie Dominguez ’66 United Press International PORT ARTHUR — Justice of the Peace Asa Traham got tired of hav ing to yell over the loud noise of jack hammers and construction equip ment, so in a flurry of frustration he ordered a change'of venue — to a local park. Using a marble slab as bis bench and a tree branch as bis gavel, Traham reconvened his court Tues day under the shade of an oak tree. Both prosecutors and defense attor neys took their posts at a nearby picnic table. Witnesses sat with the judge on the marble slab. Traham decided to move the hearing because of construction noise in the Jefferson, County Cour thouse. He said he tried unsuc cessfully to secure a municipal courtroom for the preliminary hear ing of Charles Crittis, charged with murder. “I can go anywhere I feel it’s necessary to hold court, he said. Henry Berger Piano and Organ Lessons Now Accepting Students for the Summer 823-0352 [MiKimi If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 Remember All Dads Sunday, June 18! © 1977 Hallmark Cards, Inc. Remember all the fathers in your life Sunday, June 18 — Dad, Grandfather, Brother, Uncle, Son — with beautiful Hallmark Father’s Day cards and gifts. The N perfect way to ) demonstrate your " love. [YARBROUGH'S! "Downtown Bryan" 205 N. Main 779-9363 When you care enough to send the very best St. More and More People are Swinging to “College Station’s Biggest Little Hair Cuttery” Jf IFIEaVK ClLAufif | i ►wV/' I < er * to# 209 UNIVERSITY DR. 846-4771 Now Serving Lunch (MON.-FRI.; 11:30 A.M.-1:30 P.M.) A Variety of Luncheon Specialties Including: SPINACH SALAD FRESH FRUIT SALAD CHICKEN SALAD STUFFED MUSHROOMS VEGETABLE SALAD HOMEMADE BREAD ASK ABOUT OUR CREPE SPECIALTY OF THE DAY "Enjoy Lunch at a Leisurely Pace" 801 Wellborn Rd. (6 BLOCKS SOUTH OF KYLE FIELD; NEXT TO PEANUT GALLERY) 846-4118 (RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED) DINNER SERVED MON.-THUR. 5:00-10:30 FRI.-SAT. 5:00-11:30 r LEWS ON SALE for Dad Basic Denims 2 Big Days PMI -top \ CD. ,-J LEVIS Big Bell Small Bell Boot Cut 2 Big Days Friday & Saturday Both Locations ALL SALES FINAL OPEN 9 AM to 6 PM TOP DRAWER 1705 Texas Ave. S./Culpepper Plaza 3733 E. 29th St./Town & Country Center BANkAMI RICARO