THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1978 Page 11 mned bj£ Ubrary Wild West art ma|| ■red levs Cowpokes offer a spooky-eyed jony to the Eastern dude decked lut in Boston cap, riding jacket, reeches and special boots. US| , 1 In the next Charles M. Russell il- ' ^ ptration, the dude — wide-eyed .7 pd perplexed — is on the seat of his fancy britches in the dust. ; fe W° ves overrump, the horse bucks lei of, stirrups and reins flying. , ^ The cowboys guffaw. c "Initiated,” says the caption 1 - under the pen and ink drawing. It’s Kie of 3,500 items in a Western Il lustrators Collection acquired by Texas A&M University Libraries. 1 Another scene has a different 11 emotional impact. Painted by lharles Schreyvogel, “The Last I™ hop ” shows a cowpuncher on his w nees, ten-ga\\on bat inverted from e ™ thich his horse drinks. ■ rti The artist who became famous u ‘ a most overnight for his “My Bun- 7* p > s a l so represented in the col- ’ * fction by “Custer’s Demand.” The 1(1 Mustration faces Gen. George Bmstrong Custer and several sub- 11 ordinates on horseback against a group of Indians. 1 I “!; Painted just into the 20th Cen- Mry, the Schreyvogel historical re- Bering was viciously attacked by [lions other painter whose works appear se)[ l roughout the collection. Frederic ellulj emington, in letters to a news- of| pper, charged Schreyvogel with naintwtorically inaccurate elements in painting. Remington traveled the West ex- isively, arming his brush, pen d palette. ese irred :y is nheiii mtinii lutjos eahne ere oi prol e mi! nielli: only Sniffing controversy, reporters re lated Remington’s barrage to ! Schreyvogel. “I’ve no comment,” he was reported to have said. “Mr. Remington is the expert. He knows the West.” Remington blasted Schreyvogel’s painting again. When Schreyvogel said he acquired data from the gen eral’s uniform trunk, courtesy of Custer’s widow, Remington snorted: “Hiding behind a woman’s skirts.” Expert opinion was invited by Remington, and it vindicated Schreyvogel. The famous “My Bunkie” shows a trail rider getting his horse shot from under him by Indians. His bunkmate and another cowpoke protect him from the marauders. Complementing the library’s Jeff Dykes Range Livestock Collection, the recently acquired illustrators’ works can be viewed April 17 to May 17 in a Sterling C. Evans Li brary Exhibit. The collection includes works by artists in the bibliographic checklist, “Fifty Great Western Illustrators.” It was started by Texas Aggies, Louis P. Merrill, Class of ’26 and Dykes, a 1921 A&M graduate. Along with many famous illus trators, the collection assembled by Dykes also contains Jerry Bywaters, Dan Muller, Charles H. Ownes, W. S. Phillips and Remington Schuyler, according to Evelyn King, assistant director for special collec tions. It is available to students, faculty, Strip mining doesn’t hurt land, prof says Western Illustrators Collection pieces are viewed by Dianne Longly of Wichita Fallas and Don Dyal, special collections division head. The 3,500-item collection will be exhibited in the Sterling C. Evans Library, April 17 through May 17. friends of Texas A&M and scholars from other institutions. “As an art form, illustrating has changed, radically,” said Don Dyal, head of the special collections divi sion. “Except for paperbacks and children’s books, illustrations are no longer used in books. There used to be a whole school of illustrators. Now they are doing other things.” But even in their heyday, they did other things. James M. Flagg went afield to do the “I Want You” recruiting poster. The collection goes beyond the bibliographic list. A Jose Cisneros work, printed in Juan, Mexico, is the leather bound History of the Church of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Another uniquely bound volume contains World War II sketches by the famous Tom Lea. He made the Pelelui landing with U.S. Marines. The book is bound in Marine com bat fatigue cloth. A unique rarity is Remington’s “Done in the Open. ” The collection copy has a “k” on the end of Fre deric, an error that was not caught until the press run had started. “The incorrections were recalled,” Ms. King said, “but some got away.” “Because Mr. dykes has been col lecting so long, the collection in cludes some early, early things,” she added. “It’s quite comprehen sive withing each artist, but we’d always like to have more.” Court blocks release of Nixon tapes United Press International )(t§WASHINGTON —The Supreme urt Tuesday blocked a plan to latei ke available to the general public lies of the White House tapes were played at the 1974 atergate cover-up trial of Richard tin;Ikon’s top aides. The 7-2 decision reversed a U.S. ipellate court ruling that had ared the way for release of about hours of Nixon’s presidential ts doi itelif nheii While printed transcripts of the nversations have long been on wtos e i n stores, they have been kofir; jiy e( j i n public only at the conspi- mets, ; y trial of Nixon aides H. R. denct ddeman, John Ehrlichman, onstit rmer Attorney General John itchell, Mitchell’s aide Robert lieve ^ the)! ■ nhein ofliijj stnesi dual of a (i I I |ty, tk | Mardian and Nixon re-election committee counsel Kenneth Parkin son. Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell were all jailed eventually for their roles in the coverup. Mar- dian’s conviction ( was reversed on appeal and Parkinson was acquitted. In this case, major networks and a recording company sought public distribution of the actual recordings — which include John Dean’s warn ing to Nixon of “a cancer on the presidency.” They proposed a plan to have the National Archives sell cassettes of the tapes to the public at a modest price and for radio and television stations to broadcast the confidential Oval Office conservations. But Justice Lewis Powell, speak ing for the Supreme Court, rejected their argument that copies of the tapes in U.S. District Judge John Sirica’s custody may be publicly dis tributed under a commonlaw right of access to court records. That right is not absolute, said Powell. In this case there is an “al ternative means of public access. ” Today’s ruling affects only the networks’ plan to copy the Watergate cover-up tapes which are in Sirica’s custody. A lawyer for Nixon said it has always been his understanding