mmm ininitr its the 'e time set its ty federal ;es that ‘g with reed to for the :him. en ngeles uction esday. )anell rnians setal 3 from r—-to impetl r Ville ind 16 ’ifteen warn 1 thun- 90's, nthe Off-campus housing abundant; few dorm rooms left in'. Mosher THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1978 Page 3 By SCOTT PENDLETON Battalion Staff Writer Students looking for living space for the summer or fall will have bet ter luck off-campus than on. Apart ment space for the summer or fall is abundant, while on-campus space is scarcer than ever. More than 1,300 apartment units, many with three bedrooms, are va cant for the fall, Brenda Anderson, assistant Student Development Coordinator, said. She said additional room is available because many students have apartments but need roommates. Off-campus housing is even more bountiful for the summer because of the fewer number of students regis tered. This summer only six of the 31 dorms on campus are being used. The four men’s dorms that are open are full, but some space for women is still available in Mosher Hall. Even more space may be available on campus during the second sum mer session, as enrollment is ex pected to be lower. The opposite is true about on- campus space for the fall. “Were full,” said Ronald Sasse, manager of the A&M Housing Of fice. As of April 3 when on-campus space was assigned, all 8,400 places were taken, and 4,800 students were put on waiting lists. Cancella tions may have reduced this list by as much as a third by now, Sasse said. However, there are also fewer spaces available than last year. Legett Hall will be closed next year for complete remodeling, decreas ing space for civilians by 178 places. This leaves only 6,000 spaces open for civilians this fall. Residents challenge nursing home study United Press International DALLAS — A statewide investi gation of nursing home care has been challenged by relatives of one nursing home patient who charged that officials of the Texas Depart ment of Health used “gestapo tac tics” in an early morning inspection of Fireside Manor Nursing Home. The Texas Nursing Home As sociates Inc. Monday filed the suit on behalf of the relatives. The suit asks State District Judge Charles Storey to prohibit inspections in the middle of the night. Named as de fendants were an assistant state at torney general and five Department of Health employees. “The defendants used gestapo tactics, were rude, abrupt, officious and condescending toward the staff and patients,’ during the 2 a. m. in spection, the suit said. The suit charged that the team, escorted by a uniformed Dallas police officer, awakened sleeping patients and disturbed the staff. It described the visit as an intru sion and claimed it was offensive and disturbing to patients who were “awakened by strangers rifling their personal belongings.” The visit was made after a routine inspection of the home was con ducted under Health Department director Lewis V. Allen. Reports attached to the petition said Assistant Attorney General Bill Flanary’s team reported finding wet and soiled beds, missing tiles in the bathroom, roaches in the basement, a medication room unlocked by an aide, some patients without (nurse) call buttons and a “terrible odor.” The defendants are expected to file a response to the charges . LsEGINS oEUBfH OS s# s ? ion, , Texas ■ , here '^ Knn. David ^ . wf • s>nl V Scott ^ £52 m mackame: zkocuet WATERCOLOie. I5ATIK - ftTTTEKY BASKETS jEu/oer w* Sr/MUlUS LCATWEX 5TAJMEP dJLAee? — CHIklA PAIMTIU<$ tfsmsK etuameu u <4 I .V I* AMP MQgg* SftOiflMiNFSKWKflON sfi-ississi WHY SEARCH?? It’s A Free Service A&M Apt. PLACEMENT SERVICE '#11 APTS • HOUSES • DUPLEXES 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. , Next to the Dairy Queen (5) U/Vl/Vl 2238 AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER Reg. $360.00 38 WATTS PER CHANNEL WITH NO MORE THAN 0.1% TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION. * WALNUT CABINET OPTIONAL ^ $ 259 95 20 WATTS PER CHANNEL WITH NO MORE THAN 0.3% TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION. 1040 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER Reg. $175.00 19 95 0.07% WOW AND FLUTTER (WRMS). BELT DRIVE, AC SYNCHRON OUS MOTOR. AUTO-LIFT AND SHUT OFF. 6110 BELT DRIVE SEMI-AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE Reg. $130.00 $ggoo Woofer says: If you want the best reproduction of music anywhere at reasonably low prices, then GO FOR IT! Go for Marantz at Custom Sounds Summer Clear-Out! ' 19 CUSTOM SOUNDS 3806-A OLD COLLEGE RD. (NEXT TO TRIANGLE BOWLING ALLEY) HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10-6 846-5803