The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1978, Image 5
national • Brown i s j a ''fyasap; Sherecein exas ic} ay in Hi of Baltii t for a Ni, "line based, 1 five coming assengerji >>x womenj female tjor U.S. e airline the T1 ha ar downti te Bishop, -ame the e a schedi ir TI nter and! ie new N| praised! pilots, cal oilmen onl National Ilf d last yeail ' for woni nter, fort Johnson,ti 's at thece iKistheboa A sewer rat’s view d the even mans wod iting world I have ak jomplisli ai hard wort School spankings labeled hild abuse; ban advocated te withmei e said. Ti •n towoma •ok forward Iian) a Temple University psychol- n aviation ucklin,! Susan Hi 33, oflrvi s been a years, is# ,t attendant Sewers are usually full of bugs and rats and that sort of thing, but this sewer has something different in it, a photographer. David Piceione seems to be looking at the photographer with amusement. United Press International NEW YORK — Dr. Irvin A. Hy- iging cnildr gy professor, said Tuesday the therulea child abuse establishment” should irusade against corporal punishment first offitf in the nation’s schools. when they are raising children is part of the child abuse picture,” Hyman said at the conference attended by 2,000 child protection workers from It was a year ago Wednesday that aLouCrti be U.S. Supreme Court ruled the — ruel and unusual punishment Pa., and I lauseofthe Eighth Amendment did GREAT JOBS IN HOUSTON ot apply to the use of corporal unishment on public school chil- Iren. Hyman said the Supreme Court’s lecision on corporal punishment in major cam re j n f 0 rces “a horrible habit a the child-raising arena — slapping werejwj ,„d hitting. “Parents hitting children as an iningTI. Fl their privl|_ i they wtl est'age pi thers areal FUTURE CPA’S OUH SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS (REPRESENT enough est 5H’S ryan n 79-9363 1/3 OF USA Your vacation can be profitable and fun when you put your clerical skills to work on temporary assignments with leading Houston firms. We Need Typists Secretaries Clerks Receptionists Register now and you'll have your choice of assignments when finals are over in May. Call 877-8556 for interview appointment HOUSTON 713 692-7186 cpa^H I REVIEW Royal Temporary Services 2121 Sage Road Suite 225 Houston, Texas 77056 Alcaic THE ^DRAFTING BOARD ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPE STUDENTS We’ve Got BOOKOOS OF NEWS OFFICE SUPPLY 108 COLLEGE MAIN 846-2522 Of Crescent Boards & Chartpak Lettering to Spare mingueu iniega Tuesday or Thursday BUY ANY SUB SANDWICH AND GET A 16 OZ. GLASS OF BEER FOR ONLY (All Day Tuesday & Thursday Only) 109 Boyett (Next to Campus Theater) 846-8223 Volunteers record high benefit $s Opening Thurs. JTHE COW HOP Undergraduate members ^f Epsi lon Rho Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority of Texas A&M Uni versity worked as volunteers at the Jack Benny Memorial Tennis Classic at Walden on Lake Conroe April 8. The tennis tournament was a benefit for the Juvenile Diabetes Founda tion and raised a record total of $252,000 for diabetes research. Alpha Gamma Delta sorority was in charge of program sales. Alpha Gamma members Teresa Jayroe of San Antonio, Mary Robinson of Tulsa, Kathy Weir of Katy, Sue Bricker of Ohio, Lynn Bray of Bryan, Kay Thompson of Houston, Cinty McHatton of Victoria and Susan Mays of Houston earned $3,500 in program sales, all of which goes di rectly to diabetes research. Featuring Cowpies & Fries lunch & dinner Next to Record Collection at Northgate THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1978 Page 5 Buy One & Get One Tor $1.00 | Buy any giant, large or medium pizza and get the | next smaller size pizza with an equal number of in- gredients for only $1.00 You can choose between ■ the original thin crust or our old fashion thick crust. | COUPON EXPIRES FRI., APRIL 28, 1978 Valuable Coupon — Present With Guest Check LS-Pizza 413 TEXAS AVE. (Across from Ramada Inn) 846-6164 1803 GREENFIELD PLAZA (Next to Bryan High) 846-1784 across the nation. “If the child abuse establishment is interested in prevention, it will also fight smacking one’s children as a socially acceptable parental right. ” Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 Classified Call 845-2611 clips Studio & skin care center ... the finest team of experience ever in total beauty and hair care are proud to introduce to our staff. .. jesse lascino kay ottea nancy moore relax and enjoy a glass of wine 4343 carter creek pkwy. 846 4709 the Eclips Cuttery • aggieland inn • 693-1893 The TAMU Residence Hall Association’s annual CASINO NIGHT was a whopping success thanks to the generosity of the following merchants: Gentleman’s Quarter Sears & Roebuck Co. Lindsey’s Jewelers Starship Hallmark Shops Tom’s Pants Hardy Gardens Locker Room Texas Rentals Long John Silvers Sparkey’s Karmelkorn Orange Julius Animal World Lakeview Club D&H Wrecker Dave’s CB & Motor Repair Warren Foster & Associates Schaffhauser Distributors Last National Bank Schlotzsky’s Shala’s Shoes Darby’s Garage Zarape Restaurant Andre’s Bike Shop Shirt Shoppe Holick’s Boot & Shoe Repair Curiosity Shop Aggie Cleaners Tom Foolery Carnaby’s Reagan’s Petal Patch Murphy’s Garage Jones Pharmacy Pruitt’s Shoe City Aggieland Inn Carter’s Pepe’s Grapevine Acme Auto Glass Gift-O-Rama Bee Hive Mama’s Charlies Jack-in-the-Box Taco Bell The Greenery Turf Green McDonald’s Merle Norman Varsity Shop New York Subway Red Bone Jeans Victor’s Cone & Candy Tree/Mom’s Subs Barker Photography News Office Supply University Frame Shop Texas Aggie Bookstore Yamaha Shop Merle Norman Cosmetics