that these tapes eventually will be turned over to the National Archives. Thus, the Su preme Court decision does not necessarily block them from one day being made available to the public. But it may be a long time. Strip mining Texas lignite should be viewed as a “deep plowing” op eration that will make agricultural land more productive, a Texas A&M University geologist says. Improving the landscape will re quire special dispensations from the federal government, said Dr. Chris topher Mathewson, associate pro fessor of geology at Texas A&M. He said once environmentalists and the federal agencies accept the idea that strip mining actually can improve Texas lands, then the mining com panies may have a chance to mine the soft coal. “ What we really need to do is re define strip mining as agricultural improvement, Mathewson says. “It’s just some 80 feet of deep plow ing. Mining in Texas does not de stroy the land. If anything, it makes It more productive.” He prefers to call it a “no net vol ume loss” mining operation. There’s more dirt after mining than before. The increased volume of dirt does not make sense, Mathewson admits, until people realize the soil over the lignite areas is very compact. In tests at Texas A&M, as much as a 50 percent increase in volume was found. “Federal law decrees that miners save the top soil, and put it back on top,” Mathewson emphasizes. “The top soil around the highland coal mining areas of Texas is about as porous as a concrete slab.” Top soil's range from 4 to 12 inches, depending on the area of the state. “Our studies indicate that a one- year-old reclaimed strip mine is a far more productive pasture than un- mined pasture land adjacent to it,” he said. “When we get in there and break up the land as it is mined, we also have a more porous land that is better suited to agricultural produc tion.” Mathewson said the attitude that strip mining is raping Mother Na ture is wrong. “Emotional pres entations you see of mining opera tions decades ago are the worst view of strip mining imaginable,” he said. “They have nothing to do with cur rent mining operations, especially in light of today’s governmental re strictions.” Approximately 100 billion tons of Texas lignite are at depths of 200 to 500 feet, uneconomical for strip mining but a potential for gasifica tion. About 10 billion tons are at strip mining depth, in layers of less than 10 feet. The major deposits occur in areas with no serious acidic water prob lems, no large rock formation and average to poor farmland. Fred J. Benson, vice president for engineering and non-renewable re sources at Texas A&M, has pre dicted the rich lignite belt will at tract major industry by the turn of the century. “So much of American industry will have moved to Texas that parts of the state will be like Germany’s Ruhr Valley or the midland area of England around Birmingham, Ben son said. “Texas lignite reserves constitute about 1 million surface mineable acres,” explains Mathewson. “For some reason, people think that when lignite mining comes to Texas we are going to dig up the whole state,” he said. Use of coal throughout the United States is increasing. Since 1973, coal production has increased an average of 3.5 percent a year. Coal ac counted for 18 percent of all energy consumption in 1973. It is up to 20 percent now. Texas lignite is a low-energy member of the coal family. Take the one you Love for a drive in the country. Come to Bay City - 75 miles southwest of Houston - to look over our large selection of engagement rings, wedding sets or loose stones and we will give you 25% discount on any purchase. Why? Because, at Green Bros., we are all Aggies and we try to practice the tradition of helping our fellow Ags. HAVE LUNCH ON US! Everyone who leases an apt. through A&M Apt. Place ment Service will be given a FREE Lunch at T.J.’s. Our way of saying, “Thanks Ags.” LEASING NOW FOR FALL ’78 Call for appointment A&M APT. 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On command, it will automatically fol low your every instruction, such as picking out your favorite selection, recording or playing back where and when you want—even turning itself on and off to record a radio program while you’re out of the house, or waking you in the morn ing to your favorite taped music. Dolby* Noise Reduction System. Reduces tape hiss for the quietest operation. Dolby use isdndicated on the liquid crystal display. Bias and Equalization Selectors. Front panel controls are provided for simple adjustment for different tape types (Cr0 2 /FeCr/Normal). Quartz Digital Clock,- Precision timepiece featuring 12 or 24 hour displays, AM/PM indication in the 12-hour mode, pushbutton synchronization for adjustment to an hourly time signal. To maintain accuracy, clock automatically switches to battery operation if power faHs. AC Convenience Outlet. Con trolled by the microprocessor for programmed recording or play back, with a receiver or amplifier. Editor Switch. Puts proper length blank space between selections to ■ aid APLD program search. Hall Effect 1C Full Auto Stop. Full auto stop mechanism incorporates Hall 1C for added reliability and durability. ; : m?T± m f Tf f ' v f ™ * Friction-Damped Cassette Holder. For gentler cassette handling, less wear and tear on compartment door. Independent Mic/Line Circuits. Do your own mike mixing for versa tility in home recording. Ultra-hard narrow-gap Permalloy Recording/Playback Head. Special tape head material adds extended life; its narrow gap (1.5 microns) provides very flat frequency response. Separate VU Meters and Peak Level Indicator. Helps assure top notch home recording and prevents tape overload. / Recording Indicator. To avoid accidental erasure, LED lights up in “record” mode. Illuminated Cassette Compart ment. For ease in viewing tape left in cassette. Easy head cleaning system. Removable cassette compartment door facilitates head cleaning. Output Level Control. For balancing deck level with your other components. Pause/Timer-Stand-By Key. Pause function key doubles as stand-by key for timed recording and playback. Impressive Specifications. Wow and flutter: 0.06% WRMS. Fre quency response: 30-15,000Hz (± 3dB) (Cr0 2 tapes). S/N ratio: 64 dB (Dolby switch “on"). SGD No. P847-9-757 Retails For $ 369.95 SPECIAL PRICE $ 259 9