The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1978, Image 3
wmmmmmmm A.&M complies with law THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1978 Page 3 Handicapped needs met Sun Theatres By BETH DZIKOWSKI Texas A&M University has be- ome one of the “best equipped ampuses for the handicapped” to omply with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, said R. M. Logan, head of student financial aid. The act states that no handicap- ed individuals shall be excluded om any program that receives fed- ral funds. The Texas Rehabilitation commit- fee and a temporary University Committee worked to make the ampus accessible to the handicap- fed, said O.R. Simpson, vice presi- ent for student services. The University has provided lorm rooms adapted to the needs of |he handicapped. For example, corns are designed with wider oors, and telephones are lowered n the wall for students in wheel hairs. Fish drill team wins 2 trophies at national meet * Texas A&M’s Fish Drill Team |brought home a pair of trophies om the nation s largest drill team. The FDT won platoon basic drill ad placed third in exhibition drill at the 30th Illinois Invitational Drill ,er “Meet. Seventy-four teams com- eted in college and high school di- sions Saturday in the University of Illinois-hosted event. Commanded by John Stine of alias, the Fish went against top illegiate teams from Penn State, lichigan, Purdue, Marquette and Illinois. 1 The team has one more competi tion in a state championship- Heciding series, at Trinity Uni- [yeristy on April 22. FUTURE CPA’S LET US HELP YOU BECOME A CPA OUR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS REPRESENT 1/3 of USA The University also provides sloped curbs to sidewalks and ramps to some buildings. Since all pro grams must be accessible to hand icapped students, Simpson said, classes are scheduled in buildings that can be reached by these indi viduals. The University holds an advanced preregistration to find out which courses handicapped students are taking. This year’s preregistration is scheduled for Thursday in Room 140 of the Memorial Student Cen ter. Simpson said problems arise in adapting the older building on cam pus because it is expensive and dif ficult to build elevators in them. The new buildings are designed with ramps and elevators, he said. Problems also arise in funding such construction. Funds are ap propriated from the physical plnat, said Cynthia Irby, head of the ad hoc committee. Since the Univer sity is a state supported institution, there are no special funds appropri ated, she said. However, the Uni versity can request legislation for funding if the renovation project is more than the school’s budget can handle. The Texas Rehabilitation Commit tee along with student financial aid helps handicapped students adapt to the program. The TRC branch on campus, lo cated in the MSC, provides inter preters for deaf students, attendant care for paraplegics and tape rec orders for those who can’t take notes. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 333 University 84€ The-only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. \ 12 Noon - 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS m GIG ‘EM GRAMM You are invited to meet, visit with and get to know PHIL GRAMM SIXTH DISTRICT CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS FIESTA BALLROOM Corner of Palasota & Groesbeck 846-9808 TOWN HALL SURVEY WE WANT YOUR OPINION HOUSTON 713 692-7186 CLASSES BEGIN MAY 22 CPA REVIEW FRESHMAN AG SOCIETY SPRING PARTY April 20 Thursday 6:00 p.m. HENSEL PARK BAR-B-QUE MUST BRING MEMBERSHIP CARD FOR ADMITTANCE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 845- 2071 846- 1686 845-3711 BONNIE HELWIG KENT SHEFFIELD COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE BUILDING AGGIE SPRING SPECIAL GIVE YOUR CAR A TUNE AND GO HOME WITH A SMILE FROM Includes: Labor Points Plugs Condenser Rotor Air Filter Fuel Filter PCV Valve Breather Filter Adj. of Choke Adj. of Carburator Adj. of Dwell & Timing TUNE ^ A p CAR HURRY & SAVE ALL FOR UNDER *40 *2 DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS (With This Ad & ID Card) Expires May 17, 1978 All Tune-ups Are Guaranteed 3313 S. College Ave. 822-5502 Call For An Appointment Mon. 12-7 Tues.-Fri. 9-7 Sat. 8-6 MONDAY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 8:30 P.M. Tuesday or Thursday BUY ANY SUB SANDWICH AND GET A 16 OZ. GLASS OF BEER FOR ONLY (All Day Tuesday & Thursday Only) 109 Boyett (Next to Campus Theater) 846-8223 fi»1t>S\1f!r8\1MS\1Mi\ I VOTE Student Government Constitutional Referendum I First Floor of the MSC I ] Wednesday, April 19, I 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. J If you are being commissioned You may want to join the Bank of A&M’s World-Wide program. When you go on active duty, your banking requirements will change dramatically. You’re going to move around the world. Your need for credit and for cash will be quite different from your classmates who return to their hometown to work and live. And the penalties for record keeping er rors are more severe for military officers than most (if not all) other professions. The World-Wide Department of the Bank of A&M was conceived to meet the needs of A&M officers on active duty. The department is staffed by Aggies with first hand experience of TDY, overseas movement, car financing in a foreign city, check-cashing problems at a military installation, allotments, telephone transfers, etc. The World-Wide program includes all the features of the so-called “military banks direct paycheck deposit, telephone loan service, write your own loan program, overseas car financ ing, automatic transfers from checking to savings (and visa versa), credit cards, overdraft protection . . . plus personal service by senior bank officers with career military experience and Aggie know-how. Visit the Bank of A&M today (or some day of convenience) before your commissioning date to learn how the Bank of A&M’s World-Wide Department can be of service to you. uk\ The Bank of A&M 111 University Drive/College Station/846-5721 Col. Robert W. Elkins 51 (USAF-Ret.) member/fdic