The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1978, Image 11
THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1978 Football and track f Mosley has busy spring f nes > as 'irst le ' am sedi ) laved here l ilayed eeh, i veral •8 ini icmo & ade :e -48 £ By SEAN PETTY Battalion Sports Staff Mike Mosley is the kind of guy who can beat a person in just about anything. Mosley, quarterback for Texas A&M, has a rare ability to excel in almost any sport he chooses. The freshman from Humble has been splitting time between track and football this spring and has done well in both. Mosley knew that he would not be able to run track full time when he signed with A&M. “Coach Bellard told me when I signed that I would not be able to run track during spring training my freshman year,” the sophomore-to- be said. “He wanted me to dedicate all my time to learning the offense properly without worrying about track.” Head football coach Emory Bel lard has allowed Mosley to run in two meets since spring training started. Mosley ran in the triangular meet ast week at Kyle Field, but he did not compete in the Texas Relays two weeks ago because he was too sore From football practice. “I’m too little to go out there and M^jrun on S turday after getting thrown around all week at football practice, ” Mosley said. “I don’t have the A J strength to run like Curtis (Dickey) 6[||>as.” Dickey is also running track and alaying football, and at 205 pounds le is better equipped to handle the weekly beating he receives during ipring training. Mosley presently weighs 173 pounds. He has lost ten pounds since spring training started. Mosley said :he coaches would like him to pick up hose ten pounds and weigh about 185 so he can “survive” next football season. There’s a lot of difference in work ing out for football and getting in shape for track,” Mosley said. “In ootball you only run 40-yard sprints but in track you just run your tail off. just about died after running that sprint relay Saturday.” Mosley ran a otal of 100 meters in the Aggies’ 100-meter relay team against LSU 20(1! uni Baylor. Mosley who will be leading the White team Saturday in the annual VVW Maroon and White game, has some thoughts about next year and the up coming football season. “I just hope I can stay healthy through next football season,” he said. “We re going to play a lot of tough teams that can hit and I’m going to need to be in shape to get away from those huge tackles trying to kill me. ” Mosley sees one differ ence between himself and last year’s Aggie quarterback, David Walker. “David got hurt because when he ?ot hit he took the whole shot traight on; whereas I think I’m a little quicker and I’m able to dodge those hard shots. I think the only way I’ll get hurt is if I get blindsided.’ Mosley is looking forward to finishing up football for the spring and getting back into track. He will run with the team April 29 at the Drake Relays. Mosley is glad he was able to run track this year because he says it helps him play football. “Running the hurdles really im proves my agility and spring in my legs,” he said. He also said that foot ball has helped him in track. “Lifting weights for football has helped my overall strength and I feel much stronger going over the hurdles.” Mosley has been a welcome addi tion to both the football and track programs this year. In track, he qual ified for the national meet the first time he ever ran the 110-meter hur dles. Mosley had worked out only three days before running a 13.7 to win the event that day and qualify for the NCAA meet. He has the best time in the Southwest Conference in the 100-meter hurdles (13.52). Mos ley will also be running the first leg Arts Committee presents — Bergman's film version of Mozart's fairy-tale opera: THE MAGIC FLUTE “The Magic Flute” is a beautiful, sunny masterpiece that is the most important popularization of opera yet seen in any medium. 8 p.m. April 24, 1978 Basement Coffeehouse $1.00 y MIKE MOSLEY of the 400-meter relay team which has qualified for NCAA meet in Eugene, Ore. * Lucille’s I ! V THE CALVERT HOTEL Dinner Dance April 21, 22, 28 & 29 Music and Songs by Cecil Pearson “Music for all ages" BUFFET 6:30 DANCE 8:00 - On $7.50 per person buffet and dance $3.50 per person dance only Call 364-2641 for reservations bridal S^pppe * & * & * & & & & & & & & & & & & * & Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 ‘BriaruKXMf •HpaetMCBtS -*■ ExerciM Rooms (Men A Women) 2 Swimming Pools * ^ Sauna Baths Tennis A Volleyball Courts A ^3 Recreatin'! Center 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms Furnishedand Unfurnished NOW PRE-LEASING FOR FALL AND SPRING. SPECIAL PRICES NOW UNTIL MAY 1ST. SPECIAL DISCOUNTED SUMMER RATES. Cali Now For Information 693-3014 693-2933 Nvilsville Huy- ^J^morNing I TUXEDOS ! & TUX SHIRTS ^ from t AFs Formal I Wear 1103 Villa Maria 779-840« ^ Ipjpipjpjplpjpiprfcjpjpipipiprfcypjpiprfciprfc&w v. Texas A&M University Town Hall Presents The University Symphonic Band Thursday April 20 12:30 p.m. University Center Mall GREAT ISSUES PRESENTS DR. J. PETER VAJK SPEAKING ON THE COLONIZATION OF SPACE APRIL 20,1978 601 RUDDER TOWER 8:00^PM STUDENTS - FREE OTHERS-$1.00 MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER A Paramount Picture [R] 7:30 9:55 DOLBY STEREO HAROLD ROBBINS’i 7:15 9:35 STARTS TODAY EL BROOKS Qbc INTERSTATE April 21 and 22 8:00 p.m. Tickets $1.50 Advance $2.00 at the door “GETTING READY FOR SPRING” SPECIALS z THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL FRONT END ALIGNMENT $Q95 Most American cars and some foreign cars. LUBE & OIL CHANGE (Including $^^35 filter) Most American and foreign cars. Special Good Through Sat., March 29 University Tire & Service Center 509 University Dr. 846-5613 I RImms Pf¥I'% DRHiOil Helen RKDDl, Him Rlll.tth We* ROOWV Red HI IIOM and §bellevWINTER* Co-Starring JANE XEAN'JIM BACKUS'SEAN MARSHALL ant ELLIOTT | Screenplay by MALCOLM MARMORSTEIN • Based on a story by SET0N I. MILLER and S.S. FIELD Songs Music and lyrics by AL KASHA and JOEL HIRSCHHORN - Music Supervised and Conducted by IRWIN K0STAL Choreography by 0NNA WHITE • Produced bv RON MILLER and JEROME COURTLAND - Directed by DON CHAFFEY CINEMA ED DAILY || 7:30 15 . ^ineWiik* n \ — I House Calls” [PGl <335, MADELINE KAHN-CLORIS LEACHMAN-HARVEY KORMAN also starring DICK VAN PATTEN RON CAREY HOWARD MORRIS A MEL BROOKS FILM • Produced and Directed by MEL BROOKS Written by MEL BROOKS • RON CLARK • RUDY DeLUCA • BARRY LEVINSON Music by JOHN MORRIS Mi by DELUXE^ 1 NOW ftN ACE PAPERBftCK MUSIC FROM "HIGH ANXIETY” AVAILABLE ON ELEKTRA/ASYLUM RECORDS & TAPES 1 PGIpHREHTHL GUIOUNCE SUGGESTED-aB.) | SOME MATERIAL MAY NOT BC SUITABLE FOR CHtLPHtSN| HOURS: 2:55, 5:15, 7:35, 9:45 ©1978 20TH CENTURY-FOX Skyway Twin WEST CHOIRBOYS PLUS TWO MINUTE WARNING EAST CARNAL KNOWLEDGE PLUS JOCK PETERSON Campus us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION 1978 AVCO EMBASSY PICTURES CORP. 'tPCSOfE? ^1= AVCO EMBASSY PICTURES THE YEAR’S MOST POPULAR MIDNIGHT SHOW STARTS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